[Talk-GB] ITO! World Tools

2019-11-27 Thread Guy Collins via Talk-GB
Apologies if this has already been announced. ITO! World have stopped 
supporting their very helpful set of OpenStreetMap tools. Please see the 
announcement here: 
Does anyone know the best, or suitable alternative, tool that replaces their 
analysis tools for the missing road names? Their tools also highlighted road 
coverage by local authority which was helpful.

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Broken Style Sheet Issues?

2019-05-02 Thread Guy Collins via Talk-GB
I'm not sure if anyone can explain the apparent abundance of water in this 
area: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/50.7678/-3.5708. Is this a style 
sheet issue? Has there been a mistaken edit? I cannot see any evidence of a bad 
edit through the find features tool on the main web site

Please assist explaining the apparent flood. It may have been raining but only 
a few showers and not enough to flood over the hills.

Many thanks
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] NCN279 Exeter to Okehampton: Secret Cycle Route?

2014-09-07 Thread Guy Collins
All I can find about NCN 279 is this Devon County reference 
on this map which seems to suggest that the route is as plotted along the old 
A30 road (where NCN 28 was wrongly plotted). On the ground I have not seen any 
mention of the route recently, although several years ago there were some signs 
that I recall seeing for a cycle route along this stretch of road. This would 
verify Richard's findings of not seeing anything on the ground. Sometimes the 
lack of signage makes mapping very difficult, it appears to be the most 
secretive cycle route yet! It seems to me that the DfT cycling data was wrong 
but the route was correct for NCN279(?), but without ground truth this is a 

NCN279 is now also part of the international Tour De Manche route, a route 
around Northern France and Southern England. Given the recent addition to the 
international cycle route I am surprised it is still not signed better (at 
all!). Will have to investigate when I next venture out that way.

Thanks for the pointers and help.
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] NCN 279 Exeter to Okehampton (and other destructions)

2014-09-06 Thread Guy Collins
The cycle route from Exeter to Okehampton, formerly NCN 28 seems to have been 
removed in this change set:


It had the wrong route reference, it now being 279. I have added it once and 
will not be adding it back on to the map again I'm afraid. That's several hours 
of my life gone! There once was NCN signage on various points on the route 
although I've not noticed any recently.

On an unrelated note I have been editing around Exeter airport today and it 
appears that I have (?) inadvertently made the runways disappear: maybe it was 
not the edit that caused this? The deleted taxiway, which is no longer there on 
the ground is https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/113022920 and this was part of 
a greater set of improvements in this change set: 

I'm not sure if the change was me and I can't see how this edit has made the 
main runways and other taxi ways no longer render on the map. Any ideas.

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Changeset Revert

2012-05-28 Thread Guy Collins
Could we please revert change set 11519466 which was a new user accidently 
deleting a large area.


I have spoken with them and they are happy to have these changes rolled back.


Talk-GB mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Who owns the copyright with ODbl?

2011-07-11 Thread Guy Collins
Excuse this question if it has been answered in a wiki somewhere, but I would 
very much like to know who owns copyright of any data contributed under the 

Database Licence?


legal-talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] OSM data used in publication

2011-07-06 Thread Guy Collins
The July 2011 Modern Railways publication has an article about CrossRail and 
uses OSM maps to illustrate new station locations. This is the first time I 
seen OSM data in a main stream publication that is aimed at engineers. 
statements have been applied although refer to may have OS data. Great to see 
mapping being used by other bodies and promoting OSM to new audiences.

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Strange Search Result in Devon or should that be Kelland Cross?

2010-07-05 Thread Guy Collins
When using the search box for places in Devon such as station road, crediton 
for example the result returned includes this:
Unclassified Road Station Road, Crediton, Exeter, Devon 
County, Kelland Cross, England, EX17 3BU, United Kingdom

The bit I wonder about is the Kelland Cross: another search now high street, 
exeter and the result is this:
Unclassified Road High Street, Exeter, Devon County, 
Kelland Cross, England, EX4 3EB, United Kingdom

Another search: high street, barnstaple and yes the result includes various 
options but always ...Devon County, Kelland Cross

Kelland Cross is here:
Interestingly very central in Devon.

