Hi everyone,

Today is the release date of MapContrib 0.10.0 ! :)

MapContrib is a web thematic editor to OpenStreetMap. It is simple,
universal (works on all devices) and mobile (go test it in the street!)

MapContrib has been introduced at the SOTM FR 2016 [1] and will be
present at the Bruxel's SOTM in september [2]. 

>From a user perspective, this release brings among others: 

        * When adding a new POI, the POI location method uses a fixed cross
displayed on top of the map.
        * It is now possible to move a POI (only node ones).
        * New type of layers, based on GPX, CSV and GeoJSON files are added.
        * There is a new layer information column. It displays OverPass
requests, original data files and a button to download GeoJSON data.
        * It is now possible to automatically center the theme on the user
        * The home page search results revert to highlighted themes when the
search input is empty.
        * The info button on contribution and preset fields is now active and
send the user to the taginfo service.
        * The geocoder search results provide more informations and are
        * Lets the possibility to display POI's infos in popups, modals or
        * And as always, multiple bufixes and enhancement ;)

You can now test / use / share the tool with http://www.mapcontrib.xyz



[3] http://www.mapcontrib.xyz/
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