RE: t-and-f: Title IX fight

2006-03-14 Thread Cathy Sellers
I would agree that men's sports have been unfairly lost, however, I
contend that it is not Title IX that has caused it, but poor financial
decisions by the Universities.  Men's programs get dropped when
Universities hire new male coaches at outrageous figures.  The
University can not maintain their current sports due to these salary
increases, the law prevents them from eliminating women's sports, so
men's sports are cut.  The cause is not Title IX is not to blame.

Catherine Sellers
United States Olympic Committee
Manager,  Coaching
1 Olympic Plaza
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
FAX- 719.866.4850
Get Olympic Coach magazine at:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 8:53 PM
Subject: t-and-f: Title IX fight

Supporters of Title IX policy reform argue that men's teams have been
unfairly lost in the last few decades. Some coaches say Title IX
discriminates against men. They say a loss of sports opportunities, such
as wrestling teams, can be blamed on Title IX's proportionality

A 1997 report released by the Department of Education carries a
different opinion: It is important to recognize that there is no
mandate under Title IX that requires a college to eliminate men's teams
to achieve compliance...the regulation is intended to expand
opportunities for both men and women.


Title IX supporters fight policy change

Attorney, Florida Coastal School of Law professor and former Olympic
swimmer Nancy Hogshead-Makar is a local expert on Title IX. She's part
of a national push by Title IX supporters asking for a recent policy
change to be revoked.

by Liz Daube

Staff Writer

Women's education and sports organizations are leading a national effort
to fight a policy change that they believe threatens Title IX. The
Department of Education issued a Title IX clarification last year that
allows schools to assess female student interest in sports with an
e-mail survey.

According to the campaign's Web site,, The
Department of Education has made a major change to the Title IX policy
that threatens to reverse the progress women and girls have made. The
Department's latest 'clarification' ignores long-time policy and years
of court rulings by telling our daughters they have to prove they are
interested, while male athletes have never had to prove their interest.

The policy lets schools send a mass e-mail survey to all their students.
Girls who don't respond can be counted as uninterested in sports and
that doesn't sit well with Nancy Hogshead-Makar, a Florida Coastal
School of Law professor and attorney who has joined the battle against
the new policy. She writes position papers and provides guidance on
sports and education equality law to parents, attorneys and reporters.

The survey is flawed, said Hogshead-Makar, adding that surveys usually
don't receive many results and e-mail accounts are often clogged with
spam. It (the survey) is biased to produce a certain result.

Title IX is a 1972 amendment that attempts to create equal school sports
opportunities for women by prohibiting sex discrimination in schools
with federal funding. Schools can prove that they're complying with the
law in three ways. First, schools can show that women and men in their
student population both have a proportional number of sports
opportunities. Essentially, if 50 percent of a school's students are
men, proportionality dictates only 50 percent of the school's athletes
should be men.

The second option allows the school to show a continuous history of
improvement - which, according to Hogshead-Makar, is pretty tough after
34 years.

The recent policy change applies to the third method, in which a school
shows they are meeting the interests and abilities of their students.

As a former Olympic swimmer, Hogshead-Makar has both professional and
personal interest in Title IX policy.

I owe my Olympic medal to this one law, said Hogshead-Makar. She
explained that when she was younger, she believed women reached their
athletic peak at age 17. I thought women didn't get any better
physically - not making the connection that they didn't improve because
there was no place for them to go. There were no opportunities.

Then, according to Hogshead-Makar, Title IX changed everything. She
received an athletic scholarship to Duke University, where she continued
to train. At age 22, she won an Olympic gold medal in the 100 meter

Hogshead-Makar said she wants the survey policy revoked because it
doesn't produce an accurate measure of female student interest or
address the needs of future students. She added that the schools need to
survey the population from which they recruit.

Supporters of Title IX policy reform argue that men's teams have been

RE: t-and-f: Title IX fight

2006-03-14 Thread Tim Willis

Unfortunately the executive branch in the government is not responsive
enough to alter or fine tune policies that would have prevented the
dropping of so many men's sports.  Keep in mind that the vast majority
of football programs report a half a million dollar or more loss each
year.  Therefore the athletic administrators look to dropping the sports
that cost in the neighborhood of one hundred thousand and receive the
benefits of eliminating the male slots on those sports.

