Actually, I noticed that the field takes the value stored in database
instead of taking my default value (normal behaviour).

So, now my question is : how to force use of these default values ?


On 20 avr, 19:42, Adrien Mogenet <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> there is something - strange ? - that I don't understand.
> Let say I have a field "updated_by" within the class "user".
> In the class form :
> public function configure()
> {
>    ..
>    $this->setDefault('updated_by', '42');
>    ...
> }
> By this way, it doesn't take effect.
> But when I put the code in action class :
> public function executeEdit()
> {
>    ...
>    $this->form->setDefault('updated_by', '42');
> }
> The default value is set correctly. This is the first time I discover
> this behaviour... is it really normal ?
> Is there a way to do what I wanted to write ?
> I don't think it matters but anyway : the default value '42' is
> actually get from sfUser::getAttribute('user_id', null, 'user');
> method.
> --
> Adrien Mogenet
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