Re: [OSM-legal-talk] What licences (other than ODbL) are compatible with OSM after 1st April

2012-03-23 Thread mayeul . kauffmann
From: "Paul Norman" 
"If the import source is something other than PD this point should be discussed 
in the required messages to the imports@ mailing list before importing. That 
way the community can decide if they want it with the licensing issues. "

Hence the following is a sufficient but not a necessary condition to use a 
database as an OSM data source:
"(the data provider) releases the following database in public domain".

Probably some potential data providers would refuse this but still agree to 
contribute to OSM (and allow relicensing [1]).

Would the following wording (A) be the sufficient and necessary condition?
"A) (the data provider) authorises any person to insert the content of the 
following database (or any part thereof), as well as derived works, into the 
OpenStreetMap database, under the conditions of the OpenStreetMap Contributor 
Terms 1.2.4".

What do you think? Of course this would need to be improved (and I'm not a 
native speaker).

Is it OK to write the version (1.2.4)? What if the terms change before the data 
are imported?

Optionally, would provision (B) be OK?
"B) Any person inserting these data must include the name of (the data 
provider) in the value of the "attribution" key (potentially with the name of 
other sources used) at the moment of insertion or edition of the data in the 
OpenStreetMap database".
This would satisfy organisations wishing to get some attribution. It does not 
prevent removing the name in the "attribution" key later (for example because 
the data was modified so much that it keeps little or no link to the original 
data). Even in case of removal of the name in the "attribution" key later, with 
the current API and website  the attribution will still be visible in the 
feature history, and this may be enough for the data provider.

Hence with A) and B), organisations could contribute data while still retaining 
some attribution and making sure re-use is fully permitted. It would be great 
to have such guidelines without the need for the community to discuss this 
every time on a case by case basis.

Thanks for your comments!

[Note 1] Data provider may accept relicensing in particular because (my 
understanding is that) the OSMF cannot relicense under a licence that would 
prohibit free re-use (the ToC link to whose 
item "3. Reuse" makes Share-Alike or similar provisions mandatory). Whereas 
"public domain" is not Share-Alike.

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] What licences (other than ODbL) are compatible with OSM after 1st April

2012-03-21 Thread mayeul . kauffmann
Short version:
I think data licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 cannot be put under ODbL without 
written authorisation by the copyright owner. Can you confirm this?

Long version:
I'm currently discussing with the copyright owner of a large database. They are 
a non profit organisation and want to release their data under a permissive 
licence to help integrate it in OSM or other projects. I suggested them to use 
ODbL but they would prefer CC-BY-SA 3.0, saying that it is compatible with ODbL 
as the following human-readable version of the license mentions "similar" 

IMHO they are mistaken: I believe data licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 cannot be 
put under ODbL without written authorisation by the copyright owner. Can you 
confirm this?

I would suggest them to release either under ODbL or under both  ODbL and  
CC-BY-SA 3.0 (I think they have ruled out more permissive licences like CC-BY, 
CC0 or public domain).

What do you think?

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