Re: [GTALUG] Problem new virtual host

2020-04-30 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2020-04-30 4:46 p.m., James Knott via talk wrote:
What happens if you use the host command?  You can also use the host 
command with the IP address, to see what host name shows up.  What 
happens if you use the IP address with a browser?

The host command without an argument gives me a help listing.

The host command with my server's local IP address gives me a list of 
all virtual hosts listed in my hosts file.

Entering my local IP in a browser gets me to Gerbera's control panel.

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Re: [GTALUG] Problem new virtual host

2020-04-30 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2020-04-30 4:29 p.m., James Knott via talk wrote:

Did you add that site to a DNS server?

According to the host command, you didn't.

 > host
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

"Whenever you type an address, your system will check the hosts file for 
its presence; if it is present there, you will be directed to the 
corresponding IP. If the hostname is not defined in the hosts file, your 
system will check the DNS server of your internet to look up for the 
corresponding IP and redirect you accordingly."

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[GTALUG] Problem new virtual host

2020-04-30 Thread Stephen via talk

I posted this to the Apache list but someone here may be able to help:

I have a standard LAMP for development.

I set up a new virtual host about once every two years and always struggle.

I have added the web site to my hosts file and direct to my server. I 
have a dozen entries.

I have updated my virtual hosts Apache file

I can ping the new virtual host just fine.

But both Brave and Firefox raise an error saying that the host cannot be 


Unable to connect

Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at

This site can’t be reached refused to connect.

I was getting the Apache default page but corrected the file permissions 
to 755.

Any and all help welcome!


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Re: [GTALUG] Sudo in Script

2019-09-15 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2019-09-15 12:14 p.m., Kevin Cozens via talk wrote:

On 2019-09-15 12:01 p.m., Stephen via talk wrote:

When debugging I like to clear the Apache error file and save as null.

To continue error logging I have to restart Apache.

1) Not a big deal, but is there an easier way?

Yes, there is. You can move the files to a different name to indicate 
they are older log files then send a signal to Apache to tell it to 
start using new log files.

You can find the details about it at:

I always learn when I ask for help in this group!

Thank you!

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[GTALUG] Sudo in Script

2019-09-15 Thread Stephen via talk

I do work in a LAMP system.

When debugging I like to clear the Apache error file and save as null.

To continue error logging I have to restart Apache.

1) Not a big deal, but is there an easier way?

I restart Apache in a script file that requires a Sudo command. That 
requires a password.

2) Can I provide the password in the script file to avoid the prompt and 
save a little time?

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2019-06-08 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2019-06-08 9:13 p.m., James Knott via talk wrote:

On 2019-06-08 08:36 PM, Chris F.A. Johnson via talk wrote:

POP is download only.

  But, once it's downloaded, you can do anything you like with it.

Now, try to keep multiple devices in sync, including sent mail.

As I briefly touched on, my main computer at home has my email archives. 
I use POP and they are removed from the email server. I prefer it that way.

My cell phone accesses my emails using IMAP. I can stay on top of things 
and respond to anything that is urgent.

Nothing old is urgent. It can wait until I get home.

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2019-06-08 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2019-06-08 1:16 p.m., James Knott via talk wrote:

On 2019-06-08 12:20 PM, Stephen via talk wrote:

Allows multiple devices to access you emails
Keeps messages on server

Deletes messages on server when downloaded

Which server??? When I ran my own IMAP server, I used fetchmail to
download & delete the messages from my ISP's server.?? Of course, leaving
the messages on the IMAP server means they'll always be there for when
you get another device, use webmail from another computer, etc..

Some accounts are with Rogers/Yahoo

others are on my web server.

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2019-06-08 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2019-06-08 12:05 p.m., o1bigtenor via talk wrote:


Working on setting up Claws - - an email handling tool and I need to
choose whether I use
What I've been able to find so far doesn't really give any kind of
clear direction.
I have lots of storage here and am planning on starting with my least
used addresses just to make sure things are working well before I do a
complete switch.

