Thanks  Yves,

yup, i DEFINATLY support the idea of Barcelona for the 2010 SOTM, (i
saw on the talk-au list that maybe 2011 would be great for Austrailia,
and maybe 2012 for Canada. (we should be all imported by then) :)

and yes, if you can help on the sotm planning side, i think is Henk
who is a contact for that, im sure sotm planners would welcome the
collaboration (4 day all fun event).

See below for details. (for the main talk@ list)


On 10/20/09, Yves Moisan <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just wondering if anyone on the talk-ca list wants to make a bid for
>> the 2010 SOTM?   (although i like the idea of Barcelona, also) :-)
> A comment from someone at the FOSS4G conference here in Sydney who
> usually can attend *one* FOSS conference per year and desperately wants
> to attend SotM : let's please make a joint FOSS4G/SotM event next year
> so that the two very closely related communities that attend those
> yearly events get a chance to meet or to attend two great conferences at
> the same time.
> Ideas for organizing a joint event :
> * share a post- or pre- conference day for para-conference activities
> (e.g. workshops/code sprints for FOSS4G, mapping
> parties/[code][data]sprints for SotM); maybe that day would be a
> wednesday to accommodate 2-day conferences before and after
> * potentially overlap the two conferences (e.g. to accommodate one of
> the conference needing 3 days) but overlap should be kept at a minimum
> so that people could participate in both and maybe even get a rebate for
> registering at the two events
> I don't know if this is at all feasible, but I definitely think SotM and
> FOSS4G communities need to meet.  FOSS4G 2010 will likely bring in
> excess of 500 or 600 people and maybe that number can be increased by
> the interest generated by a joint SotM meeting.  And the other way
> around of course.  I think the question will be addressed here at one of
> the administrative meetings (I think the OSGeo one tonight).
> My 2 cents,
> Yves Moisan

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