[symfony-users] Re: sfWidgetFormDoctrineJQueryAutocompleter problem

2011-03-11 Thread emanu.ti
You can try modify the function render on

I haved this problem and solve with this code.

public function render($name, $value = null, $attributes = array(),
$errors = array())
// put this code.
$name = $name . '[text]';

I hope it was usefull.

On Feb 16, 1:15 am, latysh KGstan altynbek1...@gmail.com wrote:
 Dear folks I'm trying to solve this problem for three days  no
 result. Please help me in solving this problem. Thanks in advance!

 I am trying to use Jquery Autocompleter for DOCTRINE...I have
 installed sfFormExtraPlugin

 I am using SYMFONY 1.4.8  working on Jobeet project. My goal is to
 use autocompleter instead of dropdownbox for category_id in job
 frontend module.

 Here are the codes I'm using

 class JobeetJobForm extends BaseJobeetJobForm
   public function configure()
 = /job/ajax,'model' =



 I added following into action.class.php

 public function executeAjax($request)

     $categories = JobeetJob::retrieveForSelect($request-

 getParameter('q'), $request-getParameter('limit'));

     return $this-renderText(json_encode($categories));

 And here is lib\model\JobeetJob.php file

 class JobeetJob extends BaseJobeetJob
   static public function retrieveForSelect($q, $limit)
     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()
            -andWhere('name like ?', '%' . $q . '%');
        $categories = array();
        foreach ($q-execute() as $category) {
            $categories[$category-getId()] = (string) $category;
        return $categories;


 I have included following js  css files in layout.php file. Thay are
 all working I have checked them via Mozilla html source code.

 ?php use_javascript('jquery.js') ?
 ?php use_javascript('jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.min.js') ?
 ?php use_javascript('jquery.ui.core.js') ?
 ?php use_javascript('jquery.ui.position.js') ?
 ?php use_javascript('jquery.ui.widget.js') ?
 ?php use_javascript('jquery.autocompleter.js') ?
 ?php use_stylesheet('jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.css') ?
 ?php use_stylesheet('jquery.autocompleter.css') ?

 When I try to access tohttp://localhost:8087/frontend_dev.php/job/ajax
 if opens application/json file for download. When I open it via
 notepad, i see the following

 When I access tohttp://localhost:8087/frontend_dev.php/job/ajax?q=Manlimit=10
 it gives me

 But Autocompleter is not working! What can be the reason for this.

 Furebug is giving me error of
 ajax, jQuery.extend({}, {dataType: json, parse: function (data)
 {var parsed = [];for (key in data) {parsed[parsed.length] = {data:
 [data[key], key], value: data[key], result: data[key]};}return
 parsed;}}, {})).result is not a function

 Please help me to solve this issue...

 Here is what I get from Firefox html source code

 thlabel for=jobeet_job_category_idCategory/label/th
   tdinput type=hidden name=jobeet_job[category_id]
 id=jobeet_job_category_id /input type=text
 name=autocomplete_jobeet_job[category_id] value=
 id=autocomplete_jobeet_job_category_id /script type=text/
   jQuery(document).ready(function() {
     .autocomplete('/job/ajax', jQuery.extend({}, {
       dataType: 'json',
       parse:    function(data) {
         var parsed = [];
         for (key in data) {
           parsed[parsed.length] = { data: [ data[key], key ], value:
 data[key], result: data[key] };
         return parsed;

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[symfony-users] sfWidgetFormChoice

2010-12-29 Thread emanu.ti
Hi, I want to use sfWidgetFormChoice with multiple = true
parameter. Here is my code:

'leavewhenempty'  = new sfWidgetFormChoice(
 array('multiple' = true, 'expanded' = true,
'choices' = Doctrine_Core::getTable('FilaDeAtendimento')-

'leavewhenempty'  = new sfValidatorChoice(
 array('multiple' = true, 'choices' = array_keys(
'required' = false)

but, when I save this form,on my database, is saved the string
Array. I need save the values of checkbox checked, and, when I want
edit this register, the checkbox comes checked with the values stored
on my database. How solve this?

thank's all.

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[symfony-users] sfWidgetFormSelectDoubleList

2010-11-27 Thread emanu.ti
Hi all,
I use Symfony 1.4

I want to configure a select double list using
My question:
  - How can a configure the ASSOCIATED items?
To the widget's constructor I give the possible options via
'choices' option, ok. But what about the selected defaults?
I figured out that the FormField's '$value' property holds
the array of associated items, but where can I set this?
I really don't wan't to make field's $value public and set
this in my input template... ;-)
Can anyone help me out? Thanks!

this is my code:
'codecs_list' = $this-widgetSchema['codecs_list']
array('id', 'asc'))
setOption('renderer_options' , array('label_unassociated' =
'label_associated' = 'Ativados',
'associated_first' = false))

On this context, where i can include default values to associated

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