Hi All,
Ray, Hannah, Ryan and I have been correcting and validating for the last
few hours to bring things back to good.  Have you already corrected or
reverted some of the errors that were noted?

We noticed and corrected the following errors:
- lines used as area markers
- regions were not tagged with anything (just areas, instead of buildings)
- buildings were missing
- random 'other' points

Please give us your feedback on what we did tonight.

We were impressed by some of the advanced mapping that was done before us.

What we learned from this:
-  Hold closed mapathons for the time being
-  Be sure to have a sign-up sheet that includes everyone OSM id name
-  Provide better training with a hands-on example
-  Give newcomers a standard first assignment and check it with them before
giving them a real assignment
- Just after the mapathon, have all the organizers head over to an
organizer's house or a coffeehouse to spend an hour or two working together
to verify
- We thought we asked for OSM expert mappers to join us but no one
responded.  Ryan sent a request message to talk...@openstreetmap.org, and
h...@openstreetmap.org  -  Is more notice needed?

Looking forward to your replies.

Donna and our Mapathon Team

P.S.  a question:
  #3757 Jabal al Baba - there's a marker stating "demolition orders"... is
there a way to add notes?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Donna Baranski-Walker <dbarans...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [OpenStreetMap] Problem mapping in your HOT Palestine projects
To: bgirardot <m-669689-7a6...@messages.openstreetmap.org>
Cc: Ryan Gee <r...@rebuildingalliance.org>, Mikel Maron <mi...@mapbox.com>,
Ray Rischpater <kf6...@gmail.com>, Hannah Pan <p.han2...@outlook.com>

Hi Blake,

I am Ryan's supervisor at Rebuilding Alliance and I asked him to let me
reply since he was unable to join us for our mapathon on Oct. 28th. That
said, I've been out with a nasty cough for the past few days.  Please
pardon my delay in getting back to you.  I've read through many of the
messages - I signed up for OSM-Talk, but I'm not quite sure how to join the

I can answer some questions, and I have other questions too.  I am copying
our recent intern, Hannah, who organized the Mapathon.  Hannah and I are
beginners and we've participated in (and I organized) Mapping Palestine
mapathons before, including one at RightsCon.  A friend and experienced
mapper, Ray Rischpater, joined us on Saturday and I'm copying Ray on this
message too.

Here's what we did:

1.  We held a mapathon on Oct. 28th and there were 40 or more attending.
Most were beginners - many were high school students, one was a 6th grader
(he was really good at this), one was in her 80's.  Some watched the 'how
to map on OSM' video - and many did not.   For future mapathons we will
need to do a much better job of instructing the participants on how to map.

2.  On OSM Talk, someone noted,

There also seems to be a pattern of people removing and readding
buildings or adding buildings on top of buildings. (Why are they doing
that? Perhaps they have an assignment of a minimum additions and it's a
way to cheaply meet some quota?)

I think this has to do with our custom data set.  Our partners in
Palestine are the Geospatial mapping team at the Ministry of Local
They worked with Mikel at Mapbox to import a high res. custom data set
but the custom set if offset from the Bing map.
We instructed our mapathon mappers to correct the mapping done to date
by moving the boxes into place -- but if you are looking at the
outcome on
the standard Bing map, it will look offset once again, and you will
wonder why people are re-adding buildings.

Ryan has an important observation about this and a suggestion for
Mikel and the GeoMoLG team that could remedy this.
I sent that forward in a separate message.

3.  I want to bring our marathon organizing team together this weekend to
verify and make corrections.  Hannah, Ryan, and Ray might we meet on
Saturday or on Sunday late afternoon?

4.  The beginners on Rebuilding Alliance's team are going to be learning a
lot more about OSM now - and I want to invite more people to join
Rebuilding Alliance's mapathon team so that future US Mapping Palestine
mapathons are well-supported and seamless.

5.  We’re working with the GeoMoLG team to get ready for OSM Mapathons in
Palestine with the villagers participating.  If all goes well, our next US
Mapathons will be more accurate and the villagers can do verification and
naming, as well as mapping themselves.  Before we begin, we are seeking OSM
experts in Palestine who can meet with the GeoMoLG team and attend the
mapathons too.  A prof at Birzeit University has expressed interest -
hoping to be in touch with him soon.

6.  Now for my questions:  are you seeing any evidence of intentional
spamming?  Some of the high school students may have attended just for
community service points and were not interested and lax at their mapping.
However a few people who attended (this was a public event) were very
vocally opposed to our mapping Palestine.  Luckily they left after an hour
and as far as I could tell, they were not mapping.

7. How do you propose we proceed with resolving the bad changesets? I'm
thinking we should look at each village and each person's entries on Oct.
28th and make corrections one-by-one, yes?

8.  Overall, the mapathon was very well received.  Hannah did a great job
of organizing and most of the attendees got a lot out of it.  Discussions
ranged from philosophical, to political, to technical.  People of all ages
participated and worked with one another to do the mapping.

Thank you for your insight. I look forward to your reply and working with
you and the OSM Talk Community so that we can get these problems resolved,
and do better next time.


*Donna Baranski-Walker / Founder & Executive Director / Rebuilding Alliance*
*1818 Gilbreth Road Ste 243, Burlingame CA  94010  U.S.A.**Mobile:  **+1
650 440-9667 <(650)%20440-9667> **  Office: +1 650 651-7165
*www.RebuildingAlliance.org <http://www.RebuildingAlliance.org/>*

*Rebuilding Alliance, a U.S. 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is dedicated
to rebuilding war-torn communities and bringing the world together to make
them safe.  *

'Let us not look back in anger‭, ‬nor forward in fear‭, ‬but around in‭
‬‬awareness‭'‬   — ‬James Thurber

On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 10:30 AM, Ryan Gee <r...@rebuildingalliance.org>

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: bgirardot <m-669689-7a6...@messages.openstreetmap.org>
> Date: Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 11:50 AM
> Subject: [OpenStreetMap] Problem mapping in your HOT Palestine projects
> To: r...@rebuildingalliance.org
> [image: OpenStreetMap] <http://www.openstreetmap.org/> *OpenStreetMap*
> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/>
> Hi RyGee,
> *bgirardot* <http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/bgirardot> has sent you a
> message through OpenStreetMap with the subject *Problem mapping in your
> HOT Palestine projects*:
> [image: bgirardot] <http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/bgirardot>
> Hi RyGee,
> Several OSM community members have identified problems with mappers
> working on your Palestine projects.
> Can you please review this osm-talk email list thread and then review the
> mapping to see what is happening?
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2017-October/079378.html
> I have not looked at the mapping myself so I have no idea if the issues
> are accurate or not.
> Also, there seemed to be some indication people were intentionally mapping
> badly or just trying to get stats up, like for a school assignment.
> Please let me know after you have looked into the issue and please let me
> know if you have any questions.
> Respectfully, Blake
> You can also read the message at http://www.openstreetmap.org/m
> essage/read/669689
> and you can reply at http://www.openstreetmap.org/message/reply/669689
> OpenStreetMap <http://www.openstreetmap.org/>
> --
> *Ryan Gee*
> *Executive Assistant*
> *Mapping Program Coordinator*
> U.S. Office: +1 (650) 651-7165 <%28650%29%20651-7165>
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