[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Test Tails 6.0~rc1

2024-02-05 Thread Tails - News

  * Remove _GtkHash_

You can still install _GtkHash_ as [Additional

# Fixed problems

  * Fix several issues with special characters and non-Latin scripts in the 
screen keyboard. 

# Changelog

For more details about what has changed in Tails 6.0~rc1, read our

# Known issues

  * Tails 6.0~rc1 is not reliably reproducible 

  * _OnionShare_ 2.6 has several issues in Tails and Debian 12 (Bookworm) in 
general that have security implications:

* OnionShare stays open in the background and fails to reopen. 

* OnionShare crashes when stopping and restarting file shares in 
OnionShare. ([#20140](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/20140))

Despite the very interesting new features in _OnionShare_ 2.6, we are
considering keeping _OnionShare_ 2.2 in Tails 6.0 because of these issues.

  * Mounting external devices automatically interferes badly with some other 

* The _Back Up Persistent Storage_ utility 

* _Tails Cloner_ 

  * The pointer doesn't change into a spinner anymore in some cases when 
launching applications. 

# Send us feedback

Keep in mind that this is a test image. We tested that it is not broken in
obvious ways, but it might still contain undiscovered issues.

Please, report any new problem before February 18 to either:

  * [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-test...@boum.org) (public mailing 

  * [tails-support-priv...@boum.org](mailto:tails-support-priv...@boum.org) 
(private email)

# Get Tails 6.0~rc1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your Persistent Storage

Automatic upgrades are not available to 6.0~rc1.

You have to do a [manual

You will be able to automatically upgrade from 6.0~rc1 to 6.0 when it is

## To download 6.0~rc1

### Direct download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

### BitTorrent download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

## To install Tails 6.0~rc1 on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.net/install/windows/index.en.html)

  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.net/install/mac/index.en.html)

  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.net/install/linux/index.en.html)

  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

URL: <https://tails.net/news/test_6.0-rc1/>

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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.22

2024-01-31 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.22](https://tails.net/news/version_5.22/index.en.html)

# New features

  * In _Tor Browser_ , you can now save files to more folders: Documents, 
Downloads, Music, Pictures, and Videos. You can also upload files from these 

  * When your Persistent Storage is broken, Tails now tries to repair its file 
system when you unlock it in the Welcome Screen.

# Changes and updates

  * Report the write speed after cloning a Persistent Storage from _Tails 

  * Do not try to unlock or delete a Persistent Storage on a read-only USB 

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

# Fixed problems

  * Stop leaking the first-level domain of visited websites in _WhisperBack_ 
reports. The problem was first introduced in Tails 5.15.1 (July 2023). 

  * Make installing Tails with _Tails Cloner_ more robust by fixing occasional 
errors `AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'props'`. Thanks to 
Ben Westgate! 

  * Fix saving the Additional Software configuration when creating a Persistent 

  * Fix help link when resizing the system partition fails the first time Tails 
is started. 

For more details, read our

# Get Tails 5.22

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your Persistent Storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.22.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.net/install/windows/index.en.html)

  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.net/install/mac/index.en.html)

  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.net/install/linux/index.en.html)

  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.22 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

URL: <https://tails.net/news/version_5.22/index.en.html>

Tails News
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.21

2023-12-25 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.21](https://tails.net/news/version_5.21/index.en.html)

# Changes and updates

  * Help troubleshoot when resizing the system partition fails the first time 
Tails is started.

![Error message: Resizing System Partition Failed - It will be impossible to
create a Persistent Storage or apply automatic

  * Translate the date displayed in the top navigation bar.

![Clock showing date in

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update the _Tor_ client to

# Fixed problems

  * Fix _Tor Browser_ crashing when clicking on the _UBlock_ icon. 

  * Make time synchronization more reliable. 

  * [@BenWestgate](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/@BenWestgate) fixed several 
issues in the backup feature of _Tails Cloner_ :

* Remove message about doing a backup when no USB stick is plugged in. 

* Update available options when plugging in another USB stick. 

* Point to backup instructions when choosing to clone the Persistent 

For more details, read our

# Get Tails 5.21

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your Persistent Storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.21.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.net/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.net/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.net/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.net/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.21 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

URL: <https://tails.net/news/version_5.21/index.en.html>

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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] 2023 at Tails: a new home, small steps, and giant leaps

2023-12-20 Thread Tails - News
](https://tails.net/about/contact/index.en.html) pages.

A huge shout-out to the volunteers who made these possible:
[@jawlensky](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/jawlensky) for the website redesign
and to our [Catalan translations

## Community and organizational health

  * **Sprints.** Our core team organized 2 sprints this year. Around Easter, we 
bunkered up in Paris. The agenda was budgeting the year ahead and building a 
roadmap to financial health. Also on the agenda: French cheese, spicy Indian 
snacks, and [Dixit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dixit_\(card_game). Later in 
the year, we met again in a mix of online and in-person participation. We 
reflected on our efforts this year and hatched plans for a more sustainable 
future of the project.

  * **Reflections.** Aspiring to reach and encourage more diverse populations 
of Tails users, we also embarked on a path to improving the project's 
diversity. Our core team started meeting fortnightly to reflect on our 
workplace norms. We are using [this text by the Centre for Community 
 as our guide to reflection and improvement.

## Financial health

Malicious actors are not going to buckle down, but neither are we. This year,
Tails was instrumental in several high-risk investigations and struggles for
progressive change. Like this [damning
indictment](https://nocallaronlasolas.serendipia.digital/) of the Mexican
army's systematic surveillance of feminists in the country.

I, ([@bokonon](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/bokonon)), joined our small team
at Tails this year, to lead our fundraising activities. I have been obsessing
over how a free software project like ours can continue improving Tails while
keeping it free. And one thing is already clear: we will need your help.

While we don't how many Tails users donate to Tails, our guess is ~1%. Tails
is designed for use by people living vulnerable, high-risk lives. Many of whom
are likely to not be in a position to contribute. Your donations keep Tails
free for everybody else!

We are near the end of our campaign to fund Tails in 2024, but quite a way off
our goals.

We might never have the resources that powerful, malicious actors do, but we
know one thing: together, we can punch much above our weight. As we go into
the holidays, join us in ensuring that the Internet does not become synonymous
with surveillance and censorship. Give the gift of privacy today!


URL: <https://tails.net/news/achievements_in_2023/index.en.html>

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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.19.1

2023-11-16 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.19.1](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.19.1/index.en.html)

This release is an emergency release to fix an important security
vulnerability in Tor.

# Changes and updates

  * Update the _Tor_ client to, which fixes the TROVE-2023-006 

The details of TROVE-2023-006 haven't been disclosed by the Tor Project to
leave time for users to upgrade before revealing more. We only know that the
Tor Project describes TROVE-2023-006 as a "[ _remote triggerable assert on

Our team thinks that this vulnerability could affect Tails users who are
creating onion services from their Tails, for example when sharing files or
publishing a website using _OnionShare_.

This vulnerability might allow an attacker who already knows your _OnionShare_
address to make your Tor client crash. A powerful attacker might be able to
further exploit this crash to reveal your IP address.

This analysis is only a hypothesis because our team doesn't have access to
more details about this vulnerability. Still, we are releasing this emergency
release as a precaution.

_OnionShare_ is the only application included in Tails that creates onion
services. You are not affected by this vulnerability if you don't use
_OnionShare_ in Tails and only use Tails to connect to onion services and
don't create onion services using Additional Software.

More details about TROVE-2023-006 will be available on the [Tor issue
#40883](https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/40883) sometime
after the release.

# Fixed problems

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.19.1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your Persistent Storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.19.1.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.19.1 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.19.1/index.en.html>

Tails News
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Security audit of Persistent Storage and Tor integration

2023-11-13 Thread Tails - News
# [Security audit of Persistent Storage and Tor

In March 2023, [Radically Open
Security](https://www.radicallyopensecurity.com/) conducted a security audit
on the major improvements that we released in [Tails
5.8](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.8/index.en.html) (December 2022) on
the Persistent Storage, the Unsafe Browser, and the Wayland integration.

To better protect our users, we addressed most of the security vulnerabilities
as soon as they were discovered and reported to us, without waiting for the
audit to be complete and public. We can now share with your the [final

We are proud of the conclusion of the auditors:

> **_Overall, the Tails operating system left a solid impression and addressed
> most of the concerns of an average user in need of anonymity._**
> _This is particularly evident in the isolation of various components by the
> developers. For example, the configured AppArmor rules often prevented a
> significant impact of the found vulnerabilities. Shifting to Wayland was a
> good decision, as it provides more security by isolating individual GUI
> applications._
> _All in all, no serious vulnerabilities were found through the integration
> into Wayland. Unsafe Browser and Persistent Storage should now be less
> vulnerable to attack, as all vulnerabilities have been fixed._

The auditors found 6 _High_ , 1 _Moderate_ , 3 _Low_ -severity issues. Another
issue was fixed before the actual impact was assessed and so marked as having
_Unknown_ severity.

We fixed all these issues as soon as possible and before making them public on
our GitLab. The last issue was fixed in 5.14, 3 weeks after it was reported to

As good as the results of this audit are, they also serve as a reminder that
no software is ever 100% secure and that every release of Tails can fix
critical security vulnerabilities. Your best protection against all kinds of
attack is to keep your Tails up-to-date.

Because at Tails we believe that transparency is key to building trust, all
the code of our software is public and the results of this audit as well. You
can find below a summary of all the issues and their fixes.

# Detailed findings

## Tor integration

ID| Issue| Description| Impact| Status| Release  
TLS-012| [#19585](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/19585)|
Leak clear IP as low-privileged user amnesia| High| Fixed| 5.12  
TLS-013| [#19594](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/19594)|
Local privilege escalation to Tor Connection sandbox| High| Fixed| 5.12  
TLS-014| [#19595](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/19595)|
Local privilege escalation to Tor Browser sandbox| Moderate| Fixed| 5.13  
TLS-017| [#19610](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/19610)|
Insecure permissions of chroot overlay| Unknown| Fixed| 5.13  
## Persistent Storage

ID| Issue| Description| Impact| Status| Release  
TLS-003| [#19546](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/19546)|
Local privilege escalation in Persistent folder activation hook| High| Fixed|
TLS-004| [#19547](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/19547)|
Symlink attack in Persistent folder deactivation hook| Low| Fixed| 5.11  
TLS-005| [#19548](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/19548)|
Local privilege escalation in GnuPG feature activation hook| High| Fixed| 5.11  
## Core

ID| Issue| Description| Impact| Status| Release  
TLS-001| [#19464](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/19464)|
Local privilege escalation in tails-shell-library| High| Fixed| 5.11  
TLS-009| [#19599](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/19599)|
Man-in-the-middle attack on onion-grater service| Low| Fixed| 5.13  
TLS-011| [#19576](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/19576)|
Limited path traversal in tails-documentation| Low| Fixed| 5.13  
TLS-019| [#19677](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/19677)|
Local privilege escalation in tailslib leads to arbitrary file read| High|
Fixed| 5.14  
URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/audit_by_ROS/index.en.html>

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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.19

2023-11-02 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.19](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.19/index.en.html)

# New features

## Closing a Tor circuit from _Onion Circuits_

You can now close a given Tor circuit from the _Onion Circuits_ interface.
This can help replace a particularly slow Tor circuit or troubleshoot issues
on the Tor network.


To close a Tor circuit:

  1. [Connect to the Tor 

  2. Choose ![Tor status 
menu](https://tails.boum.org/lib/symbolic/tor-connected.png) ▸ **Open Onion 
Circuits** in the top navigation bar.

  3. Right-click (on Mac, click with two fingers) on the circuit that you want 
to close.

  4. Choose **Close this circuit** in the shortcut menu.

When you close a circuit that is being used by an application, your
application gets disconnected from this destination service.

For example, when you close a circuit while _Tor Browser_ is downloading a
file, the download fails.

  5. If you connect to the same destination server again, Tor uses a different 
circuit to replace the circuit that you closed.

For example, if you download the same file again, Tor uses a new circuit.

## Addition of sq-keyring-linter

At the request of people who use [SecureDrop](https://securedrop.org/) to
provide secure whistleblowing platforms across the world, we added the [`sq-
package. `sq-keyring-linter` improves the cryptographic parameters of PGP keys
stored in their airgapped machines.

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update the _Tor_ client to

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update the _Linux_ kernel to 6.1.55.

# Fixed problems

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.19

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your Persistent Storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.19.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.19 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.19/index.en.html>

Tails News
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Make the gift of privacy!

2023-10-30 Thread Tails - News
# [Make the gift of

With malicious actors' intrusions into human rights growing in sophistication
and scale, Tails offers hope for those seeking refuge in a more secure digital
environment. We stand on the precipice of a future where digital privacy
should be a fundamental right, not a luxury.


Since we started in 2008, millions of people around the world have used Tails
to be more secure, autonomous, and anonymous in their digital lives.

We have come so far thanks to you, and need your support to continue to do
what we do best: deliver the world's most privacy-preserving operating system!

Your donations a lion's share [of our
income](https://tails.boum.org/donate/index.en.html#income). But, this share
has reduced in the last couple of years. Globally, philanthropic giving has
fallen, in what is yet another symptom of the challenging political and
economic conditions we find ourselves in. But this hasn't tempered our
ambitions. Despite these challenges, Tails has gotten bigger and better over
the past year. We have spent more time improving Tails this year than any
previous year. But to achieve this, we have relied a bit more on support from
large, institutional donors.

While we are grateful for the support and generosity of our "large" donors, we
want to keep our reliance on them to a minimum. We are betting on having
diversified income streams as our insurance from economic volatility and
assurance of growing Tails sustainably and with complete decisional autonomy.
Although, this means that we rely on you even more. And hence this fundraiser!

Our goal is clear: to make Tails even more useful for vulnerable people in
high-risk environments. And we want to do this while remaining as autonomous
as our users are.

The proceeds from this fundraiser will drive initiatives that will make Tails
even more usable and secure. We want to add new, big features to Tails,
enhance user experience with even more usability tests, and increase Tails'
use in more geographies around the world.

Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference. Please donate today
and help us keep Tails alive and well in 2024 and beyond! Here are 5 ways you
can get involved:

  1. **By making a recurring donation.** [Recurring 
donations](https://tails.boum.org/donate/index.en.html) are the best insurance 
for Tails' mission. These help us weather economic uncertainties and plan our 
work sustainably.

  2. **With a one-time gift.** If you can't set-up a recurring donation, you 
can make a [one-time donation](https://tails.boum.org/donate/index.en.html). 
Donate via PayPal, bank transfers, mail in your checks, or just send us good, 
old cash. Here's a pro-tip: donations of over $1 000 entitle you to some neat 
[sponsorship benefits](https://tails.boum.org/sponsors/become/).

  3. **Through cryptocurrency.** We accept [crypto 
donations](https://tails.boum.org/donate/index.en.html) in Bitcoin, Ethereum, 
and Monero.

  4. **Gift matching.** If your employer runs gift-matching programmes, 
consider looking up **Riseup Labs** and donate to **Tails via Riseup Labs**. 
Riseup Labs is our fiscal sponsor in the United States of America.

  5. **Spread the word.** And finally, please share this fundraiser with your 
network, friends, and colleagues. Help us amplify our impact by reaching a 
wider audience!

Thank you for being part of this journey and a toast to our future adventures
together! Oh, and in case you have somehow managed to skip over all the links
to our donations page so far, here it is: <https://tails.net/donate/>.

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/gift_of_privacy/index.en.html>

Tails News
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.16.1

2023-08-16 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.16.1](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.16.1/index.en.html)

This release is an emergency release to fix a critical vulnerability in the
_Linux_ kernel.

# Changes and updates

  * Update the _Linux_ kernel to 6.1.38.

This updates fixes:

* [Downfall](https://downfall.page/) on Intel processors 
 on AMD processors 

These vulnerability could allow a malicious application running in Tails to
access and steal data from another application in Tails, for example passwords
stored in _KeePassXC_ or private keys stored in _Electrum_.

This attack is unlikely, but could be performed by a strong attacker, such as
a government or a hacking firm. We are not aware of this attack being used in
the wild.

# Fixed problems

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.16.1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.16.1.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.16.1 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.16.1/index.en.html>

Tails News
To unsubscribe, send an empty email to amnesia-news-unsubscr...@boum.org.
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.15.1

2023-07-16 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.15.1](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.15.1/index.en.html)

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

[Tor Browser 12.5](https://blog.torproject.org/new-release-tor-browser-125)
has a new circuit view and better information about onion services.


  * Support onion service authentication in _Tor Browser_.

For example, onion service authentication is used by _OnionShare_ outside of

![Tor Browser asking for a private key to connect to an onion

  * Display the version of Tails in the Boot Loader

![SYSLINUX Boot Loader displaying 'Tails

# Fixed problems

  * Fix the search of some languages and keyboard layouts. 

![Searching for 'esp' now returns

  * Make the upgrade of the Persistent Storage more reliable:

* On some systems, the message " _Upgrading the persistent storage_ " was 
displayed every time in Tails 5.14 when Tails failed to upgrade one of the 
cryptographic parameters. 

* On some USB sticks, upgrading the Persistent Storage was too slow and 
failed with the error message " _Upgrade of persistent storage failed_ ". 

  * Fix opening documentation links from _Tails Installer_. 

  * Prevent _Tor Browser_ to access information about other Tor circuits. 

  * Make the error when scanning the QR code of a bridge more consistent. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

[#19728](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/19728) was
affecting 5.14, and it might still be present. If you encounter this bug,
please [send us a _WhisperBack_

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.15.1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.15.1.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.15.1 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.15.1/index.en.html>

Tails News
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.14

2023-06-19 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.14](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.14/index.en.html)

# New features

## Automatic migration to LUKS2 and Argon2id

The cryptographic parameters of LUKS from Tails 5.12 or earlier are weak
against a state-sponsored attacker with physical access to your device.

To use stronger encryption parameters, Tails 5.14 automatically converts your
Persistent Storage to use LUKS2 encryption with Argon2id.

Still, we recommend you change the passphrase of your Persistent Storage and
other LUKS encrypted volumes unless you use a long passphrase of 5 random
words or more.

[Read our security advisory and upgrade

## Full backups from Tails Installer

You can now do a backup of your Persistent Storage from _Tails Installer_ by
cloning your Persistent Storage to your backup Tails entirely.


You can still use the backup utility to go faster while [updating your

## Captive portal detection

Tails now detects if you have to sign in to the network using a captive portal
if you choose to connect to Tor automatically.

The error screen appears more quickly and recommends you try to sign in to the
network as the first option.

## Incentive to donate from _Electrum_

Many people use Tails to secure their Bitcoin wallet and donations in Bitcoin
are key to the survival of our project, so we integrated a way to donate from
_Electrum_ in Tails.

![Popup when starting Electrum with

button to donate](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.14/electrum.png)

# Changes and updates

## Included software

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

## Usability improvements to the Persistent Storage

  * Change the button to create a Persistent Storage from the Welcome Screen to 
be a switch. 


  * Add back the description of some of the Persistent Storage features and 
mention _Kleopatra_ in the _GnuPG_ feature. 
([#19642](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/19642) and 


  * Hide the duplicated _Persistent_ bookmark in the _Files_ browser. 

# Fixed problems

For more details, read our

  * Avoid restarting the desktop environment when creating a Persistent 
Storage. ([#19667](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/19667))

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.14

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.14.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.14 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.14/index.en.html>

Tails News
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Improving Tails for human rights defenders in Latin America

2023-06-08 Thread Tails - News
Spanish.odp), and

Assistants to the workshops were able to start Tails on all their PC computers
but had more frequent issues with Mac computers.

>From what is already possible to do with Tails, people were most interested in
using Tails to:

  * Handle sensitive data, for example, medical data of abortion patients, 
sensitive documents from political trials, or field studies from human rights 
violations. That said, not all journalists thought that they were manipulating 
data that was sensitive enough to require a tool like Tails. Sometimes it was 
hard to draw the line on when to use Tails and when not.

