Re: [systemd-devel] bind-mount of /run/systemd for chrooted bind9/named

2023-07-03 Thread Silvio Knizek
Hi Marc,

why is it suggested to run `named` within its own chroot? For security reasons? 
This can be achieved much easier with systemd native options.

Something like


Description=Internet domain name server

ExecStart=/usr/bin/named -f -c /etc/named/named.conf
ExecReload=/usr/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
ExecPaths=/usr/bin/named /usr/bin/kill


Make sure `directory` in `/etc/named/named.conf` points to `/var/lib/named`.

Further security considerations may apply. Testing is necessary.


[systemd-devel] bind-mount of /run/systemd for chrooted bind9/named

2023-07-03 Thread Marc Haber

this is a user-level question from someone who wants to make use of
systemd but has not quite grown the gut feeling about which way is the
right way to go.

I am running bind 9 on more than a handful of systems providing name
services as recursive and/or authoritative name servers. As it has ben
recommended for two decades, I run bind in a chroot, using its own
feature to chroot itself after starting up (-t /path/to/chroot).

In Debian bookworm, the systemd units that come with Debian's bind9
package have recently changed from Type=simple to Type=notify.

Combined with named -t, this means that systemd will never notice that
the name daemon has correctly started up unless systemd's notify socket
is also reachable in the chroot. This in turn means that bind is
continuosly restarted by systemd. As a quick fix, I issue moiunt --bind
/run/systemd /path/to/chroot/run/systemd manually.

I am currently wondering which way is the preferred way to achive this
in a more clean way:

(1) go fully systemd
That would mean to get rid of bind's -t option completely but use
systemd's RootDirectory directive instead. I have not tried this but I
think that the bind community might be reluctant to support a setup like
that. In advantage, I could use the BindReadOnlyPaths directive to
directly manage the necessary bind mount to make the notify socket

(2) try to preserve the classic setup
That would probably mean having a
/etc/systemd/system/var-local-bind-run-systemd.mount with the contents:
| [Mount]
| What=/run/systemd
| Where=/var/local/bind/run/systemd
| Type=none
| Options=bind
| [Install]
| WantedBy=bind9.service
and adding a RequiresMountsFor=/var/local/bind/run/systemd to the

This works as intended when I start up bind9, but when stopping the name
daemon, the bind mount still lingers around. I have not fully understood
the necessary systemd magic to have var-local-bind-run-systemd.mount
stopped whenever bind9.service stops. How would I do that?

How would you solve this issue? Method (1), Method (2), or one that I
didn't think of yet?


Marc Haber | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Leimen, Germany|  lose things."Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 6224 1600402
Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 6224 1600421

Re: [systemd-devel] PAMName=login, systemctl stop

2023-07-03 Thread Andrei Borzenkov

On 03.07.2023 14:17, Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Mo, 03.07.23 10:58, Valentijn Sessink ( wrote:

Now my remaining question is probably so very basic, that you sort of missed
it: my "session" is started from a script and so I'm probably able to stop
all services in the session from within this script - if I knew how to find
"it": "it" being "the thing to stop", i.e. "my own session" or something
like that. I.e. the script should kill itself and all its children.

logind's session ID you'll find in the $XDG_SESSION_ID env var.

you can use this to kill your own session:

 loginctl kill-session $XDG_SESSION_ID

It is not defined here on Ubuntu 22.04 with GNOME 42 that is using 
systemd for session management. It *is* defined in GDM session worker, 
but as actual session processes are not children of it (they are started 
by systemd) this variable is not inherited.

if you want to know which systemd unit your process belongs to use:

 ps --pid $$ -o unit=


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

Re: [systemd-devel] PAMName=login, systemctl stop

2023-07-03 Thread Lennart Poettering
On Mo, 03.07.23 10:58, Valentijn Sessink ( wrote:

> Now my remaining question is probably so very basic, that you sort of missed
> it: my "session" is started from a script and so I'm probably able to stop
> all services in the session from within this script - if I knew how to find
> "it": "it" being "the thing to stop", i.e. "my own session" or something
> like that. I.e. the script should kill itself and all its children.

logind's session ID you'll find in the $XDG_SESSION_ID env var.

you can use this to kill your own session:

loginctl kill-session $XDG_SESSION_ID

if you want to know which systemd unit your process belongs to use:

ps --pid $$ -o unit=


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

Re: [systemd-devel] PAMName=login, systemctl stop

2023-07-03 Thread Valentijn Sessink

Hi Lennart, hi list,

On 03-07-2023 10:47, Lennart Poettering wrote:

I can get the CGroup and session scope with "systemctl status ";
but I still can't figure out what to stop then. So how can I finish this
"spawned off" session - the one that started from a "PAMName=login" option
in the service file?

I am not sure I grok your question.

From your answer I'd guess you did.

But we do not provide a way
currently to associate session scope units with the service units they
have been created by. There's no nice way to go from one to ther

OK, that's important information.

Now my remaining question is probably so very basic, that you sort of 
missed it: my "session" is started from a script and so I'm probably 
able to stop all services in the session from within this script - if I 
knew how to find "it": "it" being "the thing to stop", i.e. "my own 
session" or something like that. I.e. the script should kill itself and 
all its children.

Would that be possible? I simply don't know how to "find my own session 
and kill it" from within my own session - and I wouldn't know how to 
stop it either.

To rephrase: how should a session commit suicide if it really wants to? ;-)

Does that help? (Or is the answer "no you can't - seek help" ;-)

Best regards,


Re: [systemd-devel] PAMName=login, systemctl stop

2023-07-03 Thread Lennart Poettering
On Fr, 30.06.23 15:11, Valentijn Sessink ( wrote:

> Hi,
> On 28-06-2023 18:04, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> > > "PAMName=login", then starts a script and a few (old X11 related) 
> > > programs.
> [...]>> Is there a way to amend the service file to stop these children?
> > Not really, from systemd's PoV they are part of the login session, not
> > the original service anymore.
> I have tried to get my head around this but I couldn't find how to proceed,
> i.e. how to kill of the session.
> I can get the CGroup and session scope with "systemctl status ";
> but I still can't figure out what to stop then. So how can I finish this
> "spawned off" session - the one that started from a "PAMName=login" option
> in the service file?

I am not sure I grok your question. But we do not provide a way
currently to associate session scope units with the service units they
have been created by. There's no nice way to go from one to ther

You can terminate service units via "systemctl stop", and you can
terminate session scope units the same way, but there's no mechanism
to relate one to the other. And I am not sure that's even
unconditionally desirable, because typically scopes and the services
they are spawned from might have different lifecycles, i.e. the
sessions are fine with surviving if the invoking service dies.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin