Re: [OSM-talk] Custom OpenStreetMaps ?

2009-07-20 Thread Etric Celine
Am Montag 20 Juli 2009 16:40:50 schrieb Valent Turkovic:
> Please look at this video for example:

Not as simple as the Google Maps approach. There is simply no service that 
offers this. OpenStreetmap is basicly just the GeoData behind the Map not the 
service around.

The only way to create it at the moment is to use OpenLayers on your own 


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Re: [OSM-talk] Need openstreetmap url for googlemv

2009-04-26 Thread Etric Celine

Am Sonntag 26 April 2009 23:03:24 schrieb Tanveer Singh:
> I want to know if I want openstreetmap, whats the download url?

You can use the Export tab on the main page, BigMap [1] or MapOf [2]



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Re: [OSM-talk] ITO animation for 2008

2008-12-31 Thread Etric Celine

All I can say is: "wow" 

Great animation you at ITO put there together.

Happy new year of mapping :)


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Re: [OSM-talk] Automatic generation of 3D environments from OSM data

2008-11-23 Thread Etric Celine
> ... and there's an
> interesting video on using OSM data here:
> .

All I can say is "wow". This is a great demonstration of what is possible with 
our data.


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Re: [OSM-talk] JOSM rendering improvements the last days - I'm guilty!

2008-07-14 Thread Etric Celine
Am Dienstag, 15. Juli 2008 01:00:43 schrieb Ulf Lamping:
> So if you update JOSM to the latest nightly build, you'll get:
> - more tags now shows an icon: amenity, shop, sport, ...
> - more tags are dashed now: tracktype, aerialway, boundary, ...
> - ... and lot's of other changes!
> Most of these changes are based on the tagwatch output - BTW: thanks
> for this great tool from my side!
You're Welcome. Good to see something usefull happened with the tagwatch 

> ...
> Think of this as a very basic "data consistency check"!
This is a great feature thanks for this.

P.S:  I think it would be better to change the colour of motorways to pink ;)


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Re: [OSM-talk] Tagwatch for europe

2008-07-06 Thread Etric Celine
I've updated the site.
* Images are available on the Key/Tag pages
* Osmarender examples for every documented tag
* integration of the osmxapi to get data.osm files

At the moment i ignore the Bounding box, but i will implement this based on 
the used .osm file later to get results just for the parts that are 

Nonetheless, this approach works good in the first place to fix some of the 
errors, just don't try to get all tags with the Key highway or something like 
this, could take a while ;)

Am Samstag, 5. Juli 2008 15:38:42 schrieb Mike Collinson:
> That would be great. I am very slowly working on a Perl web-based
> correction page that goes to osmxapi. I can scrape you page and its links
> while developing.

I'd be glad to implement your idea, just mail me the informations about it as 
soon as you have something to work with and I'll start to integrate it.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Tagwatch for europe

2008-07-05 Thread Etric Celine
Am Samstag, 5. Juli 2008 09:54:38 schrieb Gervase Markham:

> What we really need is a tagwatch where you can click one of those,
> correct it, and it fixes all instances in the database. Now _that_ would
> be powerful and useful.

I can offer a direct link to the osmxapi which gives you a data.osm file with 
the elements. This can then be loaded in JOSM and corrected.

A direct possibility to change the tags through a web interface would surely 
be the best way, but as first step this should be enough.

I'll update the Tagwatch site on sunday night again with this and other 
changes I've made.


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[OSM-talk] Tagwatch for europe

2008-07-01 Thread Etric Celine
Hi Everyone

I used Frederik's Europe excerpt to generate statistics with the Tagwatch 


The site is available in English and the other languages are uploading right 

Some of the changes I've made on the script:

* better output result for all tag statistics
* statistics are available for every Key that is mentioned on the Key: 
or Map Feature pages
* The script now generate statistics for the used Relations
* Some general statistics are available about the used tags and their 
documentation status in the Wiki

In the "near" future some other things will follow:
* support for Tag pages that are just redirects (see oneway=yes as example) to 
get the documentation of this tags as well
* some more general statistics that compare several single osm files with each 
other (make it possible to see which Europe country has more "possible 
tagging errors")

I will update the script in the svn as soon as i have finished all the things 
i like to change.

Hopefully in the future the Tagwatch script can be a great help to 
find "possible tagging errors" or allows a small overview about 
what "undocumented tags are widely used and thus help to solve the chaos on 
the "proposal pages".

