
I'm fairly new at Symfony, and since I'm working on a small project that I can 
afford to make changes to to keep up with a changing codebase, and I really 
want to leverage php5.3, I'm starting out with Symfony2.

My problem is that I can't get assets to work with my twig templates; I put 
this in:

{% asset 'bundles/hamstudy/favicon.ico' %}

and it returns nothing.  When I use xdebug to step through the template, it's 
not even finding the assets object.

Can someone help me figure out where to start looking to track down why the 
assets aren't working?  Same problem with javascripts and stylesheets.  I've 
tried asking on the #symfony irc channel, but I guess none of the symfony2 devs 
hang out there, 'cause nobody answers.



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