Re: [Tagging] [OSM-talk] OSM is a right mess

2015-06-04 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
The oneway=yes, oneway=no conundrum.. put yourself in the position
where you are looking at a road ahead of you. It is only wide enough for
one vehicle but has passing bays along it's length. It is not wide enough
to be a conventional twoway road so can it be tagged twoway? That would
give the impression that cars can progress along it in opposite directions
at the same timethat would be incorrect. But neither direction has the
right of way and it is up to driver discretion and politeness as to who
will reverse back to the passing bay. So oneway=no but twoway is not
necessary yes.

As is the case of a narrow bridge where traffic from one side has to give
way to traffic from the other side because the bridge is only wide enough
for one vehicle so is it a single lane twoway or single lane oneway=no. You
cannot indicate that cars can go in both directions at the same time so it
is a oneway in both directions. So oneway=no would indicate that adequately

I know.. it sounded confusing when I was trying to write it so if it sounds
weird it probably is... but it does exist. Just how to tag it without using

On 4 June 2015 at 16:08, pmailkeey . wrote:

 On 3 June 2015 at 07:00, Maarten Deen wrote:

 On 2015-06-03 02:04, pmailkeey . wrote:

 iD shows oneway=unknown if it's not set. If it's unknown, iD should
 not show oneway at all.

 I agree.

  In OSM if oneway=no then it's not oneway and the oneway tag should not
 appear at all.

 Here I don't agree.

  The only time oneway should appear is in the case of oneway=yes - and
 the '=yes' is superfluous.

 Some roads are implied oneway. E.g. junction=roundabout and
 highway=motorway both imply that the road is one-way only. If for some
 reason the object in case is not oneway, a oneway=no tag is very much

 I agree that in every case where oneway=yes is not implied, oneway=no is
 superfluous (in a network design way), but that does not make oneway=no

 There is also the occurence of oneway=-1 in case someone reverses the
 direction of a way. What should be done when the only possibility for
 oneway is either set or unset and the direction gets reversed? Should
 reversing be disallowed? Should you get a warning oneway street can not be


 Are the world of random renderers going to look for junction=roundabout
 and make the same oneway assumption ? Would it not be better for
 'junction=roundabout' to cause a mechanical edit by adding the oneway tag -
 so that rather than saying =no, the tag could simply be removed ?

 What reason is there for reversing the way - as presumably all
 direction-dependent tags have + / - options ? Leads to the question as to
 why make oneway an exception to this rule - it seems most logical to have
 oneway as the direction as indicated rather than against.

 Them's my thoughts !

 @millomweb -
 For all your info on Millom and South Copeland
 via *the area's premier website - *

 *currently unavailable due to ongoing harassment of me, my family,
 property  pets*


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Re: [Tagging] OSM is a right mess (was: Craigslist OpenStreetMap Rendering Issue)

2015-06-04 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
[Errr road is where you cannot determine the classification.

highway=road is where you cannot determine anything other than it is some
link between features.

[ From satellite imagery I can infer the surface and number of lanes
most of the time.
[  I can usually infer the classification from the start, finish,
connecting road classifications and some cultural knowledge.

Then you have not been trying to find routes between villages in Africa or
Nepal during a HOT Activation where the unsurfaced feature you are seeing
could be anything from a path to a track to a tertiary road about the width
of a single lane or less and then again it could also be a dry

The rescue and humanitarian teams on the ground need maps as soon as
humanly possible and putting highway=road for all unknown classifications
is something that is easy for all volunteer mappers to understand and can
be recalled from that area and verified later. But at least there is
something tentative on the map for aid teams to attempt to get to the next
small village if it is at all possible.

And is not possible to count the lanes on a sand track in the
middle of the bush... but that may well be the tertiary link in that area
and becomes an impassable muddy quagmire in the rainy season with small
deviations off into the bush where vehicles have tried to find a temporary
route around the mud trap.