Some nice things from the Europe excerpt:
* 3.584 different keys are in use
* they are used in combination with  18.881 different tags
* 124 different relations can be found in Europe
* and we found 16 different ways to write the multipolygon relation wrong
* we used 3.838.091 the highway tag
* 114.314 buildings are listed in Europe
* 113.577 bridges and 21.440 tunnel
* Furthermore we have 427 "differend kinds" of sports


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Re: [OSM-talk] Template: and Template: pages in OSM-Wiki

2008-02-04 Thread Etric Celine

On Sunday 03 February 2008 22:00:26 Hakan Tandogan wrote:
> To simplify the
> I created a that
> uses the template appopiate template, and replaced the table in
> Tr:Map_Features with a reference to Tr:Key:shop .

The Key: pages are just regular wikisites and not templates. This is 
the reason why you normally have to add the same template including the 
translation to both sites instead of crosslinking them.

I've created the Key: pages to give a basic overview about the Key 
itself with all the interresting information that come with them. See the 
[[Key:highway]] [1] site for reference. Together with the short overview we 
can add every key to a category and thus make it possible to parse every 
existing key in an easy way to find out which keys might be misused or never 
got "approved".

> My problem is that the template only shows "official" values for the
> shop key, but there might be more tags that are used only locally. Could
> the template render those additional tags after the "official" list,
> perhaps with a divider row between the official and unofficial /
> deprecated ones? That way, the :Map_Features pages could
> really turn into a list of template references.

You "could" change the basic template (for example 
[[Template:Map_Features:shop]] ) and add the "unofficial tags" there as well 
to archive your goal.
The problem is, that the :Map_Features will turn into a huge list 
and soon be to big for the MediaWiki.

> The other thing I don't really understand are the pages for
> Tag:=. Do I assume correctly that those pages are only
> necessary if a certain value is complicated enough that it deserves its
> own explication?

The Tag:= exist as documentation for every existing Tag we have. 
No matter how important the Tag is. If necessary you can add there additional 
information (see [2] ) but even if you just add a picture and a short 
description its fine too.

At the moment i use the Tag:= pages as a source for Tagwatch to 
get descriptions for each tag. In the future i hope to have a category with 
all "proposed and unofficial" tags too that can just be parsed with 3rd party 

The Tagwatch description pages can then be used to reflect what Tags are used 
and have a full list with descriptions as well.

A few problems still exist. First off, i can't process the complete planet.osm 
file on my laptop and therefore just show what Tags are used in a specific 
country. The 2nd problem is the lack of documentation about the Tags in the 
wiki and a missing structure for all "non approved" tags.

Hope this clarifies some of your questions.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Tagwatch

2008-01-30 Thread Etric Celine
On Wednesday 30 January 2008 22:38:13 Hakan Tandogan wrote:
> As promised, I submitted your changes to SVN (
> ).


> Could you please add the changes for turkey and cyprus with data from
> ? I'll update that
> location daily with downloads from osmxapi.



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[OSM-talk] Tagwatch

2008-01-29 Thread Etric Celine
Hi everyone,

as you may or may not have noticed i have recently worked a bit on the 
existing Tagwatch script and changed a few things. 

My changes includes
* the use of a template parsing engine and thus a better looking website
* use of the Osmarender 6 rules file
* listing how often every tag got used on nodes / ways
* what other tags are in use with a specific tag
* if the tag has a documentation on the OSMwiki

Together with these changes i have crated the tagwatch sites for 24 countries. 
All planet.osm excerpt are taken from
If you miss a country and can point me to the location of the excerpt I'm glad 
to add this as well.

I'll try to update these statistics at least once in the month now, as i feel 
they are quite helpfull to detect common tagging errors and reflect what tags 
are really in use in the community.

website can be found at:
the sourcecode can be found here:
(I'll hope someone can add it to the svn, as i have no account there (and 
general connecting problems with the university proxy here)


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Re: [OSM-talk] RFC - lake

2008-01-11 Thread Etric Celine
On Friday 11 January 2008 08:33:17 Michael Collinson wrote:
> Yes, probably logical if we started from scratch but today it exactly
> duplicates natural=water which is very, very widely used - 9421 times
> according to the Statistics link
>, though I suspect
> that is out of date.  

It's not out of date, but it's only the statistics for germany. The data 
itself is from the 9.01.2008.


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