[symfony-users] Re: Security - UserProvider with Web Service - Get the password

2011-06-22 Thread Filipe La Ruina
I got the same problem.
I have to curl an service passing username and password. It will return me a 
cookie corresponding to the user "session".
Any thoughts on how to do that?

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[symfony-users] Re: [Symfony 2] "The "templating" extension is not enabled" after updating

2011-06-01 Thread Filipe La Ruina
Found out it was been caused by twig cache. Removed it and all working fine 
If you're updating by copying files make sure you delete your cache.

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[symfony-users] [Symfony 2] "The "templating" extension is not enabled" after updating

2011-06-01 Thread Filipe La Ruina
Hey guys,
Just updated my Beta1 to Beta3.
Now I Receive this message:
The "templating" extension is not enabled in 
FooApplicationBundle:Bar:index.html.twig at line 65
on that line there is an {{ asset('bundles/foo/images/image.png') }}. I was 
having the same problem with an include call.
In the header I was using an variable that was being set in the controller. 
So, thinking that might be the problem I did an:
{% include "FooApplicationBundle:Default:header.html.twig" with {'menu': 
menu} %}
And it solved the problem for the included template, although the template 
that is throwing the exception is called directly from the controller with 
I checked my config for the template engine and it is there.
templating:  { engines: ['twig'] }

Any ideas on that problem?

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[symfony-users] [Symfony 2] Custom Authentication

2011-05-25 Thread Filipe La Ruina
Hello Guys,
Well, looks like my efforts on testing the authentication with users taken 
from a database will not be used.
The scenario has changed. I won't be using databases at all in my 
application and will by fully using an API.
Well, the thing is, I have to authenticate the user doing an xhr to the api. 
After that a redirection occurs.
So, I would like to ask you the best way to do so in Symfony, I'm thinking 
about how I could use some of the features from the User authentication and 
authorization but I'm aware that I should do a custom "way of checking" and 
"using" the authenticated user. 
I'm currently using the firewall to check if user can access some page. I 
would really like to continue using that.
Well, what do you think?

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Re: [symfony-users] Re: [Symfony 2] Login using built-in security bundle

2011-05-16 Thread Filipe La Ruina
Hey, Thanks! Totally forgot about that requirement (it was not in the 
version I had, like Daniel mentioned) I really got confused with the other 
version I messed with.

Thanks again!

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[symfony-users] Re: [Symfony 2] Login using built-in security bundle

2011-05-16 Thread Filipe La Ruina
Hey Guys,
Sorry to bring the post back to life but the problem returned!
So, I did some other things in the project and wanted to do the login with 
an entity. 
Although I found out I was using an older version so I was having some 
problems following the docs (and I couldn't do the login steps too, if 
someone have a step-by-step on how to do a simple login with a simple user 
entity, email/md5(pass) using the built-in security, authorization and User 
I would appreciate)
I downloaded Beta 1 again and started to do all I did in the other messed up 
version (Not much was done so no problem there) but the security stopped 
working at all!
This is how security.yml is:
  Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User: plaintext
  user:  { password: userpass, roles: [ 'ROLE_USER' ] }
  pattern:  ^/_profiler   
  security: false
  pattern:  ^/_wdt
  security: false
  pattern: ^/(register)?
  security: false
  pattern: ^/[a-zA-Z]+
  check_path: /login_check
  login_path: /
  default_target_path: /monitor
  path:   /logout
  target: /

and my routes is pretty much the same as before: (home is where the login 
form is now)
  pattern:  /  
  defaults: { _controller: MyApplicationBundle:Home:index }

  pattern: /register   
  defaults: { _controller: MyApplicationBundle:Register:index }

  pattern: /monitor
  defaults: { _controller: MyApplicationBundle:Monitor:index }
  pattern:  /login_check
  pattern:  /logout

Well, in the messed up version It was working fine, when I tried /monitor it 
redirected to / with the login form. When I logged in (in_memory) it 
redirected to /monitor as expected. 
But in this version I can go to /monitor with no authentication (as well as 
the other routes I have configured). Any ideas on this? Thanks in advance!

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[symfony-users] Re: [Symfony2] Highlighting menu based on controller called

2011-05-13 Thread Filipe La Ruina
I ended up putting a variable in the view indicating the menu that should be 
highlighted. So now my tests are if (menu == 'foo')
Still, I think it is not good, will look for a better way in the future 
(like knowing in the view the controller that was called?)

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[symfony-users] [Symfony2] Highlighting menu based on controller called

2011-05-12 Thread Filipe La Ruina
Hey guys,
I've been searching for a way of getting the controller that was called so I 
can highlight the menu.
I looked in the HTTP Foundation class and it seems that there is no way of 
doing it. 
Even searching here I couldn't find anyone that had the same problem.
Well, now i'm doing it the following way (note that I need it to show some 
element in the html and a class in an element)

{% if (app.request.getPathInfo  == '/foo') %}

{% endif %}
{% if (app.request.getPathInfo  == '/foo') %}

{% endif %}

{% if (app.request.getPathInfo  == '/bar') %}

{% endif %}
{% if (app.request.getPathInfo  == '/bar') %}

{% endif %}

For now it is working since I don't have /foo/abc for example, all the urls 
are /foo and /bar so the test will work.
Also I think that is not a nice way of testing (actually using the url and 
not the controller name)
So is there anyway of getting the controller name on the template?

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[symfony-users] Re: Login using built-in security bundle

2011-05-03 Thread Filipe La Ruina
Hi Daniel,
It worked! I think I really had a problem with the pattern and the naming. I 
ended up with this:
security.yml (copied from yours)
pattern:  ^/login$
security: false

pattern: ^/[a-zA-Z]+
check_path: /login-check
login_path: /login
default_target_path: /monitor
path:   /logout
target: / 

pattern: ^/
security: false

pattern:  /login
defaults: { _controller: MyApplicationBundle:Login:login } 

pattern:  /login-check

pattern:  /logout 

and the controller MyApplicationBundle:Login:login 
public function loginAction()
$error = 
} else {
$error = 

$this->render('EcompeteApplicationBundle:Login:index.html.twig', array(
'last_username' => 
'error' => $error,

It's working just fine. My next step is to use the actual entity to use.

Thanks a lot,
Filipe La Ruina

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[symfony-users] [Symfony 2] Login using built-in security bundle

2011-05-02 Thread Filipe La Ruina
Hey Guys,
I'm doing a project using Symfony 2 and the project involves '/' as being an 
login/register page and all the other pages require a logged user (it will 
be an entity)
I'm reading the book but still I think the security part is not really clear 
for me. I see by the demo that I can have an almost automatic login system 
but when I try to do something that look like the one from the demo I can't 
get it.
My security.yml contains:
pattern: /[a-zA-Z]+
form_login: true
logout: true

pattern: /
security: false
Them I created routes for my login and login_check (as the book says):
pattern: /login
defaults: { _controller: MyApplicationBundle:Login:login }

pattern: /login_check

I built the Controller with the loginAction with the code from the book:
public function loginAction()
$error = 
} else {
$error = 

return $this->render('MyApplicationBundle:Login:index.html.twig', 
'last_username' => 
'error' => $error,

although it prints out the form just fine the security_check (that I think 
has some field validation) does not happen, it says that the controller is 
not found (I think it makes sense) and even if I put the controller there it 
says I have to implement the check method. I think all of that makes perfect 
sense, although in the demo it uses the built-in security somehow and I 
couldn't figure it out.
So my question, after all this text is, how can I build that, preferably 
using the validation features symfony provides?

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