So, I've been having some troubles. We just moved a new site (we'd
barely started work on it, really) from a server that had been running
Symfony 1.1 to a new server running 1.2. As Lee Bolding said, moving
and upgrading at the same time guarantees some pain. But I've been
reading tutorials and forum posts and now it seems we've most of the
issues worked out.

But here is one that still puzzles me. The front page gives a
"Template not set" error:

Other pages render:

So this problem is just with the front page. Perhaps basic routing
stuff changed between version 1.1 and 1.2? This is the whole of my
routing.yml file:

# default rules
  url:   /
  param: { module: dashboard, action: index }

  url:   /symfony/:action/*
  param: { module: default }

  url:   /:module
  param: { action: index }

  url:   /:module/:action/*

This page was working on the old server, but now it is not.

In the actions.class.php of the dashboard module, I attempted to make
the template explicit:

  public function executeIndex($request)

This has no effect.

Any ideas what I should look to fix?

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