Re: [Tails-dev] ISO verification [Was: [RFC] UX for ISO verification + Tails Installer + full upgrades]

2015-07-01 Thread intrigeri
FYI, the only email dkg answered from this thread was when
I explicitly Cc'd him, so I bet he missed this one:

sajolida wrote (04 Mar 2015 19:44:22 GMT) :
 Daniel Kahn Gillmor:
 thanks for the explicit callout, this thread has been mostly off my
 radar, and i might not have noticed it otherwise.

 Thanks for joining in! As explained to intrigeri earlier on, I planned
 to send you an explicit request about that after a first validity check
 by him (which he did in public and in depth). So let's go!

 I feel the need to explain you more about the whole idea first. As
 explained earlier as well, our plan now is to combine:

 1. A web assistant to lead people through all the process from
landing on our website to having a Tails ready to boot
 2. An ISO verification extension, as discussed here, to do a first
validity check of the ISO image.

 The documentation about OpenPGP would still exist but be presented as
 additional check for careful users.

 The question I'm trying to solve here, is what kind of verification
 shall we do in the extension? Since the whole process is mainly
 targeted at newcomers and will be done through our website and in a web
 browser, my current position is to keep this very minimal. But it still
 makes sense to protect them from a rogue mirror or an interrupted
 download (that's quite noisy on our support channels).

 Later on, I think we should push more careful verification into the
 installer itself. For example, Tails Installer installed from Debian
 would be in a good position to do a reasonably good OpenPGP verification.

 The broad picture is better explained on this blueprint:

 * ... and then, we could also advise them *not* to import our signing
   key if they've already done it in the past, which gives them TOFU
   done right. For key rollover, this can be handled with a blog post
   and transition statement.
 I suspect for most new users, the validation process is complex and
 foreign enough that they don't understand which parts need to be done
 only once ever, and which parts need to be done at each download.

 In the introduction to this email I'm mostly talking about newcomers
 because we want to work on having full upgrades done from Tails itself
 quite soon as well (#7499). Then only people starting from scratch would
 go through this, so that's why I consider first time users as the target
 audience here.

 I don't have a good recommendation of how to improve this situation,
 because by definition they're using some O/S that we don't know about
 and can't control.
 Maybe there are ways that we could leverage Microsoft or Apple's
 built-in CAs somehow to provide certified ISOs on those platforms using
 the same identity, but certified by MS or Apple's pre-trusted roots?
 I don't really know what kinds of mechanisms exist for that, though.

 I agree with that. When we get a multiplatform installer and have more
 verification logic done directly in there, then we can have it do some
 basic OpenPGP and be happy with it. Since it will still be as weak as
 the original OS. That's also why I want to push full upgrades directly
 in Tails as well: you'd install Tails once and then, never have to trust
 your OS anymore to manipulate it.

 a bit of digging turns up some pretty silly UI for Apple's code signing
 (which isn't something we can use directly anyway, but probably should
 be better-protected than expecting users to notice a lock in the
 upper-right of the taskbar:

 I get an Access Denied on that from Tails :) That's promising!

 When the user clicks on the HTTP download button from the download
 page, we propose to install the extension.
 This seems like it's just moving the goalposts from verifying the ISO to
 verifying the extension; and given that extensions themselves can be
 tampered with by other extensions, it seems like it *could* raise
 Though otoh we're expecting users to install gnupg on their systems to
 verify anyway, and doing that wrong (or fetching the wrong binaries)
 could result in even worse outcomes.


 I guess this means that JavaScript will be needed on our download
 page, so that we can detect if the extension is already installed, as
 you note in the open questions below.
 I agree with Giorgio that it seems like this shouldn't require
 javascript if the extension is clever enough and the placement of the
 warning/recommendation is sensible but not overwhelming.

 So we all agree on that.

 Note that some browsers won't be able to install any extension we're
 likely to ship (e.g. IE or Safari), so direct download does still need
 to be supported.

