Hi Folks,


I posted earlier about Open Knowledge Festival in Helsinki in September
2012. First some background information:


We are delighted to announce that this year’s
<http://okfestival.org/open-government-data-camp/> Open Government Data Camp
and  <http://okfestival.org/open-knowledge-conference> Open Knowledge
Conference are joining to form a week-long celebration: the Open Knowledge


The 2012 theme of OKFestival is Open Knowledge in Action, looking at the
value that can be generated by opening up knowledge, the ecosystems of
organisations that can benefit from such sharing, and the impacts that
transparency can have in our societies. What kinds of new professions, ideas
and community initiatives can emerge within our governments, markets,
networks and neighbourhoods as a result of these engagements?


                             More information: http://okfestival.org/


I just posted proposal for Open Geodata Stream:


Open Geodata stream will coverage two area: open geodata sources and tools
to store, manipulate, visualize and sharing geographic information. Both
areas will include topics for newbies and also GIS professionals.


Open geodata sources will cover opening geodata and crowdsourced geodata.
National Land Survey of Finland will told experiences about their
topographic information data opening. We will invite also other European
mapping agencies to participate and present to this event. OpenStreetMap is
biggest crowdsources geodata source. Stream will include lectures and panel
discussions, but also field exercise how to collect OpenStreetMap with GPS


Open Geodata needs also tools (ie computer software) to store, manipulate,
visualize and share geographic information and maps. This part of the stream
will include hands-on-exercises with commercial and open source software
tools to work with open geodata.


If you like to join organization team of Open Geodata Steam, please send
email to me. If you like to present, you can send your proposal to
http://okfestival.org/call-for-proposals/. Deadline for presentation is 1st
of June, 2012.


And if anybody from the Board of OSM Foundation is interested to
participate, Finnish OSM and Open data activists will appreciate deeply.







Pekka Sarkola

Gispo Oy

 <mailto:pekka.sark...@gispo.fi> pekka.sark...@gispo.fi   - GSM +358 40 725

 <http://www.gispo.fi> www.gispo.fi –  <http://www.paikkatieto.com>


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