moltonel 3x Combo wrote:
... Why does bitcoin, out of any other likely interests, attract a combination of enthusiastic but clueless osm contributors in such high numbers ? What's special about Bitcoin ? We have plenty of niche enthusiasts in OSM, but they usually map quite well (at least not worse than the average contributor/newbie). Is it something inherent in the bitcoin-using population ? A random fluke ? An observation bias on my part ?

I don't think that it's observation bias. I suspect it's to do with the fact that most contributors in other areas (such railways, roman remains, retail opening hours to pick 3 areas of interest to newbies near me recently) are all very much grounded in a physical location. Bitcoin is inherantly virtual, and most of the bitcoin contributors have been driven to OSM by suggestions to "get your business known about" rather than "ensure that this physical thing at this physical location gets mapped" - people are effectively using the OSM data behind coinmap as a business directory (which OSM certainly isn't primarily).

I also don't think that most bitcoin edits are malicious - people just don't know what OSM is, and the negative reaction from the community often comes as a surprise.



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