Works: Struts + c:import w/ Tomcat 5.0.18!!!

2004-01-26 Thread Timo --Blazko-- Boewing
Hiho all,

Just for interest: with Tomcat 5.0.18 (prior: 5.0.16) it finally works:

Including a fragment using JSTL's c:import or jsp:include that is
invoked by a Struts Action! Prior, it failed, when the importing JSP was
also invoked by a Struts action; thus having two Struts' Action calls in
one physical request.

Now this finally works w/ the same JSTL 1.1 and Struts JARs! Thanks

BTW.: or does someone know if this shall work even w/ prior versions? I
once found a bug report regarding that special problem; but culd not
remember if this was for Struts, JSTL or Tomcat.

greetings,   |  /"\ 
 |  \ /  ASCII-Ribbon-Campaign
Timo |   X Against HTML Mail
 |  / \ 
52F3311A Timo Boewing  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2003/10/30
Fingerprint = F743 E0AA A2F0 1B33 F6FA 417B 72BE 740D 52F3 311A

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

c:import and Struts actions physically losing bytes

2003-11-05 Thread Timo --Blazko-- Boewing
Hello all,

Yet again another problem: i want to include another dynamic resource
via JSTL's c:import into a JSP. When doing so with another JSP
everything works great. However, when doing so with a Struts action, the
request gets shortened (First x bytes are cut)!

The Struts action really does nothing more than that in my testcase:
just setting a forward to the same JSP page to include. The page to
include is kept simple to avoid intereference of any other called code,
it just contains a page directive and "Hello".


works, but

Simply cuts the first bytes of the request, thus i receive an incomplete
As said, the Struts action really just sets a forward to the same JSP as
in the first example.
The document's beginning gets cut somewhere, not only the importing JSP
gets cut but the cut also reaches to the called JSP.

Am i doing wrong???

My setup:
- J2SDK 1.4.1_02 on Debian GNU/Linux sid
- Tomcat 5.0.14
- up to date JSTL 1.1
- up to date Struts

web.xml "links" against JSP 2.0 / Servlet 2.4.
BTW: When using jsp:include, the whole calling JSP is replaced w/ the
called document. However, jsp:include is not an option die to c:import
tech advantages.
*But*, important may be this two-liner that Jasper throws to STDOUT:

Nov 5, 2003 10:26:22 PM org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl
WARNING: Internal error flushing the buffer in release()

? Bug due to Tomcat beta... or?


greetings,   |  /"\ 
 |  \ /  ASCII-Ribbon-Campaign
Timo |   X Against HTML Mail
 |  / \ 
52F3311A Timo Boewing  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2003/10/30
Fingerprint = F743 E0AA A2F0 1B33 F6FA 417B 72BE 740D 52F3 311A

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

JSP 2.0: probs w/ JSTL and jsp:doBody

2003-11-01 Thread Timo --Blazko-- Boewing
Hello List,

Currently i am trying JSP 2.0 w/ Servlet 2.4 under Tomcat 5.0.12. One of
the things i love the most is tag templates for usage in WEB-INF/tags.
I use current Apache JSTL 1.1 w/ up to date Struts on Debian GNU/Linux
and J2SE SDK 1.4.1_02.

However, as soon as i have JSTL in a JSP page and in between my tags
that have jsp:doBody in it OR when i have tags w/ jsp:doBody and e.g. a
c:forEach in the body (the JSP, not within tags, that works pretty much.

Here an example:


<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""; %>
<%@ taglib prefix="my" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/" %>



<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""; %>
<%@ attribute name="caption" %>



I have read much docs, including Sun's JSP 2.0 current proposal, but
cannot guess what the solution might me. I think it has to do w/ current
JSP context, but have no idea how to fix this or if this is possible at
all. One workaround is to avoid jsp:doBody and split the tag into two
files, e.g. [JSTL here], but
that is somehow not nice...

The exceptions i receive look like these.

Thank you for any hints!


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

An error occurred at line: 15 in the jsp file: 

Generated servlet error:
[javac] Compiling 1 source file

 cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : variable _jspx_push_body_count_c_forEach_0 
location: class 
  if (_jspx_meth_scav_tabButton_0(_jspx_parent, pageContext, 
1 error



note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Tomcat


greetings,   |  /"\ 
 |  \ /  ASCII-Ribbon-Campaign
Timo |   X Against HTML Mail
 |  / \ 
52F3311A Timo Boewing  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2003/10/30
Fingerprint = F743 E0AA A2F0 1B33 F6FA 417B 72BE 740D 52F3 311A

Description: This is a digitally signed message part