Hi all,

Voting has started for Barbers (hairdresser=barber): 


 * [RFC] Barbers (hairdresser=barber) 
 * Previous community discussion 

As noted in the Community Forum 
voting announcement, the main objections raised in the RFC were:


   *We don’t have barbers in X location:*
   It is clear that in some locations, the concept of a barbers does not exist 
or is not well understood. Whilst I do think we should try to make tags as 
understandable as possible to mappers, it seems that if the concept of a 
barbers doesn’t exist in X location, then it simply doesn’t need to be used in 
that location.


   *male=yes is good enough*
   Although documented as an access restriction, it is clear that |male=*| is 
not always used as such and is instead sometimes used as a more generic 
descriptor. However, I still believe explicit tagging is better than relying on 
gender tags.


   *Use a different tagging scheme*
   Some suggest using a different tagging scheme (e.g., |barbers=yes/no/only|). 
I understand the rationale and I don’t think there is a right or wrong way, 
however, we should chose one. I’ve kept with |hairdresser=barber| as this was 
the majority vote in the original discussion.

One (non-minor) change was made during the RFC:

 * *Semi-colon delimiter lists*
   Although not strictly part of the proposal, tagging businesses that are both 
a hairdresser’s salon and a barbers was raised. The suggestion from the 
community discussion was to use semi-colon delimiter lists (e.g., 
|hairdresser=salon, barber|). I added this to the tagging section of the 

Many thanks to all who contributed to the discussion!
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