I had the pleasure of hearing a presentation from Dona Lopianno (Women's
Sports Foundation C.E.O.) this past weekend.  Very interesting to hear
her perstective on the implementation of Title IX.

This issue will continue to be around until a coalition of athletic
adminsitrators begin to properly administered their budgets in a way
that reflect the reality on the ground.  Meaning that a team that loses
a half a million is far more harmful than a small men's team that does
not draw much revenue but only costs one hundred thousand or less.


Tim Willis, Esq.
(770) 908-2177

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cathy Sellers
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 12:10 PM
Subject: RE: t-and-f: Title IX fight

I would agree that men's sports have been unfairly lost, however, I
contend that it is not Title IX that has caused it, but poor financial
decisions by the Universities.  Men's programs get dropped when
Universities hire new male coaches at outrageous figures.  The
University can not maintain their current sports due to these salary
increases, the law prevents them from eliminating women's sports, so
men's sports are cut.  The cause is not Title IX is not to blame.

Catherine Sellers
United States Olympic Committee
Manager,  Coaching
1 Olympic Plaza
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
FAX- 719.866.4850
Get Olympic Coach magazine at:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 8:53 PM
Subject: t-and-f: Title IX fight

Supporters of Title IX policy reform argue that men's teams have been
unfairly lost in the last few decades. Some coaches say Title IX
discriminates against men. They say a loss of sports opportunities, such
as wrestling teams, can be blamed on Title IX's proportionality

A 1997 report released by the Department of Education carries a
different opinion: It is important to recognize that there is no
mandate under Title IX that requires a college to eliminate men's teams
to achieve compliance...the regulation is intended to expand
opportunities for both men and women.


Title IX supporters fight policy change

Attorney, Florida Coastal School of Law professor and former Olympic
swimmer Nancy Hogshead-Makar is a local expert on Title IX. She's part
of a national push by Title IX supporters asking for a recent policy
change to be revoked.

by Liz Daube

Staff Writer

Women's education and sports organizations are leading a national effort
to fight a policy change that they believe threatens Title IX. The
Department of Education issued a Title IX clarification last year that
allows schools to assess female student interest in sports with an
e-mail survey.

According to the campaign's Web site,, The
Department of Education has made a major change to the Title IX policy
that threatens to reverse the progress women and girls have made. The
Department's latest 'clarification' ignores long-time policy and years
of court rulings by telling our daughters they have to prove they are
interested, while male athletes have never had to prove their interest.

The policy lets schools send a mass e-mail survey to all their students.
Girls who don't respond can be counted as uninterested in sports and
that doesn't sit well with Nancy Hogshead-Makar, a Florida Coastal
School of Law professor and attorney who has joined the battle against
the new policy. She writes position papers and provides guidance on
sports and education equality law to parents, attorneys and reporters.

The survey is flawed, said Hogshead-Makar, adding that surveys usually
don't receive many results and e-mail accounts are often clogged with
spam. It (the survey) is biased to produce a certain result.

Title IX is a 1972 amendment that attempts to create equal school sports
opportunities for women by prohibiting sex discrimination in schools
with federal funding. Schools can prove that they're complying with the
law in three ways. First, schools can show that women and men in their
student population both have a proportional number of sports
opportunities. Essentially, if 50 percent of a school's students are
men, proportionality dictates only 50 percent of the school's athletes
should be men.

RE: t-and-f: Title IX fight

2006-03-14 Thread krbray
Meaning that a team that loses
a half a million is far more harmful than a small men's team that does
not draw much revenue but only costs one hundred thousand or less.

True enough, but the reason why football, even football that loses a half
million each year, is a net winner for many schools is that it is a huge
favorite with the alumni -- alumni with big checkbooks.  Keep the alums happy
and the school comes out ahead.  Unfortunately minor sports don't do that.  So
football ends up a sacred cow, which creates an even bigger and built-in gender
imbalance, since there is no women's football program.  So Title IX-wise any
school that fields a football team starts out in the hole.  And to dig
themselves out of the hole they are usually left with three choices: 1. Get rid
of football (a nonstarter; see reasons above).  2. Spend a lot of money they can
ill-afford on creating many new women's programs.  3.  Cut men's minor sports
programs to achieve the gender balance.

