[symfony-users] Realtime Applications using Comet and Symfony

2009-10-12 Thread kayoone

I have been researching alot of realtime web technologies to a point
where i am just pretty confused on how everything should work
together, so i wonder if anyone has any experience in this field yet ?

When you dig around google and read up on that topic you find alot of
new technologies and terms like XMPP, BOSH, comet, Bayeux etc and
wonder how they all fit together.

So i am currently thinking about an architecture for an upcoming
project and would like to hear some thoughts about that from people
with experience on how the whole thing works.

On the web based side will be a traditional symfony web application
which shows overview of some data on a page.

On the other side will be alot of Windows Mobile Client implemented in
C# that need to send and recieve data in realtime, this data should be
visible in the symfony application as soon as its send.

As i dont want to use constant polling i looked into all the avaible
realtime technologies and thought of this architecture:

Using the StreamHub Comet Java Server:
1. The WM C# Clients send/receive data to/from the StreamHub java
Server via JSON over HTTP.
2. The StreamHub Java Server exchanges incoming messages via JSON-RPC
(or SOAP or something similar) with the symfony backend to process the
incoming data
3. The StreamHub Server then triggers a message to the web client
saying something like "new data for xy avaible"
4. the web client requests the new data via Ajax from the symfony
backend and updates the view

One could also implement this with an XMPP server and BOSH (XMPP over
HTTP) to broadcast messages between clients, but all the examples i
have seen never include a database so i wonder how that part is
I dont want to only forward Data to clients, i also need to process it
in the symfony backend and save it to the database so that its
persistent, so i would use the realtime component more like "hello
there new data, go an fetch it via traditional ajax" to prevent long
I wonder if that is the route to go here, as there isnt much
information avaible on the interwebs on this quite new topic.

Best regards
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[symfony-users] Re: symfony template vs smarty

2009-09-28 Thread kayoone

not too much difference since both compile to php files.
Smarty has its own syntax though which you have to learn and which has
limits, while the symfonys template component uses standard php which
can do anything you want it todo without writing workarounds in

also one could argue that PHP already is a template engine, thats why
symfonys approch uses normal php for templates and just seperates the
view from the logic, smarty on the other hand is a completly new layer
on top of php which is unnecessary.

On 28 Sep., 17:33, hutchic  wrote:
> As a long term symfony user I personally want to use symfony
> templating component for a new system.
> Problem is I need to convince management.  What are the advantages of
> symfony over smarty (phptal etc etc) from a management point of view?
> Thanks for your input / assistance.
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[symfony-users] Getting large amounts of realtime Data into a symfony application

2009-09-28 Thread kayoone


in the last days i have been thinking alot about some kind of
architecture for an upcoming project, but my limited experience in
that field makes it really hard to decide on possible solutions, so i
thought that id ask the symfony community for help :)

The basic setup is this:
On the one side there is a web portal written in symfony 1.2 using
doctrine and all the bells and whistles, standard web stuff as you
know it. We will eventually have several HTTP and DB Servers and a
load balancer etc, so it will be a scalable solution.

On the backend side there will be a python daemon/programm that
receives large amounts of data over XMPP/Jabber. I choose python here
because php is just not made for programs that run infinitly, even if
it would be possible it doesnt feel right for me. Anyhow, i now need a
solution to bridge both sides together, to basically alter data in the
web portals database.

The python XMPP client will recieve messages that alter user data in
the portal, so i would need a bidirectional way to send/recieve data
to the portal server. This could be easily done via HTTP and RPC
calls, but i guess that would be rather slow if there are 100+
messages coming in per minute.

Another method could be sending the object JSON encoded ober XMPP, but
then id still need a php XMPP client that periodically polls the XMPP
server, fetches new messages and applies the changes to the database.