  * Investigate sensitive topics online, either for journalistic purposes, 
medical purposes, or when making safe travel plans.

  * Have a secure OS when using other people's computer, either when traveling 
or when people don't have the means to have their own computer.

>From what is not possible yet to do with Tails, people were most interested

  * Doing online meetings and using mobile messaging apps like Signal and 
Telegram from Tails.

  * Using a VPN instead of Tor for speed and access to more websites.

We included both of these objectives in our 3-year product strategy. You can
track our progress in the GitLab issues related to

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/improving_in_latam/index.en.html>

Tails News
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.12 is out

2023-04-21 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.12 is out](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.12/index.en.html)

# New features

## Data deletion when deactivating a feature of the Persistent Storage

After you turn off a feature of the Persistent Storage, you can now click the
**Delete Data** button to delete the data stored for this feature.

![Persistent Storage settings with message:

Persistent Folder. The data of this feature is still saved. Delete

## Passphrase suggestion when creating the Persistent Storage

When creating the Persistent Storage, a random and very secure passphrase is
now displayed as a suggestion:

![We recommend a long passphrase of 5 to 7 random words. For example:

This passphrase uses the diceware method to give very strong security
guarantees while being possible to memorize.

For example, a six-word passphrase like we suggest would take 3 505 years to
crack at a trillion guesses a second.

Learn more about the maths in [The Intercept: Passphrases That You Can
Memorize -- But That Even the NSA Can't

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update the _Linux_ kernel to 6.1.20. This improves the support for newer 
hardware: graphics, Wi-Fi, and so on.

  * Use a new icon for the backup utility for the Persistent Storage.


# Fixed problems

We fixed several reliability issues with the Persistent Storage:

  * We improved the error message when a feature of the Persistent Storage 
fails to activate from the Welcome Screen to clarify which feature is affected.

![Welcome Screen with error

message: Failed to activate some features of the Persistent Storage:

Persistent Folder.](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.12/failure-to-

After starting Tails, the feature that failed to activate is marked as such in
the Persistent Storage settings. You can try turning the feature off and on
again or deleting its data to reset it entirely.

![Persistent Storage settings with

error message: Persistent Folder. Activation failed. Try

  * We made the activation of the Persistent Storage more reliable in 2 error 
cases. ([#19376](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/19376) and 

  * We added a progress indicator while turning on a new feature to clarify 
that it can take some time. 

  * We made sure that all data that is already available in Tails is really 
copied to the USB stick when turning on a feature. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.12

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.12.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.12 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.12/index.en.html>

Tails News
To unsubscribe, send an empty email to amnesia-news-unsubscr...@boum.org.
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscrib

[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.11 is out

2023-03-22 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.11 is out](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.11/index.en.html)

# New features

  * Tails now uses the [`zram` Linux kernel 
module](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zram) to extend the capacity of the 
computer's memory.

You can run more applications or use your session for longer periods of time.
Tails will handle more load before freezing and become slow more

  * You can record screencasts using the integrated feature of GNOME. We 
configured this feature to allow unlimited screencasts. See [screenshot and 

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Redesigned the unlocking section of the Welcome Screen.


For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.11

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.11.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.11 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 5.12 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
April 18.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.11/index.en.html>

Tails News
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.10 is out

2023-02-16 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.10 is out](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.10/index.en.html)

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Ask for confirmation when starting without unlocking the Persistent Storage.

![Do you really want to start Tails without unlocking your Persistent

  * Update our [documentation on the Persistent 

# Fixed problems

  * Avoid crashing when the download of an upgrade is stopped and resumed. 

  * Solve a possible privilege escalation through a symlink attack. 

Dennis Brinkrolf discovered that an adversary who could already run arbitrary
code as the amnesia user in Tails 5.9, could have escalated their privileges
to reading arbitrary files on the system. It might have been possible to use
this as part of an exploit chain to gain root privileges.

## Persistent Storage

  * Avoid opening the Persistent Storage settings each time after login. 

  * Solve some cases of failure to activate the Persistent Storage by bumping 
the unlocking timeout to 120 seconds. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.10

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.10.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.10 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 5.11 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
March 14.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.10/index.en.html>

Tails News
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.8 is out

2022-12-20 Thread Tails - News
0.0.12 or later.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.8

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.8.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.8 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.8/index.en.html>

Tails News
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Test the new Persistent Storage and Wayland support

2022-11-08 Thread Tails - News
if you install instead of

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  1. [Make a 
 a your current Persistent Storage in case something goes wrong.

  2. We don't provide automatic an update to 5.8~beta1, but you can do a 
[manual upgrade](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#manual) to 
5.8~beta1 and keep your current Persistent Storage.

  3. If you want to stop using 5.8~beta1, you can do a manual upgrade to [Tails 

Once Tails 5.7 is out on November 22, you will have to do a manual upgrade
from Tails 5.8~beta1 to 5.7.

This work has been made possible by donations from users like you. If you like
these changes and want more, donate now to fund our work in 2023.


URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/test_5.8-beta1/>

Tails News
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.6 is out

2022-10-25 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.6 is out](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.6/index.en.html)

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update the _Linux_ kernel to 5.10.149. This should improve the support for 
newer hardware: graphics, Wi-Fi, and so on.

# Fixed problems

  * When a manual upgrade is required, Tails now always points to the release 
notes of the latest version, instead of pointing sometimes to a deprecated 
version. ([#17069](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/17069))

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.6

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.6.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.6 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 5.7 is scheduled for November 22.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.6/index.en.html>

Tails News
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.5 is out

2022-10-17 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.5 is out](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.5/index.en.html)

# Changes and updates

This section will be updated soon. Sorry for the inconvenience!

# Known issues

Recently, a [serious kernel vulnerability](https://lwn.net/Articles/911062/)
has been discovered in the Linux kernel. This is currently exploitable in

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.5

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.5.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.5 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 5.6 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
October 25.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.5/index.en.html>

Tails News
To unsubscribe, send an empty email to amnesia-news-unsubscr...@boum.org.
Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.4 is out

2022-08-27 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.4 is out](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.4/index.en.html)

# Changes and updates

  * Harden several aspects of our _Linux_ kernel. 
[#18858](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/18858), and 

  * Disable HTTPS-only mode in the _Unsafe Browser_ to make it easier to sign 
in to Wi-Fi networks.

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _tor_ to

  * Update the _Linux_ kernel to 5.10.136. This should improve the support for 
newer hardware: graphics, Wi-Fi, and so on. It will also fix an important 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.4

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.4.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.4 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 5.5 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
September 20.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.4/index.en.html>

Tails News
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.3.1 is out

2022-08-03 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.3.1 is

This release is an emergency release to fix a security vulnerability in the
_Linux_ kernel.

# Changes and updates

  * Update the _Linux_ kernel to 5.10.127-2, which fixes 
 a vulnerability that allows applications in Tails to gain administration 

For example, if an attacker was able to exploit other unknown security
vulnerabilities in _Tor Browser_ , they might then use CVE-2022-34918 to take
full control of your Tails and deanonymize you.

This attack is very unlikely, but could be performed by a strong attacker,
such as a government or a hacking firm. We are not aware of this attack being
used in the wild.

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

# Fixed problems

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.3.1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.3.1.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.3.1 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 5.4 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
August 23.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.3.1/index.en.html>

Tails News
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.3 is out

2022-07-26 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.3 is out](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.3/index.en.html)

# Changes and updates

## Included software

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 11.5.1]

# Fixed problems

This section will be updated soon. Sorry for the inconvenience!

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.3

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.3.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.3 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 5.4 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
August 23.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.3/index.en.html>

Tails News
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.2 is out

2022-07-12 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.2 is out](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.2/index.en.html)

# Changes and updates

## Included software

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

# Fixed problems

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.2

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.2.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.2 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 5.3 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for July

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.2/index.en.html>

Tails News
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.1.1 is out

2022-06-24 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.1.1 is

This release fixes a [high severity security issue in
tor](https://forum.torproject.net/t/stable-release-0-4-7-8/3679), that affects
performance and possibly anonymity.

# Changes and updates

## Included software

  * Update _tor_ to

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update the _Linux_ kernel to 5.10.120. This fixes important security issues.

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.1.1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.x.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.1.1 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 5.2 is [tentatively
scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for July 5, but it
will likely be released later than that.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.1.1/index.en.html>

Tails News
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.1 is out

2022-06-05 Thread Tails - News
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.1 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 5.2 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for June

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.1/index.en.html>

Tails News
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 5.0 is out

2022-05-04 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 5.0 is out](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.0/index.en.html)

We are especially proud to present you Tails 5.0, the first version of Tails
based on Debian 11 (Bullseye). It brings new versions of a lot of the software
included in Tails and new OpenPGP tools.

# New features

## Kleopatra

We added
to replace the _OpenPGP Applet_ and the _Password and Keys_ utility, also
known as _Seahorse_.

The _OpenPGP Applet_ was not actively developped anymore and was complicated
for us to keep in Tails. The _Password and Keys_ utility was also poorly
maintained and Tails users suffered from too many of its issues until now,
like [#17183](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/17183).

_Kleopatra_ provides equivalent features in a single tool and is more actively


# Changes and updates

  * The Additional Software feature of the Persistent Storage is enabled by 
default to make it faster and more robust to configure your first additional 
software package.

  * You can now use the Activities overview to access your windows and 
applications. To access the Activities overview, you can either:

* Click on the **Activities** button.
* Throw your mouse pointer to the top-left hot corner.
* Press the **Super** (![](https://tails.boum.org/lib/start.png)) key on 
your keyboard.

You can see your windows and applications in the overview. You can also start
typing to search your applications, files, and folders.


## Included software

Most included software has been upgraded in Debian 11, for example:

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _GNOME_ from 3.30 to 3.38, with lots of small improvements to the 
desktop, the core _GNOME_ utilities, and the locking screen.

  * Update _MAT_ from 0.8 to 0.12, which adds support to clean metadata from 
SVG, WAV, EPUB, PPM, and Microsoft Office files.

  * Update _Audacity_ from 2.2.2 to 2.4.2.

  * Update _Disk Utility_ from 3.30 to 3.38.

  * Update _GIMP_ from 2.10.8 to 2.10.22.

  * Update _Inkscape_ from 0.92 to 1.0.

  * Update _LibreOffice_ from 6.1 to 7.0.

## Hardware support

  * The new support for driverless printing and scanning in Linux makes it 
easier to make recent printers and scanners work in Tails.

# Fixed problems

  * Fix unlocking _VeraCrypt_ volumes that have very long passphrases. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

  * _Additional Software_ sometimes doesn't work when restarting for the first 
time right after creating a Persistent Storage. 

To solve this, install the same additional software package again after
restarting with the Persistent Storage for the first time.

  * _Thunderbird_ displays a popup to choose an application when opening links. 

  * _Tails Installer_ sometimes fails to clone. 

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 5.0

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are not available to 5.0.

All users have to do a [manual

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
5.0 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 5.1 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for May

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.0/index.en.html>

Tails News
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Tails 4.29 is out

2022-04-06 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 4.29 is out](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.29/index.en.html)

# New features

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update _obfs4_ to 0.0.12 to provide more discrete Tor bridges. 

  * Update the _Linux_ kernel to 5.10.103.

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.29

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.18 and earlier.

Follow our instructions to do an [automatic upgrade from Tails 4.15, Tails
4.16, Tails 4.17, or Tails

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.19 or later to 4.29.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Debian or Ubuntu using the command line and 

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.29 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.30 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for May

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.29/index.en.html>

Tails News
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails News] Call for testing: 5.0~beta1

2022-04-06 Thread Tails - News
# [Call for testing: 5.0~beta1](https://tails.boum.org/news/test_5.0-beta1/)

We plan to release Tails 5.0 on May 3 or May 31. It will be the first version
of Tails based on Debian 11 (Bullseye). It brings new versions of most of the
software included in Tails and some important usability improvements.

You can help Tails by testing the beta for Tails 5.0 before the end of April.

# Changes and upgrades

  * Update to Debian 11 (Bullseye)

In particular this updates software included in Tails to:

* GNOME 3.38
* Audacity 2.4.2
* GIMP 2.20.22
* Inkscape 1.0.2
* LibreOffice 7.0.4
* OnionCircuits 0.7
* Pidgin 2.14.1
* Thunderbird 91.7.0-2~deb11u1
  * Upgrade Tor Browser to 11.0.10

  * Enable driverless printing and scanning 

# Fixed problems

  * Fix locales translation in the Welcome Screen 

  * Fix opening a Veracrypt volume with a long passphrase 

# Changelog

For more details about what has changed in Tails 5.0~beta1, read our

# Known issues

  * _WhisperBack_ fails to send error reports 

  * _Tails Installer_ sometimes fails to install or upgrade Tails 
[#18841](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/18841)). If this 
happens to you, please retry.

  * _Additional Software_ sometimes fails to install packages on first startup 
after configuring it 
([#18839](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/18839)). To fix 
this problem, install your _Additional Software_ manually again, then restart 

  * _OpenPGP Applet_ is not usable: its icon is not displayed 

  * Tails 5.0~beta1 takes more time to start than previous versions 

  * [Open issues for Tails 

See the list of [long-standing

# How to test Tails 5.0~beta1?

Keep in mind that this is a test image. We tested that it is not broken in
obvious ways, but it might still contain undiscovered issues.

Please, report any new problem to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org) (public mailing list) before the end of April.

# Get Tails 5.0~beta1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

No automatic upgrade is available, so do a [manual

## To download 5.0~beta1

### Direct download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

### BitTorrent download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

 from Windows
 from macOS
 from Linux

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

# What's coming up?

We will keep our [calendar](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/)
updated regarding the planned release date of Tails 5.0.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=5.0-beta1) is only one of them).
Come [talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-

URL: <https://tails.boum.org/news/test_5.0-beta1/>

Tails News
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Tails-dev m

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.28 is out

2022-03-08 Thread Tails - News
# [Tails 4.28 is out](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.28/index.en.html)

# Changes and updates

This section will be updated soon. Sorry for the inconvenience!

# Fixed problems

This section will be updated soon. Sorry for the inconvenience!

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.28

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.18 and earlier.

Follow our instructions to do an [automatic upgrade from Tails 4.15, Tails
4.16, Tails 4.17, or Tails

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.19 or later to 4.28.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/windows/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.28 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.29 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
April 5.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.


amnesia-news mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Ciclo de Autodefensa Digital no Brasil

2022-02-15 Thread Tails - News
Esse e um chamado aberto feito pelo Projeto Tor, Tails e Guardian Project para
todos e todas as defensoras de direitos humanos, jornalistas, ativistas,
feministas, defensoras de territorio, etc.

Em meio a crescente ameaça a nossa segurança e liberdade digital no Brasil,
sabemos que e cada vez mais importante compartilhar taticas contra a
vigilancia, para a nossa autodefesa digital, escutar e empoderar as pessoas
que lutam pela mudança social.

**Inscreva-se at e 28 de fevereiro!**

Por favor, compartilhe esse chamado com todas as pessoas que possam se
interessar :)


# Se quiser aprender mais sobre autodefesa digital

Estamos organizando algumas oficinas online em março e em abril:

  * **[Tor Browser](https://torproject.org/)** : Como navegar na Internet de 
maneira anonima e sem censura (para computadores).

  * **[Tor Browser Android](https://torproject.org/)** e **[Onion 
Browser](https://onionbrowser.com/)** : Como navegar na Internet de maneira 
anonima e sem censura (para celulares).

  * **[Orbot](https://guardianproject.info/apps/org.torproject.android/)** : 
Aumente a sua privacidade quando usa as aplicaçoes do seu celular.

  * **[Tails](https://tails.boum.org/)** : seu computador seguro em qualquer 

As oficinas sao gratuitas, mas as vagas sao limitadas. Para participar,
preencha o seguinte formulario:

Voce podera participar das oficinas de forma anonima e nao havera gravaçao.

# Se quiser compartilhar a sua experiencia conosco para melhorar as nossas

Estamos interessadas em aprender como melhorar nossas ferramentas para que
sejam mais uteis para o seu trabalho e suas lutas no Brasil.

Organizaremos entrevistas, testes de usabilidade, questionarios e outras
atividades para aprender sobre os problemas que encontram nossas usuarias no

Se quiser falar com a gente sobre o seu uso do Navegador Tor, Orbot, Onion
Browser ou Tails, por favor preencha o formulario abaixo:

amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.27 is out

2022-02-15 Thread Tails - News
# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update the _Linux_ kernel to 5.10.92. This should improve the support for 
newer hardware: graphics, Wi-Fi, and so on.

# Fixed problems

  * Fix connecting to a Wi-Fi network when choosing **Open Wi-Fi Settings** in 
the Tor Connection assistant. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.27

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier.

Follow our instructions to do an [automatic upgrade from Tails 4.15, Tails
4.16, Tails 4.17, or Tails

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.19 or later to 4.27.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.27 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.28 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
March 8.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.27/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.26 is out

2022-01-12 Thread Tails - News
# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Add a shortcut to open the _Tor Connection_ assistant when starting _Tor 
Browser_ if Tails is not connected to the Tor network yet.


For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.26

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier.

Follow our instructions to do an [automatic upgrade from Tails 4.15, Tails
4.16, Tails 4.17, or Tails

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.19 or later to 4.26.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.26 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.27 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
February 8.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.26/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.25 is out

2021-12-10 Thread Tails - News
# New features

## Backup utility

We added a utility to make a backup of the Persistent Storage to another Tails
USB stick.


This utility automates the process described until now in our documentation on
[making a backup of your Persistent
which used the command line.

Thanks a lot to David A. Wheeler for sending us the initial code!

It's pretty basic and we still want to do something better in
[#7049](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/7049), but we
didn't want to wait more because we know that backups are a big issue for our

## External Hard Disk

We added a new entry called **Tails (External Hard Disk)** to the GRUB boot


You can use it to start Tails from an external hard disk or one of the few USB
sticks that used to return the following error when starting Tails:

Unable to find a medium containing a live file system

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Tor_ to

  * Add a shortcut to restart Tails when the _Unsafe Browser_ was not enabled 
in the _Welcome Screen_.

  * Add a link from the error screen of the _Tor Connection_ assistant to our 
documentation on [troubleshooting connecting to 

# Fixed problems

For more details, read our

  * Fix the display problems in the _Unsafe Browser_. 

# Known issues

  * Remove the guest additions of VirtualBox. 

This breaks the support for mouse pointer integration, shared folders, and
shared clipboard.

The VirtualBox guest additions are badly maintained in Debian and not
compatible anymore with some recent updates in Debian. We will add them back
as soon as the packages in Debian work again in Tails.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.25

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier.

Follow our instructions to do an [automatic upgrade from Tails 4.15, Tails
4.16, Tails 4.17, or Tails

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.19 or later to 4.25.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.25 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.26 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
January 11.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.25/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.24 is out

2021-11-08 Thread Tails - News
# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Make the confirmation dialog of _Tails Installer_ more scary when 
reinstalling a USB stick that has a Persistent Storage. 

## Improvements to the Tor Connection assistant

  * Improve the time zone selection interface. 

  * Improve the explanation when fixing the clock. 

  * Explain better how to type a bridge. 

  * Remove mention to local networks when opening the _Unsafe Browser_. 

# Fixed problems

  * Avoid high CPU usage when getting download progress info in _Tails 
Upgrader_. ([#18632](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/18632))

For more details, read our

# Known issues

  * The _Unsafe Browser_ has display problems, but still works to sign in to a 
network using a captive portal.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.24

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier.

Follow our instructions to do an [automatic upgrade from Tails 4.15, Tails
4.16, Tails 4.17, or Tails

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.19 or later to 4.24.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.24 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.25 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
December 7.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.24/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.23 is out

2021-10-06 Thread Tails - News
# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.23

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier.

Follow our instructions to do an [automatic upgrade from Tails 4.15, Tails
4.16, Tails 4.17, or Tails

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.19 or later to 4.23.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.23 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.24 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
November 2.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.23/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.22 is out

2021-09-07 Thread Tails - News
In Tails 4.22, we focused on solving the most important issues in the _Tor
Connection_ assistant to make it more robust and easier to use.

