Dear all,

Today, v4.8.0 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are deployed on the it will take couple of days before all tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include
- Made military area rendering less prominent
- Adding rendering for historic=wayside_shrine
- Adding rendering for historic=fort
- Adding rendering for amenity=public_bath
- Adding rendering for shop=chocolate
- Adding rendering for barrier=toll_booth (nodes)
- Adding rendering barrier=log
- Adding rendering for amenity=waste_disposal
- Moving tourism-boundary under barrier layer
- Docker: run osm2pgsql in slim mode
- Fix operator precedence for hstore queries
- Small documentation fixes

Thanks to all the contributors for this release, including jbelien, MKuranowski, andrzej-r and Zverik, new contributors.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

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