> Am 28/ott/2012 um 15:32 schrieb Svavar Kjarrval <sva...@kjarrval.is>:
> > In Iceland we sometimes have companies parking cars in public spaces or
> > in private land after making a deal with the owner. The cars are marked
> > with the company and almost always have advertising signs on the side.
> > How would that be marked in your proposal?
> They are currently not contemplated, and I also am not sure if they should be 
> added. The ones that I know of are of too less permanence to be worth being 
> added. If they were parked for a very long time it would be no problem to add 
> something or maybe use sign for them.
> Cheers,
> Martin
>Martin & Svavar,Ive seen large trucks with ads in the USA, but in the 
>Netherlands its, according to landscape rules, forbidden to post ads in the 
>open area in anyway. Large poles with ads are situated in or near industrial 
>areas or close by roads. Even the governamental ads regarding traffic safety 
>along highways are of limit in wide open areas. A rural area (city) has by 
>local law more space for permission.Hendrik
> End of Tagging Digest, Vol 37, Issue 62
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