On 4 June 2015 at 00:04, Warin wrote:

 On 3/06/2015 11:16 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

  Am 03.06.2015 um 13:48 schrieb Richard

 Better ideas?

 there's highway=road in use for situations where you trace from aerial
 imagery and have no clue about the situation on the ground (name, oneway,
 maxspeed etc)

 Errr road is where you cannot determine the classification.

 From satellite imagery I can infer the surface and number of lanes most of
 the time.
  I can usually infer the classification from the start, finish, connecting
 road classifications and some cultural knowledge.

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Re: [Tagging] Big amenity=fountain

2015-05-31 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
I am a bit puzzled by the use of amenity here.

According to wiki it is Covering an assortment of community
facilities... that
are of obvious use to locals and/or tourists such as toilets, banks,

I find the use of amenity for things like a bar or biergarten or sauna to
be outside this description.

I also do not understand the use of amenity for a tourist or ornamental
feature such as a fountain?

Please, if we are going to discuss how to tag a feature then let us first
put it in it's correct category.

Surely it is just a place-of-interest and would be under tourism=fountain
for those fountains that are of interest to the visitor (and would
therefore not be confused with a drinking fountain which would be an
amenity=drinking_water) and man_made=fountain for others of less note (as I
am unaware of a general place_of_interest tag).

On 31 May 2015 at 00:50, Daniel Koć daniel@koć.pl wrote:

 W dniu 31.05.2015 1:33, Warin napisał(a):


 Height over, say, 5 metres? Use the height= tag.
 Width/length over, say, 10 metres? Use the appropriate tag.
 {There is no diameter tag? Could be usefull for pipelines and
 fountains and silos and etc..}

 I mean big like the whole area:

 Is tagging each nozzle here as amenity=fountain proper? I guess not,
 because the name belongs to the whole area (fountain object), not to
 individual nozzles.

 The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags
 down [A. Cohen]

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Re: [Tagging] Removal of amenity from OSM tagging

2015-05-28 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
And with this argument for a hierarchical approach we are back to the start
point of umbrella tags that cover all possibilities which is

landuse=educational as a polygon encompassing the whole area and the whole
range of educational facilities.

using landuse=school excludes universities, colleges, etc  and you would
then need other tags landuse=university and landuse=college, which then
makes the landuse tagging specific instead of general.

If we look at the first
sentence is correct Mainly used for describe the *primary use* of land by
so the hierarchical approach should then be something like
landuse=agriculture... agriculture would then be sub categorised with
farmland (worked land for crops), orchard (trees planted for their fruits),
vineyard, pasture, etc.
landuse=residential (could be divided into urban and rural which have
totally different infrastructures)
instead of the myriad of specifics that we now have like
landuse=peat_cutting and landuse=salt_pondthese are all sub categories
of the primary use of the land.
I know this has diverted from the main topic here but I wanted to point out
the overall usage to highlight how my suggestion fits into the overall

On 28 May 2015 at 08:52, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

 2015-05-28 8:28 GMT+02:00 johnw

 How about:

 Forest=natural ?

 isn’t that natural=wood?

 or forest=man_made ? [=plantation or somesuch term for a human-planted

 A forest is a man-altered area, so i believe “forest” already implies
 man-used. But it is not man_made (as a building is), as the forest is not a
 non-building structure.

 I believe the (not so uncommon amongst OSM mappers) reading of natural
 as tag for everything related to nature and man_made for all kind of stuff
 made by mankind is not really helpful. The way these are integrated into
 the tagging scheme is slightly different, they both cover only a subset of
 the aforementioned, namely natural covers natural geographic features
 like beaches, swamps, bays, peaks, mountain passes, single trees, springs,
 brush, heath, boulders, ... with a few (more recent) exceptions like mud
 and sand (which actually overlap with other like beach and wetland and
 which are landcovers / materials / surfaces rather than features), while
 man_made covers technical structures and facilities (like factories,
 chimneys, flagpoles, lighthouses, silos, ...).

