[I'm cross-posting to all these lists since that's where the meeting reminders 
go, but whoever responds to this can perhaps drop all but tails-project@ so we 
focus the discussion on one list.]

> The next Tails contributors meeting is scheduled for:
>       Friday 03 March

At least for me, Fri-Sun are essentially out of the question (in an attempt to 
create some work-life balance, but also due to frequently planning AFK 
activities at those times since that's what works with for people I spend time 
with at those times). Hence, this reason alone means I won't attend 3/7 or 
these meetings. I suspect some others of us are in a similar situation.

I'd like us to pick a time for the meeting that is strictly off weekends. Of 
course, if weekends are *better* for most contributors that frequent our 
meetings, then we perhaps shouldn't.

In the CI team we just decided to have our monthly meetings every first 
Thursday every month; this guarantees that it will be off-weekend, and won't 
interfere with planned releases (Sun-Tue). Would something like that work for 
the contributors meeting? We could perhaps consider:

* every first Wednesday
* every second Thursday
* every first Thursday (and we move our CI team meeting to the second Thursday)

I am not sure how important it is to have in the beginning of the month (e.g. 
vs reports) so I'd like your input on this.

(For the CI team meeting we also decided to have the meeting earlier, 16:00 
CE(S)T, which I'd also like, but I fully understand that this doesn't work for 
most people, so I won't even raise it as a suggestion here. Unless I'm way off 
and most of us actually would prefer this (?).)

Thoughts and feelings?


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