Re: [OSM-talk] Very not happy

2012-07-21 Thread Daniel Neugebauer
On 07/21/2012 12:20 AM, Maetma 91 wrote:
 Today I look at the map and I see that lot work I do last year is gone.

Did you accept the license change? If you did, someone else may have
done larger changes to your work or may have removed and replaced it
with something else (but you didn't notice). Or the redaction bot may
have had some error...

I didn't read about the redaction being run until yesterday, as I spent
last week in hospital and also had some very busy weeks before. I'm not
happy about it myself, but at some point it had to be done and it didn't
come unannounced. I live in Berlin, Germany and some bigger spots went
missing here as well but surprisingly it's not that serious and mostly
can be easily repaired. Details (like ATMs, banks, bars, ...) are harder
to replace than streets, parks and buildings but maybe it's not bad as
those details may have been needing an update anyway. I already fixed
some minor objects yesterday that went missing around the hospital I was
in and may re-add some more stuff today.

I suppose, the larger damage (parks, sights, main roads) will be
repaired quickly. If I think back at how Berlin looked in OSM only a few
years ago and how fast it improved, the wound inflicted by license
redaction may look severe but will heal fast enough. What OSM lost for
the moment is mainly commercial usability. In my opinion, every project
or company using OSM data should have been advised to temporarily freeze
their databases before redaction began, but I don't know if that happened.

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Re: [OSM-talk] Google Map Maker on TED

2010-01-13 Thread Daniel Neugebauer
I heard about TED only recently and what I've read and seen about it so far 
seems like an insult - conspirative pseudo-open meetings for well-paying 
members of that strange elitist association. Talks seem to be only held by 
those members or VIPs that are invited occasionally if any. Even if I would 
tolerate all that, there would still remain a strange feeling about TED, 
something I don't like. Maybe I just don't get something but that whole 
elitarist stuff smells bad.

I'd better stay away from them and go to some real open conferences and 
exhibitions instead.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] icon for veterinary (was: no rendering of amenity=veterinary)

2010-01-12 Thread Daniel Neugebauer
I think re-rendering all tiles that have vets in it will take some time - 
first, the new icon must be deployed to the generating servers, then they need 
to be re-rendered. If it's changed later on there might be different icons for 
vets until all affected tiles are re-rendered a second time. I don't know when 
re-rendering happens but I would guess that's not very practical? So it's 
better to decide for/discuss about one icon before it's implemented.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] icon for veterinary (was: no rendering of amenity=veterinary)

2010-01-11 Thread Daniel Neugebauer
Hi again!

I didn't expect that my previous question would make such a great fuss. Since 
I now volunteered for implementing an icon for amenity=veterinary, I couldn't 
get my mind off the icon itself today.

The approved proposal - which I now know should not have any direct influence 
on the renderers presentation since they are independent projects - included a 
paw icon that shows up at rendered-as in the green box at

As user Breezer commented *after* the voting had passed, that could be 
misleadingly interpreted as a pet shop instead. I agree with that and would 
prefer a different or modified icon.

Now I've got a few more questions: (practical, not technical)

1. Am I free to choose any other icon at my own decision or should I open a
   draft/RFC/vote in the wiki (or elsewhere) and post a few alternative icons?
   This is not about necessity but about organizational stuff since there was
   a somehow approved icon already and displays tiles on its
   front page, so I don't want to interfere with previous decisions.

2. I personally would prefer a rod of Asclepius and a V (for veterinary).
   Having done some quick searches on Google and Flickr that seems to be
   commonly used almost worldwide (limited to the search results) as far as
   there are any standardized icons/signs.
   Is there a place (maybe this mailinglist should be sufficient) to ask
   whether that's really easy to understand for everyone? It should be for
   Europe and according to my searches also in the USA and Australia; but what
   about other countries or is that irrelevant? There are existing nodes all
   over the world (currently only a minority outside Europe, USA and
   Australia), so the same icon would show up globally as soon as the
   tiles are being rerendered.