 Btw.: a forest can or cannot be a man altered area, typically it now is in
 many parts of the world and once wasn't.


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Re: [Tagging] Airport power and USB stations

2015-05-24 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
The idea is to get this rendered on the map.

My opt is for amenity=power_socket which is what people will be looking
for. It will be impossible to have a different symbol to indicate every
different type of outlet in the world.

Then the next thing they will need to know is the type of socket so type=*
(example ... plug_UK ; plug_EU ; USB123 ; USB_C)
And it can continue on from there.

The tag 'amenity' automatically indicates it is for public use and so
should not be used to tag every private domestic plug in a home.

On 24 May 2015 at 17:24, Andreas Goss wrote:

 Bit long winded... how about

 vehicle_charging .. for motor vehicles

 bicycle_charging   .. for bicycles

 And then you have this and that tagging isn't
 as nice anymore.

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Re: [Tagging] Removal of amenity from OSM tagging

2015-05-18 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
My apologies for that inaccuracy Richard

On 18 May 2015 at 10:43, Richard Fairhurst wrote:

  OSM is only now starting to realise that not all the specialist detail
  can be depicted on one map and we are starting to see
  specialist areas creating their own detailed layer of OSM such as the
  Cycle Map

 Where only now starting to realise and starting to see means 2007.


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Re: [Tagging] Removal of amenity from OSM tagging

2015-05-16 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
I believe that the discussion regarding amenity v landuse  should consider
that where amenity designates the actual use of the area as in
amenity=school, landuse designates the general use of the land... in the
case of the school it should be landuse=education, the same as you get
landuse=residential, landuse=farmland, landuse=commercial.

In normal cartography there would be different maps designed to depict a
specific theme, we called them Thematic Maps. A map depicting landuse would
concentrate on the general use of that land pocket, at larger scales the
landuse would be more specific as to the categories of landuse used.

With OpenStreetMap everything is bunged together on a single map and that
really confuses a lot of people into believing that you can separate out
the tagging into something that fits. You cannot without restricting the
use of the map. Some people using the map will be interested in the
landuse, others may be more interested in the amenities. They are two
separate and independent themes. We do not at this stage have the zoom
levels organised to show certain thematics at each level nor do we have
them separated into separate layers that can be switched on or off
depending on what you want on the map. To get rid of one discriminates
against those who have a requirement for that type of information. OSM is
only now starting to realise that not all the specialist detail can be
depicted on one map and we are starting to see specialist areas creating
their own detailed layer of OSM such as the Cycle Map, Transport Map and
separate maps such as OpenSeaMap. Once this idea has spread to other
specifics then the tagging can be designed specifically for the
requirements of those layers and the argument for landuse v amenity will be

So what the OSM community needs is to reconcile their own specific ideas
with the requirements of others and reach a way of depicting their own
preferences without compromising the preferences of others. Not by getting
rid of a whole level of tags just because you do not understand them in
context with what your interests are.

Here is hoping we can all reach an amicable agreement and concentrate on
the mapping.

Regards to all


On 16 May 2015 at 14:29, pmailkeey . wrote:

 On 16 May 2015 at 04:27, johnw wrote:

 On May 15, 2015, at 8:02 PM, pmailkeey .

 area IS landuse - it has to be (landuse=ocean ) so we get
 landuse=building even.

 Uhhh.  *What?*  This is a clear about-face on the landuse tag then.
 Everywhere is clearly not a landuse. Most of the earth is not altered nor
 designated nor segregated for a specific use.

