[Tagging] historic tagging - graves, tombs

2011-02-01 Thread M∡rtin Koppenhoefer
How do you tag single (historic) burial places? I am currently looking
for a tagging scheme to structure these kind of places, but am unsure
about the wording.

My suggestions would be
* historic=grave
* historic=tomb

for the main tag. Subtags would then be

and others that you maybe name

and maybe also


This could be combined with historic:civilization for better description.

What do you say about the wording? Would tomb or grave be suited better?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] historic tagging - graves, tombs

2011-02-01 Thread Chris Hill

On 01/02/11 11:48, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:

How do you tag single (historic) burial places? I am currently looking
for a tagging scheme to structure these kind of places, but am unsure
about the wording.

My suggestions would be
* historic=grave
* historic=tomb

for the main tag. Subtags would then be

and others that you maybe name

and maybe also


This could be combined with historic:civilization for better description.

What do you say about the wording? Would tomb or grave be suited better?

A grave tends to be a hole dug in the ground to bury one or more bodies, 
a tomb is more of a structure, so they are not mutually exclusive.

I would group pyramid, mausoleum, tumulus, dolmen and crypt as a tomb

grave=cenotaph doesn't feel right to me, usually there is not an actual 
burial there, it is more of a monument. 
historic=monument,monument=cenotaph seems better to me.

I am interested because I am working on a project for the Imperial War 
Museum improving the data held for memorials including war memorials, 
cenotaphs, grave memorials, street shrines, rolls of honour, church 
memorials such as windows etc. We are working on the memorials for 
1914-19 war at present. Most of these are historic=memorial to me, but 
historic=grave is interesting.

Cheers, Chris
user: chillly

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] historic tagging - graves, tombs

2011-02-01 Thread M∡rtin Koppenhoefer
2011/2/1 Chris Hill :
>> What do you say about the wording? Would tomb or grave be suited better?
> A grave tends to be a hole dug in the ground to bury one or more bodies, a
> tomb is more of a structure, so they are not mutually exclusive.
> I would group pyramid, mausoleum, tumulus, dolmen and crypt as a tomb

I see. I think that's the one I am after. I have addional complexity
as in some tumuli there is several graves (not sure if they are
graves, they are not dug into the earth but constructed chambers),
with separate entrances, and known under different names (one for the
tumulus and one for each burial place).

> grave=cenotaph doesn't feel right to me, usually there is not an actual
> burial there, it is more of a monument. historic=monument,monument=cenotaph
> seems better to me.

yes, it's not a place where actually a dead body was put, it is like
an "empty grave", though with similar appearance to a real grave. I
don't need this at the moment, so I suggest to keep it out from
grave/tomb (or better document your suggestion in monument).

> I am interested because I am working on a project for the Imperial War
> Museum improving the data held for memorials including war memorials,
> cenotaphs, grave memorials, street shrines, rolls of honour, church
> memorials such as windows etc. We are working on the memorials for 1914-19
> war at present. Most of these are historic=memorial to me, but
> historic=grave is interesting.

OK, according to your comment I should better suggest historic=tomb to
tag bigger structures, right? For single graves we could have
historic=grave which would mark the actual place where a person is
buried. For bigger structures (collections=field of tombs/graves,
distinct part of a cemetary) there could be another tag (maybe what
you are after if tagging memorials like 1914-19). I also need this for
the whole structure (in my case it's several Etruscan necropoli). Not
sure if tagging these places like a cemetary would be appropriate. I
remember from Cairo Egypt that people were actually living inside the
ancient necropolis, so tagging them like an actual cemetary would be


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] historic tagging - graves, tombs

2011-02-01 Thread Steve Bennett
On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 10:48 PM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer
> grave=pyramid
> grave=mausoleum
> grave=tumulus
> grave=dolmen

My (admittedly shallow) understanding was that there was some debate
about whether all tumuluses and dolmens were in fact tombs. This is an
instance where I think a flatter structure might be safer:


Having "pyramid" a subtag under "tomb" just feels wrong, also.

Definitely tomb rather than grave, in any case.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] historic tagging - graves, tombs

2011-02-01 Thread M∡rtin Koppenhoefer
2011/2/1 Steve Bennett :
> On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 10:48 PM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer
> My (admittedly shallow) understanding was that there was some debate
> about whether all tumuluses and dolmens were in fact tombs. This is an
> instance where I think a flatter structure might be safer:

I am not an expert either, but according to my knowledge tumuli and
dolmen are necessarily kind of tombs (if you can cite some text that
states the opposite I would indeed be interested). Maybe the
exceptions that didn't serve as burial place aren't to be considered

> historic=tumulus
> historic=dolmen
> historic=stone_circle
> historic=cromlich
> historic=standing_stones

the thing is that I expect the number of different burial structures
used in OSM to raise with the time, and having a general tag for these
kind of things and then subtag might ease the work with the data. On
the other hand I agree: if there are structures that are considered to
be dolmen or tumuli but are not intended for burial purposes this
systematics would not work.

> Having "pyramid" a subtag under "tomb" just feels wrong, also.

This because not all pyramids are used as burial places, or because
even the ones that were won't be called tomb? In the first case, you
simply wouldn't tag all pyramids as tombs, but the ones where a burial
took place (or was intended when they were built).

> Definitely tomb rather than grave, in any case.

thank you.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] historic tagging - graves, tombs

2011-02-01 Thread Chris Hill

On 01/02/11 12:57, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2011/2/1 Chris Hill:

What do you say about the wording? Would tomb or grave be suited better?

