Vocalizer Expressive

2017-05-15 Thread Robert Byers via Talk


What will happen to the Vocalize Synths?
Will I be able to use them with JAWS?

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Trying for Jeff Bishop

2017-05-12 Thread Robert Byers via Talk


I am  trying to contact Jeff Bishop, the author of the APP for Station 

If you can Jeff, please contact me?


Thanks in advance.


On 5/12/2017 1:22 PM, Raul A. Gallegos via Talk wrote:

Hello all. I don't post much here, but I read a few messages here and

It's amazing how many differing messages there are on all of this and
yet most of them without actual facts. *smile*. Because VFO Group now is
the actual company, there is no more competition between Jaws and
Window-Eyes, no more competition between Magic and ZoomText, ETC. At
least not in the technical sense. It's all a part of one larger umbrela.
I think many people have a bad taste in their mouth because they are
remembering the name Freedom Scientific and what the company has done
under certain leadership. That doesn't make Jaws a bad product.  That's
like when Coke changed their formula a long time ago in a galaxy far
away. Some liked it and some hated it. Some will still remember that bad
experience and still think of Coke that way even though ti's been
different for a very long time.

Instead of speculating, how about we wait and see what happens. This
constant back and forth does nothing but get people's anxiety up. As has
been said before, people will have choice. Whether those choices are
ones they would choose is anyone's guess.

Raul A. Gallegos
Assistive Technology Trainer - RGA Tech Solutions
Voice and Text: 832.554.7285
Office: 832.639.4477
Personal Email: r...@raulgallegos.com
Work Email: train...@rgats.com
Twitter: @rga7285 and @RGATrainer

“Any teacher that can be replaced with a computer, deserves to be.” -
David Thornburg

On 5/7/2017 2:17 PM, Darrell Bowles via Talk wrote:

When Vince McMahon purchased world championship wrestling, he now lets
their showers be played on demand on the WWE network, but there are no
more W CW shows. I'm sure that current versions of Window-Eyes, will
still be allowed to be used, but it does not sound like they will
continue to update it, because, Freedom Scientific is the number one
source in town, and so there is no need for them to push another
screen reader, especially if it is their competition.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 7, 2017, at 2:51 PM, Sky Mundell via Talk

FS always saw Window-Eyes as a threat and I have a feeling that that
they filed against GWMicro was part of their stradigy to destroy
Window-Eyes. That lawsuit happened when FS was under Lee Hamilton.
Lee Hamilton left in 2013, and John Blake took over and then, in
November of
2015, VFO formed with Optolec and Freedom Scientific.  And then, on June
14th, 2016, VFO bought AI Squared, and then, in August of that year,
Blake moved back to upstate New York, with Tom Teerman as the new
and CEO, who is sighted but has family connections to blindness due to
glaucoma.  He did say in FSCast that he would probably get glaucoma
eventually.  So, Richard Chandler, Lee Hamilton, John Blake, were the
sighted presidents and CEO of Freedom Scientific, while Tom is
sighted but
might eventually get Glaucoma.

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Anyone on list using spl with WE?

2017-05-11 Thread Robert Byers via Talk


	I am looking for anyone that is using Station play list with Jeff 
Bishop's aPP?

My email, to contact me off list is:


Thanks in advance.

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pleaseHelp with SPL

2017-03-31 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

I am using Station Playlist latest version, latest WE.
The SPL App most of the time says that it can't recognise the version of 

I am using Windows 7 64.
Other times it will read some of the hot keys, and not others.
Does anyone have a solution?
Thanks in advance.


On 4/1/2017 11:37 AM, Jim via Talk wrote:

Hi there!

Question, what is the source of your information about W.E. going away?
I have seen nothing official from anyone regarding this issue and until
I do, I will continue to believe that W.E. is ALIVE and KICKING! I am
getting rather tire of seeing this same old topic being brought up over
and over.  I do not wish to start any sort of heated debate on this
subject I just want to see where all this so called information is
actually coming from..?  Have A Great Day! de


On 31-Mar-17 11:12, Don H via Talk wrote:

If you think Window Eyes isn't going away I also have a nice bridge to
sell you.  It is called the Golden Gate and I will sell it real cheap.

On 3/31/2017 12:59 AM, Dennis Long via Talk wrote:

We don't know WE is going away.

