I have changed the order of the new tag to* default:language=<code> *on the
Default Language Format proposal page.

It was found that the tag language:*
=* hds been used in the form language:en
describe the main language taught at a language school
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dlanguage_school>. It's
not a very common tag, but there may be a small risk of confusion in using
the same "namespace." Also, there is a proposal to have all defaults (eg
maxspeed for highways) in the form default:*
=*. A small number of people expressed support for changing the tag to this
order, several others did not have an opinion (including the initial author
of this proposal), and no one has yet spoken against the change, therefore
the proposed tag has been changed.

Please comment on the talk page
you disagree with this change or if you have any other comments.

It's been 2 weeks since the initial RFC on 24-Sep-2018, but I think we
should wait at least another week after this change before voting, right?
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