Re: t-and-f: Why Sully Rules

2000-10-05 Thread KUKIMBIA

In a message dated 10/5/00 2:40:17 PM Central Daylight Time, 
 I'm not too knowledgeable about Ethiopia, but nothing could be further from
 the truth about Kenya. Running/X-C/Track and Field is at best the fouth or
 fifth most popular sport in Kenya, trailing soccer, boxing, cricket and even
 horse racing. MOST people on the street would not recognize Paul Tergat if
 he were standing next to them, and they most likely would not have heard of
 someone of the stature of , say, Tom Nyariki. /Drew

Drew is absolutely right.  Football (soccer) is number one in Kenya.  Give a 
Kenyan runner some free time and a soccer ball and you've got yourself a 
happy guy.  The other sports mentioned are also up there.  In fact, pick up a 
copy of the Standard or a similar publication and you're as likely to find a 
golf story headlining the sports section as you are to finding an athletics 

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: chicago marathon

2000-10-22 Thread KUKIMBIA

9 of the top 25 men are Americans.  Otieno, Labankette and Kariuki are not 
from the US as reported.

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: chicago marathon

2000-10-22 Thread KUKIMBIA

Yes, it was a good day in general for the Americans, and there were some 
notable crash-and-burns among the foreigners.  Americans ran more 
conservatively, e.g., only Morris was with two minutes of the leaders as 
early as 15k, and was a full minute back himself.  Mack ran a very nice race 
also.  Perhaps it's now time for someone to take the initiative and be more 
aggressive early.  

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: Temperature and performance

2000-11-07 Thread KUKIMBIA
Temperature and humidity would seem to be more appropriate than temperature and barometric pressure.  NYCM had a formula in place for Sunday's race where the standards for time incentives would be eased if both the temperature and humidity were at or above predetermined levels when the winner crossed the finish line.

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: Only in our sport/Willie May

2000-11-15 Thread KUKIMBIA
In a message dated 11/15/00 5:13:30 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This was a day or two before Willie lost that controversial HH race to defending champ Lee Calhoun (Contorversial because Lee went over the line with his upper torso parallel to the groun while May finished with a more conventional lead and the question was whether enough of Calhoun's torso had crossed the line before May hit it with his chest. Willie always felt he got there first, but didn't demand a recount.
    Ed Grant

To this day Willie will never bring the subject up, either in public or in private, but when asked he still feels confident that he won the race.  A very gracious man.

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: AOY

2000-12-01 Thread KUKIMBIA
In a message dated 12/1/00 2:14:17 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

next comes the hop, step and jump.

What next?  The broad jump??


Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: Speaking of Sprints

2000-12-07 Thread KUKIMBIA
Conway.  Darrell.   what's wrong with you two?  

No name calling?  No references to drugs?  No allegations?  No accusations?  No snide remarks?

Have you forgotten where you are??

Thanksand have a nice time.

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: 400H

2001-01-12 Thread KUKIMBIA
In a message dated 1/12/01 4:30:28 PM Central Standard Time, 

The old-fart contingent still remembers well when the tradition (for 
maaannny years) was to run the 180y lows! Try explaining that one to 
somebody from another country! (or to somebody now who wasn't there then). 
California State meet, for one, didn't switch until 1975.

Illinois switched in 1974.  I guess California always has been a little slow 
to react...

FYI, Greg Foster won the 300LH in '75 but was 2nd in '76.  He won HH both 
years, a preview of his future forte.  Ran a great anchor on the relay as 

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: On 3/4 turn staggers

2001-01-26 Thread KUKIMBIA
Anchor leg like that?  Got to be Skeets.

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: Bob Kennedy/NY Times

2001-02-01 Thread KUKIMBIA
In a message dated 2/1/01 8:08:04 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Passing up prize money in road racing, Kennedy stuck to the events 
on the track. 

A simple statement, but one often overlooked by athletes and coaches. The 
sooner we return to a focus on the track with our elite athletes, the 
chance we have of producing a Bob Kennedy, Todd Williams or a Lynn 
We are much better off keeping our elite track athletes away from the road 
running craze. 

I've heard this theory too many times and I don't subscribe to it.  Nothing 
wrong with an INTELLIGENT mix of venues.

Paul Tergat is a classic example.  A proven competitor on the track at the OG 
and WC level, a record in cross that speaks for itself, and an equally 
impressive resume over the years on the roads (e.g., Lisbon half marathon and 
Sao Silvestre).

Bruce Meyer

t-and-f: logical progression (was El G)

2001-02-24 Thread KUKIMBIA
In a message dated 2/24/01 2:19:17 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I have a question, why do we have 1500, not 1600?  And 3200 instead of 3000 
as a regular event?  And where did 5000 evolve from?  There seems to be 
little relation between the distances. 

So, Darrell, Garry, et al, what would the logical event progression be?

100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 1?

All run, of course, on a 500m track.  