I could aswell just let the python daemon write to the DB directly,
but that way i couldnt use my symfony Models and validation

At one point when using symfony i will always end up polling some
service with php to process the changes, but maybe using HTTP for that
isnt too bad since it scales pretty good. I could cache alot of data
on the python client and send big JSON chunks over HTTP to the portal
to process it, maybe thats a good solution ?

i really dont know, any tips apreciated.
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[symfony-users] Symfony 1.2 sfDoctrineGuardPlugin saves related rows twice

2008-11-18 Thread kayoone

So i have the the latest version of symfony 1.2 and
sfDoctrineGuardPlugin. I already has this working in 1.1 but now in
1.2 its giving me headaches...

This is what happens:
Form Validation etc all works perfect, all the data gets created, also
related table data gets created. It creates a sf_guard_user and a
user_profile related with the sf_guard_user_id. But it also creates
another user_profile entry with the exact same data but the
sf_guard_user_id field set to "NULL"

These queries are being logged:

   1. INSERT INTO sf_guard_user (algorithm, is_active, is_super_admin,
username, salt, password, created_at, updated_at) VALUES
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) - (sha1, 0, 0, toxical,
9081b4f3cf2a15792c0e8cca06309d31614ae4eb, 2008-11-18 15:56:58,
2008-11-18 15:56:58 )
   2. SELECT u.id AS u__id, u.slug AS u__slug FROM user_profile u
WHERE u.slug LIKE ? - (arne% )
   3. INSERT INTO user_profile (sf_guard_user_id, first_name, email,
created_at, updated_at, slug) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) - (1, Arne,
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 2008-11-18 15:56:58, 2008-11-18 15:56:58, arne )
   4. SELECT u.id AS u__id, u.slug AS u__slug FROM user_profile u
WHERE u.slug LIKE ? - (arne% )
   5. INSERT INTO user_profile (first_name, email, created_at,
updated_at, slug) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) - (Arne, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
2008-11-18 15:56:58, 2008-11-18 15:56:58, arne-1 )

You can check all the source code here:

This is the POST Data send to the form object:
  'username' => string 'toxical' (length=7)
  'password' => string 'test123' (length=7)
  'password2' => string 'test123' (length=7)
  'yUserProfile' =>
  'first_name' => string 'Arne' (length=4)
  'email' => string '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (length=16)
  'id' => string '' (length=0)

Any help appreciated.
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[symfony-users] Symfony 1.2 sfDoctrineGuardPlugin Validation Error

2008-11-13 Thread kayoone

so i upgraded to sf 1.2 today and have this register form that worked
in 1.1 but in 1.2 it gives me the following error that doesnt say

500 | Internal Server Error | Doctrine_Validator_Exception
Validation error in class sfGuardUser
stack trace

* at ()
  in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/symfony/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/doctrine/
Doctrine/Transaction.php line 265 ...
 262. if ($this->_internalNestingLevel
== 1) {
 263. $tmp = $this-
 264. $this->invalid = array();
 265. throw new
 266. }
 267. }
 268. if ($this->_nestingLevel == 1) {

i stripped it down to just the basic sfGuardUserForm and this

$this->form = new registerForm();

if ($request->isMethod('post'))
  if ($this->form->bindAndSave($request->getParameter
//$this->user = $this->form->getObject();

still get that error which i didnt have with 1.1

Whats wrong ? thx in advance
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[symfony-users] Re: embed propel forms

2008-10-30 Thread kayoone

that works now, but i dont really get why but oh well...maybe i should
have done it the other way round, embedding the profile in the sfguard
user form or something like that.