#3 is quick, easy, and saves money.  #2 is very lengthy, difficult, and in some
cases impo$$ible.  And #1 is out of the question.

Congress hoped for #2 but mostly got #3.  But given the realities it's easy to
see why things have turned out they way they have.

Kurt Bray

 Tim Willis   
 .net   To 
 Sent by:'Cathy Sellers'  

 03/14/2006 09:27 AMSubject 
 RE: t-and-f: Title IX fight

  Please respond to 
Tim Willis


Unfortunately the executive branch in the government is not responsive
enough to alter or fine tune policies that would have prevented the
dropping of so many men's sports.  Keep in mind that the vast majority
of football programs report a half a million dollar or more loss each
year.  Therefore the athletic administrators look to dropping the sports
that cost in the neighborhood of one hundred thousand and receive the
benefits of eliminating the male slots on those sports.

I had the pleasure of hearing a presentation from Dona Lopianno (Women's
Sports Foundation C.E.O.) this past weekend.  Very interesting to hear
her perstective on the implementation of Title IX.

This issue will continue to be around until a coalition of athletic
adminsitrators begin to properly administered their budgets in a way
that reflect the reality on the ground.  Meaning that a team that loses
a half a million is far more harmful than a small men's team that does
not draw much revenue but only costs one hundred thousand or less.


Tim Willis, Esq.
(770) 908-2177

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cathy Sellers
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 12:10 PM
Subject: RE: t-and-f: Title IX fight

I would agree that men's sports have been unfairly lost, however, I
contend that it is not Title IX that has caused it, but poor financial
decisions by the Universities.  Men's programs get dropped when
Universities hire new male coaches at outrageous figures.  The
University can not maintain their current sports due to these salary
increases, the law prevents them from eliminating women's sports, so
men's sports are cut.  The cause is not Title IX is not to blame.

Catherine Sellers
United States Olympic Committee
Manager,  Coaching
1 Olympic Plaza
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
FAX- 719.866.4850

Get Olympic Coach magazine at:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 8:53 PM
Subject: t-and-f: Title IX fight

Supporters of Title IX policy reform argue that men's teams have been
unfairly lost in the last few 

RE: t-and-f: Title IX fight

2006-03-14 Thread mikeprizy
I have done several articles on Title IX and Gender Equity. What I have have 
found is that universities are willing to tolerate $500,000 (and much higher) 
losses on football (and men's basketball) because these programs are used for 
and help to recruit students, hit on alumni for donations for academic dept. 
and the school's foundation, and to attract academic research grants.

I have come to the conclusion that many - if not most - university presidents, 
ADs, school marketing departments, and university foundation boards could give 
a crap about Olympic sports - men's or women's (I don't like to use the term 
minor sports.) Universities tolerate Title IX because if they did not abide 
by Title IX rules, universities would receive negative publicity and lose 
students, alumni support, and research grant money.

