double EL evaluating

2002-09-24 Thread Craig Longman

i've searched the archives, but have been unable to find an answer to this, other than a question shawn made about wanting a real-world case for it. i think i might have one, and i'm not sure how to proceed, so i'll see what y'all think.

the situation is that i have an 'imported' page that displays a menu, but the options in the menu change depending on what page imports it. i achieve this by sending different parameters to the imported page, and then the imported page goes from there. one of the parameters passed in are parent_objectName, which, for example, can contain 'Product' or 'Service'. what i want to do is this:
c:if test${not empty param.typeID}
 c:set var=${param.parent_objectName}_typeID value=${param.typeID}/
then later:
c:out value=${${parent_objectName}_typeID}/
this would store an attribute named either Product_typeID or Service_typeID that could then be used elsewhere in the page.

unfortunately, the problems are plenty. it seems c:set.var isn't EL enabled (there is nothing set by the name of Service_typeID for example) and one can't 'double evaluate' in the c:out.value attribute.

the only way i can see of doing this now, is to create a custom tag that performs the magic, which might make sense for me in this case anyway, but i'd thought i'd throw this into the pit to be picked apart.



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different EVAL_BODY_XXX return types

2002-09-18 Thread Craig Longman

i having some complicated problems in the doEndTag() processing that are
primarily related to the bodyContent member.

according to the javadocs, if EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE is returned,
setBodyContent() and doInitBody() are not invoked.  the upshot of this
is that the bodyContent member variable is potentially not configured
for each tag invocation.  the place that this seems to hurt me, is when
i'm using a tag that can return different responses to the doStartTag()
method, sometimes i want to have it simply processed 'inline' with
INCLUDE, sometimes i need to buffer it and process it differently at the

the reason i'm doing this, is i assume it is more efficient to simply
have the contents processed with EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE.  i think it is
streamed back to the client as available, right?  if its buffered, then
nothing can go back until the entire tag is finished (because it isn't
available until the doEndTag() writes it out).

the problem i was having, now that i've figured it out, is that the
bodyContent member was not being set if the EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE value was
used. normally, this is ok, i check for bodyContent==null in
doEndTag().  but sometimes the tag appeared twice in one page, and it
was returning EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED the first time, then EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE
the second time, and then the bodyContent was not reset, which was
causing problems (duplicate output, the contents of the first tag body
would be written again).

question time...
1) is this resetting of bodyContent the responsibility of the
implementing tag?  seeing as the return from doStartTag() doesn't seem
to be included in the AttrSet that decides if a tag can be reused or
not, i guess it is?  (the BodyTagSupport.doStartTag(), but it returns
EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED by default so it can assume that setBodyContent() is
2) is the goal of using EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE when possible an admirable
one?  considering that the included body _might_ be very big, i think it
is, but i'd like confirmation.
3) is returning different values from doStartTag() a
stupid/dangerous/illegal thing to do?

this seems awfully confusing now that i read it over, hopefully it is
manageable, if i need to clarify anything just lemme know.


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Re: c:import

2002-09-17 Thread Craig Longman

On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 20:52, Shawn Bayern wrote:
 On 17 Sep 2002, Craig Longman wrote:
  when you include a file via c:insert that actually maps to another
  servlet, it appears that the request object (in tomcat 4.1.10 at
  least) doesn't reflect any of the actual request being delivered.  
  i'm a little confused as to what i can do now.
 Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, this sounds like the right
 behavior.  The relevant specification is actually the Servlet
 specification (section SRV.8.2), though see JSTL 1.0 section 7.4 for the
 specification of c:import.

hm. i only had the jstl and jsp specs.  thanks, i'll try and find the
servlet spec.

  however, when this url is invoked via a c:import url=/mapper/file,
  all of the information retrievable via the request object refer to the
  'wrapping' request, to the jsp page contains the c:import.  the
  parameters passed are available, but don't show up in the query string
  (because the query string is for the containing jsp page).
 I don't see any query string in the example; did you mean to write
 /mapper?file-to-get?  I'm not sure, from your description, what is being
 If you need to pass parameters directly, you can use the c:param tag as
 a subtag of c:import.  Otherwise, I think I'd need a little more
 information to help.