Please advise.


I see the two main differences being:

Allows multiple devices to access you emails
Keeps messages on server

Deletes messages on server when downloaded

I have my phone set for IMAP to I see emails when out, and my computer 
sent to POP so I can download when I am home

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2019-06-04 Thread Stephen via talk
Thank you to all who posted offers/attempts of help. I have been looking 
at this part time over a few days.

It turns out my problem was in my PHP code :(

I went through every bit of my mysql system. Everything was fine. I did 
learn a few things :)

But, the new upgraded version required a medium strength password and 
that includes a special character. I made what I thought was a simple 
change in my web sites data.php file.

But, I put my PHP variables between double quotes. That caused the 
special character in my password to expand and thereby become incorrect. :(

In future I will use single quotes for my passwords.


On 2019-05-28 7:50 p.m., Stephen via talk wrote:

I am not on any lists for mysql. So I thought that I would ask her,

Suggestions for a help list for mysql are most welcome.

I have a LAMP for web site development and rarely need to touch the 
database admin stuff.

It has been years. I am creating a new site with database but I can't 
get the user to have privileges.

Can anyone spot what is wrong?

So I connect to the server with:
stephen@Avalon:~$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.?? Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 11
Server version: 5.7.26-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (Ubuntu)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights 

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input 

I create grants
mysql> grant all on rois3324_stephen.*?? to 
"rois3324_stephen"@"localhost" with grant option;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
I try to see grants
mysql> "rois3324_stephen"@"localhost"

It looks like no grants were created. And I get a confirming error from 

Can anyone see what is wrong?

Thank you!

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[GTALUG] [OT] mySQL help

2019-05-28 Thread Stephen via talk

I am not on any lists for mysql. So I thought that I would ask her,

Suggestions for a help list for mysql are most welcome.

I have a LAMP for web site development and rarely need to touch the 
database admin stuff.

It has been years. I am creating a new site with database but I can't 
get the user to have privileges.

Can anyone spot what is wrong?

So I connect to the server with:
stephen@Avalon:~$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 11
Server version: 5.7.26-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (Ubuntu)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input 

I create grants
mysql> grant all on rois3324_stephen.*  to 
"rois3324_stephen"@"localhost" with grant option;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
I try to see grants
mysql> "rois3324_stephen"@"localhost"

It looks like no grants were created. And I get a confirming error from PHP.

Can anyone see what is wrong?

Thank you!
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[GTALUG] BIOS: Duplicate (3) Boot Drive Entries

2018-10-23 Thread Stephen via talk

The entries are all for the same SSD drive.

Do I have have GRUB installed three times?

From I boot nicely into Ubuntu 18.04

The other two stick on GRUB and say no OS found.

How do I fix this?

Thank you!

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[GTALUG] Last Ubuntu OS Update Breaks ffmpeg

2018-09-13 Thread Stephen via talk

And help and/or advise appreciated.

I am using 18.4 and apply all updates.

I have been using ffmpeg for many years to convert file formats. I am 
now getting errors that have me confused. Here is the command line:

ffmpeg -i 101.Cat.avi -c:v libx264 -c:a copy 101.Cat.mp4

I now get many errors:

libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: driver pointer missing
libGL error: failed to load driver: i965
libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: driver pointer missing
libGL error: failed to load driver: i965
libGL error: unable to load driver:
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
X Error: GLXBadContext
Request Major code 155 (GLX)
Request Minor code 6 ()
Error Serial #55
Current Serial #54

I Google the errors and everything seems to focus on bugs in Android 
Studio which I don't use.

So I am at a loss for how to fix this.

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[GTALUG] "Nobody" Problem

2018-08-05 Thread Stephen via talk

I have a share on Ubuntu Linux.

From Windows copy files to the share.

Files have owner of "Nobody"

How do I have them default to the owner of the Public directory?


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Re: [GTALUG] blackmail

2018-08-04 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2018-08-04 12:47 AM, D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk wrote:

I received a blackmail message by email.  It claimed that they hacked my
system and had compromising videos from my computer's camera.