 -- Original message --
From: Tim Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unfortunately the executive branch in the government is not responsive
 enough to alter or fine tune policies that would have prevented the
 dropping of so many men's sports.  Keep in mind that the vast majority
 of football programs report a half a million dollar or more loss each
 year.  Therefore the athletic administrators look to dropping the sports
 that cost in the neighborhood of one hundred thousand and receive the
 benefits of eliminating the male slots on those sports.
 I had the pleasure of hearing a presentation from Dona Lopianno (Women's
 Sports Foundation C.E.O.) this past weekend.  Very interesting to hear
 her perstective on the implementation of Title IX.
 This issue will continue to be around until a coalition of athletic
 adminsitrators begin to properly administered their budgets in a way
 that reflect the reality on the ground.  Meaning that a team that loses
 a half a million is far more harmful than a small men's team that does
 not draw much revenue but only costs one hundred thousand or less.
 Tim Willis, Esq.
 (770) 908-2177
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cathy Sellers
 Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 12:10 PM
 Subject: RE: t-and-f: Title IX fight
 I would agree that men's sports have been unfairly lost, however, I
 contend that it is not Title IX that has caused it, but poor financial
 decisions by the Universities.  Men's programs get dropped when
 Universities hire new male coaches at outrageous figures.  The
 University can not maintain their current sports due to these salary
 increases, the law prevents them from eliminating women's sports, so
 men's sports are cut.  The cause is not Title IX is not to blame.
 Catherine Sellers
 United States Olympic Committee
 Manager,  Coaching
 1 Olympic Plaza
 Colorado Springs, CO 80909
 FAX- 719.866.4850
 Get Olympic Coach magazine at:
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 8:53 PM
 Subject: t-and-f: Title IX fight
 Supporters of Title IX policy reform argue that men's teams have been
 unfairly lost in the last few decades. Some coaches say Title IX
 discriminates against men. They say a loss of sports opportunities, such
 as wrestling teams, can be blamed on Title IX's proportionality
 A 1997 report released by the Department of Education carries a
 different opinion: It is important to recognize that there is no
 mandate under Title IX that requires a college to eliminate men's teams
 to achieve compliance...the regulation is intended to expand
 opportunities for both men and women.
 Title IX supporters fight policy change
 Attorney, Florida Coastal School of Law professor and former Olympic
 swimmer Nancy Hogshead-Makar is a local expert on Title IX. She's part
 of a national push by Title IX supporters asking for a recent policy
 change to be revoked.
 by Liz Daube
 Staff Writer
 Women's education and sports organizations are leading a national effort
 to fight a policy change that they believe threatens Title IX. The
 Department of Education issued a Title IX clarification last year that
 allows schools to assess female student interest in sports with an
 e-mail survey.
 According to the campaign's Web site,, The
 Department of Education has made a major change to the Title IX policy
 that threatens to reverse the progress women and girls have made. The
 Department's latest 'clarification' ignores long-time policy and years
 of court rulings by telling our daughters they have to prove they are
 interested, while male athletes have never had to prove their interest.
 The policy lets schools send a mass e-mail survey to all their students.
 Girls who don't 

Re: t-and-f: Title IX fight

2006-03-14 Thread Bill Roe
I had this theory years ago, but haven't had a legal case come  
forward to test it out.  It runs like this:

-- public high schools in the state offer X sports at the  
championship level.  All of those sports must be offered at public  
institutions of higher learning if ANY sports are offered.

-- when determining budgets, all of these sports must be treated the  
same.  If you hire a full-time head coach for football, you must  
budget for a full-time head coach for every other sport.  If you  
provide the football team with travel to X number of away contests,  
you must do that for the budget of every other sport.  If you provide  
new uniforms every year for basketball, then you must budget to do  
that for every other sport.

-- when you realize that you have budgeted expenses of $10 million  
when you treat everyone equally, and you only get $2 million in  
support from the state for your sports programs, then -- BEFORE  
REVENUES -- every sport would receive 20% of its requested budget.   
Now, here's the kicker -- each sport ALSO gets to keep all of the  
revenue it brings in.

So when the track teams would like $1 million, and they only get  
$200k from the budget process, and they only bring in $5k of entry  
fees and admissions during a year, then their budget is $205k.  When  
the football team budgets $2 million, and they only get $400k from  
the budget process, and they bring in $1.1 million in revenues, then  
they have a budget of $1.5 million.

Maybe I'm missing something, but it sounds simple to me...

Bill Roe

On 14 Mar 2006, at 10:32, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Meaning that a team that loses

a half a million is far more harmful than a small men's team that does
not draw much revenue but only costs one hundred thousand or less.

True enough, but the reason why football, even football that loses  
a half
million each year, is a net winner for many schools is that it is a  
favorite with the alumni -- alumni with big checkbooks.  Keep the  
alums happy
and the school comes out ahead.  Unfortunately minor sports don't  
do that.  So
football ends up a sacred cow, which creates an even bigger and  
built-in gender
imbalance, since there is no women's football program.  So Title IX- 
wise any

school that fields a football team starts out in the hole.  And to dig
themselves out of the hole they are usually left with three  
choices: 1. Get rid
of football (a nonstarter; see reasons above).  2. Spend a lot of  
money they can
ill-afford on creating many new women's programs.  3.  Cut men's  
minor sports

programs to achieve the gender balance.

#3 is quick, easy, and saves money.  #2 is very lengthy, difficult,  
and in some

cases impo$$ible.  And #1 is out of the question.

Congress hoped for #2 but mostly got #3.  But given the realities  
it's easy to

see why things have turned out they way they have.