 I can define an “area” of the world. But if there are no purposeful
 alterations for a task, designations of purpose, nor manmade buildings and
 amenities contained within….  then it is not a landuse. There is no
 landuse=glacier for a reason.
 Most of the ocean is “unused” by people. - they have not changed it to
 have a specific purpose, nor altered the water to do a specific job - and
 it’s pretty hard to have a landuse on an ocean (maybe oceanuse=fish_farm?)
  That would be a great oceanuse tag- there are plenty of floating,
 manmade, use-specific, designated-to-be fish farms around the world.

 They take up what… .01% of the ocean? the rest of the ocean has no
 man-altered, segregated, designated use (besides political ones) - but
 those are not “on the ground” in reality  (like a fish farm or a oyster

 I have no idea where you get the notion that area=landuse.   land… *used*
 for a task. being a woods or a mountain or a lake is not the “job” or
 “designated purpose” of the area. It just is. hence the natural= tag.

 However, the land around a school building, usually fenced in, *containing
 the facility and amenities that belong to the facility and designated as
 such* (pitch, walkways, parking, etc) is clearly part of the school -
 but not a school building. The grounds and the building together make that

 That *land*…. designated to be *use*d by people… as a school… And which
 currently is *altered from it’s natural state* … to be a school ground…
 and has an *area easily defined*… as a school… should be “*landuse*

 The drinking fountain, toilets, parking, gym, and other location level
 amenities are amenities of the school - and should continue to be tagged as
 amenities IMO -

 or should we have a tny little 30x30cm squares marked as
 landuse=drinking water? Landuse=shoe_rack? Landuse=fire_extingusher?  It’s
 just as asinine as landuse=glacier.

 Which leads us to this statement:

 So that raises the question as to whether 'landuse' adds any info value
 in tags to the object being mapped. 'Building' clearly does.


 when you map out only the buildings, you get a bunch of lego bricks
 spilled across the map.


Re: [Tagging] model airplane airfield

2015-04-07 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
If it has a formal airfield then the name would indicate what it is, such
as the 'Avondale Model Flying Club' but this tag needs a bit more
investigation and discussion as there are over 800 clubs affiliated to the
British Model Flying Association, some are indoors, some are outdoor
airfields for model and large model aircraft. At a glance I would say there
are more than a hundred of these outdoor airfields dotted around England.
I agree with the tag leisure but would suggest leisure=model_airfield and
leisure=largemodel_airfield for the area (a lot of the leisure tags are for
'a place' or 'designated area'). As there are tags and rendering for
runways, etc. for normal airports these can be used here as well to tag the
take-off strips etc.

On 7 April 2015 at 16:04, Martin Koppenhoefer

 2015-04-07 16:52 GMT+02:00 Clifford Snow

 Check out sport=model_aerodrome.

 this looks like a bad tag, because aerodrome is a place and not a kind
 of sport/activity. Wouldn't this value fit better into leisure (aside
 pitch, track etc.)? For sport (if this can be considered a sport) I'd
 expect to see a value like model_aviation


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Re: [Tagging] How does an end user use camp site data ?

2015-03-28 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
David Bannon, a great approach to rendering information on the
OpenStreetMap which should be adopted for deciding all symbols... HOW DOES
If the overall area rendering for a campsite remains the same and a node
symbol within the campsite is rendered in the colour depicting the type of
campsite and or it's amenities (private, public, communal ablutions,
swimming pool, etc) then it would solve many problems. The information
could be tagged on the reception desk node with additional tags for
available amenities and the link to a website. As Bryce mentioned, he would
do a web search so getting the correct name for the campsite would also be
paramount to helping in that.

On 28 March 2015 at 02:37, David Bannon wrote:

 Folks, we have been discussing this camp_site= issue for a long time.
 And I don't think we are making any progress. How about we apply a
 design approach ?  Agree on how the average end user would use the
 data ?

 In my opinion, a camper is likely look on a map hoping to see a camp
 site near where he/she is heading. They will have an idea of the type of
 sites they like. Some people won't camp without a toilet, others must
 have a swimming pool. Another person will only go somewhere they are
 unlikely to meet other people.