-Original Message-
From: Talk
On Behalf Of Brenda via Talk
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2017 1:26 PM
To: Sky Mundell; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: Re: orbit20 display and future of window eyes

Hi Sky and List

I think it is beyond the point of saving Window-Eyes.

I think what folks on this list need to do now is to contact VFO and
for a reasonable price to transition from Window-Eyes to jaws. The
of SMAs should be considered so perhaps those with SMAs would be
given jaws
SMAs or the money paid toward their SMAs would be put toward the cost of
jaws.  Everyone should be given the convention price for jaws.

Just a thought,


On 3/30/2017 12:38 PM, Sky Mundell via Talk wrote:

Hello Kevin and Vaughn.  Here are my thoughts on this. Had the blind
organisations had given Window-Eyes a chance,  Window-Eyes would not
have gotten extinct and this would not have happened.  Below, I'm
going to forward you guys some emails from a friend of mine who is on
this list, and I support him 100 percent!

Email 1:

Hi Sky,

Sadly that has been the way it has been since the start. As you said,
had the rnib, cnib, american league for th blind and so on favoured
window-eyes or even given it a chance. It would not be almost extinct
at this moment in time. It does make me angry. These people are
somehow escaping accountability for their acdtions. The entire system
has been geared towards Jaws continually. Every other screen reader
has become second rate because of the power wielded withing the blind
community. It's alright us saying this but actually proving it is
another matter. If it could be proved and despite all the negativity,
it could. Then what could happen? Telling the world about how a
ruthless power hungry organisation set out to control the world of the
blind with a screen reader? If people would back us up and not just
say that is what happened without saying I can prove it. To be able to
prove it would be the icing on the cake. It would show the rotten,
evil people at jaws who abused their power and in a way forced vendors
to favour jaws above other screen readers. If enough people were
prepared to come out and back us up we would have enough to at least

those responcible for the blind to wake up and accept responcibility.

I doubt that will ever happen as proving what we know to be true would
be difficult. Not impossible. We do have what is called a Mergers and
nonopoly commission but it too is being seen as a dog with no teeth.
Although it blocked a merger a few days ago between the two major
money markets, one in London and the other in @Germany from combining.
They have some power but it is only token gesture.

There is a proposed merger between Rupert Murdoch and Sky tv. He will
be allowed to buy it despite criticism from other media cdompanies. He
owns the majority of the world's media and his control is beyond
anything that the world has seen before. There isn't much he doesn't
own and his political power is immeanse. That is the exact same as
jaws, the rnib, cnib and other organisations for the blind.

If it could be possible for witnesses to come forward and confirm what
we are saying. That would be at least a start. We could get up a
petition expressing our opinion of the bullying from these so called
institutions for the blind. bringing them to account. It may not do
very much but at least it would rock the boat for a short time and
always be part of the history of blind peoples lives in a corrupt and

overbearing system.

Email 2:

From: bj colt [mailto:bjc...@blueyonder.co.uk]
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 6:34 AM
To: Sky Mundell
Subject: Re: window eyes proposal

Hi Sky,

I listened to the podcast from scun. I am not only disgusted but
really pissed off at VFO and with the presenters at the tech podcast.
~Why aren


2017-03-20 Thread Robert Byers via Talk


I have to install WE from scratch.
May I please have a link to download an Installable version of WE?
My Serial Number is:
Thanks in advance.

Robert Byers.

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Help with SPL Scripts

2016-11-15 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

I am running Studio, and I get no feed back from the Scripts.

How can I be sure, the scripts are loaded?
WE says thhey are loaded, but I can't get any times, Checked or 
listeners stats.

I am running Windows 7 ad Studio 5.11.
On the other Computer, Windows 10 annd Studio 5.2.
The same thing is happening on both.
I have re-installed Studio and the Scripts.
Any help will be appreciated.

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Full Version of WE

2016-06-07 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

I have just installed Windows 10, But now can't install WE.
I have the CD of 9.0, and the upgrades of 91,92,93 and94.  None of them 
will install, and 90 can't install on Windows 10.

Where do I go from here??
I thought, as we paid for version 9.2, that would be a full version, but 
not so.

Help please.


On 8/06/2016 5:14 AM, Darrell Bowles via Talk wrote:


What I would like to see in the new windoweyes version are the following:

1.   The ability to use windows speech recognition.

Currently, only System access works fully  with this feature of windows.