 Yes. As part of the web assistant though, we won't help people with
 unsupported browsers. Firefox will be the first target, and then Chrome.
 I don't think that there is a really portable way of writing extensions.
 So that's another argument to 

Re: [Tails-dev] ISO verification [Was: [RFC] UX for ISO verification + Tails Installer + full upgrades]

2015-07-01 Thread intrigeri
sajolida wrote (04 Mar 2015 17:43:01 GMT) :
 The Goals section doesn't address interrupted / paused / retried
 downloads. Is dealing with that a goal or a non-goal?
 Still, our goals make it clear that we want to be able to distinguish
 between corrupter and interrupted downloads (4th bullet point). What
 would you clarify?

It's been clarified already, apparently: In case of an interrupted
download, help the user resume it. This requires us to have our
mirrors stop sending HTTP ETag headers. See ticket #9022. :)

 Allow users who are downloading using BitTorrent to do the same
 level of verification as people downloading through their browser.
 IMO that could be demoted to a bonus goal, if time resources become
 scarce along the way. But perhaps we can postpone this discussion, and
 hopefully it won't be needed :)

 If that's a bonus, then how do those people verify their ISO image? If
 the answer is using OpenPGP, then I'm afraid I'll propose to stop
 advertising BitTorrent download in equally with HTTP download...

Fair enough.

 Note that all this works under the condition that the extension can
 verify file downloaded not through it. But in his answer Giorgio seems
 to mean that this is no problem. Anyway that point was on our radar
 already, see Open questions.

Great :)

 If we remove the download from the extension, and ask everybody to pick
 up the file from their file system, then supporting BitTorrent downloads
 comes for free.

Indeed, but then we can't do certificate pinning from the extension,
and have to rely on whatever certificate verification the browser does.

 tails-i386-x.x.x-VERIFIED.iso if the verification is successfully.
 I find it a bit surprising that a verified ISO hasn't its canonical
 name in the end, given we call it differently otherwise. But well, you
 have read more about UX than I did. Perhaps the reasons behind this
 design decision could be explained on the blueprint so that I, or
 someone else, doesn't propose to change that again in a year ;)

 This is somehow related to #7494 (I updated its description to include
 that proposal). My intuition is that if the unverified ISO makes it
 explicit, then the verified ISO have to make it explicit too.

 It's like traffic lights. They could theoretically be simplified into
 only a red light (with no light meaning go. But the green light is
 here to make it clear that the system is working and it's safe to go.

OK, thanks: I now understand your point better.

I'm not fully convinced that this analogy works that well here,
though: in the case at hand, we're not trying to distinguish two
roughly equivalents binary states, but what we want to distinguish is
the thing and something that might, or might not, be the real
thing. In this case, calling the thing with its own name (that is,
tails-i386-$version.iso) *feels* clearer to me than giving it any
different name (even if it's -VERIFIED). And that matches users'
past experience e.g. with temporary files browsers and P2P software
often create while downloading a file: I've seen some append .part,
and then remove it so that the downloaded file ends up having the
expected name in the end.

But it looks very much like a matter of taste and intuition, so
I won't insist :)

 * If some network attacker modifies the ISO on the fly: retry from
   another ISP, or using Tor, something like that could work? =
   I guess that's the reason why you want to handle it differently than
   an incomplete download, but the blueprint doesn't make it clear.

 See f38d56b (that's a bit minimal I admit).

Thanks. (Food for thought: this seems to assume that an ISO
voluntarily corrupted by an attacker will generally not be smaller
than the genuine one. Not sure how good an assumption this is.)

 We are considering here an attacker who can:
   (A) Provide a malicious ISO image to the user for example by
   operating a rogue Tails mirror or BitTorrent tracker.
 I don't get the BitTorrent tracker part. I'm no BitTorrent expert,
 but if the .torrent is genuine, then the tracker should not be able to
 have seeds provide malicious data without the client noticing, right?
 [As said elsewhere, one should check if popular BitTorrent clients
 actually do check the hashes found in the Torrent file, though.]

 Then that could be a rogue .torrent file.

OK, so I'm glad the referrence to or BitTorrent tracker was removed,
since it indeed didn't make sense.

 But maybe you think that
 people who don't download their torrent file from our website are not
 going through the assistant anyway and won't do the verification through
 the extension either and are thus hopeless (unless they know OpenPGP).
 That might very well be the case. If so, then I understand better your
 idea of putting BitTorrent as bonus goal. Is that why?

No, I was merely pointing out that I didn't understand how
a BitTorrent tracker could provide a malicious ISO image.