# Changes and updates

## Included software and hardware support

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update the AMD graphics firmware to 20210818. This should improve the 
support for some AMD graphics cards.

## _Tor Connection_

  * Change the custom bridge interface to only allow entering 1 bridge. 

People had troubles knowing how to enter their custom bridges when the widget
was a textarea and only the first bridge is used anyway.


  * Allow saving 1 custom bridge in the Persistent Storage. 


  * Allow fixing the clock manually when connecting to Tor using bridges fails. 

This helps people East from London connect to Tor using obfs4 bridges and
makes connecting to Tor more robust in general.


  * Reduce the timeout that determines whether we can connect to Tor at all 
from 30 seconds to 10 seconds. Increase the timeout to start Tor entirely from 
120 seconds to 600 seconds. 

_Tor Connection_ now fails quicker when it's impossible to connect to Tor,
while being more robust on slow Internet connections.

  * Allow trying again to connect to Tor from the error screen. 

## _Unsafe Browser_

  * Stop restarting Tor when exiting the _Unsafe Browser_. 

  * Only mention the Persistent Storage in the _Unsafe Browser_ warning when 
there is already a Persistent Storage. 

## Others

  * Make sure that automatic upgrades are downloaded from a working mirror. 

  * Add Russian to the offline documentation included in Tails.

# Fixed problems

## _Tor Connection_

  * Fix connecting to Tor using the default bridges. 

  * Fix connecting to Tor when the Wi-Fi settings are saved in the Persistent 
Storage. ([#18532](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/18532))

  * Stop trying to connect to Tor in the background when _Tor Connection_ 
reaches the error screen. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.22

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier.

Follow our instructions to do an [automatic upgrade from Tails 4.15, Tails
4.16, Tails 4.17, or Tails

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.19 or later to 4.22.

You can [reduce the size of the
download](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#reduce) of future
automatic upgrades by doing a manual upgrade to the latest version.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.22 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.23 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
October 5.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.


[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Call for testing 4.22~rc1

2021-08-23 Thread Tails - News
Contribute to Tails by testing our release candidate for Tails 4.22 by the end
of August!

# What's new in 4.22~rc1?

Tails 4.22, scheduled for release on September 7, will allow users to manually
set their correct time zone and clock. This helps users to work around a long-
standing issue of Tails not being able to connect to Tor when obfs4 bridges
are being used and the computer has a hardware clock that is set to a time
zone that is east of UTC. See


Also, Tails 4.22 will allow users to save bridges to Persistent Storage so
that the bridges do not need to be reentered every time Tails is restarted.

# What's new since 4.21?

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Tor Connection assistant will stop trying to connect to Tor when the error 
screen is displayed.

  * Offline documentation includes the Russian language translation.

For more details, read our

# Get Tails 4.22~rc1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

If you are running Tails 4.19 or later, you can upgrade like this:

  1. Start Tails and [set an administration 

  2. Connect to the network and make sure Tor is connected successfully.

  3. Run this command in a _Terminal_:

echo TAILS_CHANNEL=\"alpha\" | sudo tee -a /etc/os-release && \

Enter the administration password when asked for the "password for amnesia".

  4. After the upgrade is applied, restart Tails and choose **Applications ▸ 
Tails ▸ About Tails** to verify that you are running Tails 4.22~rc1.

## Download Tails 4.22~rc1

Download and install Tails 4.22~rc1 as usually.

All the data on this USB stick will be lost. Don't install Tails 4.22~rc1 on
any USB stick that already has a Persistent Storage, upgrade instead.

### Direct download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
[OpenPGP signature](https://tails.boum.org/torrents/files/tails-
SHA256SUM: 52930e1241809c0939754968e9d6925de4306a1dd3b727d5a2f0b33f5442859f

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 
[OpenPGP signature](https://tails.boum.org/torrents/files/tails-
SHA256SUM: 6e37811b753f480d709d7c88464ae1b2d7282470876e25513a49b987adafa87e

### BitTorrent download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What to test in Tails 4.22~rc1?

We particularly would like to know if Tails successfully connects to Tor using
bridges when the correct time zone and clock are set from within Tor
Connection assistant.

Also, we want to make sure that bridges are properly saved to and restored
from Persistent Storage when the Tor Bridges feature is enabled.

Tell us if anything is unclear, confusing, or not working as you would expect.

Please, send your feedback to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org) (public mailing list).

# Known issues in 4.22~rc1

None specific to this release.

Happy testing!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/test_4.22-rc1/
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.21 is out

2021-08-10 Thread Tails - News
# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

# Fixed problems

  * Prevent _Tails Installer_ from deleting a Persistent Storage when doing a 
manual upgrade and choosing **Cancel** in the confirmation dialog. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.21

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.19 or later to 4.21.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.21 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.22 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
September 7.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.21/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.20 is out

2021-07-14 Thread Tails - News
# _Tor Connection_ assistant

Tails 4.20 completely changes how to connect to the Tor network from Tails.

After connecting to a local network, a _Tor Connection_ assistant helps you
connect to the Tor network.


This new assistant is most useful for users who are at high risk of physical
surveillance, under heavy network censorship, or on a poor Internet

  * It protects better the users who need to go unnoticed if using Tor could 
look suspicious to someone who monitors their Internet connection (parental 
control, abusive partner, school or work network, etc.).

  * It allows people who need to connect to Tor using bridges to configure them 
without having to change the default configuration in the Welcome Screen.

  * It helps first-time users understand how to connect to a local Wi-Fi 

  * It provides feedback while connecting to Tor and helps troubleshoot network 

We know that this assistant is still far from being perfect, even if we have
been working on this assistant since February. If anything is unclear,
confusing, or not working as you would expect, please send your feedback to
[tails-dev@boum.org](mailto:tails-dev@boum.org) (public mailing list).

This first release of the _Tor Connection_ assistant is only a first step. We
will add more improvements to it in the coming months to:

  * Save Tor bridges to the Persistent Storage 

  * Help detect when Wi-Fi is not working 

  * Detect if you have to sign in to the local network using a captive portal 

  * Synchronize the clock to make it easier to use Tor bridges in Asia 

  * Make it easier to learn about new Tor bridges 

# Changes and updates

  * Update _OnionShare_ from 1.3.2 to 

This major update adds a feature to [host a
accessible from a Tor onion service.


  * Update _KeePassXC_ from 2.5.4 to 

This major update comes with a redesign of the interface.


  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update _Tor_ to

  * Update the _Linux_ kernel to 5.10.46. This should improve the support for 
newer hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, and so on).

  * Rename _MAC address spoofing_ as _MAC address anonymization_ in the Welcome 

# Fixed problems

### Automatic upgrades

  * Made the download of upgrades and the handling of errors more robust. 

  * Display an error message when failing to check for available upgrades. 

### Tails Installer

  * Made the display of the **Reinstall** button more robust. 

  * Make the **Install** and **Upgrade** unavailable after a USB stick is 
removed. ([#18346](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/18346))

For more details, read our

# Known issues

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier.

To upgrade from Tails 4.14 or earlier, you can either:

* Do a [manual 

* Fix the automatic upgrade from a terminal. To do so:

  1. Start Tails and set up an [administration 

  2. In a terminal, execute the following command:

torsocks curl --silent 
https://tails.boum.org/isrg-root-x1-cross-signed.pem \
| sudo tee --append /usr/local/etc/ssl/certs/tails.boum.org-CA.pem \
&& systemctl --user restart tails-upgrade-frontend

This command is a single command that wraps across several lines. Copy and
paste the entire block at once and make sure that it executes as a single

  3. Approximately 30 seconds later, you should be prompted to upgrade to 
the latest version of Tails. If no 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Call for testing 4.20~rc1

2021-07-02 Thread Tails - News
Contribute to Tails by testing our release candidate for Tails 4.20!

We are very excited about it and cannot wait to hear your feedback :)

# What's new in 4.20~rc1?

Tails 4.20, scheduled for July 13, will completely change how to connect to
the Tor network from Tails. We would like as many people as possible to test
this release candidate to be able to fix as many problems as possible before
we release 4.20 to all users.


Over the years, we have identified many issues in how to connect to the Tor
network from Tails, thanks to your feedback. With this release candidate, we
are trying to solve the most important and pressing of these issues:

  * The lack of feeback while connecting to the Tor network.

  * The option to use Tor bridges has to be turned on in the Welcome Screen and 
cannot be changed afterwards.

  * The lack of default Tor bridges.

  * The previous configuration screen for Tor bridges wasn't accessible to 
people who use the screen reader.

  * The lack of guidance when Tails is not connected to a local network yet.

# What's new since 4.19~rc1?

  * The Tor Connection experience has had several improvements and bugfixes 
since 4.19~rc1.

  * OnionShare was upgraded to 2.2, which features significant changes compared 
to version 1.3.2 that we used to ship.

For more details, read our

# Get Tails 4.20~rc1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades to Tails 4.20~rc1 are available from versions 4.2 or 

If you installed 4.19~rc1 you should automatically be asked to upgrade the
next time you start it.

If you are running Tails 4.2 to 4.19, you can upgrade like this:

1. Start Tails and [set an administration 

2. Run this command in a _Terminal_:

echo TAILS_CHANNEL=\"alpha\" | sudo tee -a /etc/os-release && \

Enter the administration password when asked for the "password for amnesia".

3. After the upgrade is applied, restart Tails and choose **Applications ▸ 
Tails ▸ About Tails** to verify that you are running Tails 4.20~rc1.

## Download Tails 4.20~rc1

Download and install Tails 4.20~rc1 as usually.

All the data on this USB stick will be lost. Don't install Tails 4.20~rc1 on
any USB stick that already has a Persistent Storage, upgrade instead.

### Direct download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
OpenPGP signature|torrents/files/tails-amd64-4.20~rc1.img.sig]]  
SHA256SUM: 7b37ad1cb5cf8e8184676b1ac3d3a66e58dbfa70bf4c13f32f769df304eddd71

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 
OpenPGP signature|torrents/files/tails-amd64-4.20~rc1.iso.sig]]  
SHA256SUM: bc4cc51e7e0bc570ccf716aa06f151ca432ba8e78d25861d89b6d5d338aebcdc

### BitTorrent download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What to test in Tails 4.20~rc1?

We think Tails 4.20~rc1 is in pretty good shape, but it still has a few rough
edges. We need your help to identify as many new problems as possible!

We are particularly interested in any issues you experience with time syncing,
especially when reported using
Also, we really appreciate testing of diverse and rare network configurations:

  * When connecting to Tor without bridges fails.

  * When Tails is not connected to a local network yet.

  * When disconnecting from a Wi-Fi network with Internet connectivity and then 
reconnecting to a different Wi-Fi network without Internet connectivity.

  * When disconnecting from Wi-Fi network that don't require Tor bridges and 
the reconnecting to different Wi-Fi network that requires Tor bridges.

  * When connecting to a Tor bridge that works at first but then stops working.

  * When connecting to the Internet using a proxy.

Tell us if anything is unclear, confusing, or not working as you would expect.

Please, send your feedback to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org) (public mailing list).

If you are comfortable with the command line, check our [hacking
includes/usr/share/doc/tails/tca/HACKING.md). They contain firewall rules that
can be used to block access to the Tor network without bridges or simulate a
broken bridge.

# Known issues in 4.20~rc1

  * Korean 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.19 is out

2021-06-01 Thread Tails - News
We worked very hard last week to get ready to release the work on the
connection to Tor that we have been showing you in
[4.19~beta1](https://tails.boum.org/news/test_4.19-beta1/) and
[4.19~rc1](https://tails.boum.org/news/test_4.19-rc1/). We made a lot of
progress but didn't feel confident enough to release it today.

So, we are releasing 4.19 as a regular upgrade and will release this work in
4.20. We will publish an updated rc2 in the coming days with even more
improvements on the connection to Tor.

# Changes and updates

  * Stop pinning the TLS certificate of our website when doing automatic 

We broke automatic upgrades twice recently; once in December in
and again during a few days on [May
15](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/18324). These 2 times,
it was the consequence of a security feature: the pinning of the TLS
certificate of our website when doing automatic upgrades.

We removed this feature because the recent problems proved us that this
feature was not worth it if it makes us break automatic upgrades that often.

Our upgrades are still as strongly authenticated as they are signed using
OpenPGP by our team.

  * Add visual feedback when typing an administration password with sudo in a 

amnesia@amnesia:~$ sudo -i
[sudo] password for amnesia:  

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.19

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier. See the [known 
issue above](https://tails.boum.org/news/index.en.html#broken-upgrades).

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.14 or later to 4.19.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.19 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.20 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
July 13.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.19/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Call for testing 4.19~rc1

2021-05-17 Thread Tails - News
Contribute to Tails by testing our release candidate for Tails 4.19!

We are very excited about it and cannot wait to hear your feedback :)

# What's new in 4.19~rc1?

Tails 4.19, scheduled for June 1, will completely change how to connect to the
Tor network from Tails. We would like as many people as possible to test this
beta version to be able to fix as many problems as possible before we release
4.19 to all users.


Over the years, we have identified many issues in how to connect to the Tor
network from Tails, thanks to your feedback. With this beta, we are trying to
solve the most important and pressing of these issues:

  * The lack of feeback while connecting to the Tor network.

  * The option to use Tor bridges has to be turned on in the Welcome Screen and 
cannot be changed afterwards.

  * The lack of default Tor bridges.

  * The previous configuration screen for Tor bridges wasn't accessible to 
people who use the screen reader.

  * The lack of guidance when Tails is not connected to a local network yet.

# What's new since 4.19~beta1?

The Tor Connection experience has had several improvements and bugfixes since
4.19~beta1. For more details, read our

If you manually upgraded from Tails 4.12 or earlier to 4.19~beta1 and did the
[Thunderbird OpenPGP
then your keys are not protected by the master password
([#18316](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/18316), [Mozilla
bug](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1710290)). They are still
protected by the persistent storage's encrypting, but once that is unlocked
the keys are unprotected. This should be fixed in the final Tails 4.19.

# Get Tails 4.19~rc1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades to Tails 4.19~rc1 are available from versions 4.2 or 

If you installed 4.19~beta1 you should automatically be asked to upgrade the
next time you start it.

If you are running Tails 4.2 to 4.18, you can upgrade like this:

1. Start Tails and [set an administration 

2. Run this command in a _Terminal_:

echo TAILS_CHANNEL=\"alpha\" | sudo tee -a /etc/os-release && \

Enter the administration password when asked for the "password for amnesia".

3. After the upgrade is applied, restart Tails and choose **Applications ▸ 
Tails ▸ About Tails** to verify that you are running Tails 4.19~rc1.

## Download Tails 4.19~rc1

Download and install Tails 4.19~rc1 as usually.

All the data on this USB stick will be lost. Don't install Tails 4.19~rc1 on
any USB stick that already has a Persistent Storage, upgrade instead.

### Direct download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
[OpenPGP signature](https://tails.boum.org/torrents/files/tails-
SHA256SUM: f0d60fe7ff6bd29733937eee09e31a928e6cc0924ede33d688235a35c8a0042c

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 
[OpenPGP signature](https://tails.boum.org/torrents/files/tails-
SHA256SUM: 2ccd2c02836d5a2d840a07cbfa8f3b73246813b5f387ce5c12b3e30bf17bc4f1

### BitTorrent download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What to test in Tails 4.19~rc1?

We know that Tails 4.19~rc1 still has many rough edges. But we still need your
help to identify as many new problems as possible!

We're particularly interested in you testing diverse and rare network

  * When connecting to Tor without bridges fails.

  * When Tails is not connected to a local network yet.

  * When disconnecting from a Wi-Fi network with Internet connectivity and then 
reconnecting to a different Wi-Fi network without Internet connectivity.

  * When disconnecting from Wi-Fi network that don't require Tor bridges and 
the reconnecting to different Wi-Fi network that requires Tor bridges.

  * When connecting to a Tor bridge that works at first but then stops working.

  * When connecting to the Internet using a proxy.

Tell us if anything is unclear, confusing, or not working as you would expect.

Please, send your feedback to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org) (public mailing list).

If you are comfortable with the command line, check our [hacking

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Call for testing 4.19~beta1

2021-04-28 Thread Tails - News
Contribute to Tails by testing our beta for Tails 4.19!

We are very excited about it and cannot wait to hear your feedback :)

# What's new in 4.19~beta1?

Tails 4.19, scheduled for June 1, will completely change how to connect to the
Tor network from Tails. We would like as many people as possible to test this
beta version to be able to fix as many problems as possible before we release
4.19 to all users.


Over the years, we have identified many issues in how to connect to the Tor
network from Tails, thanks to your feedback. With this beta, we are trying to
solve the most important and pressing of these issues:

  * The lack of feeback while connecting to the Tor network.

  * The option to use Tor bridges has to be turned on in the Welcome Screen and 
cannot be changed afterwards.

  * The lack of default Tor bridges.

  * The previous configuration screen for Tor bridges wasn't accessible to 
people who use the screen reader.

  * The lack of guidance when Tails is not connected to a local network yet.

# Download Tails 4.19~beta1

Tails 4.19~beta1 has not been tested at all, as we usually do for new versions
of Tails. That's why we don't provide verification techniques for Tails
4.19~beta1. **Only use Tails 4.19~beta1 for testing!**

Download and install Tails 4.19~beta1 as usually.

All the data on this USB stick will be lost. Don't install Tails 4.19~beta1 on
any USB stick that already has a Persistent Storage.

### Direct download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

### BitTorrent download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What to test in Tails 4.19~beta1?

We know that Tails 4.19~beta11 still has many rough edges. But we still need
your help to identify as many new problems as possible!

We're particularly interested in you testing diverse and rare network

  * When connecting to Tor without bridges fails.

  * When Tails is not connected to a local network yet.

  * When disconnecting from a Wi-Fi network with Internet connectivity and then 
reconnecting to a different Wi-Fi network without Internet connectivity.

  * When disconnecting from Wi-Fi network that don't require Tor bridges and 
the reconnecting to different Wi-Fi network that requires Tor bridges.

  * When connecting to a Tor bridge that works at first but then stops working.

  * When connecting to the Internet using a proxy.

Tell us if anything is unclear, confusing, or not working as you would expect.

Please, send your feedback to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org) (public mailing list).

If you are comfortable with the command line, check our [hacking
They contain firewall rules that can be used to block access to the Tor
network without bridges or simulate a broken bridge.

# What's coming next?

Tails 4.19 will be the first release of a series of improvements to connect to
Tor. Next, we will work on:

  * Saving Tor bridges to the Persistent Storage 
  * Detecting better when the computer has no supported Wi-Fi hardware 
  * Detecting captive portals 
  * Helping people fixing their clock when failing to connect to `obfs4` 
bridges ([#15548](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/15548))

The learn more about our plans, read our [blueprint on network

Happy testing!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/test_4.19-beta1/
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.18 is out

2021-04-20 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes known security vulnerabilities. You should upgrade as soon
as possible.

# Changes and updates

  * Remove "Synchronizing the system's clock" notification when connecting to 
Tor network

We removed this notification because it didn't recommend a specific action for
users to take and it was unclear. It might have given users the impression
that they should alter their UTC clock settings.


  * Remove Poedit

We now use Weblate to provide translated text for Tails and the Tails website,
so Poedit isn't as necessary. To install Poedit in Tails, see our guide on

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update some Intel and Linux firmware packages. This should improve support 
for newer hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, and so on).

# Fixed problems

  * Use more reliable Debian repositories

Tails now connects to the APT repositories of Debian using their HTTPS address
instead of their .onion address, for increased reliability with the
feature. We left other Tails and Tor Project APT onion sources as is.

  * Display an error message when the Upgrader fails to download the signing 
key. This has been a silent error since 4.14. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier.