3. My personal favorite is still the rod and the V enclosed by a red circle as
   used in JOSM and suggested by Ulfl. I'm unsure if that may be protected by
   law or registered as a trademark since it's the sign used throughout
   Germany at almost all vet surgeries. I would ask my government as well as
   the veterinary association about it by email. If it's protected we couldn't
   use it. If it isn't (according to these two emails) I would like to choose
   it as the rendering icon.

   What's the official policy of OSM, Osmarender and Mapnik concerning the
   use of such icons? I know that Wikipedia has the policy to either don't use
   them at all or the email communication has to be archived at the
   foundation for later legal reference.

   Since I'm in Germany, there's neither fair use nor public domain for me; if
   there's any chance of a remotely legal issue I'm unable to use that icon or
   it could be seen as an infringement.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] no rendering of amenity=veterinary

2010-01-10 Thread Daniel Neugebauer

I recently added a veterinary to OSM by setting amenity=veterinary as approved 
in August 2008; see:

Unfortunately, veterinaries are not yet being rendered by Osmarender or 
Mapnik. The proposal contained a paw icon to be rendered, whereas a different 
icon was proposed on the same wiki page by Ulfl:

The second icon is also used by JOSM and commonly used in Germany (a V for 
veterinary (?) and a rod of Asclepius).

Are there any plans for including vet support in terms of an icon on the 
official maps? It has been over a year since the proposal was approved and I 
couldn't find anything new about its progress for being supported by Mapnik or 
Osmarender. Is there anything that prevents adding an icon?

If rendered, an icon should be shown e.g. there: (node 603392630, not visible 
on current tiles)

According to there are currently 
835 global nodes with amenity=veterinary; adding rendering support could be 

By the way, I think emergency=yes|no could also make sense on 
amenity=veterinary but I don't know if that's something that should be 
rendered as well (currently only 3 nodes use that unapproved tag). It's not 
yet in the wiki for veterinaries but for hospitals. However, a proposal for 
different hospital icons has been abandoned, but I wanted to point out that 
possibility if someone is going to implement the missing rendering of 
veterinaries anyway (see ).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] no rendering of amenity=veterinary

2010-01-10 Thread Daniel Neugebauer

Sorry if I opened old wounds by asking; I couldn't find anything about the 
current status, that's why I asked. As a newbie to OSM it seemed strange that 
an approved proposal has an icon attached but noone ever mentioned it again.

It's good to know that nothing has been done yet to include it into the 
renderer. If there would have been some work I would probably have duplicated 
that for nothing. I'll have a look at the stylesheets and submit a patch for 

I will look into Mapnik as well if there's also nothing in progress already.

If a flying rhino falls from the sky it surely needs to know where to find a 
vet. ;)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] no rendering of amenity=veterinary

2010-01-10 Thread Daniel Neugebauer
Personally I wouldn't care that much about whether something I enter into the 
database is going to be rendered on the official tiles or not; it's there and 
someone may use it some day. There are more use cases for the data in OSM than 
just being rendered to the usual road maps. But in my case, I think it would 
be nice to have vets displayed, especially since that's a propsed feature that 
has been approved with 100% of the votes (but maybe simply noone was 
interested in voting against it) and already had an icon attached to it. (only 
as PNG, not SVG, though)

As I'm new to (editing) OSM I only made a few edits yet, but I already 
included some invisible metadata, not caring whether it's currently going to 
be shown to web users or not. I know that OSM is more than just the tiles but 
vets for instance seem to be worthwhile although maybe not all too 
conventional POIs to render.

Plus, if there's a visible feature, users may think oh, but they forgot one 
and start entering more (because: Wow, they include such places? Cool!). 
That won't happen if it's completely invisible. Also, if these POIs are 
outdated, people who know about it and could fix it maybe simply wouldn't see 
it, so these nodes remain in the database.


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