[symfony-users] Symfony and Zend Studio for Eclipse?

2009-02-23 Thread blue92877


I just got a copy of Zend studio for eclipse, and I'm having some
trouble setting up symfony within.  Is there someone who is familiar
with this process or is using Zend for their Symfony projects who can
tell what the best way to set it up would be?

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[symfony-users] Re: Model View Controller pattern

2009-01-24 Thread blue92877

These were all very helpful, especially Daniel's explanation of
business logic.  It cleared up a lot. thanks guys!


On Jan 19, 12:20 pm, Richtermeister  wrote:
> Hey Blue,
> just to add to the good previous posts,
> I would describe "business logic" as the "rules and behavior" of an
> application.
> For example, you may have a client that want to receive an email for
> every order that is placed in your online store.
> Except for weekends. In that case he wants to receive only one email
> on monday morning that contains all orders.
> The code that decides whether to send a single email or a bulk email
> is part of your business logic.
> Or another example are memberships. Say you only allow access to
> certain areas if a user has paid membership fees for the current
> month, than the code that controls this behavior is your business
> logic.
> Or backordering. If your product inventory goes to zero, you initiate
> a process that orders an appropriate amount of products to replenish
> the inventory again. You see how business logic applies everywhere
> really?
> The way I look at business logic is that there is no right or wrong
> way to do things,
> it is simply the code represenation of what a human wants an app to
> do, and how to do it.
> It can change quite often, depending on what you learn from the way
> your app performs,
> and generally it can sit in several layers at the same time.
> During development I often have BL sitting in the control layer (the
> action classes) and then slowly move it into the model layer.
> For example and action method that registers a new customer could
> initially also send the welcome email.
> However, the same call could be moved into a registerCustomer function
> on the CustomerPeer.. really makes no difference until you start
> duplicating code somewhere in the controller. That's the sign that
> it's time to move code to the model and just call it from separate
> places.
> Hope this helped,
> Daniel
> On Jan 18, 12:23 pm, Nicolas Perriault  wrote:
> > On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 3:39 PM,blue92877 wrote:
> > > If you can help better explain, that would be great - more layman
> > > terms while I become comfortable with OOP concepts.  In fact, if you
> > > were explaining it to a non computer programmer or just-beginning
> > > computer programmer, how would you explain it?
> > Let me try:
> > - The Model is your business, the raw data and the rules you need to
> > make them usable and useful ;
> > - The View is the way you show these data to the end user (or anything
> > which can understand the format you use to decorate them) ;
> > - The Controler takes the data from the Model and gives them to the
> > View from the user input (in a Web context, it's mainly the url and
> > maybe some associated parameters).
> > Well, that's hard. Hope it helps anyway.
> > ++
> > --
> > Nicolas Perriault
> > Training and Consulting Manager at Sensio 
> > Labshttp://prendreuncafe.com-http://symfonians.net-http://sensiolabs.com
> > Pro phone: +33 140 99 82 11
> > Mobile: +33 660 92 08 67
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[symfony-users] Model View Controller pattern

2009-01-17 Thread blue92877

Most books I pick up on coding that discuss the MVC pattern in a way
that suggests if you picked up the book, then you should already have
an understanding of the pattern.  Being very new to coding and OO
principals in general, it's still unclear to me, so hopefully you

The model is where the code goes that represents the database,
correct?  I hear the term 'business logic' a lot, but that's very
vague to me - what exactly is 'business logic?' what other code goes
into the model other than database, if any?

The view I think is pretty straight forward - it represents what the
end user will see.  The html templates sprinkled with just enough code
to populate the content?

The controller is the gateway into the application?  It coordinates
data from the model and view to mold together a 'finished product?'
I'm still unclear as to what the controller is as well.

If you can help better explain, that would be great - more layman
terms while I become comfortable with OOP concepts.  In fact, if you
were explaining it to a non computer programmer or just-beginning
computer programmer, how would you explain it?

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[symfony-users] new-to-me oop concepts in symfony

2009-01-06 Thread blue92877

I'm relatively new to PHP and newer still to OOP concepts.  I'm coming
across semantics such as this:

$request->getParameterHolder()->set('foo', 'bar');
echo $request->getParameterHolder()->get('foo');

I'm familiar with $this->var or $this-> function but what does the
above mean? A method set() was created inside a method of

An explanation or direction to a text online that can help it become a
bit more clear would be great.

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[symfony-users] Jobeet tutorial, day 1 - blank page

2008-12-09 Thread blue92877

Hello - I am using windows vista.  I am brand new to symfony and am
trying to learn it via the Jobeet tutorial.  I can't get past Day 1.
I have installed everything exactly like the tutorial says and changed
my apache file to look for the project under 'localhost:8080/

No matter what, I get a blank page when I try to access index.php.
There are no php errors. There are no errors in the Apache error log.

Here is my apache addendum to see just in case I made an error.

# Be sure to only have this line once in your configuration

# This is the configuration for Jobeet

  DocumentRoot "c:\development\sfprojects\jobeet\web"
  DirectoryIndex index.php
AllowOverride All
Allow from All

  Alias /sf "c:\development\sfprojects\jobeet\lib\vendor\symfony\data
AllowOverride All
Allow from All

Any thoughts?


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