To upgrade from Tails 4.14 or earlier, you can either:

* Do a [manual 

* Fix the automatic upgrade from a terminal. To do so:

  1. Start Tails and set up an [administration 

  2. In a terminal, execute the following command:

torsocks curl --silent 
| sudo tee --append /usr/local/etc/ssl/certs/tails.boum.org-CA.pem \
&& systemctl --user restart tails-upgrade-frontend

This command is a single command that wraps across several lines. Copy and
paste the entire block at once and make sure that it executes as a single

  3. Approximately 30 seconds later, you should be prompted to upgrade to 
the latest version of Tails. If no prompt appear, you might already be running 
the latest version of Tails.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.18

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier. See the [known 
issue above](https://tails.boum.org/news/index.en.html#broken-upgrades).

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.14 or later to 4.18.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.18 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.19 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for May

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.17) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!


[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.17 is out

2021-03-23 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes known security vulnerabilities. You should upgrade as soon
as possible.

# Reliability improvements to automatic upgrades

  * Repair automatically the file system used during upgrades.

Automatic upgrades were sometimes failing even after doing a manual upgrade
because of an unclean file system.

  * Resume automatically when the download of an upgrade fails.

# Other changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update _Tor_ to

  * Update _GRUB_ to 

  * Update some firmware packages. This should improve the support for some 
Wi-Fi interfaces, especially Intel, Broadcom, and Cypress interfaces.

# Fixed problems

  * Improve the error message when starting the _Unsafe Browser_ while offline. 

![New error message: You are not connected to a local network

For more details, read our

# Known issues

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier.

To upgrade from Tails 4.14 or earlier, you can either:

* Do a [manual 

* Fix the automatic upgrade from a terminal. To do so:

  1. Start Tails and set up an [administration 

  2. In a terminal, execute the following command:

torsocks curl --silent 
| sudo tee --append /usr/local/etc/ssl/certs/tails.boum.org-CA.pem \
&& systemctl --user restart tails-upgrade-frontend

This command is a single command that wraps across several lines. Copy and
paste the entire block at once and make sure that it executes as a single

  3. Approximately 30 seconds later, you should be prompted to upgrade to 
the latest version of Tails. If no prompt appear, you might already be running 
the latest version of Tails.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.17

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier. See the [known 
issue above](https://tails.boum.org/news/index.en.html#broken-upgrades).

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.14 or later to 4.17.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.17 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.18 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
April 20.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.16) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.17/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Results of the 2020 donation campaign

2021-03-08 Thread Tails - News
Thank you so much, on behalf of our entire team, to everyone who donated
during our end-of-year campaign!

We raised $132 750 from 2 799 donors. That's an amazing 40% more than last
year and 30% of our yearly budget. These excellent numbers mean more
sustainability for Tails and ultimately better tools for you and all our

Here is what we did since October with your help:

  * From the number of automatic upgrades, we know that Tails was used 20% more 
in 2020 than in 2019. It's our biggest increase since 2016.

  * **We designed and tested usability improvements to the Persistent Storage 
and the connection to Tor.**

We know from previous surveys and usability research that these are 2 critical
aspects to improve the usability of Tails, especially for less technical users
and people experiencing heavy online censorship, for example in Asia.

Your donations will help us implement as many of these improvements as
possible during 2021. You can already have a look at the new designs in our
blueprints on the [Persistent
Storage-redesign) and the [connection to

We always test the usability of major features with users before releasing
them. It was particularly exciting this time because we tested our design
remotely using [paper prototyping](https://simplysecure.org/blog/formative-
testing) with people in Greece, Mexico, Italy, Uganda, Germany, Ireland, and

  * **We simplified the verification procedure on our download page** by 
[replacing the _Tails Verification_ 
 with similar JavaScript code that runs [directly on the download 

This simple usability improvement had a huge impact and 60% more downloads are
verified and secure now than with the verification extension.

  * **We automated the most time-consuming parts of our release process.**

We estimate that we divided roughly by 2 the amount of time, work, and stress
needed for us to publish a new version of Tails.

For you, this means a quicker response time in case of important security
vulnerability and more time available for us to work on new features and

  * **We hired a new core developer, boyska.**

boyska has very strong experience in the technical aspects of operating
systems and software development, and also in the social implications of
technology, Free Software, and privacy.

boyska will be key to bringing more improvements to Tails more quickly.

Thanks again for supporting Tails!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/donations_2020/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.16 is out

2021-02-24 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [known security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# New features

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update _Linux_ to 5.10.13. This should improve the support for newer 
hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, and so on).

  * Update _Tor_ to

# Fixed problems

  * Stop focusing on the **Cancel** button by default when downloading an 
upgrade to prevent canceling the download by mistake. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier.

To upgrade from Tails 4.14 or earlier, you can either:

* Do a [manual 

* Fix the automatic upgrade from a terminal. To do so:

  1. Start Tails and set up an [administration 

  2. In a terminal, execute the following command:

torsocks curl --silent 
| sudo tee --append /usr/local/etc/ssl/certs/tails.boum.org-CA.pem \
&& systemctl --user restart tails-upgrade-frontend

This command is a single command that wraps across several lines. Copy and
paste the entire block at once and make sure that it executes as a single

  3. About 30 seconds later, you should be prompted to upgrade to the 
latest version of Tails. If no prompt appear, you might already be running the 
latest version of Tails.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.16

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier. See the [known 
issue above](https://tails.boum.org/news/index.en.html#broken-upgrades).

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.15 or later to 4.16.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.16 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.17 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
March 23.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.16) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.16/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.15.1 is out

2021-01-28 Thread Tails - News
This release is an emergency release to fix a security vulnerability in

You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes and updates

## Included software

  * Update _sudo_ to 1.8.27-1+deb10u2, which fixes CVE-2021-3156, a major 
vulnerability that allows normal users to gain root privileges.

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.15.1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.2 or later to 4.15.1.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.15.1 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.16 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
February 23.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.15.1) is only one of them).
Come [talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.15.1/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.15 is out

2021-01-26 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [known security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# New features

  * Add a **Don't Show Again** button to the security notification when 
starting Tails in a virtual machine.

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update _Linux_ to 5.9.15. This should improve the support for newer 
hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, etc.).

# Fixed problems

  * Fix support for the Ledger hardware wallets in _Electrum_. 

  * Fix sharing mobile data, also called _USB tethering_, on iOS 14 or later. 

  * Clarify the error message when starting from a USB stick that is too small. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.15

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.2 or later to 4.15.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.15 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.16 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
February 23.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.15) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.15/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Our plans for 2021

2021-01-08 Thread Tails - News
In 2021, we want to focus on improving some of the very core features of
Tails, especially for **censorship circumvention**.

To support our work in 2021, take a minute now to [donate and fight
surveillance and censorship](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=pt)!

## Censorship circumvention

We want to completely redesign how to **start Tor and configure Tor bridges**.

This will make it easier for people in countries where accessing Tor is
blocked to circumvent censorship. According to data from the Tor project, the
top 5 countries by users of Tor bridges are Russia, Iran, the US, Belarus, and

## Persistent Storage

We want to improve the interface of the **Persistent Storage settings**.

Improving the Persistent Storage was your top priority when we surveyed our
users in July. We want to start by improving the usability of its core
features and rewriting this 9-year-old Perl application into Python GTK+. This
will make it possible to improve it faster in the future.

We also want to make it possible to persist Tor bridges.

## Security and maintenance

To improve the security of all applications in Tails, we want to **migrate to
_Wayland_**. _Wayland_ is a new display system for Linux that better controls
how each application interacts with the rest of the system.

For example, _Wayland_ will fix how the [_Unsafe Browser_ can be used to

We will also release **Tails 5.0**, based on Debian 11 (Bullseye) at the end
of 2021\. It will bring new versions of most of the software included in

# Help us fight surveillance and censorship


All our work is made possible by donations from people like you. We
particularly appreciate monthly and yearly donations, even the smallest ones.
Because they help us plan our work, they are the most valuable for the
sustainability of Tails.

To support our work in 2021, take a minute now to donate and fight
surveillance and censorship!


URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/plans_for_2021/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.14 is out

2020-12-15 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes and updates

  * Add support for the Ledger hardware wallets in _Electrum_. 

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update _Linux_ to 5.9. This should improve the support for newer hardware 
(graphics, Wi-Fi, etc.).

  * Remove the _Unifont_ font. 

# Fixed problems

  * Fix Additional Software by updating the APT key for `deb.torproject.org`. 

  * Fix changing the administration password stored in the Persistent Storage. 

  * Fix opening the Persistent Storage of another Tails USB stick in the 
_Files_ browser. 

  * Restore automatically a _GnuPG_ public keyring from its backup when it gets 
corrupt. ([#17807](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/17807))

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.14

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.2 or later to 4.14.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.14 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.15 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
January 26.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.14) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.14/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Deprecation of the Tails Verification extension

2020-12-13 Thread Tails - News
Today, we are retiring the _Tails Verification_ browser extension that used to
be advertised on our download page. We are replacing it with similar
JavaScript code that now runs directly on the page.

This new verification procedure is:

  * Simpler and faster for first-time users
  * Compatible with more web browsers, for example, Edge and Safari
  * As secure as the _Tails Verification_ extension

>From the logs on our website, it seems like only a minority of downloads are
currently being verified. We believe that this simplified verification
procedure will greatly increase the number of downloads being verified and
improve the security of our users.

Users of the _Tails Verification_ extension can safely remove it from their
browser. They will be reminded to do so on the download page.

We will remove the _Tails Verification_ extension from the Firefox and Chrome
stores in a few days.

The other 2 verification techniques are still available:

  * If you download Tails using BitTorrent, your BitTorrent client 
automatically verifies the checksum of the Tails image when the download 

  * If you know OpenPGP, you can verify your Tails image using an OpenPGP 

Special thanks to [Mike Meixler](https://www.meixler-tech.com/) who donated
his time to help us with the verification JavaScript!

In the future, this simplification will allow us to further simplify the
download page and installation instructions. We also want to research how to
make the verification faster. If you know WebAssembly, see if you can help us
[speed up the checksum

See also our [design document on the security and threat model of the download

amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.13 is out

2020-11-17 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 78.4.2, which brings a lot of changes, in 
particular the removal of Enigmail since Thunderbird now supports OpenPGP 
encryption itself! If you were using Enigmail we recommend following [our 

  * This section will be updated soon. Sorry for the inconvenience!

# Fixed problems

  * This section will be updated soon. Sorry for the inconvenience!

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.13

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.2 or later to 4.13.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.13 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.14 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
December 15.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.13) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.13/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.12 is out

2020-10-20 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _tor_ to

  * Update Linux to 5.8 and most firmware packages. This should improve the 
support for newer hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, etc.).

  * Add a button to cancel an automated upgrade while downloading. 

# Fixed problems

  * Fix several internationalization issues in _Electrum_, _Tails Installer_, 
and _Tails Upgrader_. 
[#17758](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/17758), and 

  * Anonymize URLs in the technical details provided by _WhisperBack_. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.12

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.2 or later to 4.12.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.12 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.13 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
November 17.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.12) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.12/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.11 is out

2020-09-23 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# New features

  * We added a new feature of the Persistent Storage to save the settings from 
the Welcome Screen: language, keyboard, and additional settings.

To restore your settings when starting Tails, unlock your Persistent Storage
in the Welcome Screen.

![new Welcome Screen feature in the Persistent Storage

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update _Linux_ to 5.7.17. This should improve the support for newer 
hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, etc.).

  * Configure _KeePassXC_ to use the new default location _Passwords.kdbx_. 

  * Update python3-trezor to 0.11.6 to add compatibility with the new Trezor 
Model T.

# Fixed problems

  * Disable the feature to **Turn on Wi-Fi Hotspot** in the Wi-Fi settings 
because it doesn't work in Tails. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.11

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.2 or later to 4.11.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.11 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.12 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
October 20.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.11) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.11/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Call for testing: 4.11~rc1

2020-09-09 Thread Tails - News
Tails 4.11, scheduled for September 22, will be the first version of Tails to
include Tor Browser 10.0 and to support persistent settings on the Welcome

You can help Tails by testing the release candidate for Tails 4.11 now.

# Persistent settings on the Welcome Screen

If you enable this persistence feature your Welcome Screen settings, like
language selection and any administration password, will be automatically
saved between sessions. While at the Welcome Screen the settings are restored
as soon as you unlock your persistent encrypted volume. Please let us know if
there are any problems!

# Tor Browser 10.0 (alpha 6)

This new major release of Tor Browser is based on a brand new Firefox ESR
series, version 78, which contains tons of changes, most under the hood.
There's a risk that some of these changes break some expected feature in
Tails, so please pay close attention and report any such issues to us!

# Changelog

For more details about what has changed in Tails 4.11~rc1, read our

# Known issues

  * In Tor Browser, opening `file://` URLs has a problem: opening any such 
local file will result in an infinite refresh loop like if you kept the F5 key 
pressed, so it will likely not display anything. At the moment this makes it 
impossible to read the offline documentation inside Tails, for instance. This 
will be fixed in Tails 4.11.

See the list of [long-standing

# How to test Tails 4.11~rc1?

Keep in mind that this is a test image. We tested that it is not broken in
obvious ways, but it might still contain undiscovered issues.

Please, report any new problem to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org) (public mailing list).

# Get Tails 4.11~rc1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from 4.2 or later to 4.11~rc1.

To do an automatic upgrade to Tails 4.11~rc1:

1. Start Tails 4.2 or later and [set an administration 

2. Run this command in a _Terminal_:

echo TAILS_CHANNEL=\"alpha\" | sudo tee -a /etc/os-release && \

Enter the administration password when asked for the "password for amnesia".

3. After the upgrade is applied, restart Tails and choose **Applications ▸ 
Tails ▸ About Tails** to verify that you are running Tails 4.11~rc1.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To download 4.11~rc1

### Direct download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

### BitTorrent download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/usb/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/usb/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/usb/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.11 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
September 22.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.11-rc1) is only one of them).
Come [talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/test_4.11-rc1/
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.10 is out

2020-08-25 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Tor_ to 

  * Update _Electrum_ from 3.3.8 to 

  * Update _Linux_ to 5.7.10. This should improve the support for newer 
hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, etc.).

  * Hide the welcome message when starting Thunderbird.

# Fixed problems

  * Fix support for USB Wi-Fi adapters with Atheros AR9271 hardware. 

  * Fix USB tethering from iPhone. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.10

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.2 or later to 4.10.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.10 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.11 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
September 22.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.10) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.10/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.9 is out

2020-07-28 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes
security vulnerabilities. You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update _Linux_ to 5.7.6. This should improve the support for newer hardware 
(graphics, Wi-Fi, etc.).

# Fixed problems

  * Allow characters others than A-Z, a-z, 1-9, and _@%+=:,./- in the 

  * Apply the keyboard layout that is automatically selected when you change 
the language in the Welcome Screen. 

  * Fix starting Tails with the toram boot option. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

  * USB Wi-Fi adapters with Atheros AR9271 hardware do not work with Linux 
5.7.6. ([#17834](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/17834))

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.9

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.2 or later to 4.9.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

The Persistent Storage on the USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.9 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.10 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
August 25.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.9) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.9/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.8 is out

2020-06-30 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# New features

  * We disabled the _Unsafe Browser_ by default and clarified that [the _Unsafe 
Browser_ can be used to deanonymize 

An attacker could exploit a security vulnerability in another application in
Tails to start an invisible _Unsafe Browser_ and reveal your IP address, even
if you are not using the _Unsafe Browser_.

For example, an attacker could exploit a security vulnerability in
_Thunderbird_ by sending you a phishing email that could start an invisible
_Unsafe Browser_ and reveal them your IP address.

Such an attack is very unlikely but could be performed by a strong attacker,
such as a government or a hacking firm.

This is why we recommend that you:

* Only enable the _Unsafe Browser_ if you need to log in to a captive 
* Always upgrade to the latest version of Tails to fix known 
vulnerabilities as soon as possible.
  * We added a new feature of the Persistent Storage to save the settings from 
the Welcome Screen.

This feature is beta and only the additional setting to enable the _Unsafe
Browser_ is made persistent. The other settings (language, keyboard, and other
additional settings) will be made persistent in Tails 4.9 (July 28).

![new Welcome Screen feature in the Persistent Storage

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update _Linux_ to 5.6.0. This should improve the support for newer hardware 
(graphics, Wi-Fi, etc.).

# Fixed problems

  * Fix the _Find in page_ feature of _Thunderbird_. 

  * Fix shutting down automatically the laptop when resuming from suspend with 
the Tails USB stick removed. 

  * Notify always when [MAC address 
 fails and the network interface is disabled. 

  * Fix the import of OpenPGP public keys in binary format (non armored) from 
the _Files_ browser.

For more details, read our

# Known issues

  * Administration passwords set at the Welcome Screen cannot contain most 
non-english characters, including spaces 
([#17779](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/17779)). Because 
of this you should limit your passwords to only alphanumeric characters (`a-z`, 
`A-Z`, `0-9`) and the following special characters: `_@%+=:,./-`. Once you have 
logged in you can change the password however you like using the `passwd` 
command in a Terminal.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.8

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.2 or later to 4.8.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost if you install instead of

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.8 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.9 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for July

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.8) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.8/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.7 is out

2020-06-02 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

# Fixed problems

  * Make the installation of Additional Software more robust. 

  * Clarify the error message when entering an incorrect password to unlock a 
VeraCrypt volume: _Wrong passphrase or parameters_ instead of _Error unlocking 
volume_. ([#17668](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/17668))

  * Clean up confusing comments in `/etc/tor/torrc`. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.7

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.2 or later to 4.7.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.7 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.8 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for June

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.7) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.7/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.6 is out

2020-05-05 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Add support for [Universal 2nd 
Factor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal%202nd%20Factor) USB security 

  * Update the list of applications in the _Favorites_ applications submenu.

To make it easier for new users to discover some of the core features of
Tails, we added _Configure persistent volume_, _Tails documentation_,
_WhisperBack Error Reporting_, and _Tails Installer_ and removed _Terminal_.


  * Change the input method for Japanese from Anthy to Mozc. 

![Keyboard menu ▸ Japanese \(Mozc\) ▸

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.6

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.2 or later to 4.6.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.6 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.7 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for June

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.6) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.6/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.5 is out

2020-04-07 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# New features

## Secure Boot

Tails now starts on computers with Secure Boot enabled.

If your Mac displays the following error:

Security settings do not allow this Mac to use an external startup disk.

Then you have to [change the settings of the _Startup Security
security) of your Mac to authorize starting from Tails.

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

This update fixes several [vulnerabilities](https://www.mozilla.org/en-
US/security/advisories/mfsa2020%2D13/) in _Firefox_, including [some critical

Mozilla is aware of targeted attacks in the wild abusing this vulnerability.

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.5

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.2 or later to 4.5.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.5 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.6 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for May

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.5) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.5/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Call for testing: 4.5~rc1

2020-03-28 Thread Tails - News
Tails 4.5, scheduled for April 7, will be the first version of Tails to
support Secure Boot.

You can help Tails by testing the release candidate for Tails 4.5 now.

# Secure Boot

Tails 4.5~rc1 should start on computers in UEFI mode and with Secure Boot

# Known issues

If your Mac displays the following error:

Security settings do not allow this Mac to use an external startup disk.

Then you have to change the change the settings of the _Startup Security
Utility_ of your Mac to authorize starting from Tails.

[Read our instructions on how to authorize starting from Tails on your

To open _Startup Security Utility_:

  1. Turn on your Mac, then press and hold **Command(⌘)+R** immediately after 
you see the Apple logo. Your Mac starts up from [macOS 

  2. When you see the macOS _Utilities_ window, choose **Utilities ▸ Startup 
Security Utility** from the menu bar.

  3. When you are asked to authenticate, click **Enter macOS Password**, then 
choose an administrator account and enter its password.

![Startup Security Utility](https://tails.boum.org/news/test_4.5-rc1/startup-

In the _Startup Security Utility_:

  * Choose **No Security** in the **Secure Boot** section.

  * Choose **Allow booting from external media** in the **External Boot**.

To still protect your Mac from starting on untrusted external media, you can
[set a firmware password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204455), available
on macOS Mountain Lion or later. A firmware password prevents users who do not
have the password from starting up from any media other than the designated
startup disk.

