[symfony-users] how can i load all my model classes in the proyect configuration class?

2009-06-18 Thread Gary Rojas

Hi everybody, I have troubles, i need to get loaded all the model
classes on the ProjectConfiguration class.

I hope someone knows how to do this.

Thanks so much

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[symfony-users] Re: how can i load all my model classes in the proyect configuration class?

2009-06-18 Thread Gary Rojas

I use Symfony 1.2 and Doctrine 1.0

Sorry for this

On 18 jun, 14:22, Gary Rojas gary.r...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi everybody, I have troubles, i need to get loaded all the model
 classes on the ProjectConfiguration class.

 I hope someone knows how to do this.

 Thanks so much
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[symfony-users] Doctrine schema file problems with generated forms

2009-05-14 Thread Gary Rojas

I'm working with Symfony 1.2 and Doctrine 1.0 and I'm getting errors
with the generated forms

Here is part of my schema.yml
  tableName: plt_project_module
  type: integer(4)
  primary: true
  type: integer(4)
  primary: true
  class: pltProject
  foreignAlias: ProjectModules
  local: project_id
  onDelete: CASCADE
  class: pltModule
  foreignAlias: ProjectModules
  local: module_id
  onDelete: CASCADE

  tableName: plt_project_module_config
  type: integer(4)
  primary: true
  type: integer(4)
  primary: true
  type: integer(4)
  primary: true
  type: string(250)
  notnull: true
  default: ''
  class: pltConfig
  foreignAlias: ProjectModuleConfigs
  local: config_id
  onDelete: CASCADE
  class: pltProjectModule
  foreignAlias: ProjectModuleConfigs
  local: [project_id, module_id]
  onDelete: CASCADE

You can see i'm using a many-to-many relation and the primary key is
composed by two fields (local: [project_id, module_id] defined in
pltProjectModuleConfig model ). But when i go to see the form for
the model BasepltProjectModuleConfigForm i find an error in the
field value.

Here is BasepltProjectModuleConfigForm.class.php
public function setup()
  'project_id' = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(),
  'module_id'  = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(),
  'config_id'  = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(),
  'value'  = new
Notice: Array to string conversion in E:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.9-1\PEAR
\sfDoctrineColumn.class.php on line 230
Notice: Array to string conversion in E:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.9-1\PEAR
\sfDoctrineColumn.class.php on line 230

  'project_id' = new sfValidatorDoctrineChoice(array('model' =
'pltProjectModuleConfig', 'column' = 'project_id', 'required' =
  'module_id'  = new sfValidatorDoctrineChoice(array('model' =
'pltProjectModuleConfig', 'column' = 'module_id', 'required' =
  'config_id'  = new sfValidatorDoctrineChoice(array('model' =
'pltProjectModuleConfig', 'column' = 'config_id', 'required' =
  'value'  = new
Notice: Array to string conversion in E:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.9-1\PEAR
\sfDoctrineColumn.class.php on line 230
Notice: Array to string conversion in E:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.9-1\PEAR
\sfDoctrineColumn.class.php on line 230
array('max_length' = 250)),


$this-errorSchema = new sfValidatorErrorSchema($this-


I trying solve in many ways but I think the problem is local:
[project_id, module_id] because when i take it out forms are
generated fine.

Thanks so much

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[symfony-users] Re: Security doubts on sfDoctrineGuardPlugin

2009-05-07 Thread Gary Rojas

Thanks for your answer Ken, but the signin action uses
sfGuardValidatorUser which pass the user object through it.
Here is the 'doClean' method which call 'findOneByUsername' and not
'retrieveByUsername' and the user's status is never checked .

class sfGuardValidatorUser extends sfValidatorBase
  protected function doClean($values)
$username = isset($values[$this-getOption('username_field')]) ?
$values[$this-getOption('username_field')] : '';
$password = isset($values[$this-getOption('password_field')]) ?
$values[$this-getOption('password_field')] : '';

// user exists?
if ($user = Doctrine::getTable('sfGuardUser')-findOneByUsername
  // password is ok?
  if ($user-checkPassword($password))
return array_merge($values, array('user' = $user));

if ($this-getOption('throw_global_error'))
  throw new sfValidatorError($this, 'invalid');

throw new sfValidatorErrorSchema($this, array($this-getOption
('username_field') = new sfValidatorError($this, 'invalid')));

Thanks !

