I wasn't initially going to comment on this except to say that there are
brilliant Ugandan mappers (317 contributed yesterday!). This community has
been super active for several years now, and those folks deserve to have a
chapter to strengthen their organisational efforts. Nevertheless, chapters
should have strong governance arrangements - and those arrangements
should include open membership, community control, recall of Directors, and
transparent ways of knowing that the Directors are acting in the interests
of the community. I can only assume that the Ugandan community are happy to
engage around these issues.

In late 2018 the Ireland OSM community applied for local chapter status
with me as Ireland's liaison on the applicant side. Within that there were
three junctures of 3-5 week email reply delays, and partial replies that
fell short of providing Ireland's community any clear sense of what was
driving the deliberation process in the background. As liaison I was given
the task or guessing at what was in fact happening for reports back
(including the 2019 AGM) Our application didn't appear on osmf meeting
agendas for example. It took from December 2018 to August 2019 to get
through the application process. I would hope that people commenting here
would have the good sense to recognise that a chapter is never frustrated
by substantive engagement on clearly advertised criteria, but it certainly
will be frustrated by poor communication and inexplicable delays.

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