 When they identify the type they like, they may decide that is all they
 need to know or they may investigate a short list further.

 Now, lets imagine an OSM map that shows camp site icons, maybe five or
 six different colours depending on a simple set of characteristics. The
 user knows they camp at only green and blue ones. Easy so far. If they
 are after more info, the map may give them a name or locality to google
 for. Or maybe its a specialised camping map that will pop up a flag with
 more OSM date when the icon is clicked.

 That more data is made up with info from the associated tags
 including, perhaps, the description= key.

 Please identify what is wrong with this story ?

 In localities where special ad hoc data is important, it needs to be in
 the description tag. General data that may influence a search, should be
 tagged. We cannot expect to show all important data right there on the
 freshly rendered map.


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Re: [Tagging] Loomio evaluation

2015-03-23 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
Well, I guess I am also out of this. Needs me to log in to make a comment
but appears I have done something wrong because it just does not work for
me. I do not have a Google account and my Virgin email is unacceptable.

So I cannot comment.

Question:... Can you include pictures or diagrams as visual arguments to
support your reasoning?



On 20 March 2015 at 22:38, Kotya Karapetyan wrote:

 Dear all,

 In an attempt to find a better tool for our proposal discussions, Loomio
 has been mentioned. At the very first glance it looks like a feasible
 alternative to the mailing list and the forum.

 Let's take a look together:

 And let me know if you want to check the coordinator role.


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Re: [Tagging] Loomio evaluation

2015-03-23 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
Thanks Kotya,

Being able to include pictures, etc, is at least is a great positive.

I still need to sort out what has happened to stop me from signing up for
the group. If this is going to be a common problem then it may discourage
some from getting involved. Or we need to give more accurate signing up or
log in instructions for future. Not everyone worldwide has a Google account
and gmail.

Will get back to you when I have some idea what went wrong.

On 23 March 2015 at 18:15, Kotya Karapetyan wrote:

 I was *too* quick. Here is an example:

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Re: [Tagging] Loomio evaluation

2015-03-23 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
The next question is

The results of the graph are based on the response of the person when they
post their comment. This affects the result of the pie chart because it
starts to clock up how people feel before all the comments for and against
have been posted. Those later arguments could affect the earlier decisions
and change people's minds. Can they retract their earlier position and
change or reverse their input to the pie graph?

On 20 March 2015 at 22:38, Kotya Karapetyan wrote:

 Dear all,

 In an attempt to find a better tool for our proposal discussions, Loomio
 has been mentioned. At the very first glance it looks like a feasible
 alternative to the mailing list and the forum.

 Let's take a look together:

 And let me know if you want to check the coordinator role.


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Re: [Tagging] Mapping private home toilets

2015-03-03 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
I believe there is room for tagging both the amenity and the private toilet
where this is deemed a positive study point.
The amenity=toilet is an existing tag for public access amenity and is
rendered on the map.
As toilets do not sit out in the open (except in some continental places
where it is just a modesty wall) but are rather housed in a structure of
some kind then I see no reason why we could not add a non-rendering tag
 toilet=yes to a building for private toilets either in a residence or
outhouse. That way anyone who wishes to do a study can search for the tag
Hope this comment helps the discussion

On 3 March 2015 at 15:11, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:

 To be clear: I contacted DERMAM
 but I am not expecting reply, account is inactive since 6 months.

 2015-03-03 16:09 GMT+01:00 Mateusz Konieczny

 I would remove such objects where I am surveying. In that case I
 contacted author of tag with information that amenity=toilets is defined as
 public toilet.

 2015-03-03 16:00 GMT+01:00 John F. Eldredge

   However, since someone apparently HAS been mapping private toilets,
 we need to either decide to remove them, or decide how they should be
 tagged to distinguish them from toilets available to the general public.

