2009/3/14 Simone Cortesi <sim...@cortesi.com>

> On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 10:44 PM, Mike Collinson <m...@ayeltd.biz> wrote:
> Even if this horrifies me, I think I will be ulimately forced not to
> switch to the new licence in order to fulfill the authotization I was
> granted by the local governments. Thus dumping all of the OSM work I
> have ever done.

As I see it the person who imports the data should take responsibility that
they are free to do so. You took this decision based on the guidance you had
been given by your main source which was fine at the time. As such your
contributions are currently a mixture of 'your' data (from GPS surveys) and
government data.

With the NaPTAN import of UK bus stops we are creating a special user for
the import called 'NaPTAN Import'. This user will be 'controlled' by an OSM
contributor who will vouch for the licensing of the data, but the the import
will be distinct from their own private contributions. I suggest that this
is a good way to go forward in future to create a clear distinction between
bulk data and user who imported it and vouched for it. Dave Hanson in the
USA is another good example of someone bringing bulk data in (TIGER) under
his own name. The MassGIS import was done with a new account with the
description 'The account for the MassGIS Import' which is probably to be


I think we need to be sensitive about this and give people time to get
authorisation from sources of data that they imported. Clearly this is not a
reason not to sort out the licensing but also it is not reasonable to loose
Italy because we can't get an answer in a hurry! I think we need to get the
license agreed, then allow time for the many discussions to take place to
get authorities to agree to the new terms and understand why and we will see
a steady legitimisation of the data over time. In 6 months we can start
putting more pressure onto decision makers about possible deletion of data.



> -S
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