As proof, they gave me what they claimed was my password.  But I only used
that password on two sites: and (a long-dead Canada Computers site).

Is it not terrible practise to store unencrypted passwords on a web site?

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[GTALUG] Gerbera DLNA problems

2018-06-27 Thread Stephen via talk
For years I ran Mediatomb, a DNLA server, on Ubuntu and played on a 
Panasonic Blu-ray player. Three locations throughout my home.

No problems at all.

Now, Ubuntu killed Mediatome, but Gerbera has taken over and I have that 
installed and running.

But I have problems with some mp4 files. Some play very well. But they 
take longer to start playing than under my old setup.

And many do not play at all. After about 30 seconds of trying to load a 
message window appears for 1/10 of a second, and I am back to the menu 
for selecting files. No idea what the message is is.

All files play just fine on the Ubuntu computer. No problem with flac 
music files.

I am asking for ideas on how to diagnose this problem.

I can’t find any kind of support forum for Gerbera.

All help appreciated!
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[GTALUG] Does anyone use Gerbera?

2018-06-09 Thread Stephen via talk
Gerbera is a fork of Mediatome that I have used for many years. It is a 
media server.

No change in hardware or network.

1) Is there a specific web site or forum for support?

2) The file scan which I set for 1800 seconds is not performing. Any 

3) Some files do not stream. I select them on the client, time passes, 
screen is black, then returned to selection menu. This never happened 
with Mediatomb. Any suggestions.

Any and all help appreciated!

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Re: [GTALUG] Help need in bash

2018-05-31 Thread Stephen via talk

That is what I needed. Thank you!

On 2018-05-31 04:47 PM, Seneca Cunningham via talk wrote:

On May 31, 2018, at 14:40, Stephen via talk  wrote:

I want to build a script to convert any *.png files to *.jpg files using 

Doing manually works fine.

Building a script has presented problem. I am well versed in programming but a 
novice with bash.

My loop through the files works fine.

cd /big1/memes/;

shopt -s nullglob
for f in "*.png"
echo $f

I get a list of filenames with an extension of .png

In this case, the value of $f is ‘*.png’.  Your loop iterates once, and the 
list of PNG files is generated as a shell expansion before evaluating the 

But when I try to get the basename with:

cd /big1/memes/;

shopt -s nullglob
for f in "*.png"
echo $f
echo $b

I first get a list of the .png files, then a list of all files, both the 
existing .jog and the .png. This gets a WTF reaction from me.

Once more, $f is ‘*.png’ and is being expanded for the execution of the echo.  
Your brace expansion looks to be converting ‘*.png’ to the string ‘*’, and 
assigning that to b.  The when evaluating the line “echo $b”, the value of $b, 
‘*’, is expanded prior to execution.

Can someone explain and help me get closer to getting this to work?

You were a touch sloppy with your quoting.  You should have left “*.png” 
unquoted in the for loop so that the list of file names to process would expand 
there, and stuck $f and $b in double quotes so their values would not expand.

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[GTALUG] Help need in bash

2018-05-31 Thread Stephen via talk
I want to build a script to convert any *.png files to *.jpg files using 

Doing manually works fine.

Building a script has presented problem. I am well versed in programming 
but a novice with bash.

My loop through the files works fine.

cd /big1/memes/;

shopt -s nullglob
for f in "*.png"
echo $f

I get a list of filenames with an extension of .png

But when I try to get the basename with:

cd /big1/memes/;

shopt -s nullglob
for f in "*.png"
echo $f
echo $b

I first get a list of the .png files, then a list of all files, both the 
existing .jog and the .png. This gets a WTF reaction from me.

Can someone explain and help me get closer to getting this to work?


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Re: [GTALUG] Ubuntu DLNA Server

2018-05-14 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2018-05-14 10:53 AM, Lennart Sorensen wrote:

Open to recommendations for a different sever, as well.