On 7 mayo, 01:01, Ken Marfilla marfillas...@gmail.com wrote:
 It does, if you will look closely at PluginsfGuardUserTable.php

 class PluginsfGuardUserTable extends Doctrine_Table
   public static function retrieveByUsername($username, $isActive =
     return Doctrine_Query::create()
             -from('sfGuardUser u')
             -where('u.username = ?', $username)
             -addWhere('u.is_active = ?', $isActive)


 On May 7, 4:09 am, Gary Rojas gary.r...@gmail.com wrote:

  I was reviewing howsfDoctrineGuardPlugincontrol the sign in and i
  found that this plugin doesn't make any validation about the status of
  the user (i think this should be with the is_active field). I realized
  about this because i have a user with is_active = 0 and this user can
  sign in without any problems.

  My doubt is if this behavior is normal and we have to ensure or maybe
  is asecurityproblem.

  Thanks for your answers.
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[symfony-users] Re: Authentication with email

2009-05-06 Thread Gary Rojas Hilario

I'm a newby using Symfony 1.2 but I think you are implementing a
validator based on symfony 1.0 if you are sure that this is correct
try by editing the file:

change the following line:
this-validatorSchema-setPostValidator(new sfGuardValidatorUser());

$this-validatorSchema-setPostValidator(new sfGuardUserByEmailValidator ());


Gary Rojas

2009/5/5 justin_davis jdavis1...@gmail.com:

 Hey all,

 I'm using Symfony 1.2 and Doctrine, with the sfDoctrineGuard plugin.
 I have a table for profile information called sfDoctrineGuardProfile.
 Creating a new user and profile works great.

 I want the user to be able to log in with their email address, instead
 of a username.  I set the username field in the sfDoctrineGuard schema
 to allow null values.  I found an email signin validation script here
 sfguardplugin/) and modified it to work with doctrine.  The email
 validation is as follows:

 class sfGuardUserByEmailValidator extends sfValidator
 public function initialize($context, $parameters = null)
 // initialize parent

 // set defaults
 $this-getParameterHolder()-set(’username_error’, ‘Email or password
 is not valid.’);
 $this-getParameterHolder()-set(’password_field’, ‘password’);
 $this-getParameterHolder()-set(’remember_field’, ‘remember’);


 return true;

 public function execute($value, $error)
 $password_field = $this-getParameterHolder()-get(’password_field’);
 $password = $this-getContext()-getRequest()-getParameter

 $remember = false;
 $remember_field = $this-getParameterHolder()-get(’remember_field’);
 $remember = $this-getContext()-getRequest()-getParameter

 $email = $value;

 $profile = sfGuardUserProfileTable::retrieveByEmail($email);
 if (!$profile) return false;

 $user = $profile-getsfGuardUser();

 // user exists and active?
 if ($user and $user-getIsActive())
 // password is ok?
 if ($user-checkPassword($password))
 $this-getContext()-getUser()-signIn($user, $remember);

 return true;

 $error = $this-getParameterHolder()-get(’username_error’);

 return false;

 How do I make sfGuardAuth use this validator instead of the default
 one?  I tried, per the blog post, creating a signin.yml file with the
 following values:

  post: [username, password]

  required:         true
  required_msg:     Your username is required
  validators:       [userValidator]

  required:         true
  required_msg:     Your password is required

  class:            sfGuardUserByEmailValidator
    password_field: password
    remember_field: remember

 Placed that in apps/frontend/modules/sfGuardAuth/validate/signin.yml
 and it doesn't seem to be working.  I'm still getting username/
 password errors, instead of email/password errors.

 Basically, how do I override the standard sfGuardAuth validator and
 substitute this one?

 Thanks so much!


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[symfony-users] Security doubts on sfDoctrineGuardPlugin

2009-05-06 Thread Gary Rojas

I was reviewing how sfDoctrineGuardPlugin control the sign in and i
found that this plugin doesn't make any validation about the status of
the user (i think this should be with the is_active field). I realized
about this because i have a user with is_active = 0 and this user can
sign in without any problems.

My doubt is if this behavior is normal and we have to ensure or maybe
is a security problem.