Anyway, thanks alot

On Oct 30, 4:02 pm, "Jonathan Wage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It works for me with this:
> schema
> --
> Profile:
>   columns:
>     first_name: string(255)
>     last_name: string(255)
>     email_address: string(255)
>     sf_guard_user_id: integer(4)
>   relations:
>     User:
>       class: sfGuardUser
>       type: one
>       foreignType: one
> user form
> --
> class sfGuardUserForm extends PluginsfGuardUserForm
> {
>   public function configure()
>   {
>     unset($this['is_active'], $this['is_super_admin'], $this['created_at'],
> $this['updated_at'], $this['last_login'], $this['algorithm'], $this['salt'],
> $this['groups_list'], $this['permissions_list']);
>     $profile = new ProfileForm();
>     unset($profile['sf_guard_user_id']);
>     $this->embedForm('Profile', $profile);
>   }
> }
> actions
> --
> class testActions extends sfActions
> {
>  /**
>   * Executes index action
>   *
>   * @param sfRequest $request A request object
>   */
>   public function executeIndex($request)
>   {
>     $this->form = new sfGuardUserForm();
>     if ($request->getMethod() == sfRequest::POST)
>     {
>       $this->form->bindAndSave($request->getParameter('sf_guard_user'));
>       $this->redirect('test/index');
>     }
>   }
> }
> template
> ---
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 9:49 AM, kayoone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > complete and updated code:
> >http://nopaste.php-q.net/66370
> --
> Jonathan H. Wage
> Open Source Software Developer & 
> Evangelisthttp://www.jwage.comhttp://www.doctrine-project.orghttp://www.symfony-project.org
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[symfony-users] Re: embed propel forms

2008-10-30 Thread kayoone

complete and updated code:
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[symfony-users] Re: embed propel forms

2008-10-30 Thread kayoone

damn, i thought that might have been it, but nothing...still only the
profile gets created, sf_guard_user table is empty :/

Maybe i have to do it the other way round ? embed the profile into the
sfguard form ? But i trief that earlier and it also didnt work.

On Oct 30, 3:18 pm, "Jonathan Wage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh. You have the embedForm() named incorrectly.
> $this->embedForm('sfGuardUser', new sfGuardUserForm());
> Doctrine takes the submitted form information and passes it to
> $object->fromArray() so the embedded form must be named the same as the
> relationship.
> - Jon
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 8:53 AM, kayoone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Jonathan,
> > that doesnt make a difference :/
> > there are atleast 3 other people on irc/the forums curious about this
> > i am using sf 1.1 with the latest doctrine 1.1 branch from the repo
> --
> Jonathan H. Wage
> Open Source Software Developer & 
> Evangelisthttp://www.jwage.comhttp://www.doctrine-project.orghttp://www.symfony-project.org
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[symfony-users] Re: embed propel forms

2008-10-30 Thread kayoone

Hi Jonathan,

that doesnt make a difference :/
there are atleast 3 other people on irc/the forums curious about this

i am using sf 1.1 with the latest doctrine 1.1 branch from the repo

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[symfony-users] Re: embed propel forms

2008-10-29 Thread kayoone

you can view my code here, quite simple, just testing


the profile is saved, but there is no new guarduser being created with
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[symfony-users] Re: embed propel forms

2008-10-29 Thread kayoone

but i have seen several people having theses same issues, that how i
got to that solution of creating another form instance
look at this thread => http://www.symfony-project.org/forum/index.php/t/15911/

that exactly my problem and the only solution is the one i already
wrote in my last post which i dont think is any good.
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[symfony-users] Re: embed propel forms

2008-10-29 Thread kayoone

thank you, but i figured that out already. In the posts above they
said to look at the sfGuard Forms to get a hang of form embedding, its
just that i cant find anything...

I got my embedded profile form together with the sfGuardForm, but when
processing and calling $this->form->save() only the main form gets
saved...i dont get why.
The embedded form is validated and the data is present in the object,
it just doesnt get saved.

I have seen approaches here to manually bind the values to the
embedded form object, and save the embedded form by itself, is that
really the only way to do it ?
The Mainform has all the data from both forms, validated and good to
go, and then i should create another instance of the embedded form and
bind the values to it again only to be able to manually call its
save() method ?

That doesnt sound very consistent to me...why cant the mainform save
the emebedded form ? It has all relations and data it neeeds...

thx in advance
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[symfony-users] Re: embed propel forms

2008-10-29 Thread kayoone

embedded forms drive me mad... i dont get what you guys are mean...
in the BasesfGuardUserForm Classes that get generates, there is
nothing regarding an embedded form... i have my schema setup to link
to a profile like this:

  actAs: [Sluggable, Timestampable]
  tableName: user_profile
user_id: integer
first_name: string(50)
last_name: string(50)
email: string(100)
  class: sfGuardUser
  local: user_id
  foreign: id
  foreignType: one
  owningSide: false

but there is nothing with embedded forms generated and when i generate
the crud stuff for this i can just create the sf guard user, not the
what am i doing wrong ?