Certainly would make for some interesting choices among athletes, e.g., would 
Mo tackle the 250?  Could MJ go another 11-12 seconds without the gorilla 
jumping on his back?  Ngeny in the 2500?  DGS, could you get MacD to 
cheerfully take on an extra 100m??

The best part?  With the extra seats surrounding the bigger track, there'd be 
plenty of room for all of Joe Rubio's friends to stand up whenever they 
wanted to.

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: Big Ten Men's Indoor

2001-02-25 Thread KUKIMBIA
In a message dated 2/25/01 8:15:31 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Two in a row and a meet record for Jason Van Swol of Illinois in the 800 

Make that three in a row for Van Swol, a junior.

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: Edwards Second

2001-03-09 Thread KUKIMBIA
In a message dated 3/9/01 11:04:54 AM Central Standard Time, 

Such as commenting about
Jonathan Edwards being upset 17.32 to 17.26 by Paolo Camossi of Italy?

Biggest news by an Italian since Evangelisti took.

Never mind.  Wrong story.

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: "the prince"

2001-03-21 Thread KUKIMBIA
In a message dated 3/20/01 11:44:27 PM Central Standard Time, 

when Cap was
still an assistant at KU...

wrong school (but nice try anyway)

Bruce Meyer

t-and-f: Suleiman Nyambui

2001-03-25 Thread KUKIMBIA
in a message dated 23 March, Tom Derderian writes:

>>Does anyone know what has happened to Suleiman Nyambui?  Where is he?

Suleiman is back in Tanzania, living about 40 miles from Arusha.  He is a 
national coach (he was in Sydney) and has also formed a developmental 
alliance with the Australian Institute of Sports.

Bruce Meyer

t-and-f: Kalenjins Who Have Won Boston

2001-04-13 Thread KUKIMBIA
Following is a list of the Kalenjin women who have won the Boston Marathon:

Gee, with all the tribes that make up the Kalenjin "tribe", you'd think they 
could have won something.

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: UCLA win streak over

2001-05-06 Thread KUKIMBIA
In a message dated 5/6/01 7:33:52 PM Central Daylight Time, 

The steeplechase?  The meet organizers couldn't count, and made the 
competitors do an extra lap.  Needless to say, the times were terrible.

Glad to know there's an explanation for those times.


Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: Michael Johnson On Edmonton 4x400

2001-05-06 Thread KUKIMBIA
In a message dated 5/6/01 8:40:38 PM Central Daylight Time, 

If he doesn't run any 400 races between the cited recent April Penn race, 
and August (or whenever the WC is), then his 44.2 at Penn "erodes" in 
relative objective value.  Let's say likely fitness erodes by 0.3 seconds 
for every month he doesn't race.

On the other hand, how many times did MJ race in the months leading up to 

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: Michael Johnson On Edmonton 4x400

2001-05-07 Thread KUKIMBIA
From my perspective, no matter what transpires, the bottom line of this 
discussion is that NO ONE is bigger than the sport.

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: Howard and Clark

2001-05-17 Thread KUKIMBIA
In a message dated 5/17/01 9:49:15 PM Central Daylight Time, 

Won't happen to me since I won't take anything for a cold other than a 
dossage of Vit C.

Dangerous thing to say on this list.  

If you were from Kenya the skeptics would already be at your throat.


Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: Immigration Agency Offers Expedited Visas for $1,000 By ERIC SC...

2001-06-01 Thread KUKIMBIA
In a message dated 6/1/01 7:45:49 AM Central Daylight Time, 

The Immigration and Naturalization Service will start 
charging foreign scientists, athletes, corporate executives and other 
workers an extra $1,000 to speed the processing of their temporary work 
In a pilot program aimed at raising money to reduce the years of waiting 
other immigration services...

Amazing that the INS will become a model of efficiency if we just slip 'em an 
extra USD1000.

Bruce Meyer

t-and-f: passing of Edwins Okeyo

2001-06-05 Thread KUKIMBIA
Edwins Okeyo, the oldest son of Kenya Amateur Athletic Association 
Secretary-General David Okeyo, passed early Tuesday morning Kenya time at the 
Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi.

Burial will be up country on 16 June in Kisumu.

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: Wild Cards

2000-08-14 Thread KUKIMBIA

In a message dated 8/14/00 7:27:49 PM Central Daylight Time, 
<<  .. However, if there are going to be wild cards would they just be given 
to those two or would there be some "criteria" set up that would 
allow others the
 opportunity as well ?? Former Olympic or World Champions ?? Record Holders?? 
 Conway Hill

As a former champion, they had Gene Sarazen at the Masters till he was 97 
years. old.  Maybe Olympic Champions could get lifetime exemptions, 

Bruce Meyer

Re: t-and-f: Rotich/Chirchir

2000-09-10 Thread KUKIMBIA

Anyone who believes the Kenyan team is set has never dealt with the K.A.A.A.

Bruce Meyer