I would like to have this in my child form class:

  public function configure()
        $this->widgetSchema['teamnumber'] = new sfWidgetFormPropelSelect(array
('model' => 'NewTeam', 'add_empty' => true, 'key_method' =>
'getTeamnumber', 'choices' => 'Choose a team'));

I need for this drop down select box to use "teamnumber" instead of
the id primary key of the new_team database table. However, I'm using
Symfony 1.1. The above gives me an exception:

sfWidgetFormPropelSelect does not support the following options:

I see the key_method here:


However, I think that is for the 1.2 version of Symfony. When I look


That is clearly for the 1.1 version, and key_method is not mentioned.

Is it correct to say that in version 1.1 the sfWidgetFormPropelSelect
always assumes it should be using the primary key in the database
table that it gets its data from?

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