 (B) Do a man-in-the-middle attack by providing a 

Re: [Tails-dev] ISO verification [Was: [RFC] UX for ISO verification + Tails Installer + full upgrades]

2015-03-06 Thread sajolida
Giorgio Maone:
 On 04/03/2015 19:46, sajolida wrote:
 I tried to interrupt a download of the ISO with Tor Browser and,
 indeed, it's not possible to continue it.

 This seems due to a misconfiguration of your mirrors setup.
 Specifically, I've tried to manually resume an interrupted download from
 Firefox's download manager, which should have theoretically worked
 because the (initial) server (announcing itself as Server: Apache)
 sent an Accept-Ranges: bytes header.
 Unfortunately when I sent the second request with Range:
 bytes=37053248-, the second server I was dispatched to announcing
 itself as Server: lighty) actually answered with
 HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
 Content-Range: bytes 37053248-954132479/954132480
 i.e. correctly resumed the download, but the brower refused to go on
 because the first response (from Apache) carried an
 Etag: 7c08c-38dee800-50fcad82a1400
 header, while the second one (from Lighttpd) had
 Etag: 1421032332
 misrepresenting the payloads as two different entities.
 Now, the easiest solution seems to me preventing Etag headers from being
 sent in the ISO download HTTP responses (who's gonna *cache* a 1GB
 response anyway?).

Thanks for investigating all this! I created a parent ticket to work on
this, see #9022 and subtasks.

 Otherwise, you need to synchronize all the mirrors to serve the same
 Etag (e.g. I hit another server, announced as nginx, with Etag:
 54ebc9d0-38dee800). For instance you could use
 Tails-image-{SHA256_checksum} to build an unique Etag valid for that
 specific ISO version.
 So I might reconsider what I just said in my answer to intrigeri :P
 Still, I like the idea of having the verification experience for
 people downloading through HTTP and through BitTorrent being the same.
 I also like the idea of making an explicit and intentional move to
 verify the ISO (instead of making it happen automatically). I
 understand from your proposal Giorgio that the extension could be able
 to resume an interrupted or paused download, right?
 Yes it could, and I could probably work-around even the aforementioned
 mirror server misconfiguration by intercepting the http responses before
 they're examined by the browser forcibly filtering out the Etag headers,
 if necessary, but the ideal solution would be fixing it so anyone can
 use any browser or download manager to resume interrupted downloads.

I agree that we should rather fix that problem at its root.

 Then I'll take good note of this and will try to take a decision
 during our next UX sprint (when we should be able to finalize all the
 UX side of things). For example, maybe the download process can be
 done only if people choose HTTP download, and then the verification
 process could still be done in the same way for everybody. But I'm
 more worried about the security discussion for the moment.
 Providing a menu item or an option button somewhere to browse the
 filesystem and manually choose the file to be verified is simple
 enough. Am I missing some other requirement for this feature which
 would add complexity? 
 Not that I can think of. But you are answering here one of the questions
 I had for you, since you are saying that the extension would be allowed
 to browser or any file on the file system (for example from a BitTorrent
 download) and verify that as well. That's good news.
 Confirmed. Basically the extension can do anything the browser itself
 can do.


 So, from a security point of view, I think that pushing more content on
 AMO doesn't solve the root of the problem: if someone is in control of (through MitM or exploit) then they can fool all those
 newcomers with whatever rogue verification process even earlier in the
 website. Even if I agree that AMO are in a better position to defend
 themselves, visitors of might be tricked not to install
 the extension ever.
 Yes, I understand, and as a mitigation I'd advise to start deploying
 HPKP on ASAP, see

Sure, I read more about that and understood that we should:

- First, deploy it ourselves, that's #9026.
- Then have our keys pinned in the Firefox preload list, that's #9027.

That sounds really worth it!