 John F. Eldredge --
 Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot
 drive out hate; only love can do that. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

 On March 3, 2015 12:34:22 AM Mateusz Konieczny

 Excluding private toilet seems a sane step for a general purpose map.

 Completely private toilets (especially home toilets) may not be mapped
 with amenity=toilet, what solves rendering problems.

 Public toilets with restricted access should be mapped with appropriate
 access tag.

 2015-03-03 2:58 GMT+01:00 Bryce Nesbitt

 On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 5:44 PM, John Willis wrote:

  On Mar 3, 2015, at 7:45 AM, Warin wrote:
  2) new key ... private=* ?
 If OSM wants to be used in emergency uses or be flexible for odd data
 sets, mapping private toilets (or propane ovens, house-top solar panels, 
 places where x is useful

 1) Tagging your neighbor's toilet/oven/Ferrari could easily be seen as
 coveting those items.  I don't recommend it.  YMMV.

 2) A private= tag only works for certain tag types.
 However a namespace could work.  disused: is one such namespace.
 For reference a sample use of disused: is:
 disused:amenty=toilet  , disused:note=Burned down 2014, scheduled for
 a rebuild August 2015.
 So you could entertain private:amenity=toilet.

 3)  We already have access=private, a well established tag.  The
 question is which private things should be excluded from
 rendered maps (e.g. toilets), and which ones should show (e.g.
 Excluding private toilet seems a sane step for a general purpose map.
 Else you get this:

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Re: [Tagging] building=yes on nodes?

2015-02-20 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
In a discussion with Ivan Gayton of MSF on this subject and his view on the
humanitarian angle isthey prefer the area to be shown rather than the
node. They use the area in estimating the number of occupants (for which
they have worked out an average table for the areas they require). So
wherever possible and where the imagery allows, they would prefer the roof
area to be mapped ... round or squared. Also for navigation purposes it is
easier to identify an L-shaped or rectangular building from it's
orientation than a node with no shape or orientation. So I would say that
using a node for buildings should only be a last resort and not a norm

On 20 February 2015 at 20:33, Lukas Sommer wrote:

 Okay. I’ll adapt the few remaining building=* value wiki pages that do
 not allow nodes  …

 2015-02-17 0:32 GMT, Dave Swarthout
  On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 1:30 AM, Dan S wrote:
  All building=* on nodes is fine. As others have pointed out, it is
  often necessary in HOT aerial mapping when we have low-resolution
  imagery to work from.
  Agree. As for the Wiki editing, I too hope it doesn't lead to a storm.
  Dave Swarthout
  Homer, Alaska
  Chiang Mai, Thailand
  Travel Blog at

 Lukas Sommer

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Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - traffic_signals (Lukas Schaus)

2015-02-10 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
My feelingsis this not something for a separate study by someone rather
than a feature on OSM? Keeping this kind of information updated will be an
impossibilitymany cities are becoming computerised and the signals
adjusted according to the traffic conditions along that road. At best the
timings could be either static or variable.

On 10 February 2015 at 11:00, Janko Mihelić wrote:

 2015-02-10 11:29 GMT+01:00 Philip Barnes

 This does seem very complicated, I cannot see much take up by mappers on
 the ground.

 Traffic signal timing varies by time of day, day of week, and traffic
 density. Many traffic signals can be remotely controlled to clear

 It is really not a simple case of green is x seconds, but will vary
 throughout the day.

 I'm sure mappers are not going to update this very much, but it could be
 automated. An app could have a camera and could scan periods of lights, put
 them in a database, analyze times of days, and after enough data put it in

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Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Reception Desk

2015-02-08 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
I have to admit I admire the problem but do not have an answer.
What I would like to suggest that dropping the desk part and just using
reception could make it more conducive to the various applications being
It could then be added as a subcategory to the area/building such as
reception=desk...reception=area...reception=kiosk.. and would
accommodate the problem of more than one type of reception within a complex
such as an hotel (reception=tourism...reception=hotel). Or at an airport
complex where multiple receptions exist such as hotel, car hire,etc.
Using this would then also not clash with the amenity tag.
Hope I am not adding more confusion to the problem.
Ralph (RAytoun)

On 8 February 2015 at 10:33, Andreas Goss wrote:

 this tag is always going to be used within another entity I think we
 rather look towards something like indoor tagging or other subtags. In
 addition using amenity for reception desk would for example prevent you
 placing it on the node of the amenity and use one node for both.