**If you forget your firmware password it will require an in-person service 
appointment with an Apple Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider.**

Read more on Apple Support about:

  * [Startup Security Utility](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208198)
  * [Secure Boot](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208330)
  * [How to set a firmware password on your 

See the list of [long-standing

# How to test Tails 4.5~rc1?

Keep in mind that this is a test image. We tested that it is not broken in
obvious ways, but it might still contain undiscovered issues.

Please, report any new problem to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org) (public mailing list).

# Get Tails 4.5~rc1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from 4.2 or later to 4.5~rc1.

To do an automatic upgrade to Tails 4.5~rc1:

1. Start Tails 4.2 or later and [set an administration 

2. Run this command in a _Terminal_:

echo TAILS_CHANNEL=\"alpha\" | sudo tee -a /etc/os-release && \

Enter the administration password when asked for the "password for amnesia".

3. After the upgrade is applied, restart Tails and choose **Applications ▸ 
Tails ▸ About Tails** to verify that you are running Tails 4.5~rc1.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To download 4.5~rc1

### Direct download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

### BitTorrent download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/usb/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/usb/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/usb/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.5 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
April 7.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.4.1 is out

2020-03-24 Thread Tails - News
This release is an emergency release to fix security vulnerabilities in _Tor
Browser_ and _Tor_.

You should upgrade as soon as possible.

## Included software

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 
[9.0.7](https://blog.torproject.org/new-release-tor-browser-907), which 
prevents [JavaScript from sometimes being enabled in the _Safest_ security 
level of Tor 

  * Update _Tor_ to 
[](https://blog.torproject.org/new-releases-03510-0419-0427), which 
fixes TROVE-2020-002, a major denial-of-service vulnerability that affects both 
Tor relays and clients. Using this vulnerability, an attacker could cause Tor 
to consume a huge amount of CPU, disrupting its operations for several seconds 
or minutes, and create patterns that could aid in traffic analysis.

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.4.1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from 4.2, 4.2.2, 4.3, and 4.4 to 4.4.1.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails
4.4.1 directly:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.5 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
April 7.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.4.1) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.4.1/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.4 is out

2020-03-12 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes and upgrades

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update _Linux_ to 5.4.19. This should improve the support for newer 
hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, etc.).

# Fixed problems

  * Tentatively fix Wi-Fi interfaces with Realtek RTL8822BE and RTL8822CE 
chipsets. ([#17323](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/17323))

If you had a problem with Wi-Fi starting from Tails 4.1, please [let us
know](https://tails.boum.org/support/talk/index.en.html) whether your problem
was fixed or not.

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.4

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from 4.2, 4.2.2, and 4.3 to 4.4.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can directly
download Tails 4.4:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.5 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
April 7.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.4) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.4/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.3 is out

2020-02-11 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# New features

  * We included the `trezor` package, which provides a command line tool to use 
a Trezor hardware wallet for cryptocurrencies.

# Changes and updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update _Linux_ to 5.4.13. This should improve the support for newer 
hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, etc.).

  * Update _Tor_ to

  * Update the _VirtualBox Guest Additions_ to 6.1.2.

# Fixed problems

  * Fix the progress bar and prevent closing the window while an upgrade is 
being applied. ([#16603](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/16603))


For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.3

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from 4.2 and 4.2.2 to 4.3.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can directly
download Tails 4.3:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.4 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
March 10.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.3) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.3/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.2.2 is out

2020-01-15 Thread Tails - News
This release is an emergency release to fix a critical security vulnerability
in _Tor Browser_.

# Updates

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

This fixes a [critical vulnerability](https://www.mozilla.org/en-
US/security/advisories/mfsa2020%2D03/) in the JavaScript JIT compiler of
_Firefox_ and _Tor Browser_.

Mozilla is aware of targeted attacks in the wild abusing this vulnerability.

This vulnerability only affects the _standard_
level of _Tor Browser_. The _safer_ and _safest_ security levels are not

# Fixed problems

  * Avoid a 2-minutes delay when restarting after doing an automatic upgrade. 

For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.2.2

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from 4.2 to 4.2.2.

Users of Tails 4.0, 4.1, and 4.1.1 have to upgrade to 4.2 first and then to

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can directly
download Tails 4.2.2:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.3 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
February 11.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.2.2) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.2.2/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.2 is out

2020-01-07 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Improvements to automatic upgrades

We worked on important improvements to the automatic upgrade feature, which is
still one of your major pain points when using Tails:

  * Until now, if your version of Tails was several months old, you sometimes 
had to do 2 or more automatic upgrades in a row. For example, to upgrade from 
Tails 3.12 to Tails 3.16, you first had to upgrade to Tails 3.14.

Starting with 4.2, direct automatic upgrades will be available from all prior
versions to the latest version.

  * Until now, you could only do a limited number of automatic upgrades, after 
which you had to do a much more complicated ["manual" 

Starting with 4.2, you will only have to do a manual upgrade between major
versions, for example to upgrade to Tails 5.0 in 2021.

  * We made automatic upgrades use less memory.

  * We optimized a bit the size of the download when doing automatic upgrades.

# New features

  * We included several command line tools used by 
[_SecureDrop_](https://securedrop.org/) users to analyze the metadata of leaked 
documents on computers that cannot use the _[Additional 

* [_PDF Redact Tools_](https://github.com/firstlookmedia/pdf-redact-tools) 
to redact and strip metadata from text documents before publishing
* [_Tesseract OCR_](https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract) to convert 
images containing text into a text document
* [_FFmpeg_](https://ffmpeg.org/) to record and convert audio and video

# Changes and upgrades

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 9.0.3.

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

  * Update _Linux_ to 5.3.15.

# Fixed problems

  * Open _~/Persistent/keepassx.kdbx_ by default when starting _KeePassX_. If 
this database does not exist yet, stop pointing to it in the list of recent 


For more details, read our

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 4.2

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from 4.0, 4.1, and 4.1.1 to 4.2.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can directly
download Tails 4.2:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.3 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
February 11.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.2) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.2/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Celebrating 10 years of Tails!

2019-12-15 Thread Tails - News
In 2019, we are especially proud of celebrating with you the 10 years of

The first release of Tails, back then _amnesia_, was announced in 2009. Since
then we released 98 versions of Tails, which were used more than 25 million

Here are some stories about how it all started and some vintage screenshots.
But first of all, the birthday cake!

 | . . |
´   `
|   |
|  :-)  |
   {}   {}
   ||   ||
 {}  {~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~}  {}
 ||  { ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ }  ||
   {} { H a p p y\} {}
   || {\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\} ||
{B i r t h d a y}
{   ! ! !   T a i ls   ! ! !}

# 2008-2010: amnesia, T(A)ILS, and their ancestors

Today, Tails is based on Debian, Tor, and GNOME. We inherit from their work
and try to contribute back in order to create a healthy ecosystem of reliable,
secure, and usable tools.

When we started the _amnesia_ project back in 2009, other projects before us
paved the way to what is Tails today:

  * [Knoppix](http://www.knoppix.org/), born in 2000 and still alive today, was 
the first popular live Linux distribution. Back then, it was a groundbreaking 
achievement to be able to start and use Linux without going through lengthy, 
very complex, and uncertain Linux install "parties". Knoppix was primarily 
designed for convenience and diagnosis.

 born in 2007 and based on Gentoo, pushed the concept of live operating systems 
a bit further by focusing on security and online anonymity. It was the first 
live operating system to include a full set of applications preconfigured to go 
through Tor (browser, email client, IRC client, etc.), offer a persistent 
_Home_ directory, and even allow hosting onion services.

Its original author, _Pat Double_, resigned in 2007 and _anonym_, who still
works for Tails today, took over the maintenance of _Incognito_. _Incognito_
was the first live operating system to receive an [official recognition from
the Tor Project](https://blog.torproject.org/incognito-and-tor-project-sign-

  * On August 16 2009, _intrigeri_ announced the first release of _amnesia_ on 
the [_tor-talk_ mailing 

  * In March 2010, _Incognito_ was declared dead and _amnesia_ its "[spiritual 
 Some weeks later, _amnesia_ would be renamed _T(A)ILS_, _The Amnesic Incognito 
Live System_, to act the fusion between _amnesia_ and _Incognito_.

We quickly realized that having parenthesis in our name looked very radical
but was quite confusing and finally settled on _Tails_ in 2011. Eight years
later, we still see most people on the Internet write it TAILS though it's
never been written in all caps on our website.

Hey people, it's Tails not TAILS!

This is how _amnesia_ 0.2 and our website looked like in 2009. The browser was
_Iceweasel_ with _Tor Button_ and the Tor controller was _TorK_.


# 2011-2014: core features, Tails 1.0, and public recognition

Until Tails 1.0 (April 2014), we would develop most of the core features that
make Tails today:

  * **Tails Installer**, forked from the [Fedora Live USB 
  * **Persistence**
  * **Tails Greeter**, our welcome screen
  * **Automatic upgades**
  * **MAC Spoofing**
  * **MAT (Metadata Anonymization Toolkit)**, which was developed by Julien 
Voisin as a Google Summer of Code with our help in 2011.

To support this intense development and the increased responsibility on our
shoulders, we accepted our first grant, from the _Swedish International
Development Agency_ in 2011 and started paying for some of the development

In October 2012, Tails was started around 2 500 times a day, 10 times less
than today.

In June 2013, Edward Snowden would reveal thousands of classified documents on
the surveillance programs of the NSA. Tails got mentioned by famous
technologists [Bruce
secure-surveillance) and 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Our plans for 2020

2019-12-02 Thread Tails - News
On October 7, we launched our donation campaign by explaining [why supporting
Tails is more important than
ever](https://tails.boum.org/news/2019-fundraiser/index.en.html). On October
31, we summarized [what we did in 2019 to make Tails easier to adopt by new
users](https://tails.boum.org/news/achievements_in_2019/index.en.html). Today
we pass on to you our plans for 2020.

But first, we are pleased that the donation campaign has been pretty
successful so far. We received around 50 000 € already, which is 69% more than
last year. Still, these good results are due to some large donations and fewer
people have been donating so far, 16% less than in 2018. We hope that after
reading this post many of you will consider [donating to

# Less manual upgrades (January 2020)

Tails ships an automatic upgrade mechanism since 2013. But this mechanism only
works for a limited amount of upgrades, after which a ["manual"
upgrade](https://tails.boum.org/doc/upgrade/index.en.html#manual) is needed.

These manual upgrades are a major pain point and we know that users often
think their Tails is "broken" when automatic upgrades are not possible

In 2020, we will remove the need for most of these manual upgrades. And as
automatic upgrades are also often too painful we will research ways to make
them lighter and more robust.

# New homepage and outreach material (April 2020)

Leveraging all the work that we have done in the past years to make Tails
easier to install and use, in 2020, we will explain better what Tails is and
why people should use it.

The text on our Home and About pages have not changed significantly since
2011. It is too verbose, too technical for most people, and not sufficiently
engaging visually. Since then Tails has come a long way: the number of people
using Tails has been multiplied by 16. Tails is no longer an experimental
project for privacy experts but a well-established reference.

For the less technical part of our target audience, Tails is a technological
object like nothing they have used before. Some of the core concepts of Tails
are particularly innovative and hard to understand before using it:

  * Tails is a full operating system that is started from a USB stick.

  * Tails forgets everything by default.

To make sure that the new explanation of Tails makes sense to less tech-savvy
users, we will use [user-centered](https://simplysecure.org/blog/formative-
testing) [design techniques](https://simplysecure.org/blog/branding-tails) and
work with [professional graphic

To reach critical communities of users and digital security trainers
worldwide, we will also print outreach materials based on this new
explanation, make it available in 4 languages, and send it to partner
organizations worldwide.

If your organization works with journalists, activists, or human-defenders and
is interested in receiving leaflets about Tails in 2020, please [get in touch
with us](mailto:sajol...@pimienta.org).

# Secure Boot for better hardware support (July 2020)

In 2019, we worked on making it much easier for users to start Tails on Mac
and as a consequence, their numbers more than doubled.

For years, Secure Boot has been among the main sources of issues reported to
our help desk and prevented less tech-savvy users to adopt Tails.

Currently, many have to learn how to disable Secure Boot on their computer.
This process is slightly different on every computer, is very complicated to
learn on your own, and can lead to scary problems on Windows computers, for
example [_BitLocker_ asking you for a recovery

Next year, we will add support for Secure Boot to Tails, making it easier to
start on PC, for which 90% of people download Tails.

**In 2020, we will keep the focus on improving Tails usability and outreaching 
to the people the most in need of digital security. If you also think that this 
is important, please take a moment to donate to Tails.**


URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/plans_for_2020/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Our achievements in 2019

2019-11-01 Thread Tails - News
On October 7, we started our [yearly donation
campaign](https://tails.boum.org/news/2019-fundraiser/index.en.html). Today,
we summarize what we achieved with your help in 2019.

If you liked our work in 2019, please take a minute to donate and make Tails
thrive in 2020!

# Easier adoption by new users

In 2019, we focused on fewer but critical features to make Tails easier to
discover and adopt for first time users.

  * In January, we completely changed the Tails installation procedure. Tails 
is now downloaded as a _USB image_: an exact copy of the data as it is written 
to the USB stick.

This made the installation experience better for all operating systems and
particularly easier and much faster for less tech-savvy users of
[Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/usb/index.en.html) and

  * Then, we improved our documentation to help first time users with their 
Tails installation:

* We explained better how to [troubleshoot failing 
Wi-Fi](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/usb/index.en.html#wi-fi), an issue 
unfortunately quite common, especially on Mac, and documented which Wi-Fi USB 
adapters work well in Tails.

* We created a [boot menu 
animation](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/usb/index.en.html#animation) to 
visualize how to start Tails on PC and clarified related troubleshooting 

As a consequence, more people than ever are using Tails:

  * Tails is used nearly 25 000 times every day worldwide. That's 15% more than 
in August 2018.

  * The percentage of people using Tails on Mac more than doubled since January 

To continue making Tails more accessible to users globally, we built a
[translation platform](https://translate.tails.boum.org/) for our website.
Since then, people started translations in Arabic, Catalan, Traditional and
Simplified Chinese, Polish, Russian, Serbian, and Turkish.

We also improved a lot the usability of _Tails Greeter_ for non-English users
in [Tails 4.0](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.0/index.en.html#greeter).

# Maintenance work

2019 was also a year of heavy maintenance work, as always. Keeping alive a
tool like Tails consists mostly of many tasks that are not very exciting:
publishing new releases every 6 weeks, updating Tails and our infrastructure
to new versions of Debian and other software that we use, fixing small issues
as they are reported to us, and implementing the many small improvements that
make Tails easier to use.

  * In October, we released [Tails 
4.0](https://tails.boum.org/news/version_4.0/index.en.html), which is the first 
version of Tails based on Debian 10 (Buster).

Tails 4.0 was our most important release in years. Tails 4.0 adds KeePassXC,
OnionShare 1.3.2, fixes Electrum, updates to Debian 10 and GNOME 3.30, starts
faster and uses less memory.

  * We released 13 new versions of Tails to deliver improvements and security 
fixes as soon as possible.

  * We published more emergency releases than ever before: 5 emergency releases 
to fix 5 critical security vulnerabilities in Firefox and Tor Browser and 
always keep Tails as secure as possible.

  * We removed less popular software and localization packages, which you can 
now install yourself using the [Additional 
 feature. Optimizations like these made the USB image of Tails 4.0 47 MB 
smaller than Tails 3.6, which was the bigger release ever.

  * Tails depends on a wider ecosystem of Free Software and privacy tools. We 
continuously contribute improvements to other projects which are either 
included in Tails or used on our infrastructure. Some of these projects, that 
we call "upstream", are:

* [Thunderbird](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=971347)
* [GNOME](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/merge_requests/263)
* [KeePassXC](https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/pull/2593)
* [ikiwiki](https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=911356)
  * We had to temper several [distributed denial-of-service 
(DDoS)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial%2Dof%2Dservice%5Fattack) attacks 
targeting our infrastructure.

  * For 9 years, we have been relying on the hosting services provided by the 
fine people of boum.org. Thank you! As they were reducing their activities, we 
had to migrate our services. Our website is now self-hosted and our 
mailing-lists are taken care of by 2 experienced and trusted autonomous server 
projects: [autistici.org](https://autistici.org) and 

# Community

Over the years, Tails has 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 4.0 is out

2019-10-22 Thread Tails - News
We are especially proud to present you Tails 4.0, the first version of Tails
based on Debian 10 (Buster). It brings new versions of most of the software
included in Tails and some important usability and performance improvements.
Tails 4.0 introduces more changes than any other version since years.

This release also fixes [many security
issues](https://tails.boum.org/security/Numerous_security_holes_in_3.16/). You
should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes and upgrades

## Major changes to included software

  * Replace _KeePassX_ with [_KeePassXC_](https://keepassxc.org/), which is 
more actively developed.


  * Update _OnionShare_ from 0.9.2 to 1.3.2, which includes a lot of usability 


  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 9.0:

* A gray border, called _letter boxing_, is now displayed around the 
content of web pages when you resize the window of Tor Browser.


Letter boxing prevents websites from identifying your browser based on the
size of its window. Letter boxing replaces the yellow warning that was
displayed until now when maximizing Tor Browser.

* The onion icon has been removed from the top bar.

To switch to a new identity, choose  ![](https://tails.boum.org/lib/open-
menu.png) ▸ New Identity.

* The icon of _Tor Browser_ is green instead of purple.

  * Update _MAT_ from 0.6.1 to 

_MAT_ has no graphical interface of its own anymore.

To clean the metadata of a file:

1. Open the _Files_ browser and navigate to the file that you want to clean.

2. Right-click (on Mac, click with two fingers) on the file.

3. Choose **Remove metadata**.


  * Update _Linux_ to 5.3.2. This should also improve the support for newer 
hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, etc.).

  * Update _Electrum_ from 3.2.3 to 
_Electrum_ works again in Tails.

  * Update _Enigmail_ to 2.0.12 and _gnupg_ to 2.2.12, which mitigate [OpenPGP 

  * Upgrade most other software, for example:

* _Audacity_ from 2.1.2 to 

* _GIMP_ from 2.8.18 to 

* _Inkscape_ from 0.92.1 to 

* _LibreOffice_ from 5.2.7 to 

* _git_ from 2.11.0 to 2.20.1

* _Tor_ to

  * Remove _Scribus_.

You can install _Scribus_ again using the _[Additional

## Usability improvements to _Tails Greeter_

We improved various aspects of the usability of _Tails Greeter_, especially
for non-English users:

  * To make it easier to select a language, we curated the list of proposed 
languages by removing the ones that had too little translations to be useful. 
We also clarified how Chinese is listed by having different entries for 
simplified and traditional Chinese.


  * We simplified the list of keyboard layouts.

  * We fixed the **Formats** setting, which was not being applied.

  * We prevented additional settings to be applied when clicking on **Cancel** 
or **Back**.

  * We fixed the opening of help pages in other languages than English, when 

## Performance and usability improvements

  * Tails 4.0 starts 20% faster.

  * Tails 4.0 requires about 250 MB less of RAM.

  * Tails 4.0 is 47 MB smaller to download than Tails 3.16, despite all these 

  * Add support for _Thunderbolt_ devices.

  * The screen keyboard is easier to use.


  * Make it possible to show the password of the persistent storage when 
creating one.

  * Add support for USB tethering from iPhone.

## New documentation pages

  * [How to securely erasing an entire 
 including USB sticks and SSDs.

  * [How to backup your persistent 

## Other changes

  * Use the default bookmarks from _Tor Browser_ instead of our own default 
bookmarks. ([#15895](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/15895))

  * Remove the _Home_ launcher from the desktop. 

  * Remove the default accounts in _Pidgin_. 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Call for testing: 4.0~rc1

2019-10-11 Thread Tails - News
Tails 4.0 will be the first version of Tails based on Debian 10 (Buster). It
brings new versions of most of the software included in Tails and some
important usability and performance improvements.