2.   Also, I would like to see an easier way to get in to safe mode with
window-eyes. While safe mode  is now accessible once you are in it,  you
have no easy way to get in to safe mode.



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Two questions, SPL andinsert-s

2016-05-07 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

Can someone tell me how to change the Checked word to be announced 
before the line is read instead after in  SPL?
And the second question is, Insert-S anounces Speak-all on/off.  How do 
I get it back to read the System tray?


On 07-May-16 6:47 AM, Don Smith via Talk wrote:

Hi Folks:

Although I give thanks for fixing the weather app, I find it difficult to
understand what is saying.

First line is o

The second I think is temperature, and I hear 64 and then 04

I think the next is the wind and I hear the mph but not the rest.

Ifa kind sould can tell me what it   is actually saying, then I can convert
to what I am hearing.

Using we 9.4



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Re: In the process of upgrading to Windows 10, but a question or two

2016-04-16 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

If possible, I also would like this tool.


On 17-Apr-16 8:26 AM, Carol and Roger via Talk wrote:

OK, I give up.

Can someone please send me the link to download the media tool to
upgrade to Windows 10 on a 64-bit Windows 7 PC running Home Premium?  I
would even be pleased to burn it to disk or a flash drive..  Thank you.


On 4/16/2016 4:48 PM, Loy via Talk wrote:

I had this same problem with a laptop I was upgrading, I downloaded
the Media tool and the installation went fairly quickly.
"2 Timothy 4:8  Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of
which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and
not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. "
   - Original Message -
   From: Larry Higgins via Talk
   To: Kenny Peyatt jr. ; Window-Eyes Discussion List
   Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2016 4:43 PM
   Subject: Re: In the process of upgrading to Windows 10, but a
question or two

   I've been waiting for action ever since about 7:00am CDT, and It is
   3:40pm and there has been no sign of movement throughout that time

   I just downloaded  the media tool, and will soon give it a go. Will
   everybody know how things progress.

   On 4/16/2016 3:27 PM, Kenny Peyatt jr. wrote:
   > That is because the download is 3 gigabytes in size and can take a
   > couple of hours to download. I can paste the link to the media
tool in
   > a new message or I can email you the link off list.
   > Kenny Peyatt
   > On 4/16/2016 7:58 AM, Larry Higgins via Talk wrote:
   >> Michael,
   >> Do you remember where you found the media tool, and if so, where.
   >> I really don't mind waiting a bit for my download, but I really
   >> appreciate having no indication as to if the download is even
   >> place. I see  no indication that any vestige of the file has been
   >> downloaded anywhere, not even in the temp folder. I've checked the
   >> temp folder by using the run command, and typing temp. I guess that
   >> is the right way to go about it, as well as the proper folder to be
   >> looking for files in the process of being created or in this case,
   >> downloaded. Of course, I keep my eye on the download folder as
   >> Who knows, my frustrations may be over nothing. I mean, this may be
   >> normal behavior for the upgrade process, but I just don't
   >> why a download process should go so slow, that is if it is going
at all.
   >> Anyway, I guess that is enough ranting for one message.
   >> But again Michael, if you could tell me just where to go to find
   >> tool, or how to look for it, that might be the answer.
   >> Just hope I have a flash drive big enough for the download. I think
   >> it is supposed to be something like 3gb?
   >> Thanks,
   >> Larry
   >> On 4/16/2016 4:58 AM, michaeel's mail via Talk wrote:
   >>> Hi I gave up doing it that way my down load was so slow.
   >>> I down loaded a microsoft media tool that makes a windows 10
   >>> on a flash drive then install it from that much faster.
   >>> Cheers Michael.
   >>> -Original Message- From: Bob Tinney via Talk
   >>> Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 9:52 PM
   >>> To: Lloyd Rasmussen ; Window-Eyes Discussion List
   >>> Subject: Re: In the process of upgrading to Windows 10, but a
   >>> question or two
   >>> Larry,
   >>> If the download is still showing 0 percent, close that download
   >>> start the download  from the beginning again.
   >>> Bob, K8LR, tinn...@charter.net
   >>> On 4/15/2016 7:08 AM, Lloyd Rasmussen via Talk wrote:
    It may have been downloaded already. Or your network is really
    slow. Or the questions are appearing in a different dialog box
    the one that acts like a web browser. Alt-Tab around and see what
    else is happening.
    Lloyd Rasmussen, Kensington, MD
    -Original Message- From: Larry Higgins via Talk
    Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 5:18 AM
    To: Window-Eyes Discussion List
    Subject: In the process of upgrading to Windows 10, but a
    or two
    Maybe this has been thoroughly covered in previous
discussions, but if
    so, it has been missed by me.
    I have been in the process of upgrading to Windows 10 since
    7:30pm yesterday evening, and it is now a little after 4am,
and I am
    still getting the words when tabbing through the page "Starting
    Download" and "loading," but no apparent movement in the process.
    I elected to download rather than install, because I thought that
    downloading would give me a better chance of scheduling when the
    installation and upgrade would take place, hopefully at a time
    convenient for me. Was