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[symfony-users] symfony 1.1 : how to set global errors

2008-10-27 Thread kayoone

Hi there,

i have recently started playing around with symfony 1.1 for a new
project and really like it. I even like the new form system quite
However, i ran into a problem where i dont know how to solve it in a
good way...

In my older symfony 1.0 applications i used to have an area where all
the errors where displayed, no matter if they came from a form or the
model or an ajax request...the validators in 1.0 added the errors to
the Request Object, in my models i could ad errors to the request
object myself, when for example creation of a db entry failed and a
rollback was done.
In my layout i then called $sf_request->getErrors() and displayed all
the error messages there are.

However in symfony 1.1, things are not that easy. getErrors() and
setError() are dreprecated and form errors now belong to the form
object and i dont see a simple way to get other system errors in
there, which wouldnt be good design anyway since they sometimes are
not related to a form.

What i could do is get the erros from the form and assign them to a
template variable and let my model methods return errors too, to also
assign them to the template and then displaying all the errors at
once. That however, would require to write a method that does this
process and call it in every action which is not the solution i have
in mind.

So how do you do something like that? In 1.0 the setError getErrors()
methods were perfect for that, i even could display ajax errors in the
same error area but now this seems to be alot more complicated.

thx in advance
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[symfony-users] Re: Files to Secure in an Open Source Application

2008-07-07 Thread kayoone

i do it the same way.
Files that include private config parameters are named for example
config.orig.php which everybody who exports the project has to rename
and enter his information.
The real config.php is set to svn:ignore so its never comitted to the

On Jul 6, 9:25 am, "Nicolas Perriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 12:40 AM, ibolmo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1. What's your opinion of the workaround? Is there a better/cleaner
> > solution?
> I personnaly version distributed files, by suffixing them with -dist,
> and add original files to svn:ignore. This way, people who checkout
> the project have just to copy and rename the *-dist files to get ready
> without having to handle conflicts and merges.
> > 2. What other files should I exclude (add to svn:ignore), or secure
> > (like in the workaround)? I've already ignored/secured the database
> > file (I use sqlite locally), dsn, logs and cache folders.
> You should distribute the propel.ini file, as it also contain a DSN
> definition. If you put api keys or passwords in your app.yml files,
> you should distribute them as well.
> The web/uploads/* files should be added to svn:ignore too.
> Last, if you plan to release a Propel based plugin, you should
> svn:ignore its lib/model/om/* and lib/model/map/* to allow people to
> customize their propel.ini file, eg. enabling comments generation or
> behaviors.
> ++
> --
> Nicolas 
> Perriaulthttp://prendreuncafe.com-http://symfonians.net-http://sensiolabs.com
> Phone: +33 660 92 08 76
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[symfony-users] Re: Sub domains

2008-07-04 Thread kayoone


i think what he means is that if he is using url_for() or link_to() in
the templates, that it wont produce Urls with the subdomains...
is there a way to solve that ? Maybe the simplest solution would be to
make a link helper that wraps around the basic symfony link helpers