 Not to defend the amenity key, but I wonder if there is a need to tag
 the reception if the whole object (including the reception) deserves
 just a single node.

 Well, you could have an amenity inside a very large bulding where you have
 multiple entrances. Then you could use the amenity node to indicate that
 it's actually placed at a certain spot, because the reception is there. In
 addition it makes it clear to which amenity the reception desk belongs, as
 a different amenity in the same building could have the reception desk at
 the other side of the bulding.

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Re: [Tagging] Access restrictions for shoulder lanes?

2015-02-02 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
Now your question is a lot clearer.
The highway=motorway already implies that there is two or more lanes plus
an emergency hard shoulder, but this does not apply to other highways. The
only other tag is the highway=escape which is something completely
I am not aware of any other tag that may fit your requirement. It would
depend on how prevalent this feature is as to whether it is something to
consider and whether it will lead to people adding it to motorways as well.

On 2 February 2015 at 14:46, Martin Vonwald wrote:

 2015-02-02 15:41 GMT+01:00 Paul Johnson

 Typical restrictions in the US would be emergency stopping only

 Yes - and what tag would that be for emergency stopping only? I think that
 is my main question. Do we have one for that?

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Re: [Tagging] Access restrictions for shoulder lanes?

2015-02-02 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
Unfortunately things are changing regarding the Hard Shoulder on UK
motorways. During times of congestion the Hard Shoulder is opened up to
alleviate some of the problem by allow traffic to use it to get to the next
off ramp and leave the motorway. So access=no would only apply some of the
time (and certainly would not be accessed by pedestrians or motorcycles at
any time time).
I assume that Martin is referring to non-motorway roads but does not say
which countries may have these. I would suggest that access restrictions
may differ from one country to another and the rules that apply to the road
in question would be the guideline to the restrictions for that road, and
may also be different for another road in a different part of that country.
So access=no may not apply to all roads where regular access is allowed.

On 2 February 2015 at 14:07, Colin Smale wrote:

  Assuming you are talking about the hard shoulder AKA emergency lane
 on motorways, in NL and GB it would quite simply be access=no. The only
 exceptions are if you break down, if you are an emergency service, or if
 you are instructed to by the police (or similar authority).

 On 2015-02-02 14:17, Martin Vonwald wrote:


 If shoulder lanes are mapped (for whatever reason!), what access
 restrictions should we apply? A simple vehicle=no doesn't seem right to me.
 In some countries those lanes may be accessed regularly, e.g. by
 pedestrians or motorcycles, so foot=yes + motorcycle=yes is obvious, but
 what would be the access restrictions for all other vehicles?

 Best regards,

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Re: [Tagging] JOSM 7995 (January 2015) released

2015-02-01 Thread AYTOUN RALPH
I have just started up JOSM and, while it did upload 7995 and ask me to
update my plug-ins the last entry on the start page is still ... 2014-12-29

On 1 February 2015 at 15:45, Michał Brzozowski wrote:

 Oddly enough, there is no info on the JOSM start page. I thought this
 info gets updated automatically.
 I did clear the cache, btw.


 On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 2:04 PM, Martin Vonwald
  Spreading the word. Thanks to the devs.
  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Dirk Stöcker
  Date: 2015-02-01 13:40 GMT+01:00
  Subject: [josm-dev] JOSM 7995 (January 2015) released
  the new JOSM tested version for last month is out. Feel free to spread
  word :-)
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