Re: major thunderbird problems

2016-02-15 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

Hi Alan!

Where may I get an earlier version of Thunderbird?
Although, I think most of my problems are coursed by WE.


On 2/15/2016 12:04 PM, Alan Siman via Talk wrote:

Have you tried using an earlier version of tb?

I found the later versions are very buggy so I use version 31 and
occasionally get a weird issue but for the most part it works fine.
On 2/15/2016 8:39 AM, Jed Barton via Talk wrote:

Hey guys. I need some help and am hoping someone can shed some light.
I ahve had this problem for the last few months and can't tolerate it
any more.  Thunderbird is losing focus all the time.  When i am typing
a message, i'll be typing along and it'll just start saying as i hit
keys things like no place marker, no frame, not a valid key press.
This is completely unacceptable.  I  have changed a single setting.  I
am running the latest thunderbird, and we 8.4 just cause my computer
is old.  What would cause this and what is the fix?  There has to be a
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Re: Thunderbird crashing

2016-02-08 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

I am having the same problems, and have done since 9.3 as well.
I now use NVDA all the time with no crashes.

On 2/8/2016 7:16 PM, crw9599 via Talk wrote:

  Hello. I do have everything up to date and am still getting the crash
reporter coming up ever since I upgraded to window eyes 9.3 this has
never happened like this before either when I go to the options window,
or when I view certain messages, I do have the mouse configuration
settings set correctly, but it is so weird cause whenever I get the
crash report dialog I usually shut down window eyes and then restart it
again then whenever I want to go in the options window it does not come
up. I think it is at least once a day that this happens. Will there be a
fix in the next update cause this is driving me crazy. I did take notice
that with NVDA it does not happen that often. Could someone on the
AISquared staff really look in to this?

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Re: Thunderbird crashing

2016-02-06 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

I am sorry to ask, but could you post those three mods again, please?


On 2/6/2016 5:23 PM, Neville via Talk wrote:

Using latest WE and Tbird with W7 32 bit.

Thunderbird crashed on my system at least on a daily basis and was
thinking seriously or doing a new install of TBird or trying another
email client. But, since making the three Thunderbird modifications I
sent to the list a month or so ago,not only have the crashes stopped
altogether, but I now have mouse access to the screen.

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Re: Thunderbird

2016-02-05 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

I don't have any trouble with Thunder Bird normally.
The problem I now have with Thunder Bird, is it keeps crashing.  Does 
anyone have any clues?

Using WE9.3, The latest Thunder Bird and Windows 7.


On 2/5/2016 6:40 PM, Rick Jarvis via Talk wrote:

I do not seem to have any problems with Thunderbird when composing or
reading messages.  Rick

On 2/4/2016 5:44 PM, Terry Chaney via Talk wrote:

Is it me, or is the editor in Thunder Bird getting harder and harder to
work with?
Terry Chaney
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Re: second test, Re: testing Thunderbird

2015-12-18 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

I just sent a message, how my ThunderBird, was working perfectly.
When I sent the message, I got a:
Error in WEtoolkit. I tried to ignore it, and received another message:
Error in ThunderBird.
I was getting these messages some time ago, but don't know how I fixed them.
Does anyone have some advice?


On 12/18/2015 5:18 AM, Carol and Roger via Talk wrote:

Well, skipping a blank line did not stop the repeated reading of the
first line.  I have placed a period in this test.

On 12/18/2015 8:12 AM, Carol and Roger via Talk wrote:

I have a problem where all first lines read twice.  This is fine when
someone writes something like hello or hi, but when most of the
message is on the first line, it gets read and then is read a second
time.  I am adding a blank line here to see if this solves the
problem.  Thank you.

