> Looking at the US NHD estuary is broadly defined

NOAA keeps track of the estuaries. And the states have fairly extensive
data available:

Estuary is a generic term that covers five basic types, which have quite
different in the characteristics that define them, beyond the general
'river going into the see' aspect. A Norwegian fjord and a mudflat can both
be estuaries. Once you identify the type ( and since they are hugely
important to global fisheries and other stakeholders, almost certainly
someone has already identified the type
), how the various feature boundaries are to be handled in OSM isn't too

The ocean edge of the estuary if defined by if it is tide-dominated,
wave-dominated, or river-dominated. That determines if you have have a Bay
of Fundy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay_of_Fundy estuary, Bay of Fundy,
a Mississippi River type of delta, or a Columbia River situation where the
river channel pretty much extends to the sea. That can be generally
indicated in a tide table according to three basic buckets >4 meters, 2-4
meters, and less than 2 meters.

>>>> but I think we'll have problems defining it?

Only if you try to make the same scheme apply to all five ( coastal plain
and fjords

The 'cartographic' derived concept that there is just some sort of simple
idealized 'coastline' is a fiction, and at the scale of human beings, not a
very useful one. There isn't land and sea, there is land, sea, and a third
'coastal', which is land and sea changing several times a day and
dramatically on a monthly and annual basis.

Michael Patrick
Data Ferret
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