On 4 Jul., 18:06, Mark D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Damien
> All you have to do it setup apache to redirect all *.yourwebsite.com
> to your symfony application:
>     ServerAlias *.yourwebsite.com
>     DocumentRoot "/Users/yourname/workspace/sitename/web"
>         AllowOverride All
>     Alias /sf /Users/mdeepwell/workspace/symfony/1.0.17/data/web/sf/
> Then, inside the index page (to start), or more appropriately a
> filter, use the php variable: $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] to figure out
> which "mymcategory".mywebsite.com you are on. Once you know which sub
> domain you are on, you can load whatever information you want.
> That is the full solution.
> Mark
> On Jul 4, 12:57 am, Damien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thank you for your answers.
> > Jacob, I saw your post, but I don't know how to redirect to a category
> > in my filter. I can not do a redirect() like in an action.
> > Moreover, I would like all my category links to be rewritten in order
> > to link to my subdomains, should I use the routing.yml? It is not
> > simple!
> > Damien
> > On 4 juil, 04:52, Jacob Coby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I brought this very same question up 2 days ago.  Check out the  
> > > Symfonians filter source - it has what you need.
> > >http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users/browse_thread/thread/b48...
> > > On Jul 3, 2008, at 12:20 PM, Damien wrote:
> > > > Hi!
> > > > I have a website built with symfony, organized with categories. I
> > > > would like to have a subdomain for each category. For example:
> > > > mymcategory.mywebsite.com
> > > > I made my subdomain and catch it in my apache webserver, but I don't
> > > > know how to make it available in my website.
> > > > I tought to build a new route in my routing.yml like:
> > > > subdomain:
> > > >  host: mycategory.mywebsite.com
> > > >  url:    /
> > > >  param: {module: category, action: show, name: mycategory}
> > > > It doesn't work. Should I use it or make a filter ? But I don't know
> > > > how to make this type of filter.
> > > > I hope you will be able to help me.
> > > > Thank you
> > > > Damien Gougeon
> > > --
> > > Jacob Coby
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] Masquer le texte des messages précédents -
> > > - Afficher le texte des messages précédents -
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[symfony-users] Re: Multiple Front end servers and sflucene.

2008-06-09 Thread kayoone

another option would be to sync the index data between the servers
with rsync, which would also lead to better load balance for the index

On Jun 8, 5:10 pm, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a better answer, NFS is not an option I want to explore.
> Part of the reason is security.  The other is I don't know if EC2 will
> let me NFS over the non public address.  Not to mention that NFS has
> this nasty let's crash and not gracefully recover habit...
> Thanks,
> James
> On Jun 8, 2008, at 3:46 AM, Nicolas Perriault wrote:
> > On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 9:42 AM, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> We plan on having 2 front end servers.  If someone creates a review
> >> on
> >> one server the index will only be for that server.  What is the best
> >> way of keeping the indexes in sync for both servers?
> > You can mount a NFS directory as ./data/index/ to share the data
> > between your servers.
> > ++
> > --
> > Nicolas Perriault
> >http://prendreuncafe.com-http://symfonians.net-http://sensiolabs.com
> > Phone: +33 660 92 08 76
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[symfony-users] Re: how can I count online users? (what about user offline because of timeout?)

2008-06-08 Thread kayoone

having every user ping the server every X seconds with an ajay request
is not that good performance wise...
imagine you have 2000 concurrent users on the site, that would result
in bazillion more requests per minute (if you ping every 15sec for

You have to save the time of the last click of a user and update that
time with every action he performs. So if you want to get the online
you just fetch all the users where the last_click time is in the last
20 minutes for example, everybody whose last_click time is older is
offline then.
Thats a common practice to solve this problem.
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[symfony-users] Re: How do you sync your production db ?

2008-05-22 Thread kayoone

thanks for all the informative answers, good stuff!
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[symfony-users] Re: How do you sync your production db ?

2008-05-21 Thread kayoone

thx, didnt know about that plugin. will give it a try!

On 20 Mai, 22:18, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you have no choice, the 2nd solution is the best, and the one I use
> when I can't use the other one, which is the plugin
> "sfPropelSQLDiffPlugin".
> This plugin provides some tasks so you can have the "diff" between
> your tables and your schema, so you just alter tables and not alter
> data.
> But what doesn't (or not often) work and must be handled by hand is :
> - renaming fields
> - editing constraints with innodb tables (or any engine supporting
> constraints)
> In highly active development, I think this could be very tiring as
> renaming fields or changes like this are very common.
> But in a more stable cycle, this can be used quite easily.
> This may be obvious, but it must be said everytime we talk about such
> a subjet ^^
> On 20 mai, 18:42, kayoone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > symfony has nice features to deploy your applications and to create
> > the database from the schema files etc.
> > However, once you got data on your production machine its not that
> > easy to keep the database layout in sync, so how do you do it ?
> > Since my symfony project is not production ready i am thinking about
> > this, and these are the possibilities that came to my mind:
> > 1. Edit the database on the prod. machine manually and alter the
> > tables to match local tables (very bad)
> > 2. Dump the data on the prod. machine, sync the project and run propel-
> > build-all, and then reimport the dump again (quite ok, but still some
> > work)
> > Any other ways ?
> > Some Pake task like symfony sync-database or something like that would
> > be really good, which just alters the tables/creates new ones instead
> > of recreating everything from scratch.
> > thx for your thoughts.
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[symfony-users] How do you sync your production db ?

