Re: [OSM-talk] Semi-automated edits - postal code database
Hi! On Wed, Oct 03, 2012 at 11:10:05AM +, Svavar Kjarrval wrote: > I'm trying to find a good method to maintain data from outside sources. > The data in question is the Icelandic postal code database (which they > say we may use freely). My searches on the OSM wiki have been fruitless > so far. > > The idea is to maintain the data in associatedStreet relations. Each > relation has a tag called 'götuskrá:id' which value is a direct > reference to the row ID in the files we retrieve from the postal > company's website. The file formats available are CVS and XML 1.0. The > script would presumably go ever each associatedStreet relation and make > any changes (if appropriate) when a götuskrá:id tag is found. The output > could be an OSM change file loaded into an editor like JOSM to be > uploaded manually. Maybe an automated process later when we're confident > that everything is done correctly, and of course after submitting the > script(s) for review by the local community. It is not a good idea to add some random ID of your favourite database to OSM, because nobody except you can understand this ID and do useful things with it. It just confuses mappers and make it more difficult to edit the data. For every change somebody does to the data they have to know what this tag means so that they can properly do their edit. And if they don't, people will just mess up your data and you will not be able to use this ID for syncing the data anyways. And in this case I don't even see why you need it. You have street names and postal codes in both OSM and the Icelandic postal code database. If something changes you can find out which combinations changed and apply those changes to OSM easily just based on the postal code and street name. There is no need for those IDs. And, btw, you should not use the associatedStreet relation. It solves the same problem as the addr:street tags on nodes and buildings but in a much more complicated way. The overwhelming majority of all addresses are tagged with addr:street (there are nearly 15 million addr:street tags vs. only 18.000 associatedStreet relations). Jochen -- Jochen Topf +49-721-388298 ___ talk mailing list
[OSM-talk] JOSM Measured Values
I need a little help understanding the measured values tool in josm. The measurement plugin is installed. Is this what provides the Measured Values window in josm. I changed the preferences in the plug to report imperial values, however the measured values window remains in metric. Also, the first reported value is "Path Length" which never changes, it always remains 0 m. Is this a bug? The Selection Length reports the length of a way in meters. What is Path Length versus Selection Length? -- Clifford I have promised to cut down on my swearing and drinking, which I have. Unfortunately, this has left me dim-witted and nearly speechless. Adapted from *The Lion* by Nelson DeMille -or- If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. Albert Einstein ___ talk mailing list
[OSM-talk] State Of The Map US updates - only a week and a half to go!
Only a week and a half to go to the kick-off of State Of The Map US, and I wanted to share a few updates. First of all, tickets are going fast now but there's still some left, so if you still want to register, now is the time. Head over to - and remember, there's still an $30 discount for new and existing OSM US Chapter Members. The program is bursting at the seams, so much so that we had no choice but to add a third parallel track for some of the blocks. This is a nice problem to have. One of the last minute additions to the program is Peter Miller, who will be talking about updates to ITO's magnificent suite of OSM data tools. And who knows, maybe he will have a 'US Years of Edits' video up his sleeve? I guess we will have to wait and see. Also, we want to make sure those who can't make it to Portland can tune in to the conference in as many ways as possible. If you're coming, tweet (#sotmpdx), blog, post photos (flickr: sotmpdx). We're also planning to stream and record most sessions, and we're looking for volunteers to help us with that. If you do at least two blocks, you get your conference ticket for free. Sign up here: We're also looking for volunteers for the registration desk and room moderation, so if you want to lend a helping hand making this the greatest SOTM US ever, sign up on the wiki! As part of the conference, we'll be leading an Intro to OSM workshop for new folks attending and opening it up to the public at large. Pass the word along if you know anyone local in Portland who would like a primer in contributing to OpenStreetMap: Finally, as the conference draws closer, the wiki page is buzzing with plans to get together on Thursday night and Friday. On Friday night, the WhereCamp PDX folks have invited us to party with them for a mixing of the OSM and local geo community over beers and snacks. Details to come soon on the wiki. So if you're in town early, join us for drinks and pre-conference fun! Details (subject to change) are here: -- martijn van exel ___ talk mailing list
Re: [OSM-talk] Who Did It?
Dave F. wrote: I'm not sure edits done in Potlatch should automatically be considered "suspicious", and classifying an edit 'red' because six nodes & one way were removed when 134/3 were added seems a bit harsh. Since today, after a discussion on #osm, only these potlatch edits that modify or delete relations are marked as needing attention. IZ ___ talk mailing list
Re: [OSM-talk] Who Did It?