Kurt Bray

 Tim Willis

 Sent by:'Cathy Sellers'

 03/14/2006 09:27  

 RE: t-and-f: Title IX fight

  Please respond to
Tim Willis


Unfortunately the executive branch in the government is not responsive
enough to alter or fine tune policies that would have prevented the
dropping of so many men's sports.  Keep in mind that the vast majority
of football programs report a half a million dollar or more loss each
year.  Therefore the athletic administrators look to dropping the  

that cost in the neighborhood of one hundred thousand and receive the
benefits of eliminating the male slots on those sports.

I had the pleasure of hearing a presentation from Dona Lopianno  

Sports Foundation C.E.O.) this past weekend.  Very interesting to hear
her perstective on the implementation of Title IX.

This issue will continue to be around until a coalition of athletic
adminsitrators begin to properly administered their budgets in a way
that reflect the reality on the ground.  Meaning that a team that  

a half a million is far more harmful than a small men's team that does
not draw much revenue but only costs one hundred thousand or less.


Tim Willis, Esq.
(770) 908-2177

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cathy Sellers
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 12:10 PM
Subject: RE: t-and-f: Title IX fight

I would agree that men's sports have been unfairly lost, however, I
contend that it is not Title IX that has caused it, 

RE: t-and-f: Title IX fight

2006-03-14 Thread Tim Willis

I like your proposal but keep in mind that the intent of Title IX was to
remedy a disparity that was fostered for many decades on college
campuses.  This is why the dropping of the men's sports is not seen as a
Title IX violation.

Another thought if you total up the amount of money that has been spent
by schools in fighting Title IX lawsuits you would have enough money to
fund many of these men's sports that have been dropped.  The many Title
IX suits brought by women should have been settled immediately and then
the costs of litigation would not have been so high.

Tim Willis, Esq.
(770) 908-2177

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Roe
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: t-and-f: Title IX fight

I had this theory years ago, but haven't had a legal case come  
forward to test it out.  It runs like this:

-- public high schools in the state offer X sports at the  
championship level.  All of those sports must be offered at public  
institutions of higher learning if ANY sports are offered.

-- when determining budgets, all of these sports must be treated the  
same.  If you hire a full-time head coach for football, you must  
budget for a full-time head coach for every other sport.  If you  
provide the football team with travel to X number of away contests,  
you must do that for the budget of every other sport.  If you provide  
new uniforms every year for basketball, then you must budget to do  
that for every other sport.

-- when you realize that you have budgeted expenses of $10 million  
when you treat everyone equally, and you only get $2 million in  
support from the state for your sports programs, then -- BEFORE  
REVENUES -- every sport would receive 20% of its requested budget.   
Now, here's the kicker -- each sport ALSO gets to keep all of the  
revenue it brings in.

So when the track teams would like $1 million, and they only get  
$200k from the budget process, and they only bring in $5k of entry  
fees and admissions during a year, then their budget is $205k.  When  
the football team budgets $2 million, and they only get $400k from  
the budget process, and they bring in $1.1 million in revenues, then  
they have a budget of $1.5 million.

Maybe I'm missing something, but it sounds simple to me...

Bill Roe

On 14 Mar 2006, at 10:32, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Meaning that a team that loses
 a half a million is far more harmful than a small men's team that does

 not draw much revenue but only costs one hundred thousand or less.

 True enough, but the reason why football, even football that loses
 a half
 million each year, is a net winner for many schools is that it is a  
 favorite with the alumni -- alumni with big checkbooks.  Keep the  
 alums happy
 and the school comes out ahead.  Unfortunately minor sports don't  
 do that.  So
 football ends up a sacred cow, which creates an even bigger and  
 built-in gender
 imbalance, since there is no women's football program.  So Title IX- 
 wise any
 school that fields a football team starts out in the hole.  And to dig
 themselves out of the hole they are usually left with three  
 choices: 1. Get rid
 of football (a nonstarter; see reasons above).  2. Spend a lot of  
 money they can
 ill-afford on creating many new women's programs.  3.  Cut men's  
 minor sports
 programs to achieve the gender balance.

 #3 is quick, easy, and saves money.  #2 is very lengthy, difficult,
 and in some
 cases impo$$ible.  And #1 is out of the question.

 Congress hoped for #2 but mostly got #3.  But given the realities
 it's easy to
 see why things have turned out they way they have.