Thanks for your answers.

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[symfony-users] Re: Problems with doctrine:data-load

2009-04-23 Thread Gary Rojas

Thanks to Andrei Dziahel and Eno for your answers.

I put this configuration in conf/doctrine/schema.yml
connection: doctrine
  type: INNODB
  collate: utf8_spanish_ci
  charset: utf8

and the sql generated for all tables have that options on the CREATE

I test inserting text with phpMyadmin (with this text 'El registro
está esperando la aprobación por alguien que tenga las credenciales
para hacerlo.') and all text is inserted. I think this say to me that
PHP is OK and the database has support for the character set i'm

Another thing that i did was change the format of data/fitures/
status.yml to utf8 but when i loaded data strange chars appears. I
think this is for the codification. After that i changed the
condification to ascii (how it was before).

At least these chars áéíóú cause that all text don't be inserted.


On 23 abr, 06:45, Eno symb...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, 22 Apr 2009, Gary Rojas wrote:
  The first three records are quoted but it behaves like quotes no
  exists because the text is trunked how i say before.

 Is it possible that PHP or your database doesn't have support for your
 character set?

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[symfony-users] Problems with doctrine:data-load

2009-04-22 Thread Gary Rojas

I'm having a problem with my fixture data. This is a part of data/

id: ina
name: Inactivo
description: El registro ha sido desactivado por alguien que tiene
las credenciales para hacerlo
id: pen
name: Pendiente:
description: El registro está esperando la aprobación por alguien
que tiene credenciales para hacerlo

All requirements were created correctly (BD, models, sql file, insert
sql, etc.). The problem is that the description field has non-ascii
characters (in this case 'á') and these chars cause that the
description text be cutting when one of these non-ascii chars is

I think i'm making something wrong in the status.yml because the
database definition is well defined. I have tested inserting the
description text using a client and all text was inserted ok.

I was searching information about how to solve this problem and i
didn't found anything.

Thanks so much

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[symfony-users] Re: Problems with doctrine:data-load

2009-04-22 Thread Gary Rojas

I tried all you said me and follow with the same problem.

I'm using Symfony 1.2.5 on Windows

I read the chapter about symfony configuration on

This is my complete status.yml file:
id: ina
name: Inactivo
description: 'El registro ha sido desactivado por alguien que
tiene las credenciales para hacerlo'
id: pen:
name: Pendiente
description: 'El registro está esperando la aprobación por alguien
que tenga las credenciales para hacerlo.'
id: act
name: Activo
description: 'El registro está activo y podrá ser visto por
usuarios que tienen las credenciales para hacerlo.'
id: exp
name: Expirado
  El registro ha alcanzado su periodo de publicación. Normamente
el registro llega a este
  estado de manera automática.
id: eli
name: Eliminado
description: El registro ha sido eliminado por alguien que tiene
las credenciales para hacerlo.
id: fin
name: Finalizado
  El registro ha sido finalizado. Normalmente el registro llega a
este estado por intervención del
  usuario que lo registro.
id: ven
name: Vendido
description: El registro ha sido vendido. Este estado es usado
para definir las ordenes de compra.

The first three records are quoted but it behaves like quotes no
exists because the text is trunked how i say before.

Thanks in advance

On 22 abr, 13:02, Andrei Dziahel trickster...@gmail.com wrote:

 You can also try to enclose descriptions in apostrophes or quotes.

 2009/4/22 Gary Rojas gary.r...@gmail.com

  I'm having a problem with my fixture data. This is a part of

     id: ina
     name: Inactivo
     description: El registro ha sido desactivado por alguien que tiene las
  credenciales para hacerlo
     id: pen
     name: Pendiente:
     description: El registro está esperando la aprobación por alguien que
  tiene credenciales para hacerlo

  All requirements were created correctly (BD, models, sql file, insert sql,
  etc.). The problem is that the description field has non-ascii characters
  (in this case 'á') and these chars cause that the description text be
  cutting when one of these non-ascii chars is found.

  I think i'm making something wrong in the status.yml because the database
  definition is well defined. I have tested inserting the description text
  using a client and all text was inserted ok.

  I was searching information about how to solve this problem and i didn't
  found anything.

  Thanks so much

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