On 03/10/2012 14:57, Paul Johnson wrote: I'm OK with this. Potlatch isn't exactly precise, and it's difficult, even if you know what you're doing, to get what you want out of Potlatch. It's like performing surgery with a baseball bat and chainsaw. Even if that were true, it doesn't mean other editors are any better. The determining factor for the accuracy of all the data is the person doing the editing - Garbage in, garbage out. Dave F. ___ talk mailing list
[OSM-talk] Hackathon Open for Business 13 oktober in Rotterdam
Hoi, wellicht interessant voor open data liefhebbers en / of Rotterdamse programmeurs: Hackathon Open for Business Er is op 13 oktober weer een Hack de Overheid Hackathon. De Hackathon vindt plaats in 'Worm' (Boomgaardsstraat 71) te Rotterdam en de inloop is vanaf 9.30 uur. Hackathon 13 oktober is er een hackathon in Rotterdam die wij samen met Rotterdam Open Data organiseren.Rotterdam Open Data is een initiatief van de Hogeschool Rotterdam en de Gemeente Rotterdam om innovatie te stimuleren en een meer transparante overheid mogelijk te maken. Daarnaast zijn TNO, het ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport, DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond, Rotterdam Internet Valley en de Verkeersonderneming partners. Open for Business Hack de Overheid denkt dat Nederland koploper in open data kan zijn. Maar dan moeten we NU gaan ondernemen. Een hoop toepassingen zijn pas rendabel als je ze in grote landen in de markt kan zetten. Dus we moeten nu actie ondernemen om onze apps straks in het buitenland te kunnen verkopen. Het centrale thema voor de Hackathon op 13 oktober is dan ook 'Open for Business'. Dit betekent dat er naast het ontwikkelen van open data apps, ook nagedacht wordt over de business kant: hoe kan je geld verdienen met je app? We hebben daarom diverse succesvolle tech startups uitgenodigd om samen met jullie kansrijke datasets te selecteren. Als team aanmelden Een sterk team is de "key to success". Apple, Google, Microsoft etc., de meest succesvolle bedrijven begonnen allemaal in teams. Daarom wil Hack de Overheid jou uitdagen om je als team aan te melden voor de Hackathon op 13 oktober in Rotterdam. Van de eerste 10 teams die zich inschrijven vóór 4 oktober krijgt iedereen een 'Open Data koffie-mok' gecustomized door de kunstnaar Arthur van Beek . De mok wordt gecustomized op basis van jouw team-naam en team-omschrijving, dus wees gewaarschuwd! Als individu aanmelden Je kunt je natuurlijk ook als individu aanmelden. Hiervoor is een apart inschrijfformulier. Meld je hier aan ( of bezoek Groeten, Lex Slaghuis ___ talk mailing list
Re: [OSM-talk] Who Did It?
On Wednesday, October 3, 2012, Dave F. wrote: > > > This looks like a great resource & I'm using it regularly but I'm not sure > edits done in Potlatch should automatically be considered "suspicious", and > classifying an edit 'red' because six nodes & one way were removed when > 134/3 were added seems a bit harsh. > I'm OK with this. Potlatch isn't exactly precise, and it's difficult, even if you know what you're doing, to get what you want out of Potlatch. It's like performing surgery with a baseball bat and chainsaw. ___ talk mailing list
Re: [OSM-talk] Who Did It?
On 02/10/2012 07:02, Ilya Zverev wrote: Willi wrote: Is it possible to deselect a userid? When surveying an area I would prefer to see just the changes others made. I know mine. You can write into user filter '!Willi' (without quotes). There is no such button in the UI at the moment. This looks like a great resource & I'm using it regularly but I'm not sure edits done in Potlatch should automatically be considered "suspicious", and classifying an edit 'red' because six nodes & one way were removed when 134/3 were added seems a bit harsh. Cheers Dave F. ___ talk mailing list
Re: [OSM-talk] Proposal: New Working Group "Welcome WG"
I think the effect of such welcome message depend a lot on the message content and spirit. I've myself sent messages to all newcomers in France saying (in short): welcome, thank you for your first edits, you're not alone, join the team, if you need help just ask. Don't be too "big brother", do not focus too much on errors except on the new contributors that have done several changesets and really start mapping, but I think this should come in a second time. -- Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France - ___ talk mailing list
[OSM-talk] Semi-automated edits - postal code database
Hi. I'm trying to find a good method to maintain data from outside sources. The data in question is the Icelandic postal code database (which they say we may use freely). My searches on the OSM wiki have been fruitless so far. The idea is to maintain the data in associatedStreet relations. Each relation has a tag called 'götuskrá:id' which value is a direct reference to the row ID in the files we retrieve from the postal company's website. The file formats available are CVS and XML 1.0. The script would presumably go ever each associatedStreet relation and make any changes (if appropriate) when a götuskrá:id tag is found. The output could be an OSM change file loaded into an editor like JOSM to be uploaded manually. Maybe an automated process later when we're confident that everything is done correctly, and of course after submitting the script(s) for review by the local community. I can make the script myself in Python if neccessary but decided to find out if somebody has already done all the work before. With regards, Svavar Kjarrval signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ talk mailing list