the parameters i refer to are, in fact, passed via c:param.  so, the
relevant jsp file portion looks like:

 c:import url=/mapper/testfile
  c:param name=name1 value=${lookup1}/

in the mapper servlet, i can do a request.getParameter( name1 ) and
get whatever value lookup1 contained.  but if i do a
request.getQueryString(), it returns blank.  also, i have no way of
extracting the 'testfile' information, it is simply lost; a call to
request.getRequestURI(), .getRequestURL() and .getServletPath() will
return references to the calling page (debug.jsp in this case).  i guess
i could just turn the filename into a parameter also.

it just a bit disconcerting, i'm going to have to be very careful about
calling existing servlets as they will quite possibly break as well as
handling (possibly special handling) of cases where a servlet is called
either directly or imported.  this might not be the case with a
cross-context servlet, and probably not the case with an absolute url,
i'll have to test.  but then there is extra overhead in using those
types of connections also.



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2002-09-13 Thread Craig Longman

i'm confused about something, and no amount of searching has been able
to help me, and the javadocs are a bit vague.

the set/get/removeValue() methods in the TagSupport class.  what are
they setting, getting and removing?  not the actual properties (as
handled by the getXXX()/setXXX() methods), right?  this is just some map
of key/values for something else?  if so, then what were the intentions
for this, somewhere to store stuff between invocations?  the methods are
marked public, so it seems like they have an external purpose, but i'm
just not seeing it.



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Re: flow control and conditional logic

2002-09-13 Thread Craig Longman

On Fri, 2002-09-13 at 04:38, Xavier Prélat wrote:
 I want to create a dynamic select box using JSTL core and xml tags.
 // setting a variable called 'selector'
 c:set var=selector%= strAction %/c:set
 // displaying select box...all html tags are not's not my
 mistake ;-)
 x:forEach select=$xmlMenu/modules/module var=mod
  x:if select=$mod/module-load-status = '${selector}'

  x:if select=$mod/module-load-status == '${selector}'

notice the '==' as equality check, not '=' as assignment.  i'm pretty
sure that a (at least one) problem.

 option value=x:out select=$mod/@id/nbsp;x:out
 This problem is that I can't get a value for ${selector} in the line :
 x:if select=$mod/module-load-status = '${selector}'
 Any ideasI am getting a bit confused about the way to access variables
 from these tags!
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incorporating EL support

2002-09-12 Thread Craig Longman

hi there,

i'm just starting out with jsp/taglibs, and have decided to focus on
using the jstl as the basis for my efforts.  it seems to provide exactly
what i needed, some basic, compatible tags to get started.

it is clear, however, that i'm going to have to write my own tags to get
any serious work done.

my question is this,  i figure that if i'm going to standardize on the
jstl, then it only makes sense to standardize on the EL stuff also, i
prefer its style to the scriplet thingies, and its less typing.  but,
i'm wondering what the preferred/recommended method is for doing this.

i see in the src dist for the reference jstl that there are a couple of
classes that look promising to use.  one is an interface
(ExpressionEvaluator) and then an implementing class
(ExpressionEvaluatorManager).  using it appears to be as simple as this
(from tag/el/core/

  if( begin_ != null )
Object r = ExpressionEvaluatorManager.evaluate(
  begin, begin_, Integer.class, this, pageContext );
if (r == null)
  throw new NullAttributeException(forEach, begin);
begin = ((Integer) r).intValue();

it is acceptable to utilize this class in this manner for custom tags? 
or is there a better/standard way.  i have been unable to find any docs
that talk about using the standard EL in your own tags, but if anyone
has any pointers, i would greatly appreciate it.



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RE: PageContext is always null with taglibs

2002-09-12 Thread Craig Longman

On Thu, 2002-09-12 at 19:59, Byrne Reese wrote:
 So I actually only enclosed a code snippet... I did several variations
 while unit testing - and even tried to implement a simple HelloWorld
 TagSupport class... but with no luck. :(

one other thing that might cause this, is if you override the existing
setPageContext() method, and forget to call super.setPageContext() from
there, then the protected pageContext member won't be set.  sounds like
you did a simple servlet though and are still seeing this.

if you haven't done this yet, try _overriding_ the setPageContext() and
see if/when you're called.  you can do this by:

public void setPageContext( PageContext pageContext )
  super.setPageContext( pageContext );

  pageContext.getServletContext().log( pageContext:  + pageContest );

i don't think that anything configuration wise could have changed this,
but at least then you'd know wether or not setPageContext() was being
called which might help...



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