2008-05-20 Thread kayoone

symfony has nice features to deploy your applications and to create
the database from the schema files etc.

However, once you got data on your production machine its not that
easy to keep the database layout in sync, so how do you do it ?

Since my symfony project is not production ready i am thinking about
this, and these are the possibilities that came to my mind:

1. Edit the database on the prod. machine manually and alter the
tables to match local tables (very bad)
2. Dump the data on the prod. machine, sync the project and run propel-
build-all, and then reimport the dump again (quite ok, but still some

Any other ways ?
Some Pake task like symfony sync-database or something like that would
be really good, which just alters the tables/creates new ones instead
of recreating everything from scratch.

thx for your thoughts.
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[symfony-users] Re: sfGuardPlugin DB Layout Question

2008-05-20 Thread kayoone

very nice, that could indeed make it still possible to work on the
layout with Dbdesigner.
but after messing around with the schema.yml i got the feeling that
its not so uncomfortable in comparision than i thought it would be, so
i will stick with it.

Your snippet will still be useful to me one day, when i need to
reimport my database.

On 20 Mai, 16:25, "Olivier LOYNET" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've made a snippet to workaround this 
> problemhttp://www.symfony-project.org/snippets/snippet/298
> Olivier
> > -Original Message-
> > From: symfony-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:symfony-
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of kayoone
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 3:28 PM
> > To: symfony users
> > Subject: [symfony-users] Re: sfGuardPlugin DB Layout Question
> > got it now...
> > the problem was that I use DbDesigner to model the database where i
> > cant
> > make a relationship to a table thats not in the current layout, so no
> > way to make a relationship to a table of a plugin.
> > This however works when i use the yml file for editing the db layout,
> > so
> > i think dbdesigner days are over :/
> > Well, doesnt change much anyway.
> > anyway, thx for all your input, got me on the right path finally.
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[symfony-users] Re: sfGuardPlugin DB Layout Question

2008-05-20 Thread kayoone

got it now...
the problem was that I use DbDesigner to model the database where i
make a relationship to a table thats not in the current layout, so no
way to make a relationship to a table of a plugin.
This however works when i use the yml file for editing the db layout,
i think dbdesigner days are over :/
Well, doesnt change much anyway.

anyway, thx for all your input, got me on the right path finally.
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[symfony-users] Re: sfGuardPlugin DB Layout Question

2008-05-19 Thread kayoone

i think i tried that already and that didnt really work because as far
as i know propel objects need their own primary key to work correct.
But ill try that again... I also dont need the user table often, but
when i need a nickname, i need a user table.
Problem is i cant make a relationship between the profile table and eg
the article table because symfony needs a auto increment primary key
for make a FK relationship...so that cant work they way you said !?
how to you connect the user table to a content table ?