A grave tends to be a hole dug in the ground to bury one or more bodies, a
tomb is more of a structure, so they are not mutually exclusive.
I would group pyramid, mausoleum, tumulus, dolmen and crypt as a tomb

I see. I think that's the one I am after. I have addional complexity
as in some tumuli there is several graves (not sure if they are
graves, they are not dug into the earth but constructed chambers),
with separate entrances, and known under different names (one for the
tumulus and one for each burial place).

Many tumuli do have multiple graves in them. Sometimes these are small 
stone-lined burials known as cists (kists) sometimes simply a pot 
containing cremated remains and other types too. Tumuli were in use over 
such a long period of time that traditions changed over the period, but 
a tumulus was usually built for a single burial then often extended or 
reused for later burials, sometimes more than a thousand years later. 
Very rarely do the remains still survive, so usually the most you can 
say about a tumulus is that it exists in a specific place, not who or 
how many people were buried there or when. The style and shape gives 
information about the a final date it was last modified, but only to 
perhaps a 500 year and not much about when it was first used.

grave=cenotaph doesn't feel right to me, usually there is not an actual
burial there, it is more of a monument. historic=monument,monument=cenotaph
seems better to me.

yes, it's not a place where actually a dead body was put, it is like
an "empty grave", though with similar appearance to a real grave. I
don't need this at the moment, so I suggest to keep it out from
grave/tomb (or better document your suggestion in monument).

I am interested because I am working on a project for the Imperial War
Museum improving the data held for memorials including war memorials,
cenotaphs, grave memorials, street shrines, rolls of honour, church
memorials such as windows etc. We are working on the memorials for 1914-19
war at present. Most of these are historic=memorial to me, but
historic=grave is interesting.

OK, according to your comment I should better suggest historic=tomb to
tag bigger structures, right?

I think so, but I'm interested in other views too.

For single graves we could have
historic=grave which would mark the actual place where a person is
Yes, but in some cases multiple people are buried together, such as a 
family plot, and mass graves deserve a specific tag too. I would add 
some inscription info (probably not the full inscription we have a 255 
char limit I think). I add would add UKNIWM_ref=* for the UK National 
Inventory of War Memorials ref, so all other details could be looked up 
from there, though a more general ref might be better.

For bigger structures (collections=field of tombs/graves,
distinct part of a cemetary) there could be another tag (maybe what
you are after if tagging memorials like 1914-19).
Many of the memorials I'm interested in are not at the actual site of a 
burial, which is why I think historic=memorial is best in those cases, 
but some are tombs or graves, hence my interest in your suggestions.

  I also need this for
the whole structure (in my case it's several Etruscan necropoli). Not
sure if tagging these places like a cemetary would be appropriate. I
remember from Cairo Egypt that people were actually living inside the
ancient necropolis, so tagging them like an actual cemetary would be
Necropolis is an interesting special case, if people are living there 
maybe place=necropolis is best. I don't know enough to offer a firm 
suggestion. Some ancient cemeteries are now under modern settlements, 
but that's not the same thing.

Cheers, Chris
user: chillly

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] historic tagging - graves, tombs

2011-02-01 Thread M∡rtin Koppenhoefer
2011/2/1 Chris Hill :
> On 01/02/11 12:57, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> 2011/2/1 Chris Hill:
> Many tumuli do have multiple graves in them. Sometimes these are small
> stone-lined burials known as cists (kists) sometimes simply a pot containing
> cremated remains and other types too.

yes, wikipedia lists a whole lot of possible sub-classifications
according to the form of the tumulus:

>> For single graves we could have
>> historic=grave which would mark the actual place where a person is
>> buried.
> Yes, but in some cases multiple people are buried together, such as a family
> plot, and mass graves deserve a specific tag too.

we could have something like step_count for steps, i.e. tagging a
value (e.g. grave_count) for the amount of people buried including
"mass" and "several" for rough estimates.

>> For bigger structures (collections=field of tombs/graves,
>> distinct part of a cemetary) there could be another tag (maybe what
>> you are after if tagging memorials like 1914-19).

> Many of the memorials I'm interested in are not at the actual site of a
> burial, which is why I think historic=memorial is best in those cases, but
> some are tombs or graves, hence my interest in your suggestions.

would you have a need to tag places as both, memorial and grave the
same time? This would maybe speak against historic=grave.

> Necropolis is an interesting special case, if people are living there maybe
> place=necropolis is best. I don't know enough to offer a firm suggestion.
> Some ancient cemeteries are now under modern settlements, but that's not the
> same thing.

I won't give it a dedicated place-tag actually, the ones in Cairo are
probably better described with place=suburb (according OSM-meaning as
"named part of the city" not as "suburban area") for the inhabited
place, and a different tag (from the historic-range) for the
historical structure. The necropolis I am mapping are not inhabited
and have never been to my knowledge --- hm, maybe place=necropolis is
not bad ;-), places do cover more then inhabited places in OSM (think
of islands, localities, etc.). Currently I was more thinking about
something like historic=archaeological_site, site_type=necropolis.

The page http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:historic%3Darchaeological_site
lists also
for places with several tumuli, but this doesn't completely cover the
necropolis I a mapping, as there are not only tumuli. necropolis would
be more generic and could be refined with mapping the distinct
features present inside the area.


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