So gerbera that was based on mediatomb isn't an option?

I did not know that this existed.

Thank you!

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Re: [GTALUG] Ubuntu DLNA Server

2018-05-13 Thread Stephen via talk

I see it uses an Apple protocol for music. I don't see that it does video?

I am looking at Plex right now. Will check this out later.


On 2018-05-12 10:10 PM, Digiital aka David wrote:
For a different server. I have been using OMV and have been very happy 
with it

On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 4:26 PM, Stephen via talk < 
<>> wrote:

So I have happily been using mediatomb for years. But I upgraded to
18.04 and it has been unsupported, and worse the upgrade deleted the
binary! :(

I tried compiling from source, but that is a bigger learning curve
that I am up for at this time.

I tried miniDLNA. Setup was easy. No errors. It shows up on my
network. But has no content. No errors. No log. So I am at a loss.

Any suggestions and/or help appreciated.

Open to recommendations for a different sever, as well.



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[GTALUG] Ubuntu DLNA Server

2018-05-12 Thread Stephen via talk
So I have happily been using mediatomb for years. But I upgraded to 
18.04 and it has been unsupported, and worse the upgrade deleted the 
binary! :(

I tried compiling from source, but that is a bigger learning curve that 
I am up for at this time.

I tried miniDLNA. Setup was easy. No errors. It shows up on my network. 
But has no content. No errors. No log. So I am at a loss.

Any suggestions and/or help appreciated.

Open to recommendations for a different sever, as well.


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[GTALUG] Upgraded to Beaver and Command Line Says 'command not found'

2018-05-02 Thread Stephen via talk

The program I wish to run is mediatomb

The file is in /etc/init.d/

Samba started fine.

Apache did not.

Things look fine, but I am a novice with with. Never had a problem to 
diagnose before.

Help appreciated!

Talk Mailing List

Re: [GTALUG] Package Problem

2017-06-27 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2017-06-27 03:22 PM, Ivan Avery Frey via talk wrote:

On Tue, Jun 27, 2017, 15:10 Stephen via talk < 
<>> wrote:

I am running Ubuntu 16.10

The last system update has run into problems. The Ubuntu Software GUI
program hangs.

I tried an apt-get and fount that there is a problem in:


This is the important part of the output:

dpkg: error processing package libssl1.0.0:amd64 (--configure):
   package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should
   reinstall it before attempting configuration
No apport report written because the error message indicates its a
followup error from a previous failure.

How do I fix this?

To reinstall libssl:
apt-get --reinstall install libssl.

I can't guarantee that this will fix this.

Thank you!

I had to use sudo apt-get --reinstall install libssl1.0.0:amd64

but that was easy to figure out :)

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Re: [GTALUG] Trusted Android repair in Toronto?

2017-06-20 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2017-06-20 07:52 AM, Evan Leibovitch via talk wrote:

Hi all,

While halfway on a part-family-part-business trip to Europe, my 
two-year-old LG G4 crapped out on me.

It still appears functional though the screen is just darkish with 
random white lines across it.

I am eager to hear if anyone here knows of a trustworthy shop that's 
able to deal with this.

There is a good shop that has space in the Postal Outlet that is on the 
south side of Finch, about 1km west of Dufferin. Same plaza as Mandarin.

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[GTALUG] Samba Nobody (File ownership) problems returns

2017-01-09 Thread Stephen via talk


Samba is installed and used on server running Ubuntu 16.10. In addition 
to server software, normal desktop programs are installed. Certain 
folders are shared. Guests may access and create files. Windows 
computers copy files to the shared folders. These files have ownership 
of nobody:nobody I have two Windows 10 computers. The problem happens 
with both,

Desired behaviour

These files are given ownership of the owner of the directory.


The samba.conf file has an entry for each shared folder, like this:

comment = Stephen Public
path = /home/stephen/Public
writeable = yes
; browseable = yes
guest ok = yes
force user = stephen
force group = stephen


This has been working as desired since I did a new install of 16.10. 
Today I noticed the nobody ownership problem. I had it after the install 
of 16.10 because I forgot to update samba.conf. Hence the return of the 

It has been a week since I did a file copy that worked as desired. I 
copy files infrequently.