On 19 Mai, 17:48, Lee Bolding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's a MUCH simpler way - leave out the id column in
> sf_guard_user_profile, and use a user_id column (foreign key to
> sf_guard_user).
> Works for me :)
> I end up doing most of my stuff by working with user profiles, because
> that contains the data I need most often - firstname, lastname etc.
> Rarely do I actually need to modfiy the data in sf_guard_user table...
> so it doesn't make sense to be working with user objects directly.
> I'm not sure if that's the *correct* way of doing it, but it's
> efficient, and it works for me :)
> On 19 May 2008, at 16:08, kayoone wrote:
> > mmh...the thing is, i dont want to have the sfGuard schema in my main
> > schema because of the problems described above, and
> > the relation betweet sfguarduser and the profile table is just set via
> > the config, there is no real relationship i guess.
> > The getProfile() method of the sfGuardPlugin is looking for the
> > profile table name in the config and fetching the profile via
> > the foreign key field which is also defined in the config so there is
> > no way for me to change that behavior without changing the plugin
> > code.
> > However i can just use the user_id Foreign key field to make
> > relationships to site content since thats also a primary key and we
> > have only one profile
> > per user, but that wont solve the problem that i have to do extra
> > joins to get the username, also $article->getSfGuardUser() wont work
> > then either i think.
> > I really wonder how other people do this.
> > On 19 Mai, 16:30, Lee Bolding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Yes, but with a 1:1 relationship they'll both be the same number.
> >> They
> >> should never be different unless you've manually altered your
> >> database.
> >> But you can use constraints to further enforce this :)
> >> On 19 May 2008, at 13:31, kayoone wrote:
> >>> but propel objects need their own a primary key, otherwise they wont
> >>> work.
> >>> But i will try if that works, still the profile_id will be different
> >>> from the user_id
> >>> On 19 Mai, 12:21, Lee Bolding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>> Make the user_profile->sfGuardUser a 1:1 relationship, then you
> >>>> don't
> >>>> need to do a join - the profile ID will always be the same as the
> >>>> user
> >>>> id.
> >>>> Realistically, are users ever going to have more than 1 profile?
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[symfony-users] Re: sfGuardPlugin DB Layout Question

2008-05-19 Thread kayoone

mmh...the thing is, i dont want to have the sfGuard schema in my main
schema because of the problems described above, and
the relation betweet sfguarduser and the profile table is just set via
the config, there is no real relationship i guess.
The getProfile() method of the sfGuardPlugin is looking for the
profile table name in the config and fetching the profile via
the foreign key field which is also defined in the config so there is
no way for me to change that behavior without changing the plugin

However i can just use the user_id Foreign key field to make
relationships to site content since thats also a primary key and we
have only one profile
per user, but that wont solve the problem that i have to do extra
joins to get the username, also $article->getSfGuardUser() wont work
then either i think.

I really wonder how other people do this.

On 19 Mai, 16:30, Lee Bolding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, but with a 1:1 relationship they'll both be the same number. They
> should never be different unless you've manually altered your database.
> But you can use constraints to further enforce this :)
> On 19 May 2008, at 13:31, kayoone wrote:
> > but propel objects need their own a primary key, otherwise they wont
> > work.
> > But i will try if that works, still the profile_id will be different
> > from the user_id
> > On 19 Mai, 12:21, Lee Bolding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Make the user_profile->sfGuardUser a 1:1 relationship, then you don't
> >> need to do a join - the profile ID will always be the same as the
> >> user
> >> id.
> >> Realistically, are users ever going to have more than 1 profile?
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[symfony-users] Re: sfGuardPlugin DB Layout Question

2008-05-19 Thread kayoone

but propel objects need their own a primary key, otherwise they wont
But i will try if that works, still the profile_id will be different
from the user_id

On 19 Mai, 12:21, Lee Bolding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Make the user_profile->sfGuardUser a 1:1 relationship, then you don't
> need to do a join - the profile ID will always be the same as the user
> id.
> Realistically, are users ever going to have more than 1 profile?

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[symfony-users] Re: sfGuardPlugin DB Layout Question

2008-05-19 Thread kayoone

nobody using sfGuard for complex projects? Common :)

I dont see a problem i using the profile_id to link it with site
content, but it would need 2 joins then to get the username.


That would result in more complex queries, which might be slower
especially when there is a list to be displayed with many entries
and usernames.