 The only way we could mitigate such an attack (MitM or exploit on is in the case of people following an external
 documentation (for example from a book) that doesn't rely on at all. Then indeed it make sense, from a security point
 of view, to do the verification in a native interface.
 ... or if a web search for Installing Tails or Download Tails ISO
 returned, and the
 add-on description page  provided very concise instructions (Press the
 green button to download and verify a Tails ISO image), then after
 pressing the button you automagically received a verified image in

Re: [Tails-dev] ISO verification [Was: [RFC] UX for ISO verification + Tails Installer + full upgrades]

2015-03-03 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
On Tue 2015-03-03 21:01:55 +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 [@dkg: I know you read the last, but in this email there's one
 question for you, and I would be sad if you missed it, so Cc'ing you
 explicitly. Look for your handle below.]

thanks for the explicit callout, this thread has been mostly off my
radar, and i might not have noticed it otherwise.

 * we could advise users to set up something to automatically refresh
   they GnuPG keyring (the OpenPGP best practices has several
   suggestions iirc, and not just parcimonie). This addresses the
   revocation handling problem you're mentioning in the About the
   removal of Seahorse Nautilus section.

This sounds like it makes a lot of sense.  I wish this kind of action
was more trivially accessible via gpg itself, or some other common

 * ... and then, we could also advise them *not* to import our signing
   key if they've already done it in the past, which gives them TOFU
   done right. For key rollover, this can be handled with a blog post
   and transition statement.

I suspect for most new users, the validation process is complex and
foreign enough that they don't understand which parts need to be done
only once ever, and which parts need to be done at each download.

I don't have a good recommendation of how to improve this situation,
because by definition they're using some O/S that we don't know about
and can't control.

Maybe there are ways that we could leverage Microsoft or Apple's
built-in CAs somehow to provide certified ISOs on those platforms using
the same identity, but certified by MS or Apple's pre-trusted roots?
I don't really know what kinds of mechanisms exist for that, though.

a bit of digging turns up some pretty silly UI for Apple's code signing
(which isn't something we can use directly anyway, but probably should
be better-protected than expecting users to notice a lock in the
upper-right of the taskbar:

 When the user clicks on the HTTP download button from the download
 page, we propose to install the extension.

This seems like it's just moving the goalposts from verifying the ISO to
verifying the extension; and given that extensions themselves can be
tampered with by other extensions, it seems like it *could* raise

Though otoh we're expecting users to install gnupg on their systems to
verify anyway, and doing that wrong (or fetching the wrong binaries)
could result in even worse outcomes.

 I guess this means that JavaScript will be needed on our download
 page, so that we can detect if the extension is already installed, as
 you note in the open questions below.

I agree with Giorgio that it seems like this shouldn't require
javascript if the extension is clever enough and the placement of the
warning/recommendation is sensible but not overwhelming.

Note that some browsers won't be able to install any extension we're
likely to ship (e.g. IE or Safari), so direct download does still need
to be supported.

 * The extension checks the size of the download to verify that the
   download was complete.
 * If the download was complete, the extension verifies the
   ISO image.

 (Just curious, since it's cheap:) The idea is to provide different
 feedback on failure, depending on whether the download wasn't complete
 or corrupted, right?

 tails-i386-x.x.x-VERIFIED.iso if the verification is successfully.

 I find it a bit surprising that a verified ISO hasn't its canonical
 name in the end, given we call it differently otherwise. But well, you
 have read more about UX than I did. Perhaps the reasons behind this
 design decision could be explained on the blueprint so that I, or
 someone else, doesn't propose to change that again in a year ;)

fwiw, i share intrigeri's intuitions on both points above, here.  I
wouldn't object to the name change, if it's backed up by a
plausible-sounding argument, but my instincts suggest that changing the
name of the file may well confuse people (how many guides out there
mention the tails ISO without the -VERIFIED string?  how does the name
change help (e.g. if an attacker gets between the user and the server,
couldn't it just ship the -VERIFIED name in the first place via HTTP
302 reidirect or something similar)

 (B) Do a man-in-the-middle attack by providing a rogue HTTPS
 certificate for signed by a certificate
 authority trusted by the browser but under the control of
 the attacker.

 This feels outdated (or the other way round), since the Checksum
 verification section says we'll be doing CA pinning. Please clarify.

if you want to do pinning, you can start doing it now.  fwiw, i don't
actually recommend CA pinning, i recommend end-entity pubkey pinning
using HPKP.  You can introduce this basically any time (once you've done
a bit of operational planning to ensure you don't shoot yourself in the
foot), and you can even get it included upstream in the baked-in HPKP
lists.  If you have questions about