It is worse. A sudo chown to change permissions to stephen:stephen 
executed without error. But within nautilus the context menu on the 
files had the commands to rename and delete greyed out. Even though the 
permissions section of the properties did say the ownership was changed.

I have not made any configuration changes. I have performed one, maybe 
two, system updates. There has also been a Windows 10 update.

Any and all help appreciated.

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Re: [GTALUG] Bash Problem

2017-01-08 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2017-01-07 07:25 PM, Stephen via talk wrote:

I am new to Bash scripts.

I am trying to create a script to use avconv to convert mkv files to mp4

Run one at a time the command runs fine.

When I execute this script I get an error about an unknown parameter. I
am guessing that the expansion with the filename variables is failing.

Can someone help me correct?

Thank you!

# Usage: convert file to mp4
shopt -s nullglob
for f in *.mkv
   base=$(basename $f .mkv)
   echo $nFname
   avconv "-i $f -c:v libx264 -c:a copy $nFname"

Thank you for the replies. Simply removing the quotes did the trick! :)

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[GTALUG] Bash Problem

2017-01-07 Thread Stephen via talk

I am new to Bash scripts.

I am trying to create a script to use avconv to convert mkv files to mp4 

Run one at a time the command runs fine.

When I execute this script I get an error about an unknown parameter. I 
am guessing that the expansion with the filename variables is failing.

Can someone help me correct?

Thank you!

# Usage: convert file to mp4
shopt -s nullglob
for f in *.mkv
   base=$(basename $f .mkv)
   echo $nFname
   avconv "-i $f -c:v libx264 -c:a copy $nFname"

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[GTALUG] Testing Restore of mySQL Database

2016-12-23 Thread Stephen via talk
With the discussion about backups, I would like to raise a question I 
have had for some time.

Having backups does no good if you cannot restore them. Files are rather 
easy to test.

But how do you test restoring a database?

I back it up with the usual tool. I have the docs to do the restore.

But how to test to make sure that restoring works, without clobbering 
the active database?

Thank you

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[GTALUG] Python and/or Video help please

2016-10-30 Thread Stephen via talk
A month ago I had problems, after an Ubuntu upgrade, getting my screen 
resolution above 1024x768.

In this forum I was given a link to the script below to fix the problem 
and it did! Joy.

Now I tried to run a video and the screen went back to unknown and set 
to 1024x768 :(

I ran the script again, and I get the following result:

stephen@avalon:~/scripts$ ./ VGA-1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 65, in 
edid_bin = get_edid_for_connector(connector_name)
  File "./", line 51, in get_edid_for_connector
edid_str = slurp_edid_string(i)
  File "./", line 39, in slurp_edid_string
assert re.match(r'\tEDID:', output_lines[line_num+1])

I do not know anything about Python. Can someone help me figure this out?

Many thanks

#!/usr/bin/env python

import binascii
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from os.path import basename

XRANDR_BIN = 'xrandr'

# re.RegexObject: expected format of xrandr's EDID ascii representation
EDID_DATA_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\t\t[0-9a-f]{32}$')

def get_edid_for_connector(connector_name):
"""Finds the EDID for the given connector.
connector_name (str): Name of a connector, i.e. HDMI-0, DP-1
Binary EDID for the connector, or None if not found.
OSError: Failed to run xrandr.