Really wondering how people do it, if you use the sfguarduser table
you have to get the sfguard schema.yml into your main schema and then
you have the problems i described above.
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[symfony-users] sfGuardPlugin DB Layout Question

2008-05-18 Thread kayoone

Hi there,

i use sfGuard in a recent project for the first time and am pretty
happy with it, however i ran into an issue id like to sahre with you /
hear your opinion on.

sfGuard has a basic user table and a profile table which i can link
with the user table, for that sfGuard has its own schema.yml file.
Because i thought it would be better to link site content to the
actual user id instead of the profile id i ran into the problem not
being able to link my tables with the sfGuard user table because it
was/is in a different schema file.
Because i design my DB Layout with DBDesigner 4 and use a plugin to
convert it to a schema.yml file i needed to rebuild my DBDesigner file
from the database where everything is already imported and link the
tables again by hand after than. So now i had the sfGuard tabels in my
DBDesigner layout and could link the user table to content tables (eg.
articles.member_id FK from sf_guard_user.id). Everything fine but a
new problem arose.
When exporting this DBDesigner layout symfony recreates the
sfGuardModel files under lib/model/ (which of course default symfony
behaviour). When i call $article->getSfGuardUser() now symfony uses
the model file unter /lib/model and not the plugin files, which of
course is not what i want and wont work because i cant access many of
the methods implemented in the plugin base model.
The only way i figured out to come around this problem is to not
directly join the tables in the DBLayout (so now "official" link
between article.member_id and sf_guard_user.id) and write the
"getSfGuardUser()" method on my own into the model. This works, but
really isnt the kind of solution i have in mind, besides i lose some
innodb features like "ON DELETE CASCADE" which i could rewrite myself
but thats not ideal either.

So how do you solve this problem ? I am at the point where i say it
would be better to leave the sfGuard DB Layout out of my general db
layout and just put my profile table in there and link all the site
content to the profile_id which shouldnt make many problems, even if
its not the real user_id which is registered in the system.

thx in advance for your thoughts.
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[symfony-users] Re: Modules vs Plugins

2008-05-18 Thread kayoone

thx for your answer!

On 17 Mai, 20:26, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For your first question : modules should be specific to a project,
> plugins are made for reusability.
> Of course you can svn:externals a module, and it will be the same,
> but :
> - whenever you have to make a specific change to this module for a
> specific project, you cannot, or you have to create a branch in your
> SVN...
> - this is not the way it should be ^^

Thats correct, havent thought about that point but its really
important to be able
to extend a plugin for a specific project without touching the plugin
itself. Great stuff!

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[symfony-users] Modules vs Plugins

2008-05-17 Thread kayoone

Hi all,

i am wondering what the benefits are in using plugins vs moduls, or if
there are any at all.
Many of the modules which are developed for an application cant be
reused in future projects, atleast thats what i plan to do, so that
when you have 4-5 Projects which all use most of the same modules i
only have to make changes/fixes to the plugin once for all the
projects that use it.
To achieve this i would link the module/plugin with svn:externals into
a project, to make sure i always have the latest version of it. With
that in mind, would it be better to make plugins out of the modules
that i want to reuse or can i leave them as modules ? The benefits i
see with using plugins is, that a plugins has all its model/confing/
routing/image etc files in one place, while a module has its files all
over the place, so i think that plugins are the best way to achieve
this, what do you think ?

Another question:
When having a plugin that has its own action controller/template files
can i create the same dir structure under /apps/mypp/modules/ to
overwrite/extend plugin files ? ist that default symfony behaviour ?
Because sfGuard works like that, and thats pretty cool.

thx in advance
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[symfony-users] Re: Best way to test sending of emails in development?

2008-05-16 Thread kayoone

i use the Swift SMTP Class for sending emails, there also is a plugin
called sfSwift to easily install everything ready for symfony.
As the smtp server i just use my regular mail hosts server.

On May 15, 10:19 am, markchicobaby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone test sending of emails in a WAMP or Windows development
> environment?
> If not, what's the best way (or a good way) to do it?
> I can't get symfony to send emails in my test environment (WAMP, Win
> XP).  Tried a few ways keep getting errors etc, am on WinXP so I guess
> that doesn't help.  No response at all to my forum post on this topic
> so I'm assuming very few people bother with it?
> Thank you
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