I'm not sure why this occurs. The relations for Devon seem ok (the three I have 
looked at). Can anyone throw any light on this strangeness?




Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Capturing hedgerows

2010-01-12 Thread Guy Collins
In and around the village of Bere Alston in West Devon many field boudnaries in 
the form of hedgerows have been mapped from Yahoo and the recently
uploaded 1:25k Ordnance Survey mapping. The latter has proved very useful in 
this case as the Yahoo! imagery for this area was covered in cloud cover.
By using both sources the field boundaries have been largely completed in this 
area. This could be used as a show case for rural mapping.



Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Cornwall Progress

2010-01-08 Thread Guy Collins
Thanks to Peter Reed for recognising my efforts in Cornwall over the last few 
months. I have been making a concerted effort to capture all roads from NPE 
that are unlikely to have changed. It was an aim to change the colour from red 
to green so mission accomplished! Unfortunately the main towns in Cornwall are
very poor still but I feel that by putting in the rural road structures this 
will be a catalyst to people who may give the map more acceptance if the 
coverage is 
slightly better than it was. There is still lots to do there but most needs to 
be ground work now. I may well have missed lanes off serving farms or around 
recent road developments (where the NPE roads will most likely have changed).

Peter Reed wrote:
  OSM Coverage By Local Authority

...there is improved coverage all over the place. The biggest increase in
coverage is in Cornwall, which has moved  from less than 50% coverage to
more than 80%.

As a model to improve coverage in counties I feel my approach offers benefits - 
this was a relatively big 
change to coverage from existing NPE mapping in an area where the rural roads 
do not alter much over time. The
exception being in rapidly developing areas or where new roads alter rural road 
courses. The latter is easy to 
pickup on as OSM tended to have main road coverage in Cornwall. I did have to 
change several mis-classified roads
during my mapping as they were incorrect so the work also, I hope, improves the 
quality of the information.



Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Cambridge Pollution Maps

2009-06-30 Thread Guy Collins

A research project into real-time pollution mapping suggests that the output 
would be best displayed in OpenStreetMap. 
There is an article in the Guardian that explains the project and gives OSM a 
good review. It also requests that someone
contacts the research team with an aim of using OSM as a suitable platform to 
display data. This would be cutting edge
research that would prove, yet again, that OSM is a platform for many different 

The article is here: 

Perhaps someone could contact these people?


Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Lundy Island Completed

2009-05-19 Thread Guy Collins

Lundy Island, in the Bristol Channel, is pretty much compelte. The island has 
no proper roads to speak of and only tracks. All buildings have been added 
with the prominent walls that cross the island: the quarter way, half way and 
three-quarter way walls. In addition the three lighthouses have been added. 
View it 
here in Osmarender: 
The Lundy Post's post box and post office are fully captured and just a few 
building names need to be assigned. Even the postcode is included (EX39 2LY)!

As the first, and only?, UK marine nature reserve exists around the island this 
may appear later although I'm not sure of what will happen adding a leisure, 
nature_reserve will have on the sea?! 


Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Three South West National Parks Completed

2009-03-05 Thread Guy Collins

Three UK national parks have been completed in the South West of England. They 
are Dartmoor, Exmoor and The New Forest. See
 for the Dartmoor view. The 
features are boundaries tagged as national park with an area=yes tag. Perhaps 
we can see the rest of the national parks completed 

Exmoor national park as been amalgamated by a user to be part of a road, 
coastline and boundaris as appropriate. It has been given a 
relation and as a result does not render like Dartmoor. Does anyone know the 
best way to handle the parks and is there guidance as to
a single boundary against the relation type approach described. 

Personally I prefer the single boundary approach as it renders the area nicely. 
Any comments appreciated.



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