You can help Tails by testing the release candidate for the upcoming version

We are very excited about it and cannot wait to hear your feedback :)

# Changes and upgrades

## Major changes to included software

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 9.0a7, based on Firefox 68.1.0esr.

  * Update _Electrum_ to 3.3.8, which works with the current Bitcoin network.

  * Update _Linux_ to 5.3.2.

  * Update _tor_ to

## Usability improvements to _Tails Greeter_

We improved various aspects of the usability of _Tails Greeter_, especially
for non-English users.

  * To make it easier to select a language, we curated the list of proposed 
languages by removing the ones that had too little translations to be useful.

  * We also simplified the list of keyboard layouts.

  * We fixed the **Formats** setting, which was not being applied.

  * We prevented additional settings to be applied when clicking on **Cancel** 
or **Back**.

# Fixed problems

  * Fix the delivery of _WhisperBack_ reports. 

  * Dozens of other problems -- literally. For more details, read our 

# Known issues

  * Spellchecking only works for English. 

To fix it, set `spellchecker.dictionary_path` to `/usr/share/hunspell` in

  * _Unsafe Browser_ tabs have the "Private Browsing" name and the _Tor 
Browser_'s icon. ([#17142](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/17142))

  * The _On-screen keyboard_ does not allow to input any accentuated char. 

  * Other [open tickets for Tails 

See the list of [long-standing

# How to test Tails 4.0~rc1?

We will provide security upgrades for Tails 4.0~rc1 like we do for regular
versions of Tails.

Keep in mind that this is a test image. We tested that it is not broken in
obvious ways, but it might still contain undiscovered issues.

Please, report any new problem to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org) (public mailing list).

# Get Tails 4.0~rc1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from 4.0~beta1 and 4.0~beta2.

  * You can do a [manual upgrade](https://tails.boum.org/upgrade/index.en.html).

## To download 4.0~rc1

### Direct download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

### BitTorrent download

  * [For USB sticks (USB 

  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/usb/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/usb/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/usb/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.0 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
October 22.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.0-rc1) is only one of them).
Come [talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/test_4.0-rc1/
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Launching our donation campaign for 2020

2019-10-07 Thread Tails - News
The mission of Tails is to empower people worldwide by giving out an operating
system that protects from surveillance and censorship.

We build liberating technology to put people in control of their digital
lives, keeping in mind that the most vulnerable and oppressed people are also
the most in need of privacy and security:

  * Journalists and whistleblowers use Tails to denounce the wrongdoings of 
governments and corporations.
  * Activists use Tails to avoid surveillance and organize their struggles for 
liberatory social change.
  * Human-rights defenders use Tails to avoid censorship and report 
human-rights violations.
  * Domestic violence survivors use Tails to escape surveillance in their homes.
  * Privacy-concerned citizens use Tails to avoid online tracking.

And we give out Tails for free because nobody should have to pay to be safe
while using computers.

However, Tails needs funds to keep up the fight and we know that people who
need Tails the most cannot always donate: because they would get in trouble
for giving to an anti-surveillance tool or simply because they don't have the

# Why supporting Tails is more important than ever

The [2019 World Press Freedom Index](https://rsf.org/en/2019-world-press-
freedom-index-cycle-fear) compiled by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) shows
how hatred of journalists has degenerated into violence, contributing to an
increase in fear. The number of countries regarded as safe, where journalists
can work in complete security, continues to decline, while authoritarian
regimes continue to tighten their grip on the media.

According to the [2019 Report by United Nations' Special Rapporteur David
surveillance of individuals - often journalists, activists, opposition
figures, critics and others exercising their right to freedom of expression -
thrives because of weak controls on exports and transfers of surveillance
technology to repressive governments. This surveillance is known to lead to
arbitrary detention, sometimes to torture and possibly to extrajudicial

These technologies include targeted malware, online interception of network
communications, and deep packet inspection; all technologies that Tails is one
of the best tool to protect from while reducing the risk of dangerous

A legal framework to regulate this surveillance industry, as recommended by
David Kaye, might be useful for the future. But digital freedom tools like
Tails are more needed than ever right now, in an act of empowerment and self-

# You are our best guarantee

We often hear complaints about software projects that are meant to fight
surveillance, like Tor and Tails, getting funds from the US government. We
share this concern and we will never be at ease as long as the well-being of
our project depends on such funding.

This is why it's so important to be sustained by users like you: our
independence depends on you.

We are extremely proud that our primary source of funding in the last years
has been donations from passionate people like you. Let's keep it this way!

In 2017-2019, our money came from:

  * Passionate people like you


  * Foundations  NGOs


like Mozilla or the Handshake Foundation

  * Entities related to the US government


like the Open Technology Fund or the ISC Project

  * Private companies


like DuckDuckGo or Lush

# New anonymous ways to donate

Because we know that being able to donate anonymously is very important to
some of you, we are adding this year 3 new ways to donate anonymously to

You can send us:

  * Monero:


  * Zcash:


  * Cash by post:

Merseburger Strasse 95  
04177 Leipzig  

Please take a minute to donate to Tails today!


URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/2019-fundraiser/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 3.16 is out

2019-09-05 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes and upgrades

  * Remove _LibreOffice Math_

You can install _LibreOffice Math_ again using the _[Additional

  * Remove our predefined bookmarks in _Tor Browser_.

  * Remove the predefined I2P and IRC accounts in _Pidgin_.

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 8.5.5.

  * Update _Linux_ to 4.19.37-5, which fixes the [SWAPGS variant of the Spectre 

  * Update most firmware packages. This should improve the support for newer 
hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, etc.).

# Fixed problems

  * Fix opening the persistent storage of another Tails USB stick from the 
_Files_ browser. ([#16789](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/16789))

  * Fix the translation of _Additional Software_. 

  * Remove the security level indicator in the _Unsafe Browser_. 

For more details, read our [changelog](https://git-

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 3.16

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from 3.14, 3.14.1, 3.14.2, and 3.15 to 

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can directly
download Tails 3.16:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.0 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
October 22.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=3.16) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_3.16/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Call for testing: 4.0~beta2

2019-09-04 Thread Tails - News
You can help Tails by testing the second beta for the upcoming version 4.0!

We are very excited about it and cannot wait to hear your feedback :)

# What's new in 4.0~beta2?

Tails 4.0 will be the first version of Tails based on Debian 10 (Buster). As
such, it upgrades essentially all included software.

We are particularly interested in detecting new problems with the following

  * Mac computers
  * Recent Nvidia and ATI/AMD graphics cards

Other changes in Tails 4.0~beta2 include:

  * All changes [included in 

  * All changes 
 in Tails 3.16.

  * Update _Linux_ to 5.2.9. This mitigates the Spectre v1 swapgs security 

  * Update _tor_ to

  * Update _Enigmail_ to 2.0.12.

  * Make the _GNOME Desktop_ load faster.

  * Save about 250 MB of RAM.

  * In the _Applications_ menu, move _Calculator_ and _Terminal_ to where they 
were in Tails 3.x. This avoids the need to scroll in the _Utilities_ submenu.

  * Allow _OnionShare_ to open links with _Tor Browser_.

  * Use the same icon for Tails Documentation in the _Applications_ menu as on 
the _Desktop_.

Technical details of all the changes are listed in the

# Known issues in 4.0~beta2

  * [Open tickets for Tails 

  * [Longstanding known 

# How to test Tails 4.0~beta2?

We will provide security upgrades for Tails 4.0~beta2 like we do for regular
versions of Tails.

Keep in mind that this is a test image. We tested that it is not broken in
obvious ways, but it might still contain undiscovered issues.

Please, report any new problem to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org) (public mailing list).

# Get Tails 4.0~beta2

## To download 4.0~beta2

### Direct download

[Tails 4.0~beta2 ISO image](http://dl.amnesia.boum.org/tails/alpha/tails-
amd64-4.0~beta2/tails-amd64-4.0~beta2.iso) [OpenPGP

[Tails 4.0~beta2 USB image](http://dl.amnesia.boum.org/tails/alpha/tails-
amd64-4.0~beta2/tails-amd64-4.0~beta2.img) [OpenPGP

### BitTorrent download

[Tails 4.0~beta2 ISO image

[Tails 4.0~beta2 USB image

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from 4.0~beta1.

  * You can do a [manual upgrade](https://tails.boum.org/upgrade/index.en.html).

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/usb/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/usb/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/usb/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.0 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
October 22.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.0-beta2) is only one of them).
Come [talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/test_4.0-beta2/
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Call for testing: 4.0~beta1

2019-08-08 Thread Tails - News
You can help Tails by testing the first beta for the upcoming version 4.0!

We are very excited about it and cannot wait to hear your feedback :)

# What's new in 4.0~beta1?

Tails 4.0 will be the first version of Tails based on Debian 10 (Buster). As
such, it upgrades essentially all included software.

We are particularly interested in detecting new problems with the following

  * Mac computers
  * Recent Nvidia and ATI/AMD graphics cards

Other changes in Tails 4.0~beta1 include:

  * Replace _KeePassX_ with [_KeePassXC_](https://keepassxc.org/). 

  * Add support for Thunderbolt devices. 

If you have a Thunderbolt device, please try using it.

Choose  Devices ▸ Thunderbolt from the Settings utility to authorize your
Thunderbolt devices, if needed.

See also the design document on [Thunderbolt 3 in Fedora
fedora-28/) to see how Thunderbolt is integrated in GNOME.

  * Remove _Scribus_. 

You can install _Scribus_ again using the _[Additional

  * Remove _LibreOffice Math_. 

You can install _LibreOffice Math_ again using the _[Additional

  * Allow opening persistent volumes from other Tails USB sticks. 

  * Display _OpenPGP Applet_ on the left of the Tor status icon. 

  * Add the _Files_ browser to the list of favorite applications. 

  * Change the background of the boot menu. 

  * Use the default bookmarks from _Tor Browser_ instead of our own default 
bookmarks. ([#15895](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/15895))

  * Remove the _Home_ launcher from the desktop. 

  * Remove the default accounts in _Pidgin_. 

Technical details of all the changes are listed in the

# Known issues in 4.0~beta1

  * The documentation has not been updated so far.

  * [Open tickets for Tails 

  * [Longstanding known 

# How to test Tails 4.0~beta1?

We will provide security upgrades for Tails 4.0~beta1 like we do for regular
versions of Tails.

Keep in mind that this is a test image. We tested that it is not broken in
obvious ways, but it might still contain undiscovered issues.

Please, report any new problem to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org) (public mailing list).

## Get Tails 4.0~beta1

### Download via the web

[Tails 4.0~beta1 ISO image](http://dl.amnesia.boum.org/tails/alpha/tails-
amd64-4.0~beta1/tails-amd64-4.0~beta1.iso) [OpenPGP

[Tails 4.0~beta1 USB image](http://dl.amnesia.boum.org/tails/alpha/tails-
amd64-4.0~beta1/tails-amd64-4.0~beta1.img) [OpenPGP

### Download via BitTorrent

[Tails 4.0~beta1 ISO image

[Tails 4.0~beta1 USB image

To install 4.0~beta1, follow our usual installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/usb/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/usb/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/usb/index.en.html)

# What's coming up?

Tails 4.0 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
October 22.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=4.0-beta1) is only one of them).
Come [talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/test_4.0-beta1/
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 3.15 is out

2019-07-10 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes and upgrades

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 8.5.4.

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 60.7.2.

# Fixed problems

  * Fix Tails failing to start a second time on some computers. 

  * Display an error message in the Unlock VeraCrypt Volumes utility when 
closing a volume fails because the volume is being used. 

  * Fix starting Tails through the [Heads](http://osresearch.net/) boot 
firmware. ([Heads #581](https://github.com/osresearch/heads/issues/581))

For more details, read our [changelog](https://git-

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 3.15

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from 3.13, 3.13.1, 3.13.2, 3.14, 3.14.1, 
and 3.14.2 to 3.15.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can directly
download Tails 3.15:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 3.16 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
September 3.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=3.15) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_3.15/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
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Tails-dev mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 3.14.2 is out

2019-06-25 Thread Tails - News
This release is an emergency release to fix a critical security vulnerability
in _Tor Browser_.

You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes and upgrades

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 
[8.5.3](https://blog.torproject.org/new-release-tor-browser-853), which fixes a 
critical vulnerability in _Tor Browser_, a [_sandbox 
 that we couldn't fix in time for 3.14.1.

# Fixed problems

For more details, read our [changelog](https://git-

# Known issues

## Tails fails to start a second time on some computers

On some computers, after installing Tails to a USB stick, Tails starts a first
time but fails to start a second time. In some cases, only BIOS (Legacy) was
affected and the USB stick was not listed in the Boot Menu.

We partially fix this issue in 3.14.1 but are still investigating it, so if it
happens to you, please report your findings by email to [tails-
test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-test...@boum.org). Mention the model of the
computer and the USB stick. This mailing list is [archived

To fix this issue:

  1. Reinstall your USB stick using the same installation method.

  2. Start Tails for the first time and [set up an administration 

  3. Choose  Applications ▸ System Tools ▸ Root Terminal to open a Root 

  4. Execute the following command:

sgdisk --recompute-chs /dev/bilibop

You can also test an experimental image:

  1. [Download the _.img_ file from our development 

  2. Install it using the same installation methods.

We don't provide any OpenPGP signature or other verification technique for
this test image. Please only use it for testing.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 3.14.2

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from 3.13, 3.13.1, 3.13.2, 3.14, and 
3.14.1 to 3.14.2.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can directly
download Tails 3.14.2:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 3.15 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
July 9.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=3.14.2) is only one of them).
Come [talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_3.14.2/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 3.14.1 is out

2019-06-21 Thread Tails - News
This release is an emergency release to fix a critical security vulnerability
in _Tor Browser_.

It also fixes [other security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

## Fixed arbitrary code execution in _Tor Browser_

A [critical vulnerability](https://www.mozilla.org/en-
US/security/advisories/mfsa2019-18/) was discovered in the JavaScript engine
of _Firefox_ and _Tor Browser_. This vulnerability allowed a malicious website
to execute arbitrary code, which means possibly taking over your browser and
turning it into a malicious application.

The Firefox team has reported seeing this vulnerability being abused on the
Internet but has not disclosed further details.

People using the _Safer_ or _Safest_ [security level of _Tor
are not affected because the feature of JavaScript that is affected (the
is disabled in these security levels.

Because _Tor Browser_ in Tails is [confined using
the impact of this vulnerability in Tails is less than in other operating
systems. For example, an exploited _Tor Browser_ in Tails could have accessed
your files in the _Tor Browser_ and _Persistent/Tor Browser_ folders but not
elsewhere in your persistent storage.

A second security vulnerability (a _sandbox escape_) has been revealed on
_Firefox_ and _Tor Browser_. This second vulnerability could only be used by
other possible vulnerabilities in _Firefox_ or _Tor Browser_ as a way to do
more damage to the operating system. Because in Tails, _Tor Browser_ is
already confined by _AppArmor_, we think that this second vulnerability is not
severe in Tails. That is why, we are releasing 3.14.1 today, without waiting
for a fix for this second vulnerability.

# Upgrades and changes

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 

  * Update _Tor_ to

  * Upgrade _Thunderbird_ to 

For more details, read our [changelog](https://git-

# Known issues

## Tails fails to start a second time on some computers

On some computers, after installing Tails to a USB stick, Tails starts a first
time but fails to start a second time. In some cases, only BIOS (Legacy) was
affected and the USB stick was not listed in the Boot Menu.

We partially fix this issue in 3.14.1 but are still investigating it, so if it
happens to you, please report your findings by email to [tails-
test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-test...@boum.org). Mention the model of the
computer and the USB stick. This mailing list is [archived

To fix this issue:

  1. Reinstall your USB stick using the same installation method.

  2. Start Tails for the first time and [set up an administration 

  3. Choose  Applications ▸ System Tools ▸ Root Terminal to open a Root 

  4. Execute the following command:

sgdisk --recompute-chs /dev/bilibop

You can also test an experimental image:

  1. [Download the _.img_ file from our development 

  2. Install it using the same installation methods.

We don't provide any OpenPGP signature or other verification technique for
this test image. Please only use it for testing.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 3.14.1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from 3.13, 3.13.1, 3.13.2, and 3.14 to 

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can directly
download Tails 3.14.1:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 3.14 is out

2019-05-23 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes

## Upgrades and changes

  * Update _Linux_ to 4.19.37 and most firmware packages. This should improve 
the support for newer hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, etc.).

  * Enable all available mitigations for the MDS (Microarchitectural Data 
Sampling) attacks and disable 
(simultaneous multithreading) on all vulnerable processors to fix the [RIDL, 
Fallout](https://mdsattacks.com/) and 
[ZombieLoad](https://zombieloadattack.com/) security vulnerabilities.

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 8.5.

  * Remove the following applications:

* Desktop applications

  * _Gobby_
  * _Pitivi_
  * _Traverso_
* Command-line tools

  * `hopenpgp-tools`
  * `keyringer`
  * `monkeysign`
  * `monkeysphere`
  * `msva-perl`
  * `paperkey`
  * `pwgen`
  * ``
  * `pdf-redact-tools`

You can install these applications again using the _[Additional

Thanks to the removal of these less popular applications 3.14 and the removal
of some language packs in 3.13.2, Tails 3.14 is 39 MB smaller than 3.13.

## Fixed problems

  * Add back the _OpenPGP Applet_ and _Pidgin_ notification icons to the top 
navigation bar.


  * Fix _NoScript_ being deactivated when restarting _Tor Browser_.

For more details, read our [changelog](https://git-

# Known issues

### Tails fails to start a second time on some computers

On some computers, after installing Tails to a USB stick, Tails starts a first
time but fails to start a second time. In some cases, only BIOS (Legacy) was
affected and the USB stick was not listed in the Boot Menu.

We are still investigating the issue, so if it happens to you, please report
your findings by email to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org). Mention the model of the computer and the USB stick. This
mailing list is [archived publicly](https://lists.autistici.org/list/tails-

To fix this issue:

  1. Reinstall your USB stick using the same installation method.

  2. Start Tails for the first time and [set up an administration 

  3. Choose  Applications ▸ System Tools ▸ Root Terminal to open a Root 

  4. Execute the following command:

sgdisk --recompute-chs /dev/bilibop

You can also test an experimental image:

  1. [Download the _.img_ file from our development 

  2. Install it using the same installation methods.

We don't provide any OpenPGP signature or other verification technique for
this test image. Please only use it for testing.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 3.14

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from 3.12, 3.12.1, 3.13, 3.13.1, and 
3.13.2 to 3.14.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can directly
download Tails 3.14:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 3.15 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
July 9.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=3.14) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_3.14/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 3.13.2 is out

2019-05-07 Thread Tails - News
This release is an emergency release to fix a critical security vulnerability
in _Tor Browser_.

It also fixes [other security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes

## Fixed _NoScript_ activation in _Tor Browser_

Starting from Friday May 3, a problem in _Firefox_ and _Tor Browser_ disabled
all add-ons. This release reactivates all add-ons in _Tor Browser_, especially
_NoScript_ which is used to:

  * Most importantly, protect against a very strong fingerprinting technique 
called _HTML5 canvas fingerprinting_ which can break your anonymity.

Using HTML5 canvas fingerprinting, 2 or more collaborating websites can
compare how graphics and text are displayed by your computer and determine
whether 2 website visits are coming from the same computer or not.

  * Strengthen _Tor Browser_ against some JavaScript attacks that can lead to 
compromised accounts and credentials on websites.

  * Enable or disable JavaScript on some websites using the _NoScript_ 
interface, if you use it.

This issue still affects _Tor Browser_ when it is restarted.

