Re: [OSM-talk] What do you wish you'd known?

2010-03-23 Thread Giacomo Boschi
SteveC ha scritto:

> What are the thing or things you know know that you wish you'd known
> when you started with OpenStreetMap?

How can I use the data!

Or, paraphrasing a famous JFK quote: "Tell me not what I can do for OSM, 
tell me what can OSM do for me."

When I was a beginner, I didn't know that I could search an address 
(Nominatim), I didn't know I could get directions (openrouteservice) 
and, until a couple of months ago, I didn't know that I could update a 
Garmin GPS with an OSM map.

Now I know that all this stuff is well documented in the wiki and 
discussed regularly in the mailing lists, but a beginner is not 
interested in browsing the wiki or subscribing a ml. This happens later, 
when you have already decided that you like the project and you want to 
know more about it.

The "How to use" part of OSM should be accessible from the home page 
with a single click.

Giacomo Boschi

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (amenity=ice_cream)

2010-03-10 Thread Giacomo Boschi
Greg Troxel ha scritto:

 > amenity=fast_food has a lot of baggage.  In the US, that means
 > factory-produced not-really-food of mediocre quality that is fast and
 > consistent.  A family ice cream shop is definitely not fast food even if
 > they can serve ice cream rapidly.

It seems one of those cases where everyone has his own definition...
according to the wiki, fast food has a different meaning. Maybe if the
community agrees on the definition of the already existing map features
wouldn't be so hard to develop the new ones.

If I read this page, I find that the simplest way of tagging an
ice-cream shop is the cuisine tag associated with an amenity like fast
food or cafe, according to circumstances.

Giacomo Boschi

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (amenity=ice_cream)

2010-03-06 Thread Giacomo Boschi
Martin Koppenhoefer ha scritto:

> It depends what and how they sell.

It *always* depends! :-)

> If they sell hot dog, burgers or
> kebab, I'd tag it fast food (or maybe in special cases restaurant).

> If
> they sell pizza, it depends what kind of pizza (sliced pizza mainly
> for taking away would be fast food,  while round ones in
> restaurant-like atmosphere would IMHO be restaurant,

I meant the former. I was thinking about all those sellers of take-away
food. This category contains the usual ice_cream shop.

> Generally I agree with everything that Greg Troxel stated above: the
> situation is almost the same in Europe.

[me scratches head]
You'd tag them as fast_food, but Greg seems to think otherwise...

Giacomo Boschi

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (amenity=ice_cream)

2010-03-06 Thread Giacomo Boschi
Greg Troxel ha scritto:

 > amenity=fast_food has a lot of baggage.

Question: in general, how do we tag the little specilized shops that 
sells only one kind of food, like kebab, hod dog, pizza, sandwiches or 
ice cream?

Giacomo Boschi

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (amenity=ice_cream)

2010-03-05 Thread Giacomo Boschi
Roy Wallace ha scritto:
> Use amenity=* for "useful and important facilities".
> Use shop=* for "a place selling a retail product or service"

It could be a sensible proposal, but at present state the shops where 
you can sit and eat (or even the "take-away" shops) are all tagged as 

The problem is that the same service could be offered by a more general 
amenity, such a cafeteria (or a bar, in the "mediterranean" meaning). So 
I would prefer something like:




and so on.

Giacomo Boschi

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Community center

2010-03-04 Thread Giacomo Boschi
Pieren ha scritto:

> Excepted that we should try to keep spelling consistent, no ?

It's fine for me.

So what would be the best move? Modify the proposal and re-vote it
(after all, officially it's still in the draft status), or just add the
tag with the british spelling?

Giacomo Boschi

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Community center

2010-03-04 Thread Giacomo Boschi
It seems this proposal has a great consensus:

Can someone (even me, for example) clean it up and add the tag to the 
map features?

Giacomo Boschi

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Estate_Agent

2010-02-16 Thread Giacomo Boschi
Roy Wallace ha scritto:
 > On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 12:27 PM, John Smith 
 >> Just use it
 > But it would be nice to have it listed on
 > - and I suspect this is
 > what Djam is hoping for.


When i was an OSM-newbie, I was confused by the lack of a good reference 
guide. And yet that I'm more skilled, I'm still tired to go searching 
and asking what tag is best for a certain feature.

Giacomo Boschi

talk mailing list