
a) As we are getting into some "radio clippings" review: on the
occasion of the mapping party in Arezzo, in addition to the extensive
local coverage already mentioned by Edoardo, we also had some 8
minutes of live interview on RAI Radio 2

This is one of the main national public radio stations - so indeed it
was a great opportunity for us.

If you know Italian (or like the sound of it)...it starts at 19'40" on:


BTW, the program is called "L'altro lato", i.e. "The other side" of
things...they liked the idea of OSM as "the other maps".

b) ...I spoke to the guys from the program some days later, and I had
positive feedback (i.e. people where calling/e-mailing to ask for more
information), so we're all happy.

One of the comments I had, though, was that non-English speaking
visitors of the www.openstreetmap.org website may "freeze" in front of
the homepage....as intuitive as it may be for us...

...do you think it would make sense/be possible to have in the
homepage a more explicit link to "other languages" ?


Andrea, aka pibinko

p.s. last but not least, we also had another radio report on OSM in
mid-January (on the topic of free geography
http://alid.it/gruppo-Radio%20103) ...so we like being on FM...;)

2008/2/5, Lambertus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Great indept interview, you explained everything thorough and clear and with
> a nice accent as well. Good job. BTW, how many ppl listen to that station?
> Any response from listeners?
> Lucky that you speak an language that almost everyone can understand. I did
> a short radio talk last week about OSM in a language which only about 400k
> people speak... Got an enthousiastic response (friends of my parents calling
> to say they heard it), but not many new volunteers afaik.
> > Last night's episode of "The Bike Show", aired on London's Resonance
> > FM, featured an extended (~25min) interview with your's truly on the
> > subject of OpenStreetMap and my OSM cycle map. The interview was
> > recorded out and about around London a couple of weeks ago - and if
> > you want to listen to it, it's available on their website - "Reclaim
> > the Street(maps)".
> >
> > http://thebikeshow.net/2008/02/04/4-february-2008-reclaim-the-streetmaps/
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Andy
> >
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