t-and-f: A change....

2000-10-16 Thread DJCRibeye

Do you think the subject heading "Angry White Lesbians" can be changed, so I 
dont continually think its another porno site advertisement

If someone already requested this, please forgive me!

Dave Cohen

Re: t-and-f: Pre-empting

2001-08-13 Thread DJCRibeye

Why am I writing this?   I don't know, I am just as bored now as I was yesterday, 

I was just impressed that a guy I knew from my High School days, a three-sport star 
from Watertown, CT and former Detroit Tiger, NY Met, Philadelphia Phillie, Boston Red 
Sox, and most recently this year, Atlanta Brave, was doing the color commentary from 
Indianapolis on the Minnesota vs Iowa Little League WS Regional Championship.. I 
too wonder if ESPN2 got better ratings on the Little League than the track.  And could 
they have gotten the same ratings if they tape-delayed the baseball? Then again many 
of you would have missed the ending to the other game.

Dave Cohen

Reply-To: "Chapman, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 09:39:37 -0500

>What are the chances that the World Series will pre-empted by a broadcast of
>a Gulf States regional junior olympic track meet?
>That's what happened here (in reverse) in the Central time zone - waiting
>40min past the scheduled start time of the WC broadcast for the final
>innings of a Little League World Series qualifier.  Really solidified my
>understanding of the sports importance food chain.
>The only salvo was that the game did go extra innings.  Louisiana brought in
>their stud pitcher to close with bases loaded & 1 out in the bottom of the
>inning and the kid was throwing some serious BB's.  I may have found a
>future javelin recruit in 5 years.  Plus, some of these kids handled the
>pressure better than our pros on the track.  Nary a bobble between their
>glove hand and their throwing hand 


2001-09-26 Thread DJCRibeye

I have actually read all the posts on this thread...I happen to really like "RT"'s 
post.  I think he really began to get to the root of the issues.  

I just want to sum up my take on this

1) I happen to think it is absolutely awesome that Coach Nepolitan was going to take a 
High School team on a road trip.  When I was in HS, I would have killed to be able to 
take such a trip but was never afforded the opportunity.

2) I think it is an absolute shame that the trip is being cancelled.  But it is their 
choice.  In my opinion, kids should not be sheltered and adults should not be 
facilitating an atmosphere of fear. The airlines are just as safe now as they were 
when you purchased the tickets...nothing has really changed except we have come to the 
realization that there are many maniacs in this world and the airline safety system is 
not perfect.

3) If economically all you (or anyone in this list) are losing is $100, you are well 
ahead of the game.  Actually if it only costs you a $1,000 or $2,000.That is a 
small price tag to pay in comparison with what so many people are dealing with today.  
The company I just left a month ago, let go a third of their workforce today. 

4) Nobody should be singling out Delta.  This is an industry wide problem.  The 
standard fee used to be $75.  It was raised industry wide (almost all major airlines, 
Southwest has an unique business model) to $100 just recently.  However you should 
note that airlines will routinely overbook flights with the anticipation that x% of 
all booked passangers will cancel, but not all flights sell out.

5)I wouldn't waste your time calling Congressmen, etc...that is energy well wasted.  I 
imagine there are far more important things to concentrate on.

6) FYI - Delta does have a "sports desk" that specializes in team travel.  They have 
special rules that do not pertain to normal tickets purchases.  If you are booking an 
athletic group and want to use Delta, ask for the "sports desk"

Just my two cents...I know there is so much more I could say, but

Take care,
Dave Cohen

t-and-f: Fan Base.....

2001-03-21 Thread DJCRibeye

Greetings to all:

I have read some posts under the "New Rules" thread, and among the friendly (or not so 
friendly) banter, I tried to grasp the theme.  Now, I did not have time to read all 
the e-mails, but from what I understand, the debate over the false start rule falls 
under two categories;

1) Is the new rule good for competition.
2) Is the new rule good for the fan.

Understanding the first, but having difficulty with the second.  I do not see the 
correlation of changing the false start rule to the increase or decrease of fan 
support in the U.S.  Maybe it is just me, but I see only a few ways to actually 
increase the fan base in the United States.

1) Believing that Track and Field is a "grass roots" sport, if you want to increase 
support, increase the participation levels at the youth (and middle/high school) 
level, and make every attempt to keep those involved at an early age interested 
throughout the years.  It is amazing what allegiances in sport do for support.   By 
the way, how have participation rates been doing at these levels??

2) As I have said before, Gambling.  Horses, Dogs, and why not Humans?  The NFL has 
survived over the years because you can take two 0-10 teams, add a point spread and 
potentially create 3 hours of riveting excitement! :) Which of course adds to 
increased TV market share, etc.

3) Get a select group of members from this list, take a drive to Stamford, 
Connecticut, and pay a visit to the McMahon family business.  I can see it now, The 
XTS (X-Treme Track Series). This idea actually may already have begun (i.e. Sydney, 
controversial outfits, etc).  While I am not a fan of WWF, and I do believe early XFL 
marketing strategies were ill-fated, they are the experts at crossing that line to 
attract their targeted demographic.  Just think about some of the rules or events that 
can be created... Allowing athlete interference on the track,  pole vaulting while 
javelins are flying at you, etc (I think you get my point).

In other words, I just cannot see many people in our country becoming fans of track 
and field without allegiances or a connection, unless you make a spectacle of the 

If anyone has already posted these ideas, please forgive me, I am not trying to steal 
anyone's thunder.

All comments are welcome, complimentary and hateful.

Take care, and I hope everyone enjoys the outdoor season.

Dave Cohen  

“The ideas expressed in this e-mail are solely mine, and do not reflect any know 
association with anyone”

Re: t-and-f: track athlete kicked off team for being a stripper

2001-03-28 Thread DJCRibeye

Great Story..

If I remember my NCAA handbook correctly, if she was receiving any institutional 
financial aid and she was really good at her "after school job", she probably would be 
in violation of NCAA by-laws after only a very short time on the stage, regardless of 
any code of conduct rules.

I believe it works something like this...

(Institutional Financial Aid + Income Earned) > (Full Grant in Aid + $2,000) = 


Please correct me if I am wrong

Dave Cohen

Re: t-and-f: track athlete kicked off team for being a stripper

2001-03-28 Thread DJCRibeye

Great Story..

If I remember my NCAA handbook correctly, if she was receiving any institutional 
financial aid and she was really good at her "after school job", she probably would be 
in violation of NCAA by-laws after only a very short time on the stage, regardless of 
any code of conduct rules.

I believe it works something like this...

(Institutional Financial Aid + Income Earned) > (Full Grant in Aid + $2,000) = 


Please correct me if I am wrong

Dave Cohen

Re: t-and-f: Donohue: 4:47.61 at Princeton

2001-05-13 Thread DJCRibeye

In a message dated 5/13/01 8:46:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< NJ must be enlightened - in CT they wouldn't accept a mark if it wasn't 
 in a state HS meet. >>

I do not believe that this statement is true.  I believe in Connecticut that 
they will accept a mark as a state record if the mark was set in a sanctioned 
High School meet with five or more schools competing.  However, it  has 
been a few years since I coached High School in CT...

Dave Cohen

Re: t-and-f: half-joking thought about Webb...

2001-05-29 Thread DJCRibeye


YES!!!  I would certainly hope and expect that if any athlete is medically 
disqualified that the university would honor the scholarship.  Any parent of a 
potential student/athlete should inquire about university policies pertaining to this 
before signing a scholarship!.  A medically disqualified student/athlete's 
scholarship does not count against NCAA scholarship limits.

Dave Cohen