Hi all,

4) Some aspects of the diversity discussion foreground northern/western
participation channels by (for example) wondering why other communities
aren't participating in Talk@, SOTM, or other locations. I’m interested
in trying to flip this question to ask why core board and community
participants aren't showing up in forums like geographic Telegram groups
or other locations called out at https://openstreetmap.community ?

I am on the German Telegram group to help keeping the community
connected. Beside idealism it is quite repelling:

- You need an invitation to get in at all. By contrast, one can join the
mailing list in self-service.

- Some new users have been greeted with questions like "Justify why you
use OpenStreetMap!" (original: "Warum nutzt Du OSM?").
- citations like "Are the people too stupid to code?" (original: "Sind
die Leute zu blöd zum Programmieren?")

All-in-all, the group actually has a sometimes derogative tone. This is
completely acceptable within German commnication styles, because
messages are intended to be quick and shallow. It is more about
socalizing than sorting out intricate problems. Socalizing works much
better for me on local OSM meet-ups.

But I can contribute to OSM conversations mostly in batches - the only
reliably available time window I have to contribute is the one-hour
train ride from and to work. Office time is unfortunately not OSM time
for me. As I take my responsibilities on housework seriously, time at
home may or may not leave spare time for OSM.

Thus, opening Telegram means that one has to sift through a large pile
of messages, reading 100% of the actual text, and no auxiliary tools to
sort messages into threads and skip some or most of them. When I have
priorized which messages may need an reply from me, half of the train
ride may already have passed.
By contrast, mailing lists do allow to easily skip over less interesting
threads and to focus on those where my reply makes a difference.

All in all, I do accept that there is a place for a communication
channel that allows socalizing beyond local meet-ups. I accept that I
have a certain duty to listen there for messages. I do not expect that I
am ever drawing an satisfaction from that. I'm more the guy behind the
screen in this cartoon:
On the other hand, I expect from people that if
- a problem requires more than 100 words to pinpoint the subtle but
important details
- it is general enough to be publicly archived
then put the problem on the mailing list to make it easier for fellow
OSMers to answer in the necessary depth.

Probably nobody has intentions to shut down on extra channels like
Telegram. The problem comes from the mis-representation that those
channels were preferred channels, in particular for deep and important

Best regards,


Diversity-talk mailing list
Code of Conduct: 
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