Le lundi 24 août 2009 à 15:25, Lester Caine a écrit :
> Adding an extra node does make sense, but probably needs a 'relation' to
> the intersection as well? In any case the direction through this new
> node is the critical piece of information? Tagging ways would require
> that every section of a way is broken up. I'm thinking of some route
> around here that have several intersections along them, many but not all
> of which are compulsory stop along that single way. Simply adding nodes
> on the correct side of each intersection would be somewhat easier to
> implement, while currently these restrictions are not recorded.

How about simply creating a relation with those two nodes?

You have an intersection of two (or more) roads and when you come to that 
intersection from one particular road (in one particular direction) you have 
a stop. Then you add a node on that way before the intersection, then create 
a relation (let's say of type=stop, or any more self-explanatory value) 
where you have the stop node with role "stop_from" and the intersection with 
role "stop_at".

Such a scheme can be easily interpreted as: when you pass over a node 
highway=stop that is a member of a relation type=stop with role stop_from, 
then you must stop at the node of that relation that has the role stop_to.

You might eventually add the way to the relation to avoid ambiguity in 
complex case, the way would have a role like "stop_along" and be interpreted 
to stop at the stop_at node only if travelling along that way.

What do you think?

Renaud Michel

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