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Re: second test, Re: testing Thunderbird

2015-12-18 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

My ThunderBird use to repeat the first line, but WE 931 fixed that.
It works perfectly. now


On 12/18/2015 5:18 AM, Carol and Roger via Talk wrote:

Well, skipping a blank line did not stop the repeated reading of the
first line.  I have placed a period in this test.

On 12/18/2015 8:12 AM, Carol and Roger via Talk wrote:

I have a problem where all first lines read twice.  This is fine when
someone writes something like hello or hi, but when most of the
message is on the first line, it gets read and then is read a second
time.  I am adding a blank line here to see if this solves the
problem.  Thank you.

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Regarding CD

2015-12-16 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

AS we paid for the 9.2 of WE, should we get a CD?
I thought that each time a major upgrade was released, we got a CD.


On 12/16/2015 1:50 PM, Matthew Chao via Talk wrote:

I'd go a step further and order the DVD so if your system crashes, you
have a fresh copy instead of applying an upgrade.--Matthew Chao

At 04:35 PM 12/16/2015, you wrote:

My suggestion is to wait a few hours and try it again.  It took me a
little while and I was eventually able to get the update downloaded.

On 12/16/2015 3:54 PM, Peter Duran via Talk wrote:


I can't upgrade to we 9.3 through the Help menu. I start the download
process; I get progress notifications for several minutes; then I get
the WE control menu screen and it stops at that point.

I went to the Upgrade link in Aaron's message, and got a "can't open
page" message after entering my serial numb er.

Peter Duran
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Can't re-install WE9

2015-08-20 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

Hi All!

I am running Windows 7 32Bit.
Having trouble with Windows Explorer and lists of files.  The Not 
Responding message comes up after listing about four or five listings.

NVDA does not do this.
So, decided to re-install WE9.
Used Add Remove program to remove WE, and then tried to install WE.
It gets to Install with Speech, which I except.  After forty minutes, 
still nothing.

Please, where am I going wrong?
The Advance option does not come up as an option.
Thanks in advance.

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Thunderbird and Winamp problems

2015-06-25 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

Hi All!

I am running the latest WE, Apps and Windows 7 with all updates.
My problems are with Thunderbird, when reading a message I can read 
about ten to twenty, before WE dies.  Resulting a restart of Windows.
Win amp, I can play about twenty tracks before win amp comes up with 
"Not responding."  Then if I restart Winamp, the APP gives an error message.
If I am going through a list of files, again, after about twenty, 
Windows Explorer Is not responding.

When I load NVDA, I can run all these programs with no problems.
Any help will be greatfully received.


On 6/26/2015 1:33 AM, Don H via Talk wrote:

Running WE 9.1 on a win 8.1 system using IE 11.
On what seems to be a random thing when going to a random web site I am
stuck up in the heading area of IE and not on the web page.  Tabbing,
refreshing or redrawing the page does not fix the issue.  Close IE and
try the same web site and it may or may not work correctly.  Is there
another trick to get back on the web page and out of the IE header area?
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Re: winamp scripts

2015-06-23 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

Hi All!

Is the App for SPL 4 available somewhere?
Thanks, in advance.

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Re: Adobe XI, W-E 9.1 and AVG 2015

2015-04-29 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

I can't read any Adobe at all.
That is since WE 9.


On 30/04/2015 5:19 AM, Brenda via Talk wrote:

good afternoon list

I just spent the afternoon working with very patient Dave from W-e Tech
Support with a conflict between Window eyes 9.1, AVG 2015 and Adobe XI.

Window Eyes will NOT read the drop down menus (I think that's the right
word - File, view ect...) in adobe XI while AVG 2015 is enabled.

He said he is not aware of anyone else having this problem.  Sooo,
please if you are having this issue please let tech support (and me)
know.  OR if you have a solution, please let me know.

For now, I can use NVDA to read the menus although it is a pain to do,
at least it is a work around.

Thanks for any help you can give me.

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Re: WE friendly music streaming services.

2015-03-16 Thread Robert Byers via Talk

Hi Reeva!

I have been using Ultrahost for about three years.
I also use WE.
David, who runs Ultrahost, is also Blind.
I hope this helps.


On 16/03/2015 8:55 PM, Reeva Webb via Talk wrote:

Hi, i was wondering if any music/radio streaming services worked
semi-decently with WE. I tried spotify at the end of last year and it
didn't work also tried the iheartradio windows 8 app and had no success
there either.

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Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author 
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