Cool :)
what can be done is creating a section for all the options for
importing government data - including the ones that were 'mud' but
state 'why' it was rejected.
Also list pending or aproved stuff

I got a start;
blow away data and replace on-mass
-slap on imported  data & create 'ghost lines' with existing data
-import data as nodes with reference to what shape/line/point it is,
keeping origional source designations
:cause we want to protect the existing osm data, and place it as a
higher priority
:cause we dont want to fill up the data base with duplicate nodes

-cordinate locally, copy select elements with a custom script layer
-use wms layer (rendered openlayer slippy map and trace
-write protect imported data (nodes? If a host can be found to donate resource?

-tracing over josm wireframe
-tracing over imagery
-tracing over free openlayers
-import only if it doesnt exist in the area

Sam Vekemans

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