2008-04-07 Thread Greg
Is anyone mapping the positioning of these devices in the UK? I don't yet have 
a GPS :o| 

Is there an easy guide on how to contribute?

For those outside the UK, the UK is currently the most surveiled society in 
the world. ANPR is a network of automatic numberplate recognition cameras on 
all routes. All our journeys are logged and kept for two years. We also have 
more closed circuit cameras that all other countries. GATSOs are the Belgian 
made traffic speed cameras, which are used partly for safety and partly for 
revenue generation. Coming to most contries soon :o(

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2008-04-07 Thread Dave Stubbs
On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 8:15 AM, Greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is anyone mapping the positioning of these devices in the UK? I don't yet have
  a GPS :o|

  Is there an easy guide on how to contribute?

  For those outside the UK, the UK is currently the most surveiled society in
  the world. ANPR is a network of automatic numberplate recognition cameras on
  all routes. All our journeys are logged and kept for two years. We also have
  more closed circuit cameras that all other countries. GATSOs are the Belgian
  made traffic speed cameras, which are used partly for safety and partly for
  revenue generation. Coming to most contries soon :o(

Be aware that wondering around taking pictures of CC-TV cameras is a
very good way of getting yourself arrested :-(
Police have a tendency to regard this as information of a kind likely
to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism,
and while you may be able to convince them you had a reasonable
excuse I wouldn't count on it to avoid a lot of inconvenience. I know
someone who had 5 police officers erase his camera for taking pictures
of cc-tv around the south bank of the thames... which is technically
illegal (erasing the pictures without due process), but did mean they
then just let him go.

You might have more luck with the speed cameras.


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2008-04-07 Thread Chris Hill
Greg wrote:
 Is anyone mapping the positioning of these devices in the UK? I don't yet 
 a GPS :o| 

 Is there an easy guide on how to contribute?

 For those outside the UK, the UK is currently the most surveiled society in 
 the world. ANPR is a network of automatic numberplate recognition cameras on 
 all routes. All our journeys are logged and kept for two years. We also have 
 more closed circuit cameras that all other countries. GATSOs are the Belgian 
 made traffic speed cameras, which are used partly for safety and partly for 
 revenue generation. Coming to most contries soon :o(

[Off topic I know - sorry]
ANPR cameras are not on all routes, very far from it.  All of our 
journeys are not logged.  Many (most?) of the Gatso cameras that needed 
film didn't have film in them but many of the newer Truvelos are 
digital.  They still only record an image if you exceed the speed limit.

cheers, Chris

talk mailing list


2008-04-07 Thread Patrick Weber
Martin Dodge is a researcher that about 5 years ago did some work on 
mapping CCTV in Bloomsbury London. I dont know exactly what did come 
from that, as I was only briefly involved in the data collection 
process. Might be worth having a chat with him. And no, we didnt get 
arrested or harrassed thankfully.


Greg wrote:
Is anyone mapping the positioning of these devices in the UK? I don't yet have 
a GPS :o| 

Is there an easy guide on how to contribute?

For those outside the UK, the UK is currently the most surveiled society in 
the world. ANPR is a network of automatic numberplate recognition cameras on 
all routes. All our journeys are logged and kept for two years. We also have 
more closed circuit cameras that all other countries. GATSOs are the Belgian 
made traffic speed cameras, which are used partly for safety and partly for 
revenue generation. Coming to most contries soon :o(

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fn:Patrick Weber
org:University College London
adr:;;Gower Street;London;;WC1E 6BT;United Kingdom
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Engineering Doctorate Student

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2008-04-07 Thread Dave Stubbs
On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Stefan Baebler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   excuse I wouldn't count on it to avoid a lot of inconvenience. I know
someone who had 5 police officers erase his camera for taking pictures
of cc-tv around the south bank of the thames... which is technically
illegal (erasing the pictures without due process), but did mean they
then just let him go.
  Not to mention it is also highly inefficient unless done properly :) 1
  or 10 officers would probably make no difference.


If you watched any of the torch protest in london yesterday, then
you'll know the met police are very good at forming rings round

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