[systemd-devel] Settings in /etc/systemd/journald.conf dont work

2016-02-03 Thread Tommy_Lu


Ok, I understand, that the first step towards solution is to change my 
expectations. The settings are never absolute and direct, but they are  
a guarantee, that I can see the desired definitely, not less, but maybe 
a little bit more. That is ok.

I have changed the settings to

...but at first, there is no effect.  "journalctl --disk-usage" says 
after reboot "Journals take up 40.0M on disk" furthermore. The content 
in /var/log/journal is 4 Files, 3 times 8 MB, one time 16 MB, all 
together 40 MB. That is much more as the setted 5 or 10MB.

It is really difficult to understand, what journalctl in this case done, 
under which restrictions and which logic is following. Unfortunately 
there is no really good translation of the man-page given. And for 
Non-English-Non-Professional-Users it seems to be not possible, to do 
things with understand it, before try the doing.

Now I have to observe the next Days and see, what happens. I will report 
my result in a few days.

Thank you for your replay and best regards

It is also really difficult to me, to translate my question and this 
talk ...  ;-) ... Sorry, I try to  do my best.

systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Settings in /etc/systemd/journald.conf dont work

2016-02-03 Thread Tommy_Lu


Am 03.02.2016 um 13:51 schrieb Lennart Poettering:

Please always mention which journal version you are using.
I have told this in my first post. Anyway now I'm thinking, the 
problem is not a real problem and so it's solved now. Thank you for this 

Best Regard from Germany
systemd-devel mailing list

[systemd-devel] Settings in /etc/systemd/journald.conf dont work

2016-02-02 Thread Tommy_Lu


I am an old retired boy from German and a short-time visitor here in 
this list. And I apologize, because I put my user-question here. But 
unfortunately nowhere in the network i can found a solution or people 
who have sufficient expertise. My Problem relates to "journalctl". I 
want that Entries in my journal only the last 7 days are kept, 
regardless of Journals Filesize. Therefor I have entered in the 
/etc/systemd/journald.conf the following parameters:

Storage = auto
MaxRetentionSec = 1week

But nothing happens. The entries (older 7 days) will not be removed in 
runtime or after reboot. Even the entries in the "User-Actions-Journal" 
are not removed . Only when I reboot the Journals daemon the 
Systemjournal is completely emptied, what is also wrong. However, the 
Userjournal will remain unchanged and continue to contain month old 
data. What I would have to stop or do that I get these same 7 Days for 
both journals. I know that there are also "size-settings" are possible, 
but I'd like to set these 7-day cycle.

I use "Debian Jessie" as a Debootstrap-Setup with some selected LXDE 
components for a custom Desktop_GUI.

apt show systemd
   Package: systemd
   Version: 215-17+deb8u3

Can anyone help me with a advice? Many thanks for your help.

Also sorry…. it's a 40-years-ago-school-english...

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