 Kurt Bray

  Tim Willis

  Sent by:'Cathy Sellers'


  03/14/2006 09:27  
  RE: t-and-f: Title IX fight

   Please respond to
 Tim Willis


 Unfortunately the executive branch in the government is not responsive

 enough to alter or fine tune policies that would have prevented the 
 dropping of so many men's sports.  Keep in mind that the vast majority

 of football programs report a half a million dollar or more loss each 
 year.  Therefore the athletic administrators look to dropping the
 that cost in the neighborhood of one hundred thousand and receive the
 benefits of eliminating the male slots on those sports.

 I had the pleasure of hearing a presentation from Dona Lopianno
 Sports Foundation C.E.O.) this past weekend.  Very interesting to hear
 her perstective on the implementation of 

Re: t-and-f: Title IX fight

2006-03-14 Thread Tom Derderian

I think you may be onto something. When I was a college head coach my  
biggest competitors were the other coaches at my own school at budget  
time. And in contrast the coaches of the teams we competed against in  
track and cross-country were more program supporters than  
competitors. Hardly any of them had a good relationship with their  
athletic directors. Maybe you explain why.

On Mar 14, 2006, at 2:05 PM, Bill Roe wrote:

I had this theory years ago, but haven't had a legal case come  
forward to test it out.  It runs like this:

-- public high schools in the state offer X sports at the  
championship level.  All of those sports must be offered at public  
institutions of higher learning if ANY sports are offered.

-- when determining budgets, all of these sports must be treated  
the same.  If you hire a full-time head coach for football, you  
must budget for a full-time head coach for every other sport.  If  
you provide the football team with travel to X number of away  
contests, you must do that for the budget of every other sport.  If  
you provide new uniforms every year for basketball, then you must  
budget to do that for every other sport.

-- when you realize that you have budgeted expenses of $10 million  
when you treat everyone equally, and you only get $2 million in  
support from the state for your sports programs, then -- BEFORE  
REVENUES -- every sport would receive 20% of its requested budget.   
Now, here's the kicker -- each sport ALSO gets to keep all of the  
revenue it brings in.

So when the track teams would like $1 million, and they only get  
$200k from the budget process, and they only bring in $5k of entry  
fees and admissions during a year, then their budget is $205k.   
When the football team budgets $2 million, and they only get $400k  
from the budget process, and they bring in $1.1 million in  
revenues, then they have a budget of $1.5 million.

Maybe I'm missing something, but it sounds simple to me...

Bill Roe

On 14 Mar 2006, at 10:32, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Meaning that a team that loses
a half a million is far more harmful than a small men's team that  

not draw much revenue but only costs one hundred thousand or less.

True enough, but the reason why football, even football that loses  
a half
million each year, is a net winner for many schools is that it is  
a huge
favorite with the alumni -- alumni with big checkbooks.  Keep the  
alums happy
and the school comes out ahead.  Unfortunately minor sports don't  
do that.  So
football ends up a sacred cow, which creates an even bigger and  
built-in gender
imbalance, since there is no women's football program.  So Title  
IX-wise any
school that fields a football team starts out in the hole.  And to  
themselves out of the hole they are usually left with three  
choices: 1. Get rid
of football (a nonstarter; see reasons above).  2. Spend a lot of  
money they can
ill-afford on creating many new women's programs.  3.  Cut men's  
minor sports

programs to achieve the gender balance.

#3 is quick, easy, and saves money.  #2 is very lengthy,  
difficult, and in some

cases impo$$ible.  And #1 is out of the question.

Congress hoped for #2 but mostly got #3.  But given the realities  
it's easy to

see why things have turned out they way they have.

Kurt Bray

 Tim Willis

 Sent by:'Cathy Sellers'

 03/14/2006 09:27  

 RE: t-and-f: Title IX fight

  Please respond to
Tim Willis


Unfortunately the executive branch in the government is not  

enough to alter or fine tune policies that would have prevented the
dropping of so many men's sports.  Keep in mind that the vast  

of football programs report a half a million dollar or more loss each
year.  Therefore the athletic administrators look to dropping the  

that cost in the neighborhood of one hundred thousand and receive the
benefits of eliminating the male slots on those sports.

