If I am constantly moving variables and objects between JSP and JSTL, should
I consider switching
to the -rt version of the tag. I am not sure what is there performance
implications of rtexprvalue - tag lib.
Is it advisable to mix them both. All most all the doc I have seen on JSTL
only talk about the EL  version.

Are there  any recommendations that you can come with,  given the nature of
the code and the page content what version of the JSTL tag lib is better
By reading JSTL Action book  seem to prefer the core EL  version.

JSTL is the best of thing that has happened to the JAVA, It  really opens up
of lot of options with
JSP.  Some of these tags makes the JSP pages very powerful, like the sql,
import, and iteration tags.
JSTL is very good for developing content management, template based
architecture or any data driven
web application.

I can't wait to see JSTL become part of standard JAVA.


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