# re.RegexObject: pattern for this connector's xrandr --props section
connector_pattern = re.compile('^{} connected'.format(connector_name))

xrandr_output = subprocess.check_output([XRANDR_BIN, '--props'])
except OSError as e:
sys.stderr.write('Failed to run {}\n'.format(XRANDR_BIN))
raise e

output_lines = xrandr_output.decode('ascii').split('\n')

def slurp_edid_string(line_num):
"""Helper for getting the EDID from a line match in xrandr 

edid = ''
assert re.match(r'\tEDID:', output_lines[line_num+1])
for i in range(line_num + 2, len(output_lines)):
line = output_lines[i]
if EDID_DATA_PATTERN.match(line):
edid += line.strip()
return edid if len(edid) > 0 else None

for i in range(len(output_lines)):
connector_match = connector_pattern.match(output_lines[i])
if connector_match:
edid_str = slurp_edid_string(i)
if edid_str is None:
return None
return binascii.unhexlify(edid_str)

return None

if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
sys.exit('Usage: {} '.format(basename(sys.argv[0])))

connector_name = sys.argv[1]

edid_bin = get_edid_for_connector(connector_name)
if edid_bin is None:
sys.exit('No EDID found for output {}'.format(connector_name))

if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):


Talk Mailing List

Re: [GTALUG] Screen Resolution Problem with Ubuntu

2016-10-16 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2016-10-16 04:33 PM, William Park via talk wrote:

If you by-pass KVM and connect directly, what happens?

That would be a last resort because I run three computers on one 

But thanks to Russell I have joy.

Thank you for your reply!

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Re: [GTALUG] Screen Resolution Problem with Ubuntu

2016-10-16 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2016-10-16 03:42 PM, Russell Reiter wrote:

On Oct 16, 2016 3:28 PM, "Stephen via talk" <
<>> wrote:

I have an H97M-E MB with on board Intel video chips.

I have a high def ASUS monitor.

So still no joy. Still stuck at 1024x768.

I posted to the Ubuntu forums. No response yet.

Any and all suggestions welcome and appreciated.

Haven't tried this myself yet but perhaps it will help in your case.

Thank you

I looked at the script and just thought it would just detect and report.

But it set to 1920x1080. It was a flaky screen. I rebooted, and the 
setting was persistent and I have JOY!

And I am saving that script! :)

Talk Mailing List

[GTALUG] Screen Resolution Problem with Ubuntu

2016-10-16 Thread Stephen via talk

I have an H97M-E MB with on board Intel video chips.

I have a high def ASUS monitor.

I connect through a KVM switch, the video being VGA

For a long time I have had no trouble with 1920x1080 resolution.

Things started getting flaky in the spring. An OS update prevented 
Ubuntu system tools from recognizing the monitor and the highest res was 

I decided to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 hoping that would fix. It did 
not and there was a lot of pain in the upgrade.

I finally found I could fix using xrandr.

Last week Ubuntu issued another OS update and it again caused the 
monitor to not be recognized and the max resolution to be 1024x768.

I ensured the full update was performed as discussed in recent email to 
this group.

I upgraded to 16.10. No pain but no joy.

I explored further with xrandr:

I used


I got: Modeline "1920x1080_60.00" 173.00 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 
1088 1120 -hsync +vsync

xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00" 173.00 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 
1088 1120 -hsync +vsync

xrandr --addmode 1920x1080_60.00

After the last commend, my screen resolution was reduced to something 
like 640x480 and an error window popped up. I could not read the full 
error message because it was off the screen. It started with "Could not set"

I had to do a system reset.

So still no joy. Still stuck at 1024x768.

I posted to the Ubuntu forums. No response yet.

Any and all suggestions welcome and appreciated.

Talk Mailing List

Re: [GTALUG] Going to FSOSS 2016... route question

2016-10-03 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2016-10-02 09:23 PM, William Park via talk wrote:

I'm thinking about taking public transit to FSOSS2016.  I can get to
Go Union Station easy.  From there, Trip planner says
- Union -> University Subway line -> Downsview -> York U
- Union -> Yonge Subway line -> Finch -> York U

For those living (and taking TTC) in Toronto, which route is least
crowded during morning/afternoon rush hours?

This is a no brainer.

Take the subway to Downsview. The Yonge line is busier.

Catch the York University Rocket bus, 196, to the University. It only 
makes two stops, and travels along bus right of ways. Very fast.