If _NoScript_ is activated, the _NoScript_ icon appears in the top-left corner
and _Tor Browser_ is safe:


If _NoScript_ is deactivated, the _NoScript_ icon is absent from the top-left
corner and _Tor Browser_ is unsafe:


To reactivate _NoScript_ without restarting Tails, do the following:

  1. Open the address about:config in _Tor Browser_.


  2. Click the **I accept the risk!** button.

  3. At the top of the page, search for xpinstall.signatures.required.

  4. Double-click on the **xpinstall.signatures.required** line in the results 
to set its value to **false**.

  5. Verify that _NoScript_ is activated again.


XXX: Copy to security/noscript_disabled_in_tor_browser.mdwn

## Other upgrades and changes

  * Remove the _OpenPGP Applet_ and _Pidgin_ notification icons from the top 
navigation bar.


You can still access the _OpenPGP Applet_ and _Pidgin_ notification icons from
the system tray in the bottom-left corner of the screen.

To display the system tray, move your mouse to the thin gray line in the
bottom-left of the screen, above the window list:


To move these icons back to the top navigation bar, execute the following
command in a _Terminal_:

gnome-shell-extension-tool --enable-extension=topic...@phocean.net

Until now, these icons were displayed in the top navigation bar by the
_TopIcons_ GNOME extension. This extension is unmaintained, causes GNOME to
crash ([#11188](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/11188)), and will
not work in Tails 5.0 based on Debian 11 (Bullseye).

  * Install localization packages only for the following languages:

* Arabic
* English
* Farsi
* French
* German
* Hindi
* Indonesian
* Italian
* Portuguese
* Russian
* Simplified Chinese
* Spanish
* Turkish

You can install localization packages for other languages using the

Localization packages include:

* _Thunderbird_ localization: packages thunderbird-l10n-lang
* _LibreOffice_ localization: packages libreoffice-l10n-lang
* Spell-checking dictionaries: packages hunspell-lang

Where lang is the code for your language. For example, es for Spanish.

  * Add a suspend button to the system menu.


  * Add suspend, restart, and shutdown buttons to the system menu when the 
screen is locked.


  * Replace all non-Latin fonts with the [Noto fonts 

  * Update _Debian_ to 9.9.

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 60.6.1.

## Fixed problems

  * Fix the automatic configuration of new email accounts in _Thunderbird_. 

  * Prevent Tails from shutting down when waking up from suspend on some 
computers. ([#11729](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/11729))

  * Fix the import of the [Tails signing 
key](https://tails.boum.org/tails-signing.key) in the _Passwords and Keys_ 
utility. ([##15213](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/#15213))

  * Don't show notifications about _TailsData_ when configuring a persistent 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 3.13.1 is out

2019-03-24 Thread Tails - News
This release is an emergency release to fix a critical security vulnerability
in _Tor Browser_.

It also fixes [other security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes

## New features

## Upgrades and changes

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 8.0.8.

For more details, read our [changelog](https://git-

# Known issues

### Electrum is outdated and cannot connect to servers

**Electrum in Tails cannot connect anymore to Electrum servers.**

The version of Electrum in Tails is vulnerable to a [phishing attack that
tricks people in updating to a malicious version of
Electrum](https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/issues/4968) which is not
distributed from the official Electrum website.

**You are safe unless you try to do the malicious update manually.**

To prevent this phishing attack, all trustworthy Electrum servers now prevent
older versions from connecting to them.

Unfortunately, newer versions of Electrum are not available in Debian and
cannot be integrated easily in Tails. Given the lack of maintenance of
Electrum in Debian, we are still [assessing what is best to do in

Until then, your wallet is not lost and you can restore it from its seed using
an [up-to-date version of Electrum](https://electrum.org/#download) outside of

### Tails fails to start a second time on some computers

On some computers, after installing Tails to a USB stick, Tails starts a first
time but fails to start a second time. In some cases, only BIOS (Legacy) was
affected and the USB stick was not listed in the Boot Menu.

We are still investigating the issue, so if it happens to you, please report
your findings by email to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org). Mention the model of the computer and the USB stick. This
mailing list is [archived publicly](https://lists.autistici.org/list/tails-

To fix this issue:

  1. Reinstall your USB stick using the same installation method.

  2. Start Tails for the first time and [set up an administration 

  3. Choose  Applications ▸ System Tools ▸ Root Terminal to open a Root 

  4. Execute the following command:

sgdisk --recompute-chs /dev/bilibop

You can also test an experimental image:

  1. [Download the _.img_ file from our development 

  2. Install it using the same installation methods.

We don't provide any OpenPGP signature or other verification technique for
this test image. Please only use it for testing.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 3.13.1

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * Automatic upgrades are available from 3.12, 3.12.1, and 3.13 to 3.13.1.

  * If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an 
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual 

## To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

  * [Install from Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/index.en.html)
  * [Install from macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/index.en.html)
  * [Install from Linux](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/index.en.html)

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

## To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can directly
download Tails 3.13.1:

  * [For USB sticks (USB 
  * [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 3.14 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for May

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate/?r=3.13.1) is only one of them).
Come [talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_3.13.1/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 3.13 is out

2019-03-21 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes

## Upgrades and changes

  * Add support for the Bopomofo input method for Chinese using the _Chewing_ 
library and improve support for the Pinyin input method. 


If you still have problems typing in Bopomofo or Pinyin, please let us know on
[tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-test...@boum.org) (public mailing list)
or [tails-b...@boum.org](mailto:tails-b...@boum.org) (private email).

  * Save a backup of the configuration of the persistent storage every time it 
is modified. ([#16461](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/16461))

This will help us understand and solve why sometimes all the settings of the
persistent storage disappear.

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 8.0.7.

  * Update _Tor_ to

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 65.1.0.

  * Update _Linux_ to 4.19.28.

  * Update the Intel microcode to 3.20180807a.2, which fixes more variants of 
the Spectre, Meltdown, and Level 1 Terminal Fault (L1TF) vulnerabilities.

## Fixed problems

  * Prevent _Additional Software_ from downloading packages that are already 
saved in the persistent storage. 

  * Fix the localization of _Tor Launcher_, the application to configure a [Tor 
 or a local proxy. ([#16338](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/16338))

  * Fix accessibility when opening _Tor Browser_ from a desktop notification. 

  * Fix _WhisperBack_ crashing when additional APT repositories is configured. 

For more details, read our [changelog](https://git-

# Known issues

### Electrum is outdated and cannot connect to servers

**Electrum in Tails cannot connect anymore to Electrum servers.**

The version of Electrum in Tails is vulnerable to a [phishing attack that
tricks people in updating to a malicious version of
Electrum](https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/issues/4968) which is not
distributed from the official Electrum website.

**You are safe unless you try to do the malicious update manually.**

To prevent this phishing attack, all trustworthy Electrum servers now prevent
older versions from connecting to them.

Unfortunately, newer versions of Electrum are not available in Debian and
cannot be integrated easily in Tails. Given the lack of maintenance of
Electrum in Debian, we are still [assessing what is best to do in

Until then, your wallet is not lost and you can restore it from its seed using
an [up-to-date version of Electrum](https://electrum.org/#download) outside of

### Tails fails to start a second time on some computers

On some computers, after installing Tails to a USB stick, Tails starts a first
time but fails to start a second time. In some cases, only BIOS (Legacy) was
affected and the USB stick was not listed in the Boot Menu.

We are still investigating the issue, so if it happens to you, please report
your findings by email to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org). Mention the model of the computer and the USB stick. This
mailing list is [archived publicly](https://lists.autistici.org/list/tails-

To fix this issue:

  1. Reinstall your USB stick using the same installation method.

  2. Start Tails for the first time and [set up an administration 

  3. Choose  Applications ▸ System Tools ▸ Root Terminal to open a Root 

  4. Execute the following command:

sgdisk --recompute-chs /dev/bilibop

You can also test an experimental image:

  1. [Download the _.img_ file from our development 

  2. Install it using the same installation methods.

We don't provide any OpenPGP signature or other verification technique for
this test image. Please only use it for testing.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 3.13

## To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your persistent storage

  * [Automatic 
upgrades](https://tails.boum.org/doc/first_steps/upgrade/index.en.html) are 
available from 3.11, 3.12~rc1, 3.12, and 3.12.1 to 3.13.

  * If you cannot do an automatic 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 3.12.1 is out

2019-02-13 Thread Tails - News
This release is an emergency release to fix a critical security vulnerability
in Firefox.

It also fixes [other security
You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 8.0.6.

This fixes a [critical vulnerability](https://www.mozilla.org/en-
US/security/advisories/mfsa2019-05/) in the _Skia_ library used by _Firefox_
and _Chrome_ to render graphics.

If you are curious about the maths behind this vulnerability, you can read
[The Curious Case of Convexity
convexity-confusion.html) by Google Project Zero.

# Known issues

See the list of [long-standing

### Tails fails to start a second time on some computers

On some computers, after installing Tails to a USB stick, Tails starts a first
time but fails to start a second time. In some cases, only BIOS (Legacy) was
affected and the USB stick was not listed in the Boot Menu.

We are still investigating the issue, so if it happens to you, please report
your findings by email to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org). Mention the model of the computer and the USB stick. This
mailing list is [archived publicly](https://lists.autistici.org/list/tails-

To fix this issue:

  1. Reinstall your USB stick using the same installation method.

  2. Start Tails for the first time and [set up an administration 

  3. Choose  Applications ▸ System Tools ▸ Root Terminal to open a Root 

  4. Execute the following command:

sgdisk --recompute-chs /dev/bilibop

You can also test an experimental image:

  1. [Download the _.img_ file from our development 

  2. Install it using the same installation methods.

We don't provide any OpenPGP signature or other verification technique for
this test image. Please only use it for testing.

# Get Tails 3.12.1

  * To install, follow our [installation 

  * To upgrade, automatic upgrades are available from 3.10, 3.10.1, 3.11, 3.12, 
and 3.12~rc1 to 3.12.1.

If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual

  * Download Tails 3.12.1:

* [For USB sticks (USB 
* [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 3.13 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
March 19.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate?r=3.12.1) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_3.12.1/index.en.html
amnesia-news mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email to 
Tails-dev mailing list
To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty email to 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 3.12 is out

2019-01-31 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes
security vulnerabilities. You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes

## New features

### New installation methods

The biggest news for 3.12 is that we completely changed the installation
methods for Tails.

In short, instead of downloading an ISO image (a format originally designed
for CDs), you now download Tails as a **USB image**: an image of the data as
it needs to be written to the USB stick.

  * [For macOS](https://tails.boum.org/install/mac/usb-overview/index.en.html), 
the new method is much simpler as it uses a graphical tool 
([_Etcher_](https://www.balena.io/etcher/)) instead of the command line.

  * [For 
Windows](https://tails.boum.org/install/win/usb-overview/index.en.html), the 
new method is much faster as it doesn't require 2 USB sticks and an 
intermediary Tails anymore. The resulting USB stick also works better on newer 
computers with UEFI.

  * [For Debian and 
Ubuntu](https://tails.boum.org/install/linux/usb-overview/index.en.html), the 
new method uses a native application (_GNOME Disks_) and you don't have to 
install _Tails Installer_ anymore.

  * [For other Linux 
 the new method is faster as it doesn't require 2 USB sticks and an 
intermediary Tails anymore.

We are still providing ISO images for people using DVDs or virtual machines.

The methods for upgrading Tails remain the same.

## Upgrades and changes

  * Starting Tails should be a bit faster on most machines. 

  * Tell users to use sudo when they try to use su on the command line.

### Included software

  * Update Linux to 4.19. Update Intel and AMD microcodes and most firmware 
packages. This should improve the support for newer hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, 

  * Remove _Liferea_, as announced in [Tails 

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 8.0.5.

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

## Fixed problems

  * Fix the black screen when starting Tails with some Intel graphics cards. 

For more details, read our [changelog](https://git-

# Known issues

See also the list of [long-standing

### Tails fails to start a second time on some computers

On some computers, after installing Tails to a USB stick, Tails starts a first
time but fails to start a second time. In some cases, only BIOS (Legacy) was
affected and the USB stick was not listed in the Boot Menu.

We are still investigating the issue, so if it happens to you, please report
your findings by email to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org). Mention the model of the computer and the USB stick. This
mailing list is [archived publicly](https://lists.autistici.org/list/tails-

To fix this issue:

  1. Reinstall your USB stick using the same installation method.

  2. Start Tails for the first time and [set up an administration 

  3. Choose  Applications ▸ System Tools ▸ Root Terminal to open a Root 

  4. Execute the following command:

sgdisk --recompute-chs /dev/bilibop

You can also test an experimental image:

  1. [Download the _.img_ file from our development 

  2. Install it using the same installation methods.

We don't provide any OpenPGP signature or other verification technique for
this test image. Please only use it for testing.

# Get Tails 3.12

  * To install, follow our [installation 

  * To upgrade, automatic upgrades are available from 3.10, 3.10.1, 3.11, and 
3.12~rc1 to 3.12.

If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual

  * Download Tails 3.12:

* [For USB sticks (USB 
* [For DVDs and virtual machines (ISO 

# What's coming up?

Tails 3.13 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
March 19.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Call for testing: 3.12~rc1

2019-01-21 Thread Tails - News
You can help Tails! The first release candidate for the upcoming version 3.12
is out. We are very excited and cannot wait to hear what you think about it,
especially the new simplified USB installation method (see below). :)

# Changes

## Upgrades and changes

  * Make the USB image the main supported way to install Tails (refs: 
[#15292](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/15292)). On first boot, 
grow the system partition to a size that's a factor of the size of the boot 
medium and randomize GUIDs (Closes: 
  * Upgrade Linux to 4.19, version 4.19.13-1 which fixes the issue where Intel 
graphics cards booted to a black screen (Closes: 
[#16224](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/16224)). Fixes 
CVE-2018-19985, CVE-2018-19406, CVE-2018-16862, CVE-2018-18397, CVE-2018-18397, 
CVE-2018-18397, CVE-2018-18397, CVE-2018-19824, CVE-2018-14625.
  * Remove Liferea (Closes: 
  * Tell the user they need to use sudo when they attempt to use su (Closes: 

## Fixed problems

  * Fix Totem's access to the Internet when it's started from the Applications 

For more details, read our [changelog](https://git-

# Known issues

There are no known issues specific to Tails 3.12~rc1 so far.

See the list of [long-standing

# How to test Tails 3.12~rc1?

**Keep in mind that this is a test image**. We tested that it is not broken in 
obvious ways, but it might still contain undiscovered issues.

But test wildly!

If you find anything that is not working as it should, please report to us on

Bonus points if you first check if it is a [known issue of this
release](https://tails.boum.org/news/index.en.html#known_issues) or a
[longstanding known

## Upgrade from 3.11

  1. Start Tails 3.11 on a USB stick installed using _Tails Installer_ and [set 
an administration 

  2. Run this command in a Terminal to select the "alpha" upgrade channel and 
start the upgrade:

echo TAILS_CHANNEL=\"alpha\" | sudo tee -a /etc/os-release && \

and enter the administration password when asked for the "password for

  3. After the upgrade is installed, restart Tails and choose  Applications ▸ 
Tails ▸ About Tails to verify that you are running Tails 3.12~rc1.

## Download and install

### If you intend to install Tails on a USB drive

Tails 3.12 will be the first release to use our simplified USB installation
method so we really would like you to try it out with this release candidate!

First download the USB image:

[Tails 3.12~rc1 USB image](http://dl.amnesia.boum.org/tails/alpha/tails-
amd64-3.12~rc1/tails-amd64-3.12~rc1.img) [OpenPGP
[Tails 3.12~rc1 USB image

Then follow [the new installation

### If you intend to burn Tails to a DVD

You can also install 3.12~rc1 by following our old [installation
instructions](https://tails.boum.org/install/index.en.html), skipping the
**Download and verify** step.

[Tails 3.12~rc1 ISO image](http://dl.amnesia.boum.org/tails/alpha/tails-
amd64-3.12~rc1/tails-amd64-3.12~rc1.iso) [OpenPGP
[Tails 3.12~rc1 ISO image

# What's coming up?

Tails 3.12 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
January 29.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate?r=3.12-rc1) is only one of them).
Come [talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/test_3.12-rc1/
amnesia-news mailing list
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Call for testing: simplified installation method

2019-01-11 Thread Tails - News
# USB images instead of ISO images

We need your help to test the simplified installation methods of Tails that we
will release with 3.12 on January 29.

The method will be much simpler and faster, especially for macOS users, but
for Windows users as well. Debian and Ubuntu users won't have to install a
specific program anymore and the process will also be faster for other Linux

In short, instead of downloading an ISO image (a format originally designed
for CDs) you will download a **USB image** that is already an image of the
data as written to your USB stick by _Tails Installer_. So no need for _Tails
Installer_ anymore and no need for an _intermediary_ Tails nor a second USB
stick when installing from Windows or macOS.

You should be able to create a persistent volume right away.

# Testing the beta

## Download the USB image

[Tails beta USB image](http://dl.amnesia.boum.org/tails/alpha/tails-

We don't provide any OpenPGP signature or other verification technique for
this test image. Please only use it for testing.

## Installation instructions

As the new instructions are not yet available on our website, please refer to
the following PDFs:

  * **For Windows**

[Download PDF instructions for

At the beginning, you will have to download a program called _Etcher_:

[Download Etcher (portable) for Windows](https://tails.boum.org/etcher/Etcher-

  * **For macOS**

[Download PDF instructions for

At the beginning, you will have to download a program called _Etcher_:

[Download Etcher for macOS](https://tails.boum.org/etcher/Etcher.dmg)

  * **For Linux (all distributions)**

[Download PDF instructions for

## Reporting about your tests

Note that the USB image doesn't make Tails work on more hardware but it might
work more reliably on recent hardware than the _intermediary_ Tails (currently
created using _Universal USB Installer_ on Windows and `dd` on macOS).

Make sure to specify:

  * The OS you installed from.

  * The model of the computer you started from.

Report your findings by email to [tails-test...@boum.org](mailto:tails-
test...@boum.org). This mailing list is [archived

# Known issues

None yet.

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/test_usb_images/index.en.html
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Our plans for 2019

2018-12-24 Thread Tails - News
Mid-October, we started our donation campaign by explaining [why we need
donations](https://tails.boum.org/news/2018-fundraiser/index.en.html). We then
described [the achievements of
2018](https://tails.boum.org/news/achievements_in_2018/index.en.html) made
possible by your donations. Today, we're unveiling our plans for 2019. If you
like them, please take the time to donate.

So far this year many more people have been donating (+61%) but we have raised
less money overall (-51%) because we are missing bigger donations, especially
in bitcoins.

Having many more donors this year is an excellent sign that Tails is important
for more people and that we are doing a good job at helping them.

We are extremely grateful to all of you who not only want to improve your
safety online, but also understand that we need your help to sustain Tails.
Being backed by a large number of people making smaller but steadily donations
is the best we can dream of. So, thank you!

# New features

We will focus on **improving installation and upgrade**, as we know that they
still cause major difficulties for new users:

  * In January, we will release a **brand new installation mechanism** to 
finally make it easy to install Tails on macOS (and also easier on Windows and 

  * We will add support for **Secure Boot**.

  * We will **remove the need for manual upgrades** and make it possible to 
always do automatic upgrades (except for major upgrades, like Tails 3.0 to 
4.0). We will also research lighter and more robust upgrade mechanisms.

# Adoption

  * We will redesign our homepage to **explain better what is Tails** to new 
users and why they should use it.

  * We will make it much easier to translate our website and train new 
translators, hopefully leading to offering more languages available on our 

# Under the hood

  * We will upgrade Tails to Debian 10 (Buster), planned for mid 2019.

  * As always, most of the day-to-day work that we do is invisible to our users 
and we will tackle many technical migrations in our code and infrastructure 
(Debian 10, Tor Launcher as Web Extension, Jenkins 2, Gitolite 3, Java 11, 

  * We will contribute the security improvements that we wrote for the 
_Thunderbird_ autoconfiguration with _Thunderbird_ upstream.

  * Thanks to your generous donations, we will finally have a budget dedicated 
to do many more smaller usability improvements everywhere in Tails.

In 2019, we will put a lot of efforts on making Tails **easier to understand
and install**. More and more people will get to know and use Tails to protect
themselves. We all want this, and you, by donating at your level, can help to
**make this happen**.


URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/plans_for_2019/index.en.html
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 3.11 is out

2018-12-11 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security

You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes

## New features

## Upgrades and changes

  * Add a confirm dialog between downloading and applying an automatic upgrade 
to control better when the network is disabled and prevent partially applied 
upgrades. ([#14754](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/14754) and 


  * When running from a virtual machine, warn about the trustworthiness of the 
operating system even when running from a free virtualization software. 


  * Disable _Autocrypt_ in _Thunderbird_ to prevent sending unencrypted emails 
by mistake. ([#15923](https://redmine.tails.boum.org/code/issues/15923))

  * Update _Linux_ to 4.18.20.

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 8.0.4.

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 

## Fixed problems

  * Fix the opening of _Thunderbird_ in non-English languages. 

  * Reduce the logging level of Tor when using bridges. 

For more details, read our [changelog](https://git-

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 3.11

  * To install, follow our [installation 

  * To upgrade, automatic upgrades are available from 3.9 and 3.10.1 to 3.11.

If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual

  * [Download Tails 

# What's coming up?

Tails 3.12 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
January 29.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate?r=3.11) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_3.11/index.en.html
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] We are accepting donations in 4 new cryptocurrencies

2018-12-06 Thread Tails - News
Users of cryptocurrencies have been huge supporters of Tails in all our
previous donation campaigns and we are extremely thankful to them!

As part of our on-going
[campaign](https://tails.boum.org/news/achievements_in_2018/index.en.html), we
are now accepting donations in 4 new cryptocurrencies.

We chose these 4 because they are the most popular and easiest for us to
receive. We might add more cryptocurrencies in the future as they gain

But as of now, we hope the 5 crypto and 4 legacy currencies you'll find on the
donation page will provide you with the necessary means to support us!

### Bitcoin Cash


### Ethereum


### Ethereum Classic


### Litecoin



URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/new_cryptocurrencies/index.en.html
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Our achievements in 2018

2018-11-11 Thread Tails - News
On October 12, we started our [yearly donation
campaign](https://tails.boum.org/news/2018-fundraiser/index.en.html). Today,
we summarize what we achieved with your help in 2018 and renew our call for

# New features

  * We integrated _VeraCrypt_ in the desktop to allow you to work with 
encrypted files across different operating systems (Windows, Linux, and macOS).


This work was done upstream in GNOME and will be available outside of Tails in
Debian 10 (Buster) and Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish).

  * _[Additional 
 allows you to install additional software automatically when starting Tails.

![Add vlc to your additional software? 'Install Only Once' or 'Install Every


  * We added a [screen 
 to give you some protection if you leave your Tails unattended, willingly or 


  * We completely redesigned our [download 
page](https://tails.boum.org/install/download/index.en.html) and verification 
extension to make it easier to get and verify Tails. It is also now possible to 
verify Tails from Chrome.

# Adoption

  * Tails was used approximately 22 000 times a day.

  * We did more usability work than ever before. Every new feature was tested 
with actual users to make sure Tails becomes easier to use.

  * We answered 1123 bug reports through our help desk and helped all these 
people to be safer online.

# Under the hood

  * We released 11 new versions of Tails to continue offering improvements and 
security fixes as soon as possible, including 4 emergency releases. This year 
we've faced critical security issues like Spectre, Meltdown, EFAIL, and issues 
in Firefox and are working hard to always have your back covered!

  * We made the build of Tails completely 
which brings even more trust in the ISO images that we are distributing, a 
faster release process, and slightly smaller upgrades.

  * We greatly diversified our sources of income. Thanks to all of you, the 
share of donations that we got from individuals increased from 17% to 34%. This 
made our organization more robust and independent.

# Community

  * We published a [social 
contract](https://tails.boum.org/news/social_contract/index.en.html) to clarify 
the social commitments that we stand by as Tails contributors.

  * We attended 12 conferences and connected to free software and Internet 
freedom communities in 8 different countries, including Chaos Computer Congress 
(Germany), FOSDEM (Belgium), Internet Freedom Festival (Spain), Tor Meeting 
(Italy and Mexico), Debian Conference (Taiwan), and CryptoRave (Brazil).

  * We grew our pool of regular contractors with 4 new workers, mostly to work 
on our core code and infrastructure. These include several very skilled Debian 

All of this is made possible by donations from people like you. And because
they help us to plan our work, we particularly appreciate monthly and yearly
donations, even the smallest ones.

If you liked our work in 2018, please take a minute to donate and make us
thrive in 2019!


URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/achievements_in_2018/index.en.html
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 3.10.1 is out

2018-10-24 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security vulnerabilities](https://tails.boum.org/secu

You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes

## Upgrades and changes

  * Hide the **[PIM** 
 when unlocking _VeraCrypt_ volumes because _PIM_ won't be supported until 
Tails 4.0. ([#16031](https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/16031))

  * Rename the buttons in the confirmation dialog of _Tails Installer_ to 
**Install** (or **Upgrade**) and **Cancel** to be less confusing. 

  * Update _Linux_ to 4.8.

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 8.0.3.

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to 60.2.1.

## Fixed problems

  * Prevent _Tor Browser_ from leaking the language of the session. 

  * Prevent _Additional Software_ from asking to persist packages which are 
already configured as additional software. 

  * Prevent _Tails Installer_ from crashing when issuing an error message with 
international characters (non-ASCII). 

  * Fix the _VeraCrypt_ support for multiple encryption ([cascades of 

  * Harden the configuration of `sudo` to prevent privilege escalation. 

For more details, read our [changelog](https://git-

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 3.10.1

  * To install, follow our [installation 

  * To upgrade, automatic upgrades are available from 3.9 and 3.9.1 to 3.10.1.

If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual

  * [Download Tails 

# What's coming up?

Tails 3.11 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
December 11.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate?r=3.10.1) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_3.10.1/index.en.html
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Our donation campaign for 2019 begins today

2018-10-13 Thread Tails - News
Every day, Tails helps thousands of people to safely use their computers
online and offline.

Tails is available for free because we believe that nobody should have to pay
to be protected from surveillance and censorship.

Tails is free software because if our source code was closed, there would be
no way of verifying that it is secure.

In today's Internet, the most rewarded economical strategy is to rely on
advertisement and tracking. But one of our reasons to exist is also to protect
you against targeted advertisement, and we obviously don't want to rely on
these sources of revenue.

The number of people using Tails is constantly growing and so is our
responsibility to provide the easiest and safest tool possible. In 2019, we
want Tails to be smoother to install, upgrade, use and to include even more
security protection.

Making Tails costs us around 200 000€ each year. This is a really small number
given all the work done, and many of us still do a lot of work for free in
addition to paid hours.

Our money comes from:

  * Passionate people like you
  * Private companies like Mozilla, DuckDuckGo, or Lush
  * Foundations and NGOs like The Handshake Foundation or The ISC Project
  * Funds from the US government like the Open Technology Fund

![Individuals: 35%,

Foundations & NGOs: 34%, Related to US government: 24%, Companies:

We often hear complaints about software projects that are meant to fight
surveillance, like Tor and Tails, getting funds from the US government. We
share this concern and we will never be at ease as long as the well-being of
our project depends on such funding.

This is why it's so **important to be sustained by users like you, and our
independence protected by your donations.**

From [anonymized
we know that Tails is used more than 20 000 times every day. **If each user
gave $6, our fundraiser would be done in one day.** The price of a USB stick
is all we need.

But we know that many of [the people who need Tails the
most](https://tails.boum.org/news/who_are_you_helping/index.en.html) can't
donate, because they would get in trouble for giving to an anti-surveillance
tool like Tails, or simply because they don't have the money.

Last year we received 1 167 donations for a total of 101 644€. **This year, we
aim for 120 000€ and a larger number of donors.**

Please consider taking a minute to donate to Tails today.


URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/2018-fundraiser/index.en.html
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 3.9.1 is out

2018-10-04 Thread Tails - News
This release is an emergency release to fix [critical security vulnerabilities
in _Tor Browser_ and _Thunderbird_](https://tails.boum.org/security/Numerous_s

You should upgrade as soon as possible.

# Changes

## Upgrades and changes

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 8.0.2.

This fixes 2 critical security [vulnerabilities in
JavaScript](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2018-24/) in

  * Update _Thunderbird_ to fix these same vulnerabilities.

## Fixed problems

  * Fix the update of _Additional Software_. 

  * Fix opening VeraCrypt file containers using the **Open With Unlock 
VeraCrypt Volumes** of _GNOME Files_. 

  * Fix the display of the **General** tab in the preferences of _Tor Browser_. 

  * Fix displaying the help of _GNOME Videos_. 

  * Uninstall _mutt_. ([#15904](https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/15904))

For more details, read our [changelog](https://git-

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 3.9.1

  * To install, follow our [installation 

  * To upgrade, automatic upgrades are available from 3.8 and 3.9 to 3.9.1.

If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual

  * [Download Tails 

# What's coming up?

Tails 3.10 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
October 22.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate?r=3.9.1) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_3.9.1/index.en.html
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 3.9 is out

2018-09-06 Thread Tails - News
Tails 3.9 is the biggest update of Tails this year!

It includes two new features on which we have been working for more than a

  * _Additional Software_
  * _VeraCrypt_ integration

This release also fixes [many security issues](https://tails.boum.org/security
/Numerous_security_holes_in_3.8/index.en.html) and users should upgrade as
soon as possible.

# Changes

## New features

### Additional Software

You can now install additional software automatically when starting Tails.

When installing an additional Debian package from Tails, you can decide to
install it automatically every time:

![Add vlc to your additional software? 'Install Only Once' or 'Install Every

To check your list of additional software packages, choose **Applications** ▸
**System Tool** ▸ **Additional Software**.


The packages included in Tails are carefully tested for security. Installing
additional packages might break the security built in Tails, so be careful
with what you install.

[Read our documentation on installing additional software.](https://tails.boum

### VeraCrypt integration

To unlock _VeraCrypt_ volume in Tails, choose **Applications** ▸ **System
Tool** ▸ **Unlock VeraCrypt Volumes**.


The integration of _VeraCrypt_ in the _Files_ and _Disks_ utilities was done
upstream in GNOME and will be available outside of Tails in Debian 10 (Buster)
and Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish).

[Read our documentation on using _VeraCrypt_ volumes.](https://tails.boum.org/

### News reading in _Thunderbird_

_Thunderbird_ is now the official RSS and Atom news feed reader in Tails.

_Liferea_ will be removed from Tails in version 3.12, early 2019.

## Upgrades and changes

  * Improve the configuration of the persistent storage to make it easier to 
scroll and consistent with the GNOME guidelines.


### Included software

  * Update _Tor Browser_ to 8.0, based on _Firefox_ 60 ESR.

* Based on _[Firefox 

* New Tor circuit view


  * Update _Thunderbird_ from 52 to 

  * Update _Tor_ to

  * Update _Electrum_ to from 3.0.6 to 

### Hardware support

The following updates make Tails work better on recent hardware (graphics, Wi-
Fi, etc.):

  * Update _Linux_ to 4.17 which also fixes the 
[Foreshadow](https://foreshadowattack.eu/) attack.

  * Update the _DRM_ and _Mesa_ libraries to improve support for some graphics 

  * Update the Intel and AMD microcodes and most firmware packages.

## Fixed problems

  * Stop displaying the _Enigmail_ setup wizard every time Tails is restarted. 
([#15693](https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/15693) and 

  * Show a spinner while starting _Tor Browser_, _Tails documentation_, and 
_WhisperBack_. ([#15101](https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/15101))

  * Use _Tor Browser_ again for browsing the documentation offline. 

  * Show _Synaptic_ and _Root Terminal_ even when no administration password is 
set. ([#11013](https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/11013))

  * _Tails Installer_

* Link to upgrade documentation when upgrading. 
* Hide the **Reinstall** option when the USB stick is too small. 
* Correct the size of the USB stick in the confirmation dialog when 
reinstalling. ([#15590](https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/15590))

For more details, read our [changelog](https://git-

# Known issues

  * Starting Tails 3.9 from DVD is twice slower than earlier releases. 

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 3.9

  * To install, follow our [installation 

  * To upgrade, automatic upgrades are available from 3.7.1, 3.8, and 3.9~rc1 
to 3.9.

If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual

  * [Download Tails 

[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Call for testing: 3.9~rc1

2018-08-18 Thread Tails - News
You can help Tails! The first release candidate for the upcoming version 3.9
is out. We are very excited and cannot wait to hear what you think about it :)

# Changes

## Upgrades and changes

  * Integrate the _Additional Software Packages_ feature into the desktop and 
revamp the interface of "Configure Persistent Volume".

  * Support unlocking _TrueCrypt_ and _VeraCrypt_ encrypted volumes on the 

  * Upgrade _Tor Browser_ to 8.0a9, based on Firefox 60 ESR.

  * Upgrade _Thunderbird_ to 60.0b10.

  * Improve hardware support: upgrade some graphics drivers, firmware, and 
upgrade _Linux_ to 4.17.

  * Upgrade _tor_ to

  * Due to security concerns the _Liferea_ feed reader will be removed from 
Tails by the end of 2018. Please migrate your feeds to Thunderbird.

## Fixed problems

  * Don't display the Enigmail configuration wizard in every Tails session.

  * Many problems fixed in _Tails Installer_ and elsewhere. For more details, 
read our [changelog](https://git-tails.immerda.ch/tails/plain/debian/changelog).

# Known issues

_Tor Browser_ always prompts whether it should ask webpages in English This
will be fixed in Tails 3.9

The first time _Tor Browser_ is started in a given Tails session, the
_NoScript_ icon is not displayed ([bug #23359 on Tor Project's
Trac](https://bugs.torproject.org/23359)). If you need this icon, restart _Tor

This version may be slower than usual to start from DVD.

See the list of [long-standing

# How to test Tails 3.9~rc1?

**Keep in mind that this is a test image**. We tested that it is not broken in 
obvious ways, but it might still contain undiscovered issues.

But test wildly!

If you find anything that is not working as it should, please report to us on

Bonus points if you first check if it is a [known issue of this
release](https://tails.boum.org/news/index.en.html#known_issues) or a
[longstanding known

## Upgrade from 3.8

  1. Start Tails 3.8 on a USB stick installed using _Tails Installer_ and [set 
an administration 

  2. Run this command in a Terminal to select the "alpha" upgrade channel and 
start the upgrade:

echo TAILS_CHANNEL=\"alpha\" | sudo tee -a /etc/os-release && \

and enter the administration password when asked for the "password for

  3. After the upgrade is installed, restart Tails and choose  Applications ▸ 
Tails ▸ About Tails to verify that you are running Tails 3.9~rc1.

## Download and install

You can install 3.9~rc1 by following our usual [installation
instructions](https://tails.boum.org/install/index.en.html), skipping the
**Download and verify** step.

[Tails 3.9~rc1 ISO image](http://dl.amnesia.boum.org/tails/alpha/tails-
amd64-3.9~rc1/tails-amd64-3.9~rc1.iso) [OpenPGP
[Tails 3.9~rc1 torrent](https://tails.boum.org/torrents/files/tails-

# What's coming up?

Tails 3.9 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
September 5.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate?r=3.9-rc1) is only one of them).
Come [talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-

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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Call for testing: VeraCrypt support in Tails

2018-07-22 Thread Tails - News
You can help Tails! The beta version for the [VeraCrypt support in
Tails](https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/veracrypt/) is ready for testing. We
are very excited.

# What's new in the Beta?

We worked to integrate VeraCrypt support into the existing GNOME workflow for
unlocking encrypted volumes. As a result, most of the features already
provided for LUKS volumes are now also provided for VeraCrypt volumes. This
includes unlocking volumes via the GNOME Disks application and integration
into the places sidebar in GNOME Files. If your file containers have the ".hc"
file extension, they will be recognized as VeraCrypt volumes and can be easily
unlocked in GNOME Files.

Additionally, we created a small application,  VeraCrypt Mounter, which makes
it easier to unlock VeraCrypt volumes, especially file containers that do not
have the ".hc" extension.

# How to test the Beta?

Download and install the ISO image on a USB stick or DVD, start it and try to
unlock your existing VeraCrypt volumes.

We are interested in your feedback on bugs and usability of this feature.

  * Are there any steps that are not clear?
  * Did you run into technical issues?

Please send feedback emails to tails-test...@boum.org.

## Get the Beta

[VeraCrypt support in Tails beta ISO

There is no signature available for this test ISO image.

# Known issues

We've identified a list of known issues
[#14480](https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/14480) among which

  * Trying to unlock via the places sidebar using an incorrect password or 
keyfile results in a not very helpful error message 
  * Unlocking via the places sidebar doesn't provide any feedback 
  * No integration in the places sidebar of the file chooser dialog of some 
applications (including Tor Browser) 

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate?r=veracrypt-beta) is only one of
them). Come [talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/test_veracrypt-beta/index.en.html
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Police raid at Zwiebelfreunde: Donor data compromised

2018-07-08 Thread Tails - News
On June 20th 2018, German police searched the homes of board members of our
former fiscal sponsor Zwiebelfreunde in a coordinated raid. Zwiebelfreunde
(_Friends of onions_ in German) is a non-profit organization that supports
privacy and anonymity projects and operates several Tor exit nodes.

They are not accused of a crime but considered to be witnesses in a case: the
operators of an anonymous website calling for protest against the far-right
AfD (Alternative for Germany) party convention used an email address at
Riseup, a privacy-friendly email provider to which Zwiebelfreunde facilitates

During the search, computers, storage media, personal items, bank account
records, and paper receipts have been confiscated. This unfortunately means
that if you have donated to Tails before October 18th 2017 using our European
bank account, your data is now in the hands of the German police (IBAN account
number, name of account holder, amount, and date). If you donated after this
date, you donated to our new fiscal sponsor CCT and not to Zwiebelfreunde.

According to Moritz Bartl, one of the board members, "_there's a long history
of police using that kind of data to investigate social structures; who's
working where, who's involved in which projects, so we have to assume that
they are looking into the social networks of people_"

The raid has been strongly criticized by [German
and [digital rights activists](https://netzpolitik.org/2018/zwiebelfreunde-
durchsuchungen-wenn-zeugen-wie-straftaeter-behandelt-werden/) as being

Please join us in supporting our friends at
[Zwiebelfreunde](https://www.zwiebelfreunde.de/). We are very grateful for the
support they have provided to Tails.

Read more about the case and find links to international press coverage on
[Zwiebelfreunde's blog](https://blog.torservers.net/20180704/coordinated-

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/zwiebelfreunde_raided/index.en.html
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[Tails-dev] [Tails-news] Tails 3.8 is out

2018-06-27 Thread Tails - News
This release fixes [many security issues](https://tails.boum.org/security/Nume
rous_security_holes_in_3.7.1/index.en.html) and users should upgrade as soon
as possible.

# Changes

## Upgrades and changes

  * Upgrade _Enigmail_ from 1.9.9 to 
[2.0.7](https://enigmail.net/index.php/en/download/changelog#enig2.0.7) which 
fixes some of the [EFAIL](https://efail.de/) attacks on OpenPGP.

## Fixed problems

  * Fix importing OpenPGP keys from email attachments. 

  * Fix the translations of the homepage of the _Unsafe Browser_. 

For more details, read our [changelog](https://git-

# Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of [long-standing

# Get Tails 3.8

  * To install, follow our [installation 

  * To upgrade, automatic upgrades are available from 3.6, 3.6.1, 3.6.2, 3.7, 
and 3.7.1.

If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an
automatic upgrade, please try to do a [manual

  * [Download Tails 3.8.](https://tails.boum.org/install/download/index.en.html)

# What's coming up?

Tails 3.9 is [scheduled](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/) for
September 5.

Have a look at our [roadmap](https://tails.boum.org/contribute/roadmap) to see
where we are heading to.

We need your help and there are many ways to [contribute to
([donating](https://tails.boum.org/donate?r=3.8) is only one of them). Come
[talk to us](https://tails.boum.org/about/contact/index.en.html#tails-dev)!

URL: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_3.8/index.en.html
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