Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.15.0

2018-10-18 Thread Maarten Deen

On 2018-10-19 05:43, Daniel Koć wrote:

- Moving amenity=atm to z19+

Does this mean that amenity=atm only gets rendered in zoom 19 and 
higher? If so, why? It is now rendered from 17 onward, shops get 
rendered from 18 onward.

It seems to me that atms are at least as important as shops.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.15.0

2018-10-18 Thread Daniel Koć
Dear all,

Today, v4.16.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are
deployed on the it will take couple of days before all
tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include
- Changing societal amenities color to less intensive
- Adding rendering for natural=strait
- Adding rendering for leisure=track on lines
- Adding icon for amenity=vehicle_inspection
- Adding icon for leisure=sports_centre + sport=swimming and
- Adding icon for tourism=gallery
- Changing color for aeroway=apron in aerodromes
- Moving amenity=post_box to z19+
- Moving amenity=atm to z19+
- Replacing icon for information=tactile_model
- Ordering amenity_lines by layer
- Small documentation and code fixes

Thanks to all the contributors for this release including dryo, a new

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.15.0

2018-09-21 Thread Daniel Koć
Dear all,

Today, v4.15.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are
deployed on the it will take couple of days before all
tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include
- Changing gastronomy objects color to orange (affects restaurant,
fast_food, ice_cream, food_court, bar, cafe, nightclub, pub and biergarten)
- Changing farmland and societal amenities (like school, hospital etc.)
colors to fit better into the overall color systematic
- Adding rendering for man_made=wastewater_plant and man_made=water_works
- Adding icon for man_made=storage_tank and man_made=silo
- Adding icon for amenity=bicycle_repair_station
- Adding icon for leisure=amusement_arcade
- Adding icon for shop=bookmaker
- Adding icon for shop=trade
- Adding rendering for attraction=water_slide
- Rendering most of the road links thinner (affects trunk_link,
primary_link, secondary_link)
- Moving manors to z16+
- Fixing missing country labels on z4 (affects Canada, Russia and Greenland)
- Small code and icon fixes

Thanks to all the contributors for this release.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

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