Just do not take the Rocket bus that goes east to Sheppard. I think it 
is the 196B, but not sure.

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Re: [GTALUG] Permission Issue Ubuntu 16.04

2016-09-20 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2016-09-11 11:59 AM, Nigel Auger via talk wrote:

This suggestion is a bit of a stab in the dark based on a hunch but make
sure your user exists as a samba user. Try the following:

sudo smbpasswd -a userid

Then enter your user password when prompted. Obviously you can skip the
"sudo" if you are logged in as root or using a distro that doesn't use
sudo (PCLinuxOS).

I found the solution. I did this so long ago I forgot. :)

I added this section to samba.conf

comment = Photography
path = /big0/photography
writeable = yes
;   browseable = yes
guest ok = yes
force user = stephen
force group = stephen

Talk Mailing List

[GTALUG] Permission Issue Ubuntu 16.04

2016-09-10 Thread Stephen via talk

I have rebuilt my computer and installed 16.04. Was 14.04.

There has been a change in permission behaviour.

I have a Windows 10 computer that I use for my photography and 
Photoshop. I copy and paste folders over the network to my Linux machine 
for backup and using on my web sites.

I did this today and the folders and files were all created with all 
permissions set to "nobody".

They are created in a folder my user owns. The Windows username is the 
same as my Ubuntu username.

In the past the copied folders and folders received my user ownership.

I want to return to this behaviour.

Reviewing documentation I see "big" solutions. Create users to my group. 
Test if this will work. Fingers crossed. Did not have to do this before.

Can someone help with an easier solution?

Thank you.

Talk Mailing List

[GTALUG] Permission Issue Ubuntu 16.04

2016-09-10 Thread Stephen via talk
**Apologies I had screenshot attachments on the first try. Message too 

I have rebuilt my computer and installed 16.04. Was 14.04.

There has been a change in permission behaviour.

I have a Windows 10 computer that I use for my photography and 
Photoshop. I copy and paste folders over the network to my Linux machine 
for backup and using on my web sites.

I did this today and the folders and files were all created with all 
permissions set to "nobody".

They are created in a folder my user owns. The Windows username is the 
same as my Ubuntu username.

In the past the copied folders and folders received my user ownership.

I want to return to this behaviour.

Reviewing documentation I see "big" solutions. Create users to my group. 
Test if this will work. Fingers crossed. Did not have to do this before.

Can someone help with an easier solution?

Thank you.


Talk Mailing List

Re: [GTALUG] Ubuntu 16.04 File Manager With Tabs

2016-09-09 Thread Stephen via talk

On 2016-09-09 07:49 PM, Scott Allen wrote:

On 9 September 2016 at 19:11, Stephen via talk <> wrote:

But the default file manger does not allow tabs
with different directories.

You should be able to select File->New Tab from the menu, or use
ctrl+t, or right click on a folder and select "Open in New Tab".

Thank you Scott. I feel a little embarrassed.

I have used ctrl-T for years, and just drew a blank. :(

Talk Mailing List

[GTALUG] Ubuntu 16.04 File Manager With Tabs

2016-09-09 Thread Stephen via talk

I had the system hard drive fail, and installed 16.04.

I am getting used to it. But the default file manger does not allow tabs 
with different directories.

Am I missing something, or has this feature indeed been removed. Now I 
was using a Gnome shell before. Reverting is a consideration.

But if anyone can recommend a good file manager with tabs, please do so.

Talk Mailing List

[GTALUG] GUI for Ubuntu 16.04

2016-08-03 Thread Stephen via talk

I have been running 14.04 and have no reason to upgrade.

But I am being prompted when updates are performed.

I prefer the tradition Gnome interface with a menu bar at the top.

I dislike tile based stuff.

I have Googled trying to find if I can get my preferred interface in 
16.04 but I cannot see the topic addressed. All I see are demos for the 
new interface.

So I am turning here and hope someone can me find out if/how I can use 
the traditional menu bar.


Talk Mailing List