I had the pleasure of hearing a presentation from Dona Lopianno  
Sports Foundation C.E.O.) this past weekend.  Very interesting to  

her perstective on the implementation of Title IX.

This issue will continue to be around until a coalition of athletic
adminsitrators begin to properly administered their budgets in a way
that reflect the reality on the ground.  Meaning that a team that  
a half a million is far more harmful than a small men's team 

RE: t-and-f: Title IX fight

2006-03-14 Thread Steve DiNatale
I alway's thought it was about The Student Athlete.
Without these young Women and Men; we as so called Adults woulnd not have 
games/matches/meets to watch!
Let the kids play.

 - Original Message -
 From: Cathy Sellers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: t-and-f: Title IX fight
 Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 10:09:46 -0700
 I would agree that men's sports have been unfairly lost, however, I
 contend that it is not Title IX that has caused it, but poor financial
 decisions by the Universities.  Men's programs get dropped when
 Universities hire new male coaches at outrageous figures.  The
 University can not maintain their current sports due to these salary
 increases, the law prevents them from eliminating women's sports, so
 men's sports are cut.  The cause is not Title IX is not to blame.
 Catherine Sellers
 United States Olympic Committee
 Manager,  Coaching
 1 Olympic Plaza
 Colorado Springs, CO 80909
 FAX- 719.866.4850
 Get Olympic Coach magazine at:
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 8:53 PM
 Subject: t-and-f: Title IX fight
 Supporters of Title IX policy reform argue that men's teams have been
 unfairly lost in the last few decades. Some coaches say Title IX
 discriminates against men. They say a loss of sports opportunities, such
 as wrestling teams, can be blamed on Title IX's proportionality
 A 1997 report released by the Department of Education carries a
 different opinion: It is important to recognize that there is no
 mandate under Title IX that requires a college to eliminate men's teams
 to achieve compliance...the regulation is intended to expand
 opportunities for both men and women.
 Title IX supporters fight policy change
 Attorney, Florida Coastal School of Law professor and former Olympic
 swimmer Nancy Hogshead-Makar is a local expert on Title IX. She's part
 of a national push by Title IX supporters asking for a recent policy
 change to be revoked.
 by Liz Daube
 Staff Writer
 Women's education and sports organizations are leading a national effort
 to fight a policy change that they believe threatens Title IX. The
 Department of Education issued a Title IX clarification last year that
 allows schools to assess female student interest in sports with an
 e-mail survey.
 According to the campaign's Web site,, The
 Department of Education has made a major change to the Title IX policy
 that threatens to reverse the progress women and girls have made. The
 Department's latest 'clarification' ignores long-time policy and years
 of court rulings by telling our daughters they have to prove they are
 interested, while male athletes have never had to prove their interest.
 The policy lets schools send a mass e-mail survey to all their students.
 Girls who don't respond can be counted as uninterested in sports and
 that doesn't sit well with Nancy Hogshead-Makar, a Florida Coastal
 School of Law professor and attorney who has joined the battle against
 the new policy. She writes position papers and provides guidance on
 sports and education equality law to parents, attorneys and reporters.
 The survey is flawed, said Hogshead-Makar, adding that surveys usually
 don't receive many results and e-mail accounts are often clogged with
 spam. It (the survey) is biased to produce a certain result.
 Title IX is a 1972 amendment that attempts to create equal school sports
 opportunities for women by prohibiting sex discrimination in schools
 with federal funding. Schools can prove that they're complying with the
 law in three ways. First, schools can show that women and men in their
 student population both have a proportional number of sports
 opportunities. Essentially, if 50 percent of a school's students are
 men, proportionality dictates only 50 percent of the school's athletes
 should be men.
 The second option allows the school to show a continuous history of
 improvement - which, according to Hogshead-Makar, is pretty tough after
 34 years.
 The recent policy change applies to the third method, in which a school
 shows they are meeting the interests and abilities of their students.
 As a former Olympic swimmer, Hogshead-Makar has both professional and
 personal interest in Title IX policy.
 I owe my Olympic medal to this one law, said Hogshead-Makar. She
 explained that when she was younger, she believed women reached their
 athletic peak at age 17. I thought women didn't get any better
 physically - not making the connection that they didn't improve because
 there was no place for them to go. There were no opportunities.
 Then, according to Hogshead-Makar, Title IX changed everything. She