-Sorry for cross-posting-

Hi all,

After SOTMBF edition in Burkina Faso (July 2015), the 2nd african SOTM
occured yesterday in Togo.
You can find more about countries and projects presentations through these
hashtags (and get pictures) :
#map4tg : https://twitter.com/search?q=%23map4tg
#mivamapper : https://twitter.com/search?q=%23mivamapper
#sotmtg15 : https://twitter.com/search?q=%23sotmtg15
#projeteof : https://twitter.com/search?q=%23projeteof
Give it visibility on social networks !

It was really impressive to get an overview of all the work achieved for 2
or 3 years in these West African countries, OSM is spreading :)

We plan to release soon countries presentations videos from the SOTM BF on


This SOTMTG is organized after 2 weeks of OpenStreetMap capacity building
of the third 2015's Projet Espace OpenStreetMap Francophone mission (Blog
Projet EOF <http://projeteof.org>, @Projet_EOF), financed by the Direction
de la Francophonie Numérique (DFN) of the Organisation Internationale de la
Francophonie (OIF).
Next week we will focuse on management capacity building.
This mission is coordinated by Amadou Ndong, Augustin Doury, Fofana
Bagnoumana Bazo, Nicolas Chavent and Séverin Ménard from Projet EOF with
OSM Togo association members (AKE (Amegayibo Kokou Elolo), David Ragatoa,
Herman Kass, Richard Komlan Folly).

Mission participants (23) :
=OSM Bénin : Joel Henri Dossou, Phidias Azo, Saliou Abdou, Sam Agbadonon
=OSM Burkina Faso : Fofana Bazo, Innocent Dibloni,
=OSM Côte d'Ivoire : Alane Konan, Aurelien Kouame, Philippe Anebo, Racky Ly
=OSM Mali : Araba Coulibaly, Nathalie Sidibe, Soulo Boureima
=OSM Niger : Alio Mainassara Samaila, Fatiman Alher, Kadidja Mounkaila
Issa, Rahina Adamou
=OSM Senegal : Amadou Ndong, Jean-Marie Mancabou
=OSM Togo : AKE (Amegayibo Kokou Elolo), David Ragatoa, Herman Kass,
Richard Komlan Folly


Augustin Doury
Projet Espace OpenStreetMap Francophone
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