Hey ya'll -

Here's a strange problem.  Originally, I was getting an error in
Record.php on line 1231 using Doctrine and saving an embedded form.  I
found a hack solution to this problem here:


In my app, this is occuring when trying to create an sf_guard_user and
profile record together.  Per the above link, I added the following
methods to my sfGuardUserForm class:

 protected function doSave($con = null)

  public function saveProfile($con = null)
    $usr = $this->object->Profile;
    $this->values['profile'] = $usr;

Once I did this, I no longer got the error above, but each time I
create a new Profile object, I get two records - one with all the
right details, and one that's blank, except the sf_user_guard_id.

Here are the log lines showing the duplicate queries:


Jul 13 21:23:29 symfony [info] {sfDoctrineLogger} executeQuery :
INSERT INTO sf_guard_user (algorithm, is_active, is_super_admin,
username, salt, password, created_at, updated_at) VALUES
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) - (sha1, 1, 0, jdavistest3,
d164ebb2c5a6e2b9dec0b19a6584052083becacb, 2009-07-13 21:23:29,
2009-07-13 21:23:29 )

Jul 13 21:23:29 symfony [info] {sfDoctrineLogger} executeQuery :
INSERT INTO profile (sf_guard_user_id, first_name, last_name, email,
zip) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) - (11, fsd, fdasf, f...@fda.com, 37064 )

Jul 13 21:23:29 symfony [info] {sfDoctrineLogger} executeQuery :
DELETE FROM profile_index WHERE id = ? - (14 )

Jul 13 21:23:29 symfony [info] {sfDoctrineLogger} executeQuery :
INSERT INTO profile (sf_guard_user_id) VALUES (?) - (11 )

Jul 13 21:23:29 symfony [info] {sfDoctrineLogger} executeQuery :
DELETE FROM profile_index WHERE id = ? - (15 )


Obviously, I'm a bit in over my head here.  Not sure what's going on
